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 227                 new sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction(
 228                     "sun.net.http.errorstream.enableBuffering")).booleanValue();
 229         timeout4ESBuffer = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 230                 new sun.security.action.GetIntegerAction(
 231                     "sun.net.http.errorstream.timeout", 300)).intValue();
 232         if (timeout4ESBuffer <= 0) {
 233             timeout4ESBuffer = 300; // use the default
 234         }
 236         bufSize4ES = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 237                 new sun.security.action.GetIntegerAction(
 238                     "sun.net.http.errorstream.bufferSize", 4096)).intValue();
 239         if (bufSize4ES <= 0) {
 240             bufSize4ES = 4096; // use the default
 241         }
 243         allowRestrictedHeaders = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 244                 new sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction(
 245                     "sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders")).booleanValue();
 246         if (!allowRestrictedHeaders) {
 247             restrictedHeaderSet = new HashSet<String>(restrictedHeaders.length);
 248             for (int i=0; i < restrictedHeaders.length; i++) {
 249                 restrictedHeaderSet.add(restrictedHeaders[i].toLowerCase());
 250             }
 251         } else {
 252             restrictedHeaderSet = null;
 253         }
 254     }
 256     static final String httpVersion = "HTTP/1.1";
 257     static final String acceptString =
 258         "text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2";
 260     // the following http request headers should NOT have their values
 261     // returned for security reasons.
 262     private static final String[] EXCLUDE_HEADERS = {
 263             "Proxy-Authorization",
 264             "Authorization"
 265     };
 267     // also exclude system cookies when any might be set

 397     /* Logging support */
 398     private static final PlatformLogger logger =
 399             PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection");
 401     /*
 402      * privileged request password authentication
 403      *
 404      */
 405     private static PasswordAuthentication
 406     privilegedRequestPasswordAuthentication(
 407                             final String host,
 408                             final InetAddress addr,
 409                             final int port,
 410                             final String protocol,
 411                             final String prompt,
 412                             final String scheme,
 413                             final URL url,
 414                             final RequestorType authType) {
 415         return java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 416             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<PasswordAuthentication>() {
 417                 public PasswordAuthentication run() {
 418                     if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
 419                         logger.finest("Requesting Authentication: host =" + host + " url = " + url);
 420                     }
 421                     PasswordAuthentication pass = Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication(
 422                         host, addr, port, protocol,
 423                         prompt, scheme, url, authType);
 424                     if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
 425                         logger.finest("Authentication returned: " + (pass != null ? pass.toString() : "null"));
 426                     }
 427                     return pass;
 428                 }
 429             });
 430     }
 432     private boolean isRestrictedHeader(String key, String value) {
 433         if (allowRestrictedHeaders) {
 434             return false;
 435         }

 800         that want to use http to fetch urls on their behalf.*/
 801     public HttpURLConnection(URL u, Proxy p) {
 802         this(u, p, new Handler());
 803     }
 805     protected HttpURLConnection(URL u, Proxy p, Handler handler) {
 806         super(u);
 807         requests = new MessageHeader();
 808         responses = new MessageHeader();
 809         userHeaders = new MessageHeader();
 810         this.handler = handler;
 811         instProxy = p;
 812         if (instProxy instanceof sun.net.ApplicationProxy) {
 813             /* Application set Proxies should not have access to cookies
 814              * in a secure environment unless explicitly allowed. */
 815             try {
 816                 cookieHandler = CookieHandler.getDefault();
 817             } catch (SecurityException se) { /* swallow exception */ }
 818         } else {
 819             cookieHandler = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 820                 new java.security.PrivilegedAction<CookieHandler>() {
 821                 public CookieHandler run() {
 822                     return CookieHandler.getDefault();
 823                 }
 824             });
 825         }
 826         cacheHandler = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 827             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<ResponseCache>() {
 828                 public ResponseCache run() {
 829                 return ResponseCache.getDefault();
 830             }
 831         });
 832     }
 834     /**
 835      * @deprecated.  Use java.net.Authenticator.setDefault() instead.
 836      */
 837     @Deprecated
 838     public static void setDefaultAuthenticator(HttpAuthenticator a) {
 839         defaultAuth = a;
 840     }
 842     /**
 843      * opens a stream allowing redirects only to the same host.
 844      */
 845     public static InputStream openConnectionCheckRedirects(URLConnection c)
 846         throws IOException
 847     {

