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2638                     // If the class isn't a ResourceBundle subclass, throw a
2639                     // ClassCastException.
2640                     if (ResourceBundle.class.isAssignableFrom(bundleClass)) {
2641                         bundle = bundleClass.newInstance();
2642                     } else {
2643                         throw new ClassCastException(bundleClass.getName()
2644                                      + " cannot be cast to ResourceBundle");
2645                     }
2646                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
2647                 }
2648             } else if (format.equals("java.properties")) {
2649                 final String resourceName = toResourceName0(bundleName, "properties");
2650                 if (resourceName == null) {
2651                     return bundle;
2652                 }
2653                 final ClassLoader classLoader = loader;
2654                 final boolean reloadFlag = reload;
2655                 InputStream stream = null;
2656                 try {
2657                     stream = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2658                         new PrivilegedExceptionAction<InputStream>() {
2659                             public InputStream run() throws IOException {
2660                                 InputStream is = null;
2661                                 if (reloadFlag) {
2662                                     URL url = classLoader.getResource(resourceName);
2663                                     if (url != null) {
2664                                         URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
2665                                         if (connection != null) {
2666                                             // Disable caches to get fresh data for
2667                                             // reloading.
2668                                             connection.setUseCaches(false);
2669                                             is = connection.getInputStream();
2670                                         }
2671                                     }
2672                                 } else {
2673                                     is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
2674                                 }
2675                                 return is;
2676                             }
2677                         });
2678                 } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {

2638                     // If the class isn't a ResourceBundle subclass, throw a
2639                     // ClassCastException.
2640                     if (ResourceBundle.class.isAssignableFrom(bundleClass)) {
2641                         bundle = bundleClass.newInstance();
2642                     } else {
2643                         throw new ClassCastException(bundleClass.getName()
2644                                      + " cannot be cast to ResourceBundle");
2645                     }
2646                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
2647                 }
2648             } else if (format.equals("java.properties")) {
2649                 final String resourceName = toResourceName0(bundleName, "properties");
2650                 if (resourceName == null) {
2651                     return bundle;
2652                 }
2653                 final ClassLoader classLoader = loader;
2654                 final boolean reloadFlag = reload;
2655                 InputStream stream = null;
2656                 try {
2657                     stream = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2658                         new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
2659                             public InputStream run() throws IOException {
2660                                 InputStream is = null;
2661                                 if (reloadFlag) {
2662                                     URL url = classLoader.getResource(resourceName);
2663                                     if (url != null) {
2664                                         URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
2665                                         if (connection != null) {
2666                                             // Disable caches to get fresh data for
2667                                             // reloading.
2668                                             connection.setUseCaches(false);
2669                                             is = connection.getInputStream();
2670                                         }
2671                                     }
2672                                 } else {
2673                                     is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
2674                                 }
2675                                 return is;
2676                             }
2677                         });
2678                 } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {

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