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*** 225,234 **** --- 225,235 ---- // // Data Mapping: // Enum <-> enum's name // static class EnumMXBeanType extends MappedMXBeanType { + @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Class enumClass; EnumMXBeanType(Class<?> c) { this.enumClass = c; this.openType = STRING; this.mappedTypeClass = String.class;
*** 752,762 **** throw ode; } } } ! private static class InProgress extends OpenType { private static final String description = "Marker to detect recursive type use -- internal use only!"; InProgress() throws OpenDataException { super("java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", description); --- 753,763 ---- throw ode; } } } ! private static class InProgress<T> extends OpenType<T> { private static final String description = "Marker to detect recursive type use -- internal use only!"; InProgress() throws OpenDataException { super("java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", description);
*** 781,799 **** } private static final OpenType<?> inProgress; static { OpenType<?> t; try { ! t = new InProgress(); } catch (OpenDataException e) { // Should not reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } inProgress = t; } ! private static final OpenType[] simpleTypes = { BIGDECIMAL, BIGINTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTE, CHARACTER, DATE, DOUBLE, FLOAT, INTEGER, LONG, OBJECTNAME, SHORT, STRING, VOID, }; static { --- 782,800 ---- } private static final OpenType<?> inProgress; static { OpenType<?> t; try { ! t = new InProgress<>(); } catch (OpenDataException e) { // Should not reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } inProgress = t; } ! private static final OpenType<?>[] simpleTypes = { BIGDECIMAL, BIGINTEGER, BOOLEAN, BYTE, CHARACTER, DATE, DOUBLE, FLOAT, INTEGER, LONG, OBJECTNAME, SHORT, STRING, VOID, }; static {