1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1996, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang;
  28 import jdk.internal.HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate;
  29 import jdk.internal.misc.VM;
  31 /**
  32  *
  33  * The {@code Byte} class wraps a value of primitive type {@code byte}
  34  * in an object.  An object of type {@code Byte} contains a single
  35  * field whose type is {@code byte}.
  36  *
  37  * <p>In addition, this class provides several methods for converting
  38  * a {@code byte} to a {@code String} and a {@code String} to a {@code
  39  * byte}, as well as other constants and methods useful when dealing
  40  * with a {@code byte}.
  41  *
  42  * @author  Nakul Saraiya
  43  * @author  Joseph D. Darcy
  44  * @see     java.lang.Number
  45  * @since   1.1
  46  */
  47 public final class Byte extends Number implements Comparable<Byte> {
  49     /**
  50      * A constant holding the minimum value a {@code byte} can
  51      * have, -2<sup>7</sup>.
  52      */
  53     public static final byte   MIN_VALUE = -128;
  55     /**
  56      * A constant holding the maximum value a {@code byte} can
  57      * have, 2<sup>7</sup>-1.
  58      */
  59     public static final byte   MAX_VALUE = 127;
  61     /**
  62      * The {@code Class} instance representing the primitive type
  63      * {@code byte}.
  64      */
  65     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  66     public static final Class<Byte>     TYPE = (Class<Byte>) Class.getPrimitiveClass("byte");
  68     /**
  69      * Returns a new {@code String} object representing the
  70      * specified {@code byte}. The radix is assumed to be 10.
  71      *
  72      * @param b the {@code byte} to be converted
  73      * @return the string representation of the specified {@code byte}
  74      * @see java.lang.Integer#toString(int)
  75      */
  76     public static String toString(byte b) {
  77         return Integer.toString((int)b, 10);
  78     }
  80     private static class ByteCache {
  81         private ByteCache() {}
  83         static final Byte[] cache;
  84         static Byte[] archivedCache;
  86         static {
  87             final int size = -(-128) + 127 + 1;
  89             // Load and use the archived cache if it exists
  90             VM.initializeFromArchive(ByteCache.class);
  91             if (archivedCache == null || archivedCache.length != size) {
  92                 Byte[] c = new Byte[size];
  93                 byte value = (byte)-128;
  94                 for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  95                     c[i] = new Byte(value++);
  96                 }
  97                 archivedCache = c;
  98             }
  99             cache = archivedCache;
 100         }
 101     }
 103     /**
 104      * Returns a {@code Byte} instance representing the specified
 105      * {@code byte} value.
 106      * If a new {@code Byte} instance is not required, this method
 107      * should generally be used in preference to the constructor
 108      * {@link #Byte(byte)}, as this method is likely to yield
 109      * significantly better space and time performance since
 110      * all byte values are cached.
 111      *
 112      * @param  b a byte value.
 113      * @return a {@code Byte} instance representing {@code b}.
 114      * @since  1.5
 115      */
 116     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 117     public static Byte valueOf(byte b) {
 118         final int offset = 128;
 119         return ByteCache.cache[(int)b + offset];
 120     }
 122     /**
 123      * Parses the string argument as a signed {@code byte} in the
 124      * radix specified by the second argument. The characters in the
 125      * string must all be digits, of the specified radix (as
 126      * determined by whether {@link java.lang.Character#digit(char,
 127      * int)} returns a nonnegative value) except that the first
 128      * character may be an ASCII minus sign {@code '-'}
 129      * ({@code '\u005Cu002D'}) to indicate a negative value or an
 130      * ASCII plus sign {@code '+'} ({@code '\u005Cu002B'}) to
 131      * indicate a positive value.  The resulting {@code byte} value is
 132      * returned.
 133      *
 134      * <p>An exception of type {@code NumberFormatException} is
 135      * thrown if any of the following situations occurs:
 136      * <ul>
 137      * <li> The first argument is {@code null} or is a string of
 138      * length zero.
