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 206     // -- fstypes.properties --
 208     private static final Object loadLock = new Object();
 209     private static volatile Properties props;
 211     enum FeatureStatus {
 212         PRESENT,
 213         NOT_PRESENT,
 214         UNKNOWN;
 215     }
 217     /**
 218      * Returns status to indicate if file system supports a given feature
 219      */
 220     FeatureStatus checkIfFeaturePresent(String feature) {
 221         if (props == null) {
 222             synchronized (loadLock) {
 223                 if (props == null) {
 224                     props = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 225                         new PrivilegedAction<Properties>() {
 226                             @Override
 227                             public Properties run() {
 228                                 return loadProperties();
 229                             }});
 230                 }
 231             }
 232         }
 234         String value = props.getProperty(type());
 235         if (value != null) {
 236             String[] values = value.split("\\s");
 237             for (String s: values) {
 238                 s = s.trim().toLowerCase();
 239                 if (s.equals(feature)) {
 240                     return FeatureStatus.PRESENT;
 241                 }
 242                 if (s.startsWith("no")) {
 243                     s = s.substring(2);
 244                     if (s.equals(feature)) {
 245                         return FeatureStatus.NOT_PRESENT;

 206     // -- fstypes.properties --
 208     private static final Object loadLock = new Object();
 209     private static volatile Properties props;
 211     enum FeatureStatus {
 212         PRESENT,
 213         NOT_PRESENT,
 214         UNKNOWN;
 215     }
 217     /**
 218      * Returns status to indicate if file system supports a given feature
 219      */
 220     FeatureStatus checkIfFeaturePresent(String feature) {
 221         if (props == null) {
 222             synchronized (loadLock) {
 223                 if (props == null) {
 224                     props = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 225                         new PrivilegedAction<>() {
 226                             @Override
 227                             public Properties run() {
 228                                 return loadProperties();
 229                             }});
 230                 }
 231             }
 232         }
 234         String value = props.getProperty(type());
 235         if (value != null) {
 236             String[] values = value.split("\\s");
 237             for (String s: values) {
 238                 s = s.trim().toLowerCase();
 239                 if (s.equals(feature)) {
 240                     return FeatureStatus.PRESENT;
 241                 }
 242                 if (s.startsWith("no")) {
 243                     s = s.substring(2);
 244                     if (s.equals(feature)) {
 245                         return FeatureStatus.NOT_PRESENT;
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