JDK-8038390: annotation processors don't visit declaration parameter annotations JDK-8030653: Correct misstatement in JSR 269 MR (in javax.lang.model) JDK-8037120: JDK-8071630 Fix doclint warnings in javax.lang.model exception types JDK-6818181: Update naming convention annotation processing samples for modules JDK-8159378: JDK-8032230 Correct wording of RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWithAny JDK-8160506: Use @implSpec tags in javax.lang.model.util JDK-8051482: Fix deprecation warnings in javax.lang.model.util JDK-8172531: Correct misstatements in javax.lang.model visitor documentation JDK-8172458: Make javax.lang.model javadoc HTML 5 compliant JDK-8032230: Enhance javax.a.p.RoundEnvironment after repeating annotations JDK-8072988: Update javax.annotation.processing for modules JDK-8031744: Annotations on many Language Model elements are not returned JDK-8173164: Resolve remaining HTML5 issues in javax.lang.model.* JDK-8173609: Elements.printElements needs to support modules JDK-8172810: ModuleElement should declare and provide appropriate modifiers JDK-8173776: More javax.lang.model improvements to support modules JDK-8173944: Reference Origin.MANDATED in getEnclosedElements specs JDK-8173676: Improvements to javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model docs JDK-8163315: Implement an API to identify an implicitly declared annotation (or declaration) JDK-8172686: Use less aggressive deprecation of utility visitors JDK-8172910: Use default methods as appropriate for language model visitors JDK-8028543: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_9 JDK-8049793: JDK-8048102 Add javax.lang.model.ModuleElement JDK-8050430: Provided new utility visitors supporting SourceVersion.RELEASE_9 JDK-6415644: Make javax.lang.model.SourceVersion more informative JDK-8175335: Improve handling of module types in javax.lang.model.util.Types JDK-8173945: Add methods for Elements.getAll{Type, Package, Module}Elements JDK-8174854: Two javax.annotation.processing javadoc link issues JDK-8175786: Fix small doc issues JDK-8175119: Need to specify module of types created by Filer.createSourceFile/Filer.createClassFile? JDK-8175118: Revisit modeling of module directives