 139      *
 140      * <li> The radix is either smaller than {@link
 141      * java.lang.Character#MIN_RADIX} or larger than {@link
 142      * java.lang.Character#MAX_RADIX}.
 143      *
 144      * <li> Any character of the string is not a digit of the
 145      * specified radix, except that the first character may be a minus
 146      * sign {@code '-'} ({@code '\u005Cu002D'}) or plus sign
 147      * {@code '+'} ({@code '\u005Cu002B'}) provided that the
 148      * string is longer than length 1.
 149      *
 150      * <li> The value represented by the string is not a value of type
 151      * {@code byte}.
 152      * </ul>
 153      *
 154      * @param s         the {@code String} containing the
 155      *                  {@code byte}
 156      *                  representation to be parsed
 157      * @param radix     the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}
 158      * @return          the {@code byte} value represented by the string
 159      *                   argument in the specified radix
 160      * @throws          NumberFormatException If the string does
 161      *                  not contain a parsable {@code byte}.
 162      */
 163     public static byte parseByte(String s, int radix)
 164         throws NumberFormatException {
 165         int i = Integer.parseInt(s, radix);
 166         if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)
 167             throw new NumberFormatException(
 168                 "Value out of range. Value:\"" + s + "\" Radix:" + radix);
 169         return (byte)i;
 170     }
 172     /**
 173      * Parses the string argument as a signed decimal {@code
 174      * byte}. The characters in the string must all be decimal digits,
 175      * except that the first character may be an ASCII minus sign
 176      * {@code '-'} ({@code '\u005Cu002D'}) to indicate a negative
 177      * value or an ASCII plus sign {@code '+'}
 178      * ({@code '\u005Cu002B'}) to indicate a positive value. The
 179      * resulting {@code byte} value is returned, exactly as if the
 180      * argument and the radix 10 were given as arguments to the {@link
 181      * #parseByte(java.lang.String, int)} method.
 182      *
 183      * @param s         a {@code String} containing the
 184      *                  {@code byte} representation to be parsed
 185      * @return          the {@code byte} value represented by the
 186      *                  argument in decimal
 187      * @throws          NumberFormatException if the string does not
 188      *                  contain a parsable {@code byte}.
 189      */
 190     public static byte parseByte(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
 191         return parseByte(s, 10);
 192     }
 194     /**
 195      * Returns a {@code Byte} object holding the value
 196      * extracted from the specified {@code String} when parsed
 197      * with the radix given by the second argument. The first argument
 198      * is interpreted as representing a signed {@code byte} in
 199      * the radix specified by the second argument, exactly as if the
 200      * argument were given to the {@link #parseByte(java.lang.String,
 201      * int)} method. The result is a {@code Byte} object that
 202      * represents the {@code byte} value specified by the string.
 203      *
 204      * <p> In other words, this method returns a {@code Byte} object
 205      * equal to the value of:
 206      *
 207      * <blockquote>
 208      * {@code new Byte(Byte.parseByte(s, radix))}
 209      * </blockquote>
 210      *
 211      * @param s         the string to be parsed
 212      * @param radix     the radix to be used in interpreting {@code s}
 213      * @return          a {@code Byte} object holding the value
 214      *                  represented by the string argument in the
 215      *                  specified radix.
 216      * @throws          NumberFormatException If the {@code String} does
 217      *                  not contain a parsable {@code byte}.
 218      */
 219     public static Byte valueOf(String s, int radix)
 220         throws NumberFormatException {
 221         return valueOf(parseByte(s, radix));
 222     }
 224     /**
 225      * Returns a {@code Byte} object holding the value
 226      * given by the specified {@code String}. The argument is
 227      * interpreted as representing a signed decimal {@code byte},
 228      * exactly as if the argument were given to the {@link
 229      * #parseByte(java.lang.String)} method. The result is a
 230      * {@code Byte} object that represents the {@code byte}
 231      * value specified by the string.