 893     //
 894     // Same as java.net.URL.hostsEqual
 895     //
 896     private static boolean hostsEqual(URL u1, URL u2) {
 897         final String h1 = u1.getHost();
 898         final String h2 = u2.getHost();
 900         if (h1 == null) {
 901             return h2 == null;
 902         } else if (h2 == null) {
 903             return false;
 904         } else if (h1.equalsIgnoreCase(h2)) {
 905             return true;
 906         }
 907         // Have to resolve addresses before comparing, otherwise
 908         // names like tachyon and tachyon.eng would compare different
 909         final boolean result[] = {false};
 911         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 912             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
 913                 public Void run() {
 914                 try {
 915                     InetAddress a1 = InetAddress.getByName(h1);
 916                     InetAddress a2 = InetAddress.getByName(h2);
 917                     result[0] = a1.equals(a2);
 918                 } catch(UnknownHostException | SecurityException e) {
 919                 }
 920                 return null;
 921             }
 922         });
 924         return result[0];
 925     }
 927     // overridden in HTTPS subclass
 929     public void connect() throws IOException {
 930         synchronized (this) {
 931             connecting = true;
 932         }

 937         if (connected) {
 938             return true;
 939         }
 940         if (reuseClient != null) {
 941             http = reuseClient;
 942             http.setReadTimeout(getReadTimeout());
 943             http.reuse = false;
 944             reuseClient = null;
 945             connected = true;
 946             return true;
 947         }
 948         return false;
 949     }
 951     private String getHostAndPort(URL url) {
 952         String host = url.getHost();
 953         final String hostarg = host;
 954         try {
 955             // lookup hostname and use IP address if available
 956             host = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 957                 new PrivilegedExceptionAction<String>() {
 958                     public String run() throws IOException {
 959                             InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(hostarg);
 960                             return addr.getHostAddress();
 961                     }
 962                 }
 963             );
 964         } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {}
 965         int port = url.getPort();
 966         if (port == -1) {
 967             String scheme = url.getProtocol();
 968             if ("http".equals(scheme)) {
 969                 return host + ":80";
 970             } else { // scheme must be https
 971                 return host + ":443";
 972             }
 973         }
 974         return host + ":" + Integer.toString(port);
 975     }
 977     protected void plainConnect()  throws IOException {
 978         synchronized (this) {
 979             if (connected) {
 980                 return;
 981             }
 982         }
 983         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);
 984         if (p != null) {
 985             try {
 986                 AccessController.doPrivileged(
 987                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
 988                         public Void run() throws IOException {
 989                             plainConnect0();
 990                             return null;
 991                         }
 992                     }, null, p
 993                 );
 994             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
 995                     throw (IOException) e.getException();
 996             }
 997         } else {
 998             // run without additional permission
 999             plainConnect0();
1000         }
1001     }
1003     /**
1004      *  if the caller has a URLPermission for connecting to the
1005      *  given URL, then return a SocketPermission which permits
1006      *  access to that destination. Return null otherwise. The permission
1007      *  is cached in a field (which can only be changed by redirects)

1069                 return;
1070             } else {
1071                 cachedResponse = null;
1072             }
1073         }
1074         try {
1075             /* Try to open connections using the following scheme,
1076              * return on the first one that's successful:
1077              * 1) if (instProxy != null)
1078              *        connect to instProxy; raise exception if failed
1079              * 2) else use system default ProxySelector
1080              * 3) is 2) fails, make direct connection
1081              */
1083             if (instProxy == null) { // no instance Proxy is set
1084                 /**
1085                  * Do we have to use a proxy?
1086                  */
1087                 ProxySelector sel =
1088                     java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
1089                         new java.security.PrivilegedAction<ProxySelector>() {
1090                             public ProxySelector run() {
1091                                      return ProxySelector.getDefault();
1092                                  }
1093                              });
1094                 if (sel != null) {
1095                     URI uri = sun.net.www.ParseUtil.toURI(url);
1096                     if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1097                         logger.finest("ProxySelector Request for " + uri);
1098                     }
1099                     Iterator<Proxy> it = sel.select(uri).iterator();
1100                     Proxy p;
1101                     while (it.hasNext()) {
1102                         p = it.next();
1103                         try {
1104                             if (!failedOnce) {
1105                                 http = getNewHttpClient(url, p, connectTimeout);
1106                                 http.setReadTimeout(readTimeout);
1107                             } else {
1108                                 // make sure to construct new connection if first
1109                                 // attempt failed

