
Print this page

  79     static public final Color defaultRTFColor =;
  81     static public final float defaultFontSize = 12f;
  83     static public final String defaultFontFamily = "Helvetica";
  85     /* constants so we can avoid allocating objects in inner loops */
  86     final static private Object MagicToken;
  88     /* An array of character-keyword pairs. This could be done
  89        as a dictionary (and lookup would be quicker), but that
  90        would require allocating an object for every character
  91        written (slow!). */
  92     static class CharacterKeywordPair
  93       { public char character; public String keyword; }
  94     static protected CharacterKeywordPair[] textKeywords;
  96     static {
  97         MagicToken = new Object();
  99         Dictionary textKeywordDictionary = RTFReader.textKeywords;
 100         Enumeration keys = textKeywordDictionary.keys();
 101         Vector<CharacterKeywordPair> tempPairs = new Vector<CharacterKeywordPair>();
 102         while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
 103             CharacterKeywordPair pair = new CharacterKeywordPair();
 104             pair.keyword = (String)keys.nextElement();
 105             pair.character = ((String)textKeywordDictionary.get(pair.keyword)).charAt(0);
 106             tempPairs.addElement(pair);
 107         }
 108         textKeywords = new CharacterKeywordPair[tempPairs.size()];
 109         tempPairs.copyInto(textKeywords);
 110     }
 112     static final char[] hexdigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
 113                                       '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
 115 static public void writeDocument(Document d, OutputStream to)
 116     throws IOException
 117 {
 118     RTFGenerator gen = new RTFGenerator(to);
 119     Element root = d.getDefaultRootElement();
 121     gen.examineElement(root);
 122     gen.writeRTFHeader();
 123     gen.writeDocumentProperties(d);
 125     /* TODO this assumes a particular element structure; is there

 323     String font;
 324     while(fonts.hasMoreElements()) {
 325         font = fonts.nextElement();
 326         Integer num = fontTable.get(font);
 327         sortedFontTable[num.intValue()] = font;
 328     }
 329     writeBegingroup();
 330     writeControlWord("fonttbl");
 331     for(index = 0; index < fontCount; index ++) {
 332         writeControlWord("f", index);
 333         writeControlWord("fnil");  /* TODO: supply correct font style */
 334         writeText(sortedFontTable[index]);
 335         writeText(";");
 336     }
 337     writeEndgroup();
 338     writeLineBreak();
 340     /* write color table */
 341     if (colorCount > 1) {
 342         Color[] sortedColorTable = new Color[colorCount];
 343         Enumeration colors = colorTable.keys();
 344         Color color;
 345         while(colors.hasMoreElements()) {
 346             color = (Color)colors.nextElement();
 347             Integer num = colorTable.get(color);
 348             sortedColorTable[num.intValue()] = color;
 349         }
 350         writeBegingroup();
 351         writeControlWord("colortbl");
 352         for(index = 0; index < colorCount; index ++) {
 353             color = sortedColorTable[index];
 354             if (color != null) {
 355                 writeControlWord("red", color.getRed());
 356                 writeControlWord("green", color.getGreen());
 357                 writeControlWord("blue", color.getBlue());
 358             }
 359             writeRawString(";");
 360         }
 361         writeEndgroup();
 362         writeLineBreak();
 363     }

  79     static public final Color defaultRTFColor =;
  81     static public final float defaultFontSize = 12f;
  83     static public final String defaultFontFamily = "Helvetica";
  85     /* constants so we can avoid allocating objects in inner loops */
  86     final static private Object MagicToken;
  88     /* An array of character-keyword pairs. This could be done
  89        as a dictionary (and lookup would be quicker), but that
  90        would require allocating an object for every character
  91        written (slow!). */
  92     static class CharacterKeywordPair
  93       { public char character; public String keyword; }
  94     static protected CharacterKeywordPair[] textKeywords;
  96     static {
  97         MagicToken = new Object();
  99         Dictionary<String, String> textKeywordDictionary = RTFReader.textKeywords;
 100         Enumeration<String> keys = textKeywordDictionary.keys();
 101         Vector<CharacterKeywordPair> tempPairs = new Vector<CharacterKeywordPair>();
 102         while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
 103             CharacterKeywordPair pair = new CharacterKeywordPair();
 104             pair.keyword = keys.nextElement();
 105             pair.character = textKeywordDictionary.get(pair.keyword).charAt(0);
 106             tempPairs.addElement(pair);
 107         }
 108         textKeywords = new CharacterKeywordPair[tempPairs.size()];
 109         tempPairs.copyInto(textKeywords);
 110     }
 112     static final char[] hexdigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
 113                                       '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
 115 static public void writeDocument(Document d, OutputStream to)
 116     throws IOException
 117 {
 118     RTFGenerator gen = new RTFGenerator(to);
 119     Element root = d.getDefaultRootElement();
 121     gen.examineElement(root);
 122     gen.writeRTFHeader();
 123     gen.writeDocumentProperties(d);
 125     /* TODO this assumes a particular element structure; is there

 323     String font;
 324     while(fonts.hasMoreElements()) {
 325         font = fonts.nextElement();
 326         Integer num = fontTable.get(font);
 327         sortedFontTable[num.intValue()] = font;
 328     }
 329     writeBegingroup();
 330     writeControlWord("fonttbl");
 331     for(index = 0; index < fontCount; index ++) {
 332         writeControlWord("f", index);
 333         writeControlWord("fnil");  /* TODO: supply correct font style */
 334         writeText(sortedFontTable[index]);
 335         writeText(";");
 336     }
 337     writeEndgroup();
 338     writeLineBreak();
 340     /* write color table */
 341     if (colorCount > 1) {
 342         Color[] sortedColorTable = new Color[colorCount];
 343         Enumeration<Object> colors = colorTable.keys();
 344         Color color;
 345         while(colors.hasMoreElements()) {
 346             color = (Color)colors.nextElement();
 347             Integer num = colorTable.get(color);
 348             sortedColorTable[num.intValue()] = color;
 349         }
 350         writeBegingroup();
 351         writeControlWord("colortbl");
 352         for(index = 0; index < colorCount; index ++) {
 353             color = sortedColorTable[index];
 354             if (color != null) {
 355                 writeControlWord("red", color.getRed());
 356                 writeControlWord("green", color.getGreen());
 357                 writeControlWord("blue", color.getBlue());
 358             }
 359             writeRawString(";");
 360         }
 361         writeEndgroup();
 362         writeLineBreak();
 363     }