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rev 8978 : imported patch remove_err_msg

  74   // The first argument, however, is actually a comma expression
  75   // (set_allocation_type(this, C_HEAP), 100). The purpose of the
  76   // set_allocation_type() call is to replace the default allocation
  77   // type for embedded objects STACK_OR_EMBEDDED with C_HEAP. It will
  78   // allow to pass the assert in GenericGrowableArray() which checks
  79   // that a growable array object must be on C heap if elements are.
  80   //
  81   // Note: containing object is allocated on C heap since it is CHeapObj.
  82   //
  83   _regions((ResourceObj::set_allocation_type((address) &_regions,
  84                                              ResourceObj::C_HEAP),
  85                   100), true /* C_Heap */),
  86     _front(0), _end(0), _first_par_unreserved_idx(0),
  87     _region_live_threshold_bytes(0), _remaining_reclaimable_bytes(0) {
  88   _region_live_threshold_bytes =
  89     HeapRegion::GrainBytes * (size_t) G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent / 100;
  90 }
  92 #ifndef PRODUCT
  93 void CollectionSetChooser::verify() {
  94   guarantee(_end <= regions_length(),
  95          err_msg("_end: %u regions length: %u", _end, regions_length()));
  96   guarantee(_front <= _end,
  97             err_msg("_front: %u _end: %u", _front, _end));
  98   uint index = 0;
  99   size_t sum_of_reclaimable_bytes = 0;
 100   while (index < _front) {
 101     guarantee(regions_at(index) == NULL,
 102               "all entries before _front should be NULL");
 103     index += 1;
 104   }
 105   HeapRegion *prev = NULL;
 106   while (index < _end) {
 107     HeapRegion *curr = regions_at(index++);
 108     guarantee(curr != NULL, "Regions in _regions array cannot be NULL");
 109     guarantee(!curr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 110     guarantee(!curr->is_pinned(),
 111               err_msg("Pinned region should not be in collection set (index %u)", curr->hrm_index()));
 112     if (prev != NULL) {
 113       guarantee(order_regions(prev, curr) != 1,
 114                 err_msg("GC eff prev: %1.4f GC eff curr: %1.4f",
 115                         prev->gc_efficiency(), curr->gc_efficiency()));
 116     }
 117     sum_of_reclaimable_bytes += curr->reclaimable_bytes();
 118     prev = curr;
 119   }
 120   guarantee(sum_of_reclaimable_bytes == _remaining_reclaimable_bytes,
 121             err_msg("reclaimable bytes inconsistent, "
 122                     "remaining: " SIZE_FORMAT " sum: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 123                     _remaining_reclaimable_bytes, sum_of_reclaimable_bytes));
 124 }
 125 #endif // !PRODUCT
 127 void CollectionSetChooser::sort_regions() {
 128   // First trim any unused portion of the top in the parallel case.
 129   if (_first_par_unreserved_idx > 0) {
 130     assert(_first_par_unreserved_idx <= regions_length(),
 131            "Or we didn't reserved enough length");
 132     regions_trunc_to(_first_par_unreserved_idx);
 133   }
 134   _regions.sort(order_regions);
 135   assert(_end <= regions_length(), "Requirement");
 136 #ifdef ASSERT
 137   for (uint i = 0; i < _end; i++) {
 138     assert(regions_at(i) != NULL, "Should be true by sorting!");
 139   }
 140 #endif // ASSERT
 141   if (G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo) {
 142     G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure cl(gclog_or_tty, "Post-Sorting");
 143     for (uint i = 0; i < _end; ++i) {
 144       HeapRegion* r = regions_at(i);
 145       cl.doHeapRegion(r);
 146     }
 147   }
 148   verify();
 149 }
 152 void CollectionSetChooser::add_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
 153   assert(!hr->is_pinned(),
 154          err_msg("Pinned region shouldn't be added to the collection set (index %u)", hr->hrm_index()));
 155   assert(!hr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 156   _regions.append(hr);
 157   _end++;
 158   _remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
 159   hr->calc_gc_efficiency();
 160 }
 162 void CollectionSetChooser::push(HeapRegion* hr) {
 163   assert(hr != NULL, "Can't put back a NULL region");
 164   assert(_front >= 1, "Too many regions have been put back");
 165   _front--;
 166   regions_at_put(_front, hr);
 167   _remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
 168 }
 170 void CollectionSetChooser::prepare_for_par_region_addition(uint n_threads,
 171                                                            uint n_regions,
 172                                                            uint chunk_size) {
 173   _first_par_unreserved_idx = 0;
 174   uint max_waste = n_threads * chunk_size;