1229     /*
1230      * Allowable input/output sequences:
1231      * [interpreted as request entity]
1232      * - get output, [write output,] get input, [read input]
1233      * - get output, [write output]
1234      * [interpreted as GET]
1235      * - get input, [read input]
1236      * Disallowed:
1237      * - get input, [read input,] get output, [write output]
1238      */
1240     @Override
1241     public synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
1242         connecting = true;
1243         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);
1245         if (p != null) {
1246             try {
1247                 return AccessController.doPrivileged(
1248                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<OutputStream>() {
1249                         public OutputStream run() throws IOException {
1250                             return getOutputStream0();
1251                         }
1252                     }, null, p
1253                 );
1254             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
1255                 throw (IOException) e.getException();
1256             }
1257         } else {
1258             return getOutputStream0();
1259         }
1260     }
1262     private synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream0() throws IOException {
1263         try {
1264             if (!doOutput) {
1265                 throw new ProtocolException("cannot write to a URLConnection"
1266                                + " if doOutput=false - call setDoOutput(true)");
1267             }

1406             }
1407             if (userCookies2 != null) {
1408                 int k;
1409                 if ((k = requests.getKey("Cookie2")) != -1)
1410                     requests.set("Cookie2", requests.getValue(k) + ";" + userCookies2);
1411                 else
1412                     requests.set("Cookie2", userCookies2);
1413             }
1415         } // end of getting cookies
1416     }
1418     @Override
1419     public synchronized InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
1420         connecting = true;
1421         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);
1423         if (p != null) {
1424             try {
1425                 return AccessController.doPrivileged(
1426                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<InputStream>() {
1427                         public InputStream run() throws IOException {
1428                             return getInputStream0();
1429                         }
1430                     }, null, p
1431                 );
1432             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
1433                 throw (IOException) e.getException();
1434             }
1435         } else {
1436             return getInputStream0();
1437         }
1438     }
1440     @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement")
1441     private synchronized InputStream getInputStream0() throws IOException {
1443         if (!doInput) {
1444             throw new ProtocolException("Cannot read from URLConnection"
1445                    + " if doInput=false (call setDoInput(true))");
1446         }

1860         } finally {
1861             if (proxyAuthKey != null) {
1862                 AuthenticationInfo.endAuthRequest(proxyAuthKey);
1863             }
1864             if (serverAuthKey != null) {
1865                 AuthenticationInfo.endAuthRequest(serverAuthKey);
1866             }
1867         }
1868     }
1870     /*
1871      * Creates a chained exception that has the same type as
1872      * original exception and with the same message. Right now,
1873      * there is no convenient APIs for doing so.
1874      */
1875     private IOException getChainedException(final IOException rememberedException) {
1876         try {
1877             final Object[] args = { rememberedException.getMessage() };
1878             IOException chainedException =
1879                 java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
1880                     new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<IOException>() {
1881                         public IOException run() throws Exception {
1882                             return (IOException)
1883                                 rememberedException.getClass()
1884                                 .getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { String.class })
1885                                 .newInstance(args);
1886                         }
1887                     });
1888             chainedException.initCause(rememberedException);
1889             return chainedException;
1890         } catch (Exception ignored) {
1891             return rememberedException;
1892         }
1893     }
1895     @Override
1896     public InputStream getErrorStream() {
1897         if (connected && responseCode >= 400) {
1898             // Client Error 4xx and Server Error 5xx
1899             if (errorStream != null) {
1900                 return errorStream;