 232      *
 233      * <p> In other words, this method returns a {@code Byte} object
 234      * equal to the value of:
 235      *
 236      * <blockquote>
 237      * {@code new Byte(Byte.parseByte(s))}
 238      * </blockquote>
 239      *
 240      * @param s         the string to be parsed
 241      * @return          a {@code Byte} object holding the value
 242      *                  represented by the string argument
 243      * @throws          NumberFormatException If the {@code String} does
 244      *                  not contain a parsable {@code byte}.
 245      */
 246     public static Byte valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
 247         return valueOf(s, 10);
 248     }
 250     /**
 251      * Decodes a {@code String} into a {@code Byte}.
 252      * Accepts decimal, hexadecimal, and octal numbers given by
 253      * the following grammar:
 254      *
 255      * <blockquote>
 256      * <dl>
 257      * <dt><i>DecodableString:</i>
 258      * <dd><i>Sign<sub>opt</sub> DecimalNumeral</i>
 259      * <dd><i>Sign<sub>opt</sub></i> {@code 0x} <i>HexDigits</i>
 260      * <dd><i>Sign<sub>opt</sub></i> {@code 0X} <i>HexDigits</i>
 261      * <dd><i>Sign<sub>opt</sub></i> {@code #} <i>HexDigits</i>
 262      * <dd><i>Sign<sub>opt</sub></i> {@code 0} <i>OctalDigits</i>
 263      *
 264      * <dt><i>Sign:</i>
 265      * <dd>{@code -}
 266      * <dd>{@code +}
 267      * </dl>
 268      * </blockquote>
 269      *
 270      * <i>DecimalNumeral</i>, <i>HexDigits</i>, and <i>OctalDigits</i>
 271      * are as defined in section 3.10.1 of
 272      * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>,
 273      * except that underscores are not accepted between digits.
 274      *
 275      * <p>The sequence of characters following an optional
 276      * sign and/or radix specifier ("{@code 0x}", "{@code 0X}",
 277      * "{@code #}", or leading zero) is parsed as by the {@code
 278      * Byte.parseByte} method with the indicated radix (10, 16, or 8).
 279      * This sequence of characters must represent a positive value or
 280      * a {@link NumberFormatException} will be thrown.  The result is
 281      * negated if first character of the specified {@code String} is
 282      * the minus sign.  No whitespace characters are permitted in the
 283      * {@code String}.
 284      *
 285      * @param     nm the {@code String} to decode.
 286      * @return   a {@code Byte} object holding the {@code byte}
 287      *          value represented by {@code nm}
 288      * @throws  NumberFormatException  if the {@code String} does not
 289      *            contain a parsable {@code byte}.
 290      * @see java.lang.Byte#parseByte(java.lang.String, int)
 291      */
 292     public static Byte decode(String nm) throws NumberFormatException {
 293         int i = Integer.decode(nm);
 294         if (i < MIN_VALUE || i > MAX_VALUE)
 295             throw new NumberFormatException(
 296                     "Value " + i + " out of range from input " + nm);
 297         return valueOf((byte)i);
 298     }
 300     /**
 301      * The value of the {@code Byte}.
 302      *
 303      * @serial
 304      */
 305     private final byte value;
 307     /**
 308      * Constructs a newly allocated {@code Byte} object that
 309      * represents the specified {@code byte} value.
 310      *
 311      * @param value     the value to be represented by the
 312      *                  {@code Byte}.
 313      *
 314      * @deprecated
 315      * It is rarely appropriate to use this constructor. The static factory
 316      * {@link #valueOf(byte)} is generally a better choice, as it is
 317      * likely to yield significantly better space and time performance.
 318      */
 319     @Deprecated(since="9")
 320     public Byte(byte value) {
 321         this.value = value;
 322     }
 324     /**
 325      * Constructs a newly allocated {@code Byte} object that
 326      * represents the {@code byte} value indicated by the
 327      * {@code String} parameter. The string is converted to a
 328      * {@code byte} value in exactly the manner used by the
 329      * {@code parseByte} method for radix 10.
