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1246         processQueue(Caches.subclassAuditsQueue, Caches.subclassAudits);
1247         WeakClassKey key = new WeakClassKey(cl, Caches.subclassAuditsQueue);
1248         Boolean result = Caches.subclassAudits.get(key);
1249         if (result == null) {
1250             result = Boolean.valueOf(auditSubclass(cl));
1251             Caches.subclassAudits.putIfAbsent(key, result);
1252         }
1253         if (result.booleanValue()) {
1254             return;
1255         }
1256         sm.checkPermission(SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION);
1257     }
1259     /**
1260      * Performs reflective checks on given subclass to verify that it doesn't
1261      * override security-sensitive non-final methods.  Returns true if subclass
1262      * is "safe", false otherwise.
1263      */
1264     private static boolean auditSubclass(final Class<?> subcl) {
1265         Boolean result = AccessController.doPrivileged(
1266             new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() {
1267                 public Boolean run() {
1268                     for (Class<?> cl = subcl;
1269                          cl != ObjectInputStream.class;
1270                          cl = cl.getSuperclass())
1271                     {
1272                         try {
1273                             cl.getDeclaredMethod(
1274                                 "readUnshared", (Class[]) null);
1275                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1276                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1277                         }
1278                         try {
1279                             cl.getDeclaredMethod("readFields", (Class[]) null);
1280                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1281                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1282                         }
1283                     }
1284                     return Boolean.TRUE;
1285                 }
1286             }

2238             }
2239             AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
2240             if (prev != null) {
2241                 prev.next = new Callback(obj, priority, cur, acc);
2242             } else {
2243                 list = new Callback(obj, priority, list, acc);
2244             }
2245         }
2247         /**
2248          * Invokes all registered callbacks and clears the callback list.
2249          * Callbacks with higher priorities are called first; those with equal
2250          * priorities may be called in any order.  If any of the callbacks
2251          * throws an InvalidObjectException, the callback process is terminated
2252          * and the exception propagated upwards.
2253          */
2254         void doCallbacks() throws InvalidObjectException {
2255             try {
2256                 while (list != null) {
2257                     AccessController.doPrivileged(
2258                         new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>()
2259                     {
2260                         public Void run() throws InvalidObjectException {
2261                             list.obj.validateObject();
2262                             return null;
2263                         }
2264                     }, list.acc);
2265                     list = list.next;
2266                 }
2267             } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) {
2268                 list = null;
2269                 throw (InvalidObjectException) ex.getException();
2270             }
2271         }
2273         /**
2274          * Resets the callback list to its initial (empty) state.
2275          */
2276         public void clear() {
2277             list = null;
2278         }

1246         processQueue(Caches.subclassAuditsQueue, Caches.subclassAudits);
1247         WeakClassKey key = new WeakClassKey(cl, Caches.subclassAuditsQueue);
1248         Boolean result = Caches.subclassAudits.get(key);
1249         if (result == null) {
1250             result = Boolean.valueOf(auditSubclass(cl));
1251             Caches.subclassAudits.putIfAbsent(key, result);
1252         }
1253         if (result.booleanValue()) {
1254             return;
1255         }
1256         sm.checkPermission(SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION);
1257     }
1259     /**
1260      * Performs reflective checks on given subclass to verify that it doesn't
1261      * override security-sensitive non-final methods.  Returns true if subclass
1262      * is "safe", false otherwise.
1263      */
1264     private static boolean auditSubclass(final Class<?> subcl) {
1265         Boolean result = AccessController.doPrivileged(
1266             new PrivilegedAction<>() {
1267                 public Boolean run() {
1268                     for (Class<?> cl = subcl;
1269                          cl != ObjectInputStream.class;
1270                          cl = cl.getSuperclass())
1271                     {
1272                         try {
1273                             cl.getDeclaredMethod(
1274                                 "readUnshared", (Class[]) null);
1275                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1276                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1277                         }
1278                         try {
1279                             cl.getDeclaredMethod("readFields", (Class[]) null);
1280                             return Boolean.FALSE;
1281                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
1282                         }
1283                     }
1284                     return Boolean.TRUE;
1285                 }
1286             }

2238             }
2239             AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
2240             if (prev != null) {
2241                 prev.next = new Callback(obj, priority, cur, acc);
2242             } else {
2243                 list = new Callback(obj, priority, list, acc);
2244             }
2245         }
2247         /**
2248          * Invokes all registered callbacks and clears the callback list.
2249          * Callbacks with higher priorities are called first; those with equal
2250          * priorities may be called in any order.  If any of the callbacks
2251          * throws an InvalidObjectException, the callback process is terminated
2252          * and the exception propagated upwards.
2253          */
2254         void doCallbacks() throws InvalidObjectException {
2255             try {
2256                 while (list != null) {
2257                     AccessController.doPrivileged(
2258                         new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>()
2259                     {
2260                         public Void run() throws InvalidObjectException {
2261                             list.obj.validateObject();
2262                             return null;
2263                         }
2264                     }, list.acc);
2265                     list = list.next;
2266                 }
2267             } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) {
2268                 list = null;
2269                 throw (InvalidObjectException) ex.getException();
2270             }
2271         }
2273         /**
2274          * Resets the callback list to its initial (empty) state.
2275          */
2276         public void clear() {
2277             list = null;
2278         }

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