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@@ -508,21 +508,21 @@
   friend class CMSRefProcTaskProxy;
   friend class CMSRefProcTaskExecutor;
   friend class ScanMarkedObjectsAgainCarefullyClosure;  // for sampling eden
   friend class SurvivorSpacePrecleanClosure;            // --- ditto -------
   friend class PushOrMarkClosure;             // to access _restart_addr
-  friend class Par_PushOrMarkClosure;             // to access _restart_addr
+  friend class ParPushOrMarkClosure;          // to access _restart_addr
   friend class MarkFromRootsClosure;          //  -- ditto --
                                               // ... and for clearing cards
-  friend class Par_MarkFromRootsClosure;      //  to access _restart_addr
+  friend class ParMarkFromRootsClosure;       //  to access _restart_addr
                                               // ... and for clearing cards
-  friend class Par_ConcMarkingClosure;        //  to access _restart_addr etc.
+  friend class ParConcMarkingClosure;         //  to access _restart_addr etc.
   friend class MarkFromRootsVerifyClosure;    // to access _restart_addr
   friend class PushAndMarkVerifyClosure;      //  -- ditto --
   friend class MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure;    // to access _overflow_list
   friend class PushAndMarkClosure;            //  -- ditto --
-  friend class Par_PushAndMarkClosure;        //  -- ditto --
+  friend class ParPushAndMarkClosure;         //  -- ditto --
   friend class CMSKeepAliveClosure;           //  -- ditto --
   friend class CMSDrainMarkingStackClosure;   //  -- ditto --
   friend class CMSInnerParMarkAndPushClosure; //  -- ditto --
   NOT_PRODUCT(friend class ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure;) //  assertion on _overflow_list
   friend class ReleaseForegroundGC;  // to access _foregroundGCShouldWait

@@ -1280,11 +1280,11 @@
 // This closure is used to do concurrent multi-threaded
 // marking from the roots following the first checkpoint.
 // XXX This should really be a subclass of The serial version
 // above, but i have not had the time to refactor things cleanly.
-class Par_MarkFromRootsClosure: public BitMapClosure {
+class ParMarkFromRootsClosure: public BitMapClosure {
   CMSCollector*  _collector;
   MemRegion      _whole_span;
   MemRegion      _span;
   CMSBitMap*     _bit_map;
   CMSBitMap*     _mut;

@@ -1293,11 +1293,11 @@
   int            _skip_bits;
   HeapWord*      _finger;
   HeapWord*      _threshold;
   CMSConcMarkingTask* _task;
-  Par_MarkFromRootsClosure(CMSConcMarkingTask* task, CMSCollector* collector,
+  ParMarkFromRootsClosure(CMSConcMarkingTask* task, CMSCollector* collector,
                        MemRegion span,
                        CMSBitMap* bit_map,
                        OopTaskQueue* work_queue,
                        CMSMarkStack*  overflow_stack);
   bool do_bit(size_t offset);

@@ -1399,11 +1399,11 @@
   #endif // ASSERT
   bool                       _parallel;
   CMSBitMap*                 _bit_map;
   union {
     MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure*     _scan_closure;
-    Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* _par_scan_closure;
+    ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* _par_scan_closure;
   ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure(CMSCollector* collector,
                                 MemRegion span,

@@ -1423,11 +1423,11 @@
   ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure(CMSCollector* collector,
                                 MemRegion span,
                                 ReferenceProcessor* rp,
                                 CMSBitMap* bit_map,
                                 OopTaskQueue* work_queue,
-                                Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl):
+                                ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl):
     #ifdef ASSERT
     #endif // ASSERT

@@ -1468,11 +1468,11 @@
   MarkFromDirtyCardsClosure(CMSCollector* collector,
                             MemRegion span,
                             CompactibleFreeListSpace* space,
                             CMSBitMap* bit_map,
                             OopTaskQueue* work_queue,
-                            Par_MarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl):
+                            ParMarkRefsIntoAndScanClosure* cl):
     _scan_cl(collector, span, collector->ref_processor(), bit_map,
              work_queue, cl) { }
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