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 358      * name is {@code name}. Therefore, this method cannot be used to
 359      * obtain any of the {@code Class} objects representing primitive
 360      * types or void.
 361      *
 362      * <p> If {@code name} denotes an array class, the component type of
 363      * the array class is loaded but not initialized.
 364      *
 365      * <p> For example, in an instance method the expression:
 366      *
 367      * <blockquote>
 368      *  {@code Class.forName("Foo")}
 369      * </blockquote>
 370      *
 371      * is equivalent to:
 372      *
 373      * <blockquote>
 374      *  {@code Class.forName("Foo", true, this.getClass().getClassLoader())}
 375      * </blockquote>
 376      *
 377      * Note that this method throws errors related to loading, linking or
 378      * initializing as specified in Sections 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4 of <em>The
 379      * Java Language Specification</em>.
 380      * Note that this method does not check whether the requested class
 381      * is accessible to its caller.
 382      *
 383      * @param name       fully qualified name of the desired class
 384      * @param initialize if {@code true} the class will be initialized (which implies linking).
 385      *                   See Section 12.4 of <em>The Java Language Specification</em>.
 386      * @param loader     class loader from which the class must be loaded
 387      * @return           class object representing the desired class
 388      *
 389      * @throws    LinkageError if the linkage fails
 390      * @throws    ExceptionInInitializerError if the initialization provoked
 391      *            by this method fails
 392      * @throws    ClassNotFoundException if the class cannot be located by
 393      *            the specified class loader
 394      * @throws    SecurityException
 395      *            if a security manager is present, and the {@code loader} is
 396      *            {@code null}, and the caller's class loader is not
 397      *            {@code null}, and the caller does not have the
 398      *            {@link RuntimePermission}{@code ("getClassLoader")}
 399      *
 400      * @see       java.lang.Class#forName(String)
 401      * @see       java.lang.ClassLoader
 402      *
 403      * @jls 12.2 Loading of Classes and Interfaces
 404      * @jls 12.3 Linking of Classes and Interfaces
 405      * @jls 12.4 Initialization of Classes and Interfaces

 643      */
 644     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 645     public native boolean isInstance(Object obj);
 648     /**
 649      * Determines if the class or interface represented by this
 650      * {@code Class} object is either the same as, or is a superclass or
 651      * superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified
 652      * {@code Class} parameter. It returns {@code true} if so;
 653      * otherwise it returns {@code false}. If this {@code Class}
 654      * object represents a primitive type, this method returns
 655      * {@code true} if the specified {@code Class} parameter is
 656      * exactly this {@code Class} object; otherwise it returns
 657      * {@code false}.
 658      *
 659      * <p> Specifically, this method tests whether the type represented by the
 660      * specified {@code Class} parameter can be converted to the type
 661      * represented by this {@code Class} object via an identity conversion
 662      * or via a widening reference conversion. See <em>The Java Language
 663      * Specification</em>, sections 5.1.1 and 5.1.4 , for details.
 664      *
 665      * @param     cls the {@code Class} object to be checked
 666      * @return    the {@code boolean} value indicating whether objects of the
 667      *            type {@code cls} can be assigned to objects of this class
 668      * @throws    NullPointerException if the specified Class parameter is
 669      *            null.
 670      * @since     1.1
 671      */
 672     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 673     public native boolean isAssignableFrom(Class<?> cls);
 676     /**
 677      * Determines if the specified {@code Class} object represents an
 678      * interface type.
 679      *
 680      * @return  {@code true} if this object represents an interface;
 681      *          {@code false} otherwise.
 682      */
 683     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate

2382     public Method[] getDeclaredMethods() throws SecurityException {
2383         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2384         if (sm != null) {
2385             checkMemberAccess(sm, Member.DECLARED, Reflection.getCallerClass(), true);
2386         }
2387         return copyMethods(privateGetDeclaredMethods(false));
2388     }
2391     /**
2392      * Returns an array of {@code Constructor} objects reflecting all the
2393      * constructors declared by the class represented by this
2394      * {@code Class} object. These are public, protected, default
2395      * (package) access, and private constructors.  The elements in the array
2396      * returned are not sorted and are not in any particular order.  If the
2397      * class has a default constructor, it is included in the returned array.
2398      * This method returns an array of length 0 if this {@code Class}
2399      * object represents an interface, a primitive type, an array class, or
2400      * void.
2401      *
2402      * <p> See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, section 8.2.
2403      *
2404      * @return  the array of {@code Constructor} objects representing all the
2405      *          declared constructors of this class
2406      * @throws  SecurityException
2407      *          If a security manager, <i>s</i>, is present and any of the
2408      *          following conditions is met:
2409      *
2410      *          <ul>
2411      *
2412      *          <li> the caller's class loader is not the same as the
2413      *          class loader of this class and invocation of
2414      *          {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission
2415      *          s.checkPermission} method with
2416      *          {@code RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers")}
2417      *          denies access to the declared constructors within this class
2418      *
2419      *          <li> the caller's class loader is not the same as or an
2420      *          ancestor of the class loader for the current class and
2421      *          invocation of {@link SecurityManager#checkPackageAccess
2422      *          s.checkPackageAccess()} denies access to the package

