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  76 public class SimpleTypeVisitor8<R, P> extends SimpleTypeVisitor7<R, P> {
  77     /**
  78      * Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses {@code null} for the
  79      * default value.
  80      */
  81     protected SimpleTypeVisitor8(){
  82         super(null);
  83     }
  85     /**
  86      * Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the
  87      * default value.
  88      *
  89      * @param defaultValue the value to assign to {@link #DEFAULT_VALUE}
  90      */
  91     protected SimpleTypeVisitor8(R defaultValue){
  92         super(defaultValue);
  93     }
  95     /**
  96      * This implementation visits an {@code IntersectionType} by calling
  97      * {@code defaultAction}.

  98      *
  99      * @param t {@inheritDoc}
 100      * @param p {@inheritDoc}
 101      * @return  the result of {@code defaultAction}
 102      */
 103     @Override
 104     public R visitIntersection(IntersectionType t, P p){
 105         return defaultAction(t, p);
 106     }
 107 }

  76 public class SimpleTypeVisitor8<R, P> extends SimpleTypeVisitor7<R, P> {
  77     /**
  78      * Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses {@code null} for the
  79      * default value.
  80      */
  81     protected SimpleTypeVisitor8(){
  82         super(null);
  83     }
  85     /**
  86      * Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the
  87      * default value.
  88      *
  89      * @param defaultValue the value to assign to {@link #DEFAULT_VALUE}
  90      */
  91     protected SimpleTypeVisitor8(R defaultValue){
  92         super(defaultValue);
  93     }
  95     /**
  96      * {@inheritDoc}
  97      *
  98      * @implSpec This implementation calls {@code defaultAction}.
  99      *
 100      * @param t {@inheritDoc}
 101      * @param p {@inheritDoc}
 102      * @return  the result of {@code defaultAction}
 103      */
 104     @Override
 105     public R visitIntersection(IntersectionType t, P p){
 106         return defaultAction(t, p);
 107     }
 108 }
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