1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package javax.lang.model.element;
  28 import javax.lang.model.util.*;
  30 /**
  31  * A visitor of program elements, in the style of the visitor design
  32  * pattern.  Classes implementing this interface are used to operate
  33  * on an element when the kind of element is unknown at compile time.
  34  * When a visitor is passed to an element's {@link Element#accept
  35  * accept} method, the <code>visit<i>Xyz</i></code> method most applicable
  36  * to that element is invoked.
  37  *
  38  * <p> Classes implementing this interface may or may not throw a
  39  * {@code NullPointerException} if the additional parameter {@code p}
  40  * is {@code null}; see documentation of the implementing class for
  41  * details.
  42  *
  43  * @apiNote
  44  *
  45  * WARNING: It is possible that methods will be added to
  46  * this interface to accommodate new, currently unknown, language
  47  * structures added to future versions of the Java&trade; programming
  48  * language.
  49  *
  50  * Such additions have already occurred to support language features
  51  * added after this API was introduced.
  52  *
  53  * Visitor classes directly implementing this
  54  * interface may be source incompatible with future versions of the
  55  * platform.  To avoid this source incompatibility, visitor
  56  * implementations are encouraged to instead extend the appropriate
  57  * abstract visitor class that implements this interface.  However, an
  58  * API should generally use this visitor interface as the type for
  59  * parameters, return type, etc. rather than one of the abstract
  60  * classes.
  61  *
  62  * <p>Methods to accommodate new language constructs are expected to
  63  * be added as default methods to provide strong source compatibility,
  64  * as done for {@link visitModule visitModule}. The implementations of
  65  * the default methods will in turn call {@link visitUnknown
  66  * visitUnknown}, behavior that will be overridden in concrete
  67  * visitors supporting the source version with the new language
  68  * construct.
  69  *
  70  * <p>There are several families of classes implementing this visitor
  71  * interface in the {@linkplain javax.lang.model.util util
  72  * package}. The families follow a naming pattern along the lines of
  73  * {@code FooVisitor}<i>N</i> where <i>N</i> indicates the
  74  * {@linkplain javax.lang.model.SourceVersion source version} the
  75  * visitor is appropriate for.
  76  *
  77  * In particular, a {@code FooVisitor}<i>N</i> is expected to handle
  78  * all language constructs present in source version <i>N</i>. If
  79  * there are no new language constructs added in version
  80  * <i>N</i>&nbsp;+&nbsp;1 (or subsequent releases), {@code
  81  * FooVisitor}<i>N</i> may also handle that later source version; in
  82  * that case, the {@link
  83  * javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion
  84  * SupportedSourceVersion} annotation on the {@code
  85  * FooVisitor}<i>N</i> class will indicate a later version.
  86  *
  87  * When visiting an element representing a language construct
  88  * introduced <strong>after</strong> source version <i>N</i>, a {@code
  89  * FooVisitor}<i>N</i> will throw an {@link UnknownElementException}
  90  * unless that behavior is overridden.
  91  *
  92  * <p>When choosing which member of a visitor family to subclass,
  93  * subclassing the most recent one increases the range of source
  94  * versions covered. When choosing which visitor family to subclass,
  95  * consider their built-in capabilities:
  96  *
  97  * <ul>
  98  *
  99  * <li>{@link AbstractElementVisitor6 AbstractElementVisitor}s:
 100  * Skeletal visitor implementations.
 101  *
 102  * <li>{@link SimpleElementVisitor6 SimpleElementVisitor}s: Support
 103  * default actions and a default return value.
 104  *
 105  * <li>{@link ElementKindVisitor6 ElementKindVisitor}s: Visit methods
 106  * provided on a {@linkplain Element#getKind per-kind} granularity as
 107  * some categories of elements can have more than one kind.
 108  *
 109  * <li>{@link ElementScanner6 ElementScanner}s: Scanners are visitors
 110  * which traverse an element and the elements {@linkplain
 111  * Element#getEnclosedElements enclosed} by it and associated with it.