2187                 doingNTLMp2ndStage = true;
2188             } else if ("Kerberos".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
2189                 authScheme = KERBEROS;
2190                 doingNTLMp2ndStage = true;
2191             } else if ("Negotiate".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
2192                 authScheme = NEGOTIATE;
2193                 doingNTLMp2ndStage = true;
2194             }
2196             if (realm == null)
2197                 realm = "";
2198             proxyAuthKey = AuthenticationInfo.getProxyAuthKey(host, port, realm, authScheme);
2199             ret = AuthenticationInfo.getProxyAuth(proxyAuthKey);
2200             if (ret == null) {
2201                 switch (authScheme) {
2202                 case BASIC:
2203                     InetAddress addr = null;
2204                     try {
2205                         final String finalHost = host;
2206                         addr = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
2207                             new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<InetAddress>() {
2208                                 public InetAddress run()
2209                                     throws java.net.UnknownHostException {
2210                                     return InetAddress.getByName(finalHost);
2211                                 }
2212                             });
2213                     } catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException ignored) {
2214                         // User will have an unknown host.
2215                     }
2216                     PasswordAuthentication a =
2217                         privilegedRequestPasswordAuthentication(
2218                                     host, addr, port, "http",
2219                                     realm, scheme, url, RequestorType.PROXY);
2220                     if (a != null) {
2221                         ret = new BasicAuthentication(true, host, port, realm, a);
2222                     }
2223                     break;
2224                 case DIGEST:
2225                     a = privilegedRequestPasswordAuthentication(
2226                                     host, null, port, url.getProtocol(),
2227                                     realm, scheme, url, RequestorType.PROXY);

2550         URL locUrl;
2551         try {
2552             locUrl = new URL(loc);
2553             if (!url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase(locUrl.getProtocol())) {
2554                 return false;
2555             }
2557         } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
2558           // treat loc as a relative URI to conform to popular browsers
2559           locUrl = new URL(url, loc);
2560         }
2562         final URL locUrl0 = locUrl;
2563         socketPermission = null; // force recalculation
2564         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(locUrl);
2566         if (p != null) {
2567             try {
2568                 return AccessController.doPrivileged(
2569                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Boolean>() {
2570                         public Boolean run() throws IOException {
2571                             return followRedirect0(loc, stat, locUrl0);
2572                         }
2573                     }, null, p
2574                 );
2575             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
2576                 throw (IOException) e.getException();
2577             }
2578         } else {
2579             // run without additional permission
2580             return followRedirect0(loc, stat, locUrl);
2581         }
2582     }
2584     /* Tells us whether to follow a redirect.  If so, it
2585      * closes the connection (break any keep-alive) and
2586      * resets the url, re-connects, and resets the request
2587      * property.
2588      */
2589     private boolean followRedirect0(String loc, int stat, URL locUrl)

 227                 new sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction(
 228                     "sun.net.http.errorstream.enableBuffering")).booleanValue();
 229         timeout4ESBuffer = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 230                 new sun.security.action.GetIntegerAction(
 231                     "sun.net.http.errorstream.timeout", 300)).intValue();
 232         if (timeout4ESBuffer <= 0) {
 233             timeout4ESBuffer = 300; // use the default
 234         }
 236         bufSize4ES = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 237                 new sun.security.action.GetIntegerAction(
 238                     "sun.net.http.errorstream.bufferSize", 4096)).intValue();
 239         if (bufSize4ES <= 0) {
 240             bufSize4ES = 4096; // use the default
 241         }
 243         allowRestrictedHeaders = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 244                 new sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction(
 245                     "sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders")).booleanValue();
 246         if (!allowRestrictedHeaders) {
 247             restrictedHeaderSet = new HashSet<>(restrictedHeaders.length);
 248             for (int i=0; i < restrictedHeaders.length; i++) {
 249                 restrictedHeaderSet.add(restrictedHeaders[i].toLowerCase());
 250             }
 251         } else {
 252             restrictedHeaderSet = null;
 253         }
 254     }
 256     static final String httpVersion = "HTTP/1.1";
 257     static final String acceptString =
 258         "text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2";
 260     // the following http request headers should NOT have their values
 261     // returned for security reasons.
 262     private static final String[] EXCLUDE_HEADERS = {
 263             "Proxy-Authorization",
 264             "Authorization"
 265     };
 267     // also exclude system cookies when any might be set

