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@@ -347,11 +347,11 @@
         public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
             State state = State.NORMAL;
             // special casing for comboboxes.
             // there may be more special cases in the future
             if(c instanceof JComboBox) {
-                JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)c;
+                JComboBox<?> cb = (JComboBox)c;
                 // note. in the future this should be replaced with a call
                 // to BasicLookAndFeel.getUIOfType()
                 if(cb.getUI() instanceof WindowsComboBoxUI) {
                     WindowsComboBoxUI wcb = (WindowsComboBoxUI)cb.getUI();
                     state = wcb.getXPComboBoxState(cb);