 330      *
 331      * @param s         the {@code String} to be converted to a
 332      *                  {@code Byte}
 333      * @throws          NumberFormatException if the {@code String}
 334      *                  does not contain a parsable {@code byte}.
 335      *
 336      * @deprecated
 337      * It is rarely appropriate to use this constructor.
 338      * Use {@link #parseByte(String)} to convert a string to a
 339      * {@code byte} primitive, or use {@link #valueOf(String)}
 340      * to convert a string to a {@code Byte} object.
 341      */
 342     @Deprecated(since="9")
 343     public Byte(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
 344         this.value = parseByte(s, 10);
 345     }
 347     /**
 348      * Returns the value of this {@code Byte} as a
 349      * {@code byte}.
 350      */
 351     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 352     public byte byteValue() {
 353         return value;
 354     }
 356     /**
 357      * Returns the value of this {@code Byte} as a {@code short} after
 358      * a widening primitive conversion.
 359      * @jls 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
 360      */
 361     public short shortValue() {
 362         return (short)value;
 363     }
 365     /**
 366      * Returns the value of this {@code Byte} as an {@code int} after
 367      * a widening primitive conversion.
 368      * @jls 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
 369      */
 370     public int intValue() {
 371         return (int)value;
 372     }
 374     /**
 375      * Returns the value of this {@code Byte} as a {@code long} after
 376      * a widening primitive conversion.
 377      * @jls 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
 378      */
 379     public long longValue() {
 380         return (long)value;
 381     }
 383     /**
 384      * Returns the value of this {@code Byte} as a {@code float} after
 385      * a widening primitive conversion.
 386      * @jls 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
 387      */
 388     public float floatValue() {
 389         return (float)value;
 390     }
 392     /**
 393      * Returns the value of this {@code Byte} as a {@code double}
 394      * after a widening primitive conversion.
 395      * @jls 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
 396      */
 397     public double doubleValue() {
 398         return (double)value;
 399     }
 401     /**
 402      * Returns a {@code String} object representing this
 403      * {@code Byte}'s value.  The value is converted to signed
 404      * decimal representation and returned as a string, exactly as if
 405      * the {@code byte} value were given as an argument to the
 406      * {@link java.lang.Byte#toString(byte)} method.
 407      *
 408      * @return  a string representation of the value of this object in
 409      *          base&nbsp;10.
 410      */
 411     public String toString() {
 412         return Integer.toString((int)value);
 413     }
 415     /**
 416      * Returns a hash code for this {@code Byte}; equal to the result
 417      * of invoking {@code intValue()}.
 418      *
 419      * @return a hash code value for this {@code Byte}
 420      */
 421     @Override
 422     public int hashCode() {
 423         return Byte.hashCode(value);
 424     }
 426     /**
 427      * Returns a hash code for a {@code byte} value; compatible with
 428      * {@code Byte.hashCode()}.
 429      *
 430      * @param value the value to hash
 431      * @return a hash code value for a {@code byte} value.
 432      * @since 1.8
 433      */
 434     public static int hashCode(byte value) {
 435         return (int)value;
 436     }
 438     /**
 439      * Compares this object to the specified object.  The result is
 440      * {@code true} if and only if the argument is not
 441      * {@code null} and is a {@code Byte} object that
 442      * contains the same {@code byte} value as this object.
 443      *
 444      * @param obj       the object to compare with
 445      * @return          {@code true} if the objects are the same;
 446      *                  {@code false} otherwise.
 447      */
 448     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 449         if (obj instanceof Byte) {
 450             return value == ((Byte)obj).byteValue();
 451         }
 452         return false;
 453     }
 455     /**
 456      * Compares two {@code Byte} objects numerically.
 457      *
 458      * @param   anotherByte   the {@code Byte} to be compared.
