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  33 // Static initialization
  34 const u2 ConstMethod::MAX_IDNUM   = 0xFFFE;
  35 const u2 ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM = 0xFFFF;
  37 ConstMethod* ConstMethod::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  38                                    int byte_code_size,
  39                                    InlineTableSizes* sizes,
  40                                    MethodType method_type,
  41                                    TRAPS) {
  42   int size = ConstMethod::size(byte_code_size, sizes);
  43   return new (loader_data, size, true, MetaspaceObj::ConstMethodType, THREAD) ConstMethod(
  44       byte_code_size, sizes, method_type, size);
  45 }
  47 ConstMethod::ConstMethod(int byte_code_size,
  48                          InlineTableSizes* sizes,
  49                          MethodType method_type,
  50                          int size) {
  52   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;
  53   init_fingerprint();
  54   set_constants(NULL);
  55   set_stackmap_data(NULL);
  56   set_code_size(byte_code_size);
  57   set_constMethod_size(size);
  58   set_inlined_tables_length(sizes); // sets _flags
  59   set_method_type(method_type);
  60   assert(this->size() == size, "wrong size for object");
  61   set_name_index(0);
  62   set_signature_index(0);
  63   set_constants(NULL);
  64   set_max_stack(0);
  65   set_max_locals(0);
  66   set_method_idnum(0);
  67   set_size_of_parameters(0);
  68 }
  70 // Accessor that copies to metadata.
  71 void ConstMethod::copy_stackmap_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  72                                      u1* sd, int length, TRAPS) {

  33 // Static initialization
  34 const u2 ConstMethod::MAX_IDNUM   = 0xFFFE;
  35 const u2 ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM = 0xFFFF;
  37 ConstMethod* ConstMethod::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  38                                    int byte_code_size,
  39                                    InlineTableSizes* sizes,
  40                                    MethodType method_type,
  41                                    TRAPS) {
  42   int size = ConstMethod::size(byte_code_size, sizes);
  43   return new (loader_data, size, true, MetaspaceObj::ConstMethodType, THREAD) ConstMethod(
  44       byte_code_size, sizes, method_type, size);
  45 }
  47 ConstMethod::ConstMethod(int byte_code_size,
  48                          InlineTableSizes* sizes,
  49                          MethodType method_type,
  50                          int size) {
  52   NoSafepointVerifier no_safepoint;
  53   init_fingerprint();
  54   set_constants(NULL);
  55   set_stackmap_data(NULL);
  56   set_code_size(byte_code_size);
  57   set_constMethod_size(size);
  58   set_inlined_tables_length(sizes); // sets _flags
  59   set_method_type(method_type);
  60   assert(this->size() == size, "wrong size for object");
  61   set_name_index(0);
  62   set_signature_index(0);
  63   set_constants(NULL);
  64   set_max_stack(0);
  65   set_max_locals(0);
  66   set_method_idnum(0);
  67   set_size_of_parameters(0);
  68 }
  70 // Accessor that copies to metadata.
  71 void ConstMethod::copy_stackmap_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
  72                                      u1* sd, int length, TRAPS) {

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