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*** 35,52 **** fill_in_ext_msg_extra(msg); } #ifndef PRODUCT void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_region(HeapRegion* hr) { ! assert(hr->containing_set() == this, err_msg("Inconsistent containing set for %u", hr->hrm_index())); ! assert(!hr->is_young(), err_msg("Adding young region %u", hr->hrm_index())); // currently we don't use these sets for young regions ! assert(hr->is_humongous() == regions_humongous(), err_msg("Wrong humongous state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name())); ! assert(hr->is_free() == regions_free(), err_msg("Wrong free state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name())); ! assert(!hr->is_free() || hr->is_empty(), err_msg("Free region %u is not empty for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name())); assert(!hr->is_empty() || hr->is_free() || hr->is_archive(), ! err_msg("Empty region %u is not free or archive for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name())); ! assert(hr->rem_set()->verify_ready_for_par_iteration(), err_msg("Wrong iteration state %u", hr->hrm_index())); } #endif void HeapRegionSetBase::verify() { // It's important that we also observe the MT safety protocol even --- 35,52 ---- fill_in_ext_msg_extra(msg); } #ifndef PRODUCT void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_region(HeapRegion* hr) { ! assert(hr->containing_set() == this, "Inconsistent containing set for %u", hr->hrm_index()); ! assert(!hr->is_young(), "Adding young region %u", hr->hrm_index()); // currently we don't use these sets for young regions ! assert(hr->is_humongous() == regions_humongous(), "Wrong humongous state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()); ! assert(hr->is_free() == regions_free(), "Wrong free state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()); ! assert(!hr->is_free() || hr->is_empty(), "Free region %u is not empty for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()); assert(!hr->is_empty() || hr->is_free() || hr->is_archive(), ! "Empty region %u is not free or archive for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()); ! assert(hr->rem_set()->verify_ready_for_par_iteration(), "Wrong iteration state %u", hr->hrm_index()); } #endif void HeapRegionSetBase::verify() { // It's important that we also observe the MT safety protocol even
*** 55,72 **** // verification might fail and send us on a wild goose chase. check_mt_safety(); guarantee(( is_empty() && length() == 0 && total_capacity_bytes() == 0) || (!is_empty() && length() > 0 && total_capacity_bytes() > 0) , ! hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant")); } void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_start() { // See comment in verify() about MT safety and verification. check_mt_safety(); assert(!_verify_in_progress, ! hrs_ext_msg(this, "verification should not be in progress")); // Do the basic verification first before we do the checks over the regions. HeapRegionSetBase::verify(); _verify_in_progress = true; --- 55,72 ---- // verification might fail and send us on a wild goose chase. check_mt_safety(); guarantee(( is_empty() && length() == 0 && total_capacity_bytes() == 0) || (!is_empty() && length() > 0 && total_capacity_bytes() > 0) , ! "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant").buffer()); } void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_start() { // See comment in verify() about MT safety and verification. check_mt_safety(); assert(!_verify_in_progress, ! "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "verification should not be in progress").buffer()); // Do the basic verification first before we do the checks over the regions. HeapRegionSetBase::verify(); _verify_in_progress = true;
*** 74,84 **** void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_end() { // See comment in verify() about MT safety and verification. check_mt_safety(); assert(_verify_in_progress, ! hrs_ext_msg(this, "verification should be in progress")); _verify_in_progress = false; } void HeapRegionSetBase::print_on(outputStream* out, bool print_contents) { --- 74,84 ---- void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_end() { // See comment in verify() about MT safety and verification. check_mt_safety(); assert(_verify_in_progress, ! "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "verification should be in progress").buffer()); _verify_in_progress = false; } void HeapRegionSetBase::print_on(outputStream* out, bool print_contents) {
*** 149,159 **** hr->set_containing_set(this); } #endif // ASSERT if (is_empty()) { ! assert(length() == 0 && _tail == NULL, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant")); _head = from_list->_head; _tail = from_list->_tail; } else { HeapRegion* curr_to = _head; HeapRegion* curr_from = from_list->_head; --- 149,159 ---- hr->set_containing_set(this); } #endif // ASSERT if (is_empty()) { ! assert(length() == 0 && _tail == NULL, "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant").buffer()); _head = from_list->_head; _tail = from_list->_tail; } else { HeapRegion* curr_to = _head; HeapRegion* curr_from = from_list->_head;
*** 196,207 **** from_list->verify_optional(); } void FreeRegionList::remove_starting_at(HeapRegion* first, uint num_regions) { check_mt_safety(); ! assert(num_regions >= 1, hrs_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition")); ! assert(!is_empty(), hrs_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition")); verify_optional(); DEBUG_ONLY(uint