1 /*
   2  * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
   3  * @bug 8206986
   4  * @summary Verify that not allowed types of statements cannot be used in rule case.
   5  * @compile/fail/ref=SwitchStatementBroken2.out -XDrawDiagnostics --enable-preview -source 12 SwitchStatementBroken2.java
   6  */
   8 public class SwitchStatementBroken2 {
  10     private void statementArrowNotArbitraryStatements(int i, int j) {
  11         String res;
  13         switch (i) {
  14             case 0 -> res = "NULL-A";
  15             case 1 -> { res = "NULL-A"; }
  16             case 2 -> throw new IllegalStateException();
  17             case 3 -> if  (j < 0) res = "A"; else res = "B";
  18             case 4 -> while (j-- > 0) res += "I";
  19             case 5 -> switch (j) {
  20                 case 0: res = "0"; break;
  21             }
  22             case 7 -> int i;
  23             default -> if  (j < 0) res = "A"; else res = "B";
  24         }
  25     }
  27 }