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rev 8979 : [mq]: vmerr_static

@@ -28,119 +28,130 @@
 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 class Decoder;
 class VM_ReportJavaOutOfMemory;
-class VMError : public StackObj {
+class VMError : public AllStatic {
   friend class VM_ReportJavaOutOfMemory;
   friend class Decoder;
-  int          _id;          // Solaris/Linux signals: 0 - SIGRTMAX
-                             // Windows exceptions: 0xCxxxxxxx system errors
-                             //                     0x8xxxxxxx system warnings
-  const char * _message;
-  const char * _detail_msg;
-  Thread *     _thread;      // NULL if it's native thread
-  // additional info for crashes
-  address      _pc;          // faulting PC
-  void *       _siginfo;     // ExceptionRecord on Windows,
-                             // siginfo_t on Solaris/Linux
-  void *       _context;     // ContextRecord on Windows,
-                             // ucontext_t on Solaris/Linux
-  // additional info for VM internal errors
-  const char * _filename;
-  int          _lineno;
   // used by fatal error handler
-  int          _current_step;
-  const char * _current_step_info;
-  int          _verbose;
-  // First error, and its thread id. We must be able to handle native thread,
+  static int          _current_step;
+  static const char * _current_step_info;
+  static int          _verbose;
+  // Thread id of the first error. We must be able to handle native thread,
   // so use thread id instead of Thread* to identify thread.
-  static VMError* volatile first_error;
   static volatile jlong    first_error_tid;
   // Core dump status, false if we have been unable to write a core/minidump for some reason
   static bool coredump_status;
   // When coredump_status is set to true this will contain the name/path to the core/minidump,
   // if coredump_status if false, this will (hopefully) contain a useful error explaining why
   // no core/minidump has been written to disk
   static char coredump_message[O_BUFLEN];
-  // used by reporting about OOM
-  size_t       _size;
   // set signal handlers on Solaris/Linux or the default exception filter
   // on Windows, to handle recursive crashes.
-  void reset_signal_handlers();
+  static void reset_signal_handlers();
   // handle -XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError. buf is used to format the message string
-  void show_message_box(char* buf, int buflen);
+  static void show_message_box(char* buf, int buflen, int id, const char* message,
+                               const char* detail_fmt, va_list detail_args, address pc,
+                               const char* filename, int lineno) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(5, 0);
   // generate an error report
-  void report(outputStream* st);
+  static void report(outputStream* st, int id, const char* message, const char* detail_fmt,
+                     va_list detail_msg_args, Thread* thread, address pc, void* siginfo,
+                     void* context, const char* filename, int lineno, size_t size) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(4, 0);
   // generate a stack trace
   static void print_stack_trace(outputStream* st, JavaThread* jt,
                                 char* buf, int buflen, bool verbose = false);
   static const char* gc_mode();
   static void print_oom_reasons(outputStream* st);
-  // accessor
-  const char* message() const    { return _message; }
-  const char* detail_msg() const { return _detail_msg; }
-  bool should_report_bug(unsigned int id) {
+  static bool should_report_bug(unsigned int id) {
     return (id != OOM_MALLOC_ERROR) && (id != OOM_MMAP_ERROR);
+  static void report_and_die(Thread* thread, unsigned int sig, address pc, void* siginfo,
+                             void* context, const char* detail_fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(6, 7);
+  static void report_and_die(const char* message, const char* detail_fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 3);
   static fdStream out;
   static fdStream log; // error log used by VMError::report_and_die()
-  // Constructor for crashes
-  VMError(Thread* thread, unsigned int sig, address pc, void* siginfo,
-          void* context);
-  // Constructor for VM internal errors
-  VMError(Thread* thread, const char* filename, int lineno,
-          const char* message, const char * detail_msg);
-  // Constructor for VM OOM errors
-  VMError(Thread* thread, const char* filename, int lineno, size_t size,
-          VMErrorType vm_err_type, const char* message);
-  // Constructor for non-fatal errors
-  VMError(const char* message);
   // return a string to describe the error
-  char *error_string(char* buf, int buflen);
+  static char* error_string(char* buf, int buflen, int id, const char* message,
+                            const char* detail_fmt, va_list detail_args, address pc,
+                            const char* filename, int lineno) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(5, 0);
   // Record status of core/minidump
   static void record_coredump_status(const char* message, bool status);
-  // main error reporting function
-  void report_and_die();
+  /**
+   * main error reporting function
+   *
+   * int          id;         // Solaris/Linux signals: 0 - SIGRTMAX
+   *                          // Windows exceptions: 0xCxxxxxxx system errors
+   *                          //                     0x8xxxxxxx system warnings
+   * const char*  message;
+   * const char*  detail_fmt;
+   * va_list      detail_args;
+   * Thread*      thread;     // NULL if it's native thread
+   *
+   * additional info for crashes
+   *
+   * address      pc;         // faulting PC
+   * void*        siginfo;    // ExceptionRecord on Windows,
+   *                          // siginfo_t on Solaris/Linux
+   * void*        context;    // ContextRecord on Windows,
+   *                          // ucontext_t on Solaris/Linux
+   *
+   * additional info for VM internal errors
+   *
+   * const char*  filename;
+   * int          lineno;
+   *
+   * used by reporting about OOM
+   *
+   * size_t       size;
+   */
+  static void report_and_die(int id, const char* message, const char* detail_fmt, va_list detail_args,
+                             Thread* thread, address pc, void* siginfo, void* context,
+                             const char* filename, int lineno, size_t size) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
+  static void report_and_die(Thread* thread, unsigned int sig, address pc,
+                             void* siginfo, void* context);
+  static void report_and_die(Thread* thread,const char* filename, int lineno, const char* message,
+                             const char* detail_fmt, va_list detail_args) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(5, 0);
+  static void report_and_die(Thread* thread, const char* filename, int lineno, size_t size,
+                             VMErrorType vm_err_type, const char* detail_fmt,
+                             va_list detail_args) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(6, 0);
+  static void report_and_die(const char* message);
   // reporting OutOfMemoryError
-  void report_java_out_of_memory();
+  static void report_java_out_of_memory(const char* message);
   // returns original flags for signal, if it was resetted, or -1 if
   // signal was not changed by error reporter
   static int get_resetted_sigflags(int sig);
   // returns original handler for signal, if it was resetted, or NULL if
   // signal was not changed by error reporter
   static address get_resetted_sighandler(int sig);
   // check to see if fatal error reporting is in progress
-  static bool fatal_error_in_progress() { return first_error != NULL; }
+  static bool fatal_error_in_progress() { return first_error_tid != -1; }
   static jlong get_first_error_tid() {
     return first_error_tid;
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