 112  *
 113  * </ul>
 114  *
 115  * @param <R> the return type of this visitor's methods.  Use {@link
 116  *            Void} for visitors that do not need to return results.
 117  * @param <P> the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
 118  *            methods.  Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
 119  *            additional parameter.
 120  *
 121  * @author Joseph D. Darcy
 122  * @author Scott Seligman
 123  * @author Peter von der Ah&eacute;
 124  * @since 1.6
 125  */
 126 public interface ElementVisitor<R, P> {
 127     /**
 128      * Visits an element.
 129      * @param e  the element to visit
 130      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 131      * @return a visitor-specified result
 132      */
 133     R visit(Element e, P p);
 135     /**
 136      * A convenience method equivalent to {@code visit(e, null)}.
 137      *
 138      * @implSpec The default implementation is {@code visit(e, null)}.
 139      *
 140      * @param e  the element to visit
 141      * @return a visitor-specified result
 142      */
 143     default R visit(Element e) {
 144         return visit(e, null);
 145     }
 147     /**
 148      * Visits a package element.
 149      * @param e  the element to visit
 150      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 151      * @return a visitor-specified result
 152      */
 153     R visitPackage(PackageElement e, P p);
 155     /**
 156      * Visits a type element.
 157      * @param e  the element to visit
 158      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 159      * @return a visitor-specified result
 160      */
 161     R visitType(TypeElement e, P p);
 163     /**
 164      * Visits a variable element.
 165      * @param e  the element to visit
 166      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 167      * @return a visitor-specified result
 168      */
 169     R visitVariable(VariableElement e, P p);
 171     /**
 172      * Visits an executable element.
 173      * @param e  the element to visit
 174      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 175      * @return a visitor-specified result
 176      */
 177     R visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, P p);
 179     /**
 180      * Visits a type parameter element.
 181      * @param e  the element to visit
 182      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 183      * @return a visitor-specified result
 184      */
 185     R visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterElement e, P p);
 187     /**
 188      * Visits an unknown kind of element.
 189      * This can occur if the language evolves and new kinds
 190      * of elements are added to the {@code Element} hierarchy.
 191      *
 192      * @param e  the element to visit
 193      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 194      * @return a visitor-specified result
 195      * @throws UnknownElementException
 196      *  a visitor implementation may optionally throw this exception
 197      */
 198     R visitUnknown(Element e, P p);
 200     /**
 201      * Visits a module element.
 202      *
 203      * @implSpec The default implementation visits a {@code
 204      * ModuleElement} by calling {@code visitUnknown(e, p)}.
 205      *
 206      * @param e  the element to visit
 207      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 208      * @return a visitor-specified result
 209      * @since 9
 210      * @spec JPMS
 211      */
 212     default R visitModule(ModuleElement e, P p) {
 213         return visitUnknown(e, p);
 214     }
 216     /**
 217      * {@preview Associated with records, a preview feature of the Java language.
 218      *
 219      *           This method is associated with <i>records</i>, a preview
 220      *           feature of the Java language. Preview features
 221      *           may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent
 222      *           features of the Java language.}
 223      *
 224      * Visits a record component element.
 225      *
 226      * @implSpec The default implementation visits a {@code
 227      * RecordComponentElement} by calling {@code visitUnknown(e, p)}.
 228      *
 229      * @param e  the element to visit
 230      * @param p  a visitor-specified parameter
 231      * @return a visitor-specified result
 232      * @since 14
 233      */
 234     @jdk.internal.PreviewFeature(feature=jdk.internal.PreviewFeature.Feature.RECORDS,
 235                                  essentialAPI=false)
 236     @SuppressWarnings("preview")
 237     default R visitRecordComponent(RecordComponentElement e, P p) {
 238         return visitUnknown(e, p);
 239     }
 240 }