 397     /* Logging support */
 398     private static final PlatformLogger logger =
 399             PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection");
 401     /*
 402      * privileged request password authentication
 403      *
 404      */
 405     private static PasswordAuthentication
 406     privilegedRequestPasswordAuthentication(
 407                             final String host,
 408                             final InetAddress addr,
 409                             final int port,
 410                             final String protocol,
 411                             final String prompt,
 412                             final String scheme,
 413                             final URL url,
 414                             final RequestorType authType) {
 415         return java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 416             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() {
 417                 public PasswordAuthentication run() {
 418                     if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
 419                         logger.finest("Requesting Authentication: host =" + host + " url = " + url);
 420                     }
 421                     PasswordAuthentication pass = Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication(
 422                         host, addr, port, protocol,
 423                         prompt, scheme, url, authType);
 424                     if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
 425                         logger.finest("Authentication returned: " + (pass != null ? pass.toString() : "null"));
 426                     }
 427                     return pass;
 428                 }
 429             });
 430     }
 432     private boolean isRestrictedHeader(String key, String value) {
 433         if (allowRestrictedHeaders) {
 434             return false;
 435         }

 800         that want to use http to fetch urls on their behalf.*/
 801     public HttpURLConnection(URL u, Proxy p) {
 802         this(u, p, new Handler());
 803     }
 805     protected HttpURLConnection(URL u, Proxy p, Handler handler) {
 806         super(u);
 807         requests = new MessageHeader();
 808         responses = new MessageHeader();
 809         userHeaders = new MessageHeader();
 810         this.handler = handler;
 811         instProxy = p;
 812         if (instProxy instanceof sun.net.ApplicationProxy) {
 813             /* Application set Proxies should not have access to cookies
 814              * in a secure environment unless explicitly allowed. */
 815             try {
 816                 cookieHandler = CookieHandler.getDefault();
 817             } catch (SecurityException se) { /* swallow exception */ }
 818         } else {
 819             cookieHandler = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 820                 new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() {
 821                 public CookieHandler run() {
 822                     return CookieHandler.getDefault();
 823                 }
 824             });
 825         }
 826         cacheHandler = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 827             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() {
 828                 public ResponseCache run() {
 829                 return ResponseCache.getDefault();
 830             }
 831         });
 832     }
 834     /**
 835      * @deprecated.  Use java.net.Authenticator.setDefault() instead.
 836      */
 837     @Deprecated
 838     public static void setDefaultAuthenticator(HttpAuthenticator a) {
 839         defaultAuth = a;
 840     }
 842     /**
 843      * opens a stream allowing redirects only to the same host.
 844      */
 845     public static InputStream openConnectionCheckRedirects(URLConnection c)
 846         throws IOException
 847     {

 893     //
 894     // Same as java.net.URL.hostsEqual
 895     //
 896     private static boolean hostsEqual(URL u1, URL u2) {
 897         final String h1 = u1.getHost();
 898         final String h2 = u2.getHost();
 900         if (h1 == null) {
 901             return h2 == null;
 902         } else if (h2 == null) {
 903             return false;
 904         } else if (h1.equalsIgnoreCase(h2)) {
 905             return true;
 906         }
 907         // Have to resolve addresses before comparing, otherwise
 908         // names like tachyon and tachyon.eng would compare different
 909         final boolean result[] = {false};
 911         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 912             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() {
 913                 public Void run() {
 914                 try {
 915                     InetAddress a1 = InetAddress.getByName(h1);
 916                     InetAddress a2 = InetAddress.getByName(h2);
 917                     result[0] = a1.equals(a2);
 918                 } catch(UnknownHostException | SecurityException e) {
 919                 }
 920                 return null;
 921             }
 922         });
 924         return result[0];
 925     }
 927     // overridden in HTTPS subclass
 929     public void connect() throws IOException {
 930         synchronized (this) {
 931             connecting = true;
 932         }

