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rev 6167 : RT-35330 [Monocle] Remove StubToolkit and replace it with headless glass implementation

1372                 executable = JAVA
1373                 workingDir = "modules/graphics"
1374                 main = "CompileJSL"
1375                 classpath = configurations.compile + configurations.antlr3
1376                 classpath += files("$buildDir/classes/jsl-compilers/prism", "modules/graphics/src/main/jsl-prism") // for the .stg
1377                 args = ["-i", sourceDir, "-o", destinationDir, "-t", "-pkg", "com/sun/prism", "-d3d", "-es2", "-name", "$file"]
1378                 jvmArgs "-Djava.ext.dirs="
1379             }
1380         }
1381     }
1383     classes.dependsOn compilePrismJavaShaders;
1384     nativePrism.dependsOn compilePrismHLSLShaders;
1386     project.nativeAllTask.dependsOn nativeDecora
1387     project.cleanNativeAllTask.dependsOn cleanNativeDecora
1388     assemble.dependsOn nativeDecora
1389     processResources.dependsOn processDecoraShaders, processPrismShaders
1391     test {
1392         jvmArgs "-Djava.ext.dirs=", "-Djavafx.toolkit=com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubToolkit", "-DCSS_META_DATA_TEST_DIR=${file('$buildDir/classes/main/javafx')}"
1393         enableAssertions = true
1394         testLogging.exceptionFormat = "full"
1395         scanForTestClasses = false
1396         include "**/*Test.*"
1397         if (BUILD_CLOSED && DO_JCOV) {
1398             addJCov(project, test)
1399         }
1400     }
1402     // To enable the IDEs to all be happy (no red squiggles) we need to have the libraries
1403     // available in some known location. Maybe in the future the Gradle plugins to each
1404     // of the IDEs will be good enough that we won't need this hack anymore.
1405     classes << {
1406         // Copy all of the download libraries to the libs directory for the sake of the IDEs
1407         File libsDir = rootProject.file("build/libs");
1408         libsDir.mkdirs();
1409         for (File f : [configurations.compile.files, configurations.antlr3.files].flatten()) {
1410             copy {
1411                 into libsDir
1412                 from f.getParentFile()

1372                 executable = JAVA
1373                 workingDir = "modules/graphics"
1374                 main = "CompileJSL"
1375                 classpath = configurations.compile + configurations.antlr3
1376                 classpath += files("$buildDir/classes/jsl-compilers/prism", "modules/graphics/src/main/jsl-prism") // for the .stg
1377                 args = ["-i", sourceDir, "-o", destinationDir, "-t", "-pkg", "com/sun/prism", "-d3d", "-es2", "-name", "$file"]
1378                 jvmArgs "-Djava.ext.dirs="
1379             }
1380         }
1381     }
1383     classes.dependsOn compilePrismJavaShaders;
1384     nativePrism.dependsOn compilePrismHLSLShaders;
1386     project.nativeAllTask.dependsOn nativeDecora
1387     project.cleanNativeAllTask.dependsOn cleanNativeDecora
1388     assemble.dependsOn nativeDecora
1389     processResources.dependsOn processDecoraShaders, processPrismShaders
1391     test {
1392         jvmArgs "-Djava.ext.dirs=", "-DCSS_META_DATA_TEST_DIR=${file('$buildDir/classes/main/javafx')}"
1393         enableAssertions = true
1394         testLogging.exceptionFormat = "full"
1395         scanForTestClasses = false
1396         include "**/*Test.*"
1397         if (BUILD_CLOSED && DO_JCOV) {
1398             addJCov(project, test)
1399         }
1400     }
1402     // To enable the IDEs to all be happy (no red squiggles) we need to have the libraries
1403     // available in some known location. Maybe in the future the Gradle plugins to each
1404     // of the IDEs will be good enough that we won't need this hack anymore.
1405     classes << {
1406         // Copy all of the download libraries to the libs directory for the sake of the IDEs
1407         File libsDir = rootProject.file("build/libs");
1408         libsDir.mkdirs();
1409         for (File f : [configurations.compile.files, configurations.antlr3.files].flatten()) {
1410             copy {
1411                 into libsDir
1412                 from f.getParentFile()