1 /*
   2  * @test    /nodynamiccopyright/
   3  * @bug     6278587 8007464
   4  * @summary Inference broken for subtypes of subtypes of F-bounded types
   5  * @author  Peter von der Ah\u00e9
   6  * @compile/fail/ref=T6278587Neg.out -XDrawDiagnostics -source 7 -Xlint:-options T6278587Neg.java
   7  * @compile T6278587Neg.java
   8  */
  10 public abstract class T6278587Neg {
  11     interface A<T extends A<T>> {}
  12     interface B extends A<B> {}
  13     interface C extends B {}
  14     interface D<T> {}
  15     abstract <T extends A<T>, S extends T> D<T> m(S s);
  16     {
  17         C c = null;
  18         m(c);
  19     }
  20 }