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@@ -91,38 +91,36 @@
                             const char* filename, int lineno) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(5, 0);
   // Record status of core/minidump
   static void record_coredump_status(const char* message, bool status);
-  /**
-   * main error reporting function
-   *
-   * int          id;         // Solaris/Linux signals: 0 - SIGRTMAX
-   *                          // Windows exceptions: 0xCxxxxxxx system errors
-   *                          //                     0x8xxxxxxx system warnings
-   * const char*  message;
-   * const char*  detail_fmt;
-   * va_list      detail_args;
-   * Thread*      thread;     // NULL if it's native thread
-   *
-   * additional info for crashes
-   *
-   * address      pc;         // faulting PC
-   * void*        siginfo;    // ExceptionRecord on Windows,
-   *                          // siginfo_t on Solaris/Linux
-   * void*        context;    // ContextRecord on Windows,
-   *                          // ucontext_t on Solaris/Linux
-   *
-   * additional info for VM internal errors
-   *
-   * const char*  filename;
-   * int          lineno;
-   *
-   * used by reporting about OOM
-   *
-   * size_t       size;
-   */
+  // main error reporting function
+  //
+  // int          id;         // Solaris/Linux signals: 0 - SIGRTMAX
+  //                          // Windows exceptions: 0xCxxxxxxx system errors
+  //                          //                     0x8xxxxxxx system warnings
+  // const char*  message;
+  // const char*  detail_fmt; // Format string for the detailed message
+  // va_list      detail_args;// Arguments for the detailed message
+  // Thread*      thread;     // NULL if it's native thread
+  //
+  // additional info for crashes
+  //
+  // address      pc;         // faulting PC
+  // void*        siginfo;    // ExceptionRecord on Windows,
+  //                          // siginfo_t on Solaris/Linux
+  // void*        context;    // ContextRecord on Windows,
+  //                          // ucontext_t on Solaris/Linux
+  //
+  // additional info for VM internal errors
+  //
+  // const char*  filename;
+  // int          lineno;
+  //
+  // additional info for OOM
+  //
+  // size_t       size;
   static void report_and_die(int id, const char* message, const char* detail_fmt, va_list detail_args,
                              Thread* thread, address pc, void* siginfo, void* context,
                              const char* filename, int lineno, size_t size) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
   static void report_and_die(Thread* thread, unsigned int sig, address pc,
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