 459      * @return  the value {@code 0} if this {@code Byte} is
 460      *          equal to the argument {@code Byte}; a value less than
 461      *          {@code 0} if this {@code Byte} is numerically less
 462      *          than the argument {@code Byte}; and a value greater than
 463      *           {@code 0} if this {@code Byte} is numerically
 464      *           greater than the argument {@code Byte} (signed
 465      *           comparison).
 466      * @since   1.2
 467      */
 468     public int compareTo(Byte anotherByte) {
 469         return compare(this.value, anotherByte.value);
 470     }
 472     /**
 473      * Compares two {@code byte} values numerically.
 474      * The value returned is identical to what would be returned by:
 475      * <pre>
 476      *    Byte.valueOf(x).compareTo(Byte.valueOf(y))
 477      * </pre>
 478      *
 479      * @param  x the first {@code byte} to compare
 480      * @param  y the second {@code byte} to compare
 481      * @return the value {@code 0} if {@code x == y};
 482      *         a value less than {@code 0} if {@code x < y}; and
 483      *         a value greater than {@code 0} if {@code x > y}
 484      * @since 1.7
 485      */
 486     public static int compare(byte x, byte y) {
 487         return x - y;
 488     }
 490     /**
 491      * Compares two {@code byte} values numerically treating the values
 492      * as unsigned.
 493      *
 494      * @param  x the first {@code byte} to compare
 495      * @param  y the second {@code byte} to compare
 496      * @return the value {@code 0} if {@code x == y}; a value less
 497      *         than {@code 0} if {@code x < y} as unsigned values; and
 498      *         a value greater than {@code 0} if {@code x > y} as
 499      *         unsigned values
 500      * @since 9
 501      */
 502     public static int compareUnsigned(byte x, byte y) {
 503         return Byte.toUnsignedInt(x) - Byte.toUnsignedInt(y);
 504     }
 506     /**
 507      * Converts the argument to an {@code int} by an unsigned
 508      * conversion.  In an unsigned conversion to an {@code int}, the
 509      * high-order 24 bits of the {@code int} are zero and the
 510      * low-order 8 bits are equal to the bits of the {@code byte} argument.
 511      *
 512      * Consequently, zero and positive {@code byte} values are mapped
 513      * to a numerically equal {@code int} value and negative {@code
 514      * byte} values are mapped to an {@code int} value equal to the
 515      * input plus 2<sup>8</sup>.
 516      *
 517      * @param  x the value to convert to an unsigned {@code int}
 518      * @return the argument converted to {@code int} by an unsigned
 519      *         conversion
 520      * @since 1.8
 521      */
 522     public static int toUnsignedInt(byte x) {
 523         return ((int) x) & 0xff;
 524     }
 526     /**
 527      * Converts the argument to a {@code long} by an unsigned
 528      * conversion.  In an unsigned conversion to a {@code long}, the
 529      * high-order 56 bits of the {@code long} are zero and the
 530      * low-order 8 bits are equal to the bits of the {@code byte} argument.
 531      *
 532      * Consequently, zero and positive {@code byte} values are mapped
 533      * to a numerically equal {@code long} value and negative {@code
 534      * byte} values are mapped to a {@code long} value equal to the
 535      * input plus 2<sup>8</sup>.
 536      *
 537      * @param  x the value to convert to an unsigned {@code long}
 538      * @return the argument converted to {@code long} by an unsigned
 539      *         conversion
 540      * @since 1.8
 541      */
 542     public static long toUnsignedLong(byte x) {
 543         return ((long) x) & 0xffL;
 544     }
 547     /**
 548      * The number of bits used to represent a {@code byte} value in two's
 549      * complement binary form.
 550      *
 551      * @since 1.5
 552      */
 553     public static final int SIZE = 8;
 555     /**
 556      * The number of bytes used to represent a {@code byte} value in two's
 557      * complement binary form.
 558      *
 559      * @since 1.8
 560      */
 561     public static final int BYTES = SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
 563     /** use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1. for interoperability */
 564     @java.io.Serial
 565     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7183698231559129828L;
 566 }