 937         if (connected) {
 938             return true;
 939         }
 940         if (reuseClient != null) {
 941             http = reuseClient;
 942             http.setReadTimeout(getReadTimeout());
 943             http.reuse = false;
 944             reuseClient = null;
 945             connected = true;
 946             return true;
 947         }
 948         return false;
 949     }
 951     private String getHostAndPort(URL url) {
 952         String host = url.getHost();
 953         final String hostarg = host;
 954         try {
 955             // lookup hostname and use IP address if available
 956             host = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 957                 new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
 958                     public String run() throws IOException {
 959                             InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(hostarg);
 960                             return addr.getHostAddress();
 961                     }
 962                 }
 963             );
 964         } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {}
 965         int port = url.getPort();
 966         if (port == -1) {
 967             String scheme = url.getProtocol();
 968             if ("http".equals(scheme)) {
 969                 return host + ":80";
 970             } else { // scheme must be https
 971                 return host + ":443";
 972             }
 973         }
 974         return host + ":" + Integer.toString(port);
 975     }
 977     protected void plainConnect()  throws IOException {
 978         synchronized (this) {
 979             if (connected) {
 980                 return;
 981             }
 982         }
 983         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);
 984         if (p != null) {
 985             try {
 986                 AccessController.doPrivileged(
 987                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
 988                         public Void run() throws IOException {
 989                             plainConnect0();
 990                             return null;
 991                         }
 992                     }, null, p
 993                 );
 994             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
 995                     throw (IOException) e.getException();
 996             }
 997         } else {
 998             // run without additional permission
 999             plainConnect0();
1000         }
1001     }
1003     /**
1004      *  if the caller has a URLPermission for connecting to the
1005      *  given URL, then return a SocketPermission which permits
1006      *  access to that destination. Return null otherwise. The permission
1007      *  is cached in a field (which can only be changed by redirects)

1069                 return;
1070             } else {
1071                 cachedResponse = null;
1072             }
1073         }
1074         try {
1075             /* Try to open connections using the following scheme,
1076              * return on the first one that's successful:
1077              * 1) if (instProxy != null)
1078              *        connect to instProxy; raise exception if failed
1079              * 2) else use system default ProxySelector
1080              * 3) is 2) fails, make direct connection
1081              */
1083             if (instProxy == null) { // no instance Proxy is set
1084                 /**
1085                  * Do we have to use a proxy?
1086                  */
1087                 ProxySelector sel =
1088                     java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
1089                         new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() {
1090                             public ProxySelector run() {
1091                                      return ProxySelector.getDefault();
1092                                  }
1093                              });
1094                 if (sel != null) {
1095                     URI uri = sun.net.www.ParseUtil.toURI(url);
1096                     if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) {
1097                         logger.finest("ProxySelector Request for " + uri);
1098                     }
1099                     Iterator<Proxy> it = sel.select(uri).iterator();
1100                     Proxy p;
1101                     while (it.hasNext()) {
1102                         p = it.next();
1103                         try {
1104                             if (!failedOnce) {
1105                                 http = getNewHttpClient(url, p, connectTimeout);
1106                                 http.setReadTimeout(readTimeout);
1107                             } else {
1108                                 // make sure to construct new connection if first
1109                                 // attempt failed

1229     /*
1230      * Allowable input/output sequences:
1231      * [interpreted as request entity]
1232      * - get output, [write output,] get input, [read input]
1233      * - get output, [write output]
1234      * [interpreted as GET]
1235      * - get input, [read input]
1236      * Disallowed:
1237      * - get input, [read input,] get output, [write output]
1238      */
1240     @Override
1241     public synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
1242         connecting = true;
1243         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);
1245         if (p != null) {
1246             try {
1247                 return AccessController.doPrivileged(
1248                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
1249                         public OutputStream run() throws IOException {
1250                             return getOutputStream0();
1251                         }
1252                     }, null, p
1253                 );
1254             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
1255                 throw (IOException) e.getException();
1256             }
1257         } else {
1258             return getOutputStream0();
1259         }
1260     }
1262     private synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream0() throws IOException {
1263         try {
1264             if (!doOutput) {
1265                 throw new ProtocolException("cannot write to a URLConnection"
1266                                + " if doOutput=false - call setDoOutput(true)");
1267             }

1406             }
1407             if (userCookies2 != null) {
1408                 int k;
1409                 if ((k = requests.getKey("Cookie2")) != -1)
1410                     requests.set("Cookie2", requests.getValue(k) + ";" + userCookies2);
1411                 else
1412                     requests.set("Cookie2", userCookies2);
1413             }
1415         } // end of getting cookies
1416     }
1418     @Override
1419     public synchronized InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
1420         connecting = true;
1421         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);
1423         if (p != null) {
1424             try {
1425                 return AccessController.doPrivileged(
1426                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
1427                         public InputStream run() throws IOException {
1428                             return getInputStream0();
1429                         }
1430                     }, null, p
1431                 );
1432             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
1433                 throw (IOException) e.getException();
1434             }
1435         } else {
1436             return getInputStream0();
1437         }
1438     }
1440     @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement")
1441     private synchronized InputStream getInputStream0() throws IOException {
1443         if (!doInput) {
1444             throw new ProtocolException("Cannot read from URLConnection"
1445                    + " if doInput=false (call setDoInput(true))");
1446         }