old_length = length();) HeapRegion* curr = first; --- 196,207 ---- from_list->verify_optional(); } void FreeRegionList::remove_starting_at(HeapRegion* first, uint num_regions) { check_mt_safety(); ! assert(num_regions >= 1, "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition").buffer()); ! assert(!is_empty(), "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition").buffer()); verify_optional(); DEBUG_ONLY(uint old_length = length();) HeapRegion* curr = first;
*** 210,235 **** verify_region(curr); HeapRegion* next = curr->next(); HeapRegion* prev = curr->prev(); assert(count < num_regions, ! hrs_err_msg("[%s] should not come across more regions " "pending for removal than num_regions: %u", ! name(), num_regions)); if (prev == NULL) { ! assert(_head == curr, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant")); _head = next; } else { ! assert(_head != curr, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant")); prev->set_next(next); } if (next == NULL) { ! assert(_tail == curr, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant")); _tail = prev; } else { ! assert(_tail != curr, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant")); next->set_prev(prev); } if (_last = curr) { _last = NULL; } --- 210,235 ---- verify_region(curr); HeapRegion* next = curr->next(); HeapRegion* prev = curr->prev(); assert(count < num_regions, ! "%s", hrs_err_msg("[%s] should not come across more regions " "pending for removal than num_regions: %u", ! name(), num_regions).buffer()); if (prev == NULL) { ! assert(_head == curr, "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant").buffer()); _head = next; } else { ! assert(_head != curr, "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant").buffer()); prev->set_next(next); } if (next == NULL) { ! assert(_tail == curr, "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant").buffer()); _tail = prev; } else { ! assert(_tail != curr, "%s", hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant").buffer()); next->set_prev(prev); } if (_last = curr) { _last = NULL; }
*** 241,256 **** count++; curr = next; } assert(count == num_regions, ! hrs_err_msg("[%s] count: %u should be == num_regions: %u", ! name(), count, num_regions)); assert(length() + num_regions == old_length, ! hrs_err_msg("[%s] new length should be consistent " "new length: %u old length: %u num_regions: %u", ! name(), length(), old_length, num_regions)); verify_optional(); } void FreeRegionList::verify() { --- 241,256 ---- count++; curr = next; } assert(count == num_regions, ! "%s", hrs_err_msg("[%s] count: %u should be == num_regions: %u", ! name(), count, num_regions).buffer()); assert(length() + num_regions == old_length, ! "%s", hrs_err_msg("[%s] new length should be consistent " "new length: %u old length: %u num_regions: %u", ! name(), length(), old_length, num_regions).buffer()); verify_optional(); } void FreeRegionList::verify() {
*** 303,314 **** while (curr != NULL) { verify_region(curr); count++; guarantee(count < _unrealistically_long_length, ! hrs_err_msg("[%s] the calculated length: %u seems very long, is there maybe a cycle? curr: " PTR_FORMAT " prev0: " PTR_FORMAT " " "prev1: " PTR_FORMAT " length: %u", ! name(), count, p2i(curr), p2i(prev0), p2i(prev1), length())); if (curr->next() != NULL) { guarantee(curr->next()->prev() == curr, "Next or prev pointers messed up"); } guarantee(curr->hrm_index() == 0 || curr->hrm_index() > last_index, "List should be sorted"); --- 303,314 ---- while (curr != NULL) { verify_region(curr); count++; guarantee(count < _unrealistically_long_length, ! "%s", hrs_err_msg("[%s] the calculated length: %u seems very long, is there maybe a cycle? curr: " PTR_FORMAT " prev0: " PTR_FORMAT " " "prev1: " PTR_FORMAT " length: %u", ! name(), count, p2i(curr), p2i(prev0), p2i(prev1), length()).buffer()); if (curr->next() != NULL) { guarantee(curr->next()->prev() == curr, "Next or prev pointers messed up"); } guarantee(curr->hrm_index() == 0 || curr->hrm_index() > last_index, "List should be sorted");
*** 319,333 **** prev1 = prev0; prev0 = curr; curr = curr->next(); } ! guarantee(_tail == prev0, err_msg("Expected %s to end with %u but it ended with %u.", name(), _tail->hrm_index(), prev0->hrm_index())); guarantee(_tail == NULL || _tail->next() == NULL, "_tail should not have a next"); ! guarantee(length() == count, err_msg("%s count mismatch. Expected %u, actual %u.", name(), length(), count)); ! guarantee(total_capacity_bytes() == capacity, err_msg("%s capacity mismatch. Expected " SIZE_FORMAT ", actual " SIZE_FORMAT, ! name(), total_capacity_bytes(), capacity)); } // Note on the check_mt_safety() methods below: // // Verification of the "master" heap region sets / lists that are --- 319,333 ---- prev1 = prev0; prev0 = curr; curr = curr->next(); } ! guarantee(_tail == prev0, "Expected %s to end with %u but it ended with %u.", name(), _tail->hrm_index(), prev0->hrm_index()); guarantee(_tail == NULL || _tail->next() == NULL, "_tail should not have a next"); ! guarantee(length() == count, "%s count mismatch. Expected %u, actual %u.", name(), length(), count); ! guarantee(total_capacity_bytes() == capacity, "%s capacity mismatch. Expected " SIZE_FORMAT ", actual " SIZE_FORMAT, ! name(), total_capacity_bytes(), capacity); } // Note on the check_mt_safety() methods below: // // Verification of the "master" heap region sets / lists that are
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