  74   // The first argument, however, is actually a comma expression
  75   // (set_allocation_type(this, C_HEAP), 100). The purpose of the
  76   // set_allocation_type() call is to replace the default allocation
  77   // type for embedded objects STACK_OR_EMBEDDED with C_HEAP. It will
  78   // allow to pass the assert in GenericGrowableArray() which checks
  79   // that a growable array object must be on C heap if elements are.
  80   //
  81   // Note: containing object is allocated on C heap since it is CHeapObj.
  82   //
  83   _regions((ResourceObj::set_allocation_type((address) &_regions,
  84                                              ResourceObj::C_HEAP),
  85                   100), true /* C_Heap */),
  86     _front(0), _end(0), _first_par_unreserved_idx(0),
  87     _region_live_threshold_bytes(0), _remaining_reclaimable_bytes(0) {
  88   _region_live_threshold_bytes =
  89     HeapRegion::GrainBytes * (size_t) G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent / 100;
  90 }
  92 #ifndef PRODUCT
  93 void CollectionSetChooser::verify() {
  94   guarantee(_end <= regions_length(), "_end: %u regions length: %u", _end, regions_length());
  95   guarantee(_front <= _end, "_front: %u _end: %u", _front, _end);

  96   uint index = 0;
  97   size_t sum_of_reclaimable_bytes = 0;
  98   while (index < _front) {
  99     guarantee(regions_at(index) == NULL,
 100               "all entries before _front should be NULL");
 101     index += 1;
 102   }
 103   HeapRegion *prev = NULL;
 104   while (index < _end) {
 105     HeapRegion *curr = regions_at(index++);
 106     guarantee(curr != NULL, "Regions in _regions array cannot be NULL");
 107     guarantee(!curr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 108     guarantee(!curr->is_pinned(),
 109               "Pinned region should not be in collection set (index %u)", curr->hrm_index());
 110     if (prev != NULL) {
 111       guarantee(order_regions(prev, curr) != 1,
 112                 "GC eff prev: %1.4f GC eff curr: %1.4f",
 113                 prev->gc_efficiency(), curr->gc_efficiency());
 114     }
 115     sum_of_reclaimable_bytes += curr->reclaimable_bytes();
 116     prev = curr;
 117   }
 118   guarantee(sum_of_reclaimable_bytes == _remaining_reclaimable_bytes,
 119             "reclaimable bytes inconsistent, "
 120             "remaining: " SIZE_FORMAT " sum: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 121             _remaining_reclaimable_bytes, sum_of_reclaimable_bytes);
 122 }
 123 #endif // !PRODUCT
 125 void CollectionSetChooser::sort_regions() {
 126   // First trim any unused portion of the top in the parallel case.
 127   if (_first_par_unreserved_idx > 0) {
 128     assert(_first_par_unreserved_idx <= regions_length(),
 129            "Or we didn't reserved enough length");
 130     regions_trunc_to(_first_par_unreserved_idx);
 131   }
 132   _regions.sort(order_regions);
 133   assert(_end <= regions_length(), "Requirement");
 134 #ifdef ASSERT
 135   for (uint i = 0; i < _end; i++) {
 136     assert(regions_at(i) != NULL, "Should be true by sorting!");
 137   }
 138 #endif // ASSERT
 139   if (G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo) {
 140     G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure cl(gclog_or_tty, "Post-Sorting");
 141     for (uint i = 0; i < _end; ++i) {
 142       HeapRegion* r = regions_at(i);
 143       cl.doHeapRegion(r);
 144     }
 145   }
 146   verify();
 147 }
 150 void CollectionSetChooser::add_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
 151   assert(!hr->is_pinned(),
 152          "Pinned region shouldn't be added to the collection set (index %u)", hr->hrm_index());
 153   assert(!hr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
 154   _regions.append(hr);
 155   _end++;
 156   _remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
 157   hr->calc_gc_efficiency();
 158 }
 160 void CollectionSetChooser::push(HeapRegion* hr) {
 161   assert(hr != NULL, "Can't put back a NULL region");
 162   assert(_front >= 1, "Too many regions have been put back");
 163   _front--;
 164   regions_at_put(_front, hr);
 165   _remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
 166 }
 168 void CollectionSetChooser::prepare_for_par_region_addition(uint n_threads,
 169                                                            uint n_regions,
 170                                                            uint chunk_size) {
 171   _first_par_unreserved_idx = 0;
 172   uint max_waste = n_threads * chunk_size;

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