1860         } finally {
1861             if (proxyAuthKey != null) {
1862                 AuthenticationInfo.endAuthRequest(proxyAuthKey);
1863             }
1864             if (serverAuthKey != null) {
1865                 AuthenticationInfo.endAuthRequest(serverAuthKey);
1866             }
1867         }
1868     }
1870     /*
1871      * Creates a chained exception that has the same type as
1872      * original exception and with the same message. Right now,
1873      * there is no convenient APIs for doing so.
1874      */
1875     private IOException getChainedException(final IOException rememberedException) {
1876         try {
1877             final Object[] args = { rememberedException.getMessage() };
1878             IOException chainedException =
1879                 java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
1880                     new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
1881                         public IOException run() throws Exception {
1882                             return (IOException)
1883                                 rememberedException.getClass()
1884                                 .getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { String.class })
1885                                 .newInstance(args);
1886                         }
1887                     });
1888             chainedException.initCause(rememberedException);
1889             return chainedException;
1890         } catch (Exception ignored) {
1891             return rememberedException;
1892         }
1893     }
1895     @Override
1896     public InputStream getErrorStream() {
1897         if (connected && responseCode >= 400) {
1898             // Client Error 4xx and Server Error 5xx
1899             if (errorStream != null) {
1900                 return errorStream;

2187                 doingNTLMp2ndStage = true;
2188             } else if ("Kerberos".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
2189                 authScheme = KERBEROS;
2190                 doingNTLMp2ndStage = true;
2191             } else if ("Negotiate".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) {
2192                 authScheme = NEGOTIATE;
2193                 doingNTLMp2ndStage = true;
2194             }
2196             if (realm == null)
2197                 realm = "";
2198             proxyAuthKey = AuthenticationInfo.getProxyAuthKey(host, port, realm, authScheme);
2199             ret = AuthenticationInfo.getProxyAuth(proxyAuthKey);
2200             if (ret == null) {
2201                 switch (authScheme) {
2202                 case BASIC:
2203                     InetAddress addr = null;
2204                     try {
2205                         final String finalHost = host;
2206                         addr = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
2207                             new java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
2208                                 public InetAddress run()
2209                                     throws java.net.UnknownHostException {
2210                                     return InetAddress.getByName(finalHost);
2211                                 }
2212                             });
2213                     } catch (java.security.PrivilegedActionException ignored) {
2214                         // User will have an unknown host.
2215                     }
2216                     PasswordAuthentication a =
2217                         privilegedRequestPasswordAuthentication(
2218                                     host, addr, port, "http",
2219                                     realm, scheme, url, RequestorType.PROXY);
2220                     if (a != null) {
2221                         ret = new BasicAuthentication(true, host, port, realm, a);
2222                     }
2223                     break;
2224                 case DIGEST:
2225                     a = privilegedRequestPasswordAuthentication(
2226                                     host, null, port, url.getProtocol(),
2227                                     realm, scheme, url, RequestorType.PROXY);

2550         URL locUrl;
2551         try {
2552             locUrl = new URL(loc);
2553             if (!url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase(locUrl.getProtocol())) {
2554                 return false;
2555             }
2557         } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
2558           // treat loc as a relative URI to conform to popular browsers
2559           locUrl = new URL(url, loc);
2560         }
2562         final URL locUrl0 = locUrl;
2563         socketPermission = null; // force recalculation
2564         SocketPermission p = URLtoSocketPermission(locUrl);
2566         if (p != null) {
2567             try {
2568                 return AccessController.doPrivileged(
2569                     new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() {
2570                         public Boolean run() throws IOException {
2571                             return followRedirect0(loc, stat, locUrl0);
2572                         }
2573                     }, null, p
2574                 );
2575             } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
2576                 throw (IOException) e.getException();
2577             }
2578         } else {
2579             // run without additional permission
2580             return followRedirect0(loc, stat, locUrl);
2581         }
2582     }
2584     /* Tells us whether to follow a redirect.  If so, it
2585      * closes the connection (break any keep-alive) and
2586      * resets the url, re-connects, and resets the request
2587      * property.
2588      */
2589     private boolean followRedirect0(String loc, int stat, URL locUrl)

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