 358      * name is {@code name}. Therefore, this method cannot be used to
 359      * obtain any of the {@code Class} objects representing primitive
 360      * types or void.
 361      *
 362      * <p> If {@code name} denotes an array class, the component type of
 363      * the array class is loaded but not initialized.
 364      *
 365      * <p> For example, in an instance method the expression:
 366      *
 367      * <blockquote>
 368      *  {@code Class.forName("Foo")}
 369      * </blockquote>
 370      *
 371      * is equivalent to:
 372      *
 373      * <blockquote>
 374      *  {@code Class.forName("Foo", true, this.getClass().getClassLoader())}
 375      * </blockquote>
 376      *
 377      * Note that this method throws errors related to loading, linking or
 378      * initializing as specified in Sections {@jls 12.2}, {@jls 12.3}, and {@jls 12.4} of <em>The
 379      * Java Language Specification</em>.
 380      * Note that this method does not check whether the requested class
 381      * is accessible to its caller.
 382      *
 383      * @param name       fully qualified name of the desired class
 384      * @param initialize if {@code true} the class will be initialized (which implies linking).
 385      *                   See Section {@jls 12.4} of <em>The Java Language Specification</em>.
 386      * @param loader     class loader from which the class must be loaded
 387      * @return           class object representing the desired class
 388      *
 389      * @throws    LinkageError if the linkage fails
 390      * @throws    ExceptionInInitializerError if the initialization provoked
 391      *            by this method fails
 392      * @throws    ClassNotFoundException if the class cannot be located by
 393      *            the specified class loader
 394      * @throws    SecurityException
 395      *            if a security manager is present, and the {@code loader} is
 396      *            {@code null}, and the caller's class loader is not
 397      *            {@code null}, and the caller does not have the
 398      *            {@link RuntimePermission}{@code ("getClassLoader")}
 399      *
 400      * @see       java.lang.Class#forName(String)
 401      * @see       java.lang.ClassLoader
 402      *
 403      * @jls 12.2 Loading of Classes and Interfaces
 404      * @jls 12.3 Linking of Classes and Interfaces
 405      * @jls 12.4 Initialization of Classes and Interfaces

 643      */
 644     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 645     public native boolean isInstance(Object obj);
 648     /**
 649      * Determines if the class or interface represented by this
 650      * {@code Class} object is either the same as, or is a superclass or
 651      * superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified
 652      * {@code Class} parameter. It returns {@code true} if so;
 653      * otherwise it returns {@code false}. If this {@code Class}
 654      * object represents a primitive type, this method returns
 655      * {@code true} if the specified {@code Class} parameter is
 656      * exactly this {@code Class} object; otherwise it returns
 657      * {@code false}.
 658      *
 659      * <p> Specifically, this method tests whether the type represented by the
 660      * specified {@code Class} parameter can be converted to the type
 661      * represented by this {@code Class} object via an identity conversion
 662      * or via a widening reference conversion. See <em>The Java Language
 663      * Specification</em>, sections {@jls 5.1.1} and {@jls 5.1.4} , for details.
 664      *
 665      * @param     cls the {@code Class} object to be checked
 666      * @return    the {@code boolean} value indicating whether objects of the
 667      *            type {@code cls} can be assigned to objects of this class
 668      * @throws    NullPointerException if the specified Class parameter is
 669      *            null.
 670      * @since     1.1
 671      */
 672     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 673     public native boolean isAssignableFrom(Class<?> cls);
 676     /**
 677      * Determines if the specified {@code Class} object represents an
 678      * interface type.
 679      *
 680      * @return  {@code true} if this object represents an interface;
 681      *          {@code false} otherwise.
 682      */
 683     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate

2382     public Method[] getDeclaredMethods() throws SecurityException {
2383         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2384         if (sm != null) {
2385             checkMemberAccess(sm, Member.DECLARED, Reflection.getCallerClass(), true);
2386         }
2387         return copyMethods(privateGetDeclaredMethods(false));
2388     }
2391     /**
2392      * Returns an array of {@code Constructor} objects reflecting all the
2393      * constructors declared by the class represented by this
2394      * {@code Class} object. These are public, protected, default
2395      * (package) access, and private constructors.  The elements in the array
2396      * returned are not sorted and are not in any particular order.  If the
2397      * class has a default constructor, it is included in the returned array.
2398      * This method returns an array of length 0 if this {@code Class}
2399      * object represents an interface, a primitive type, an array class, or
2400      * void.
2401      *
2402      * <p> See <em>The Java Language Specification</em>, section {@jls 8.2}.
2403      *
2404      * @return  the array of {@code Constructor} objects representing all the
2405      *          declared constructors of this class
2406      * @throws  SecurityException
2407      *          If a security manager, <i>s</i>, is present and any of the
2408      *          following conditions is met:
2409      *
2410      *          <ul>
2411      *
2412      *          <li> the caller's class loader is not the same as the
2413      *          class loader of this class and invocation of
2414      *          {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission
2415      *          s.checkPermission} method with
2416      *          {@code RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers")}
2417      *          denies access to the declared constructors within this class
2418      *
2419      *          <li> the caller's class loader is not the same as or an
2420      *          ancestor of the class loader for the current class and
2421      *          invocation of {@link SecurityManager#checkPackageAccess
2422      *          s.checkPackageAccess()} denies access to the package

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