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rev 57595 : v2.09a with 8235795, 8235931 and 8236035 extracted; rebased to jdk-14+28; merge with 8236035.patch.cr1; merge with 8235795.patch.cr1; merge with 8236035.patch.cr2; merge with 8235795.patch.cr2; merge with 8235795.patch.cr3.

 199   markWord set_bias_epoch(int epoch) {
 200     assert(has_bias_pattern(), "should not call this otherwise");
 201     assert((epoch & (~epoch_mask)) == 0, "epoch overflow");
 202     return markWord(mask_bits(value(), ~epoch_mask_in_place) | (epoch << epoch_shift));
 203   }
 204   markWord incr_bias_epoch() {
 205     return set_bias_epoch((1 + bias_epoch()) & epoch_mask);
 206   }
 207   // Prototype mark for initialization
 208   static markWord biased_locking_prototype() {
 209     return markWord( biased_lock_pattern );
 210   }
 212   // lock accessors (note that these assume lock_shift == 0)
 213   bool is_locked()   const {
 214     return (mask_bits(value(), lock_mask_in_place) != unlocked_value);
 215   }
 216   bool is_unlocked() const {
 217     return (mask_bits(value(), biased_lock_mask_in_place) == unlocked_value);
 218   }

 219   bool is_marked()   const {
 220     return (mask_bits(value(), lock_mask_in_place) == marked_value);
 221   }
 222   bool is_neutral()  const { return (mask_bits(value(), biased_lock_mask_in_place) == unlocked_value); }
 224   // Special temporary state of the markWord while being inflated.
 225   // Code that looks at mark outside a lock need to take this into account.
 226   bool is_being_inflated() const { return (value() == 0); }
 228   // Distinguished markword value - used when inflating over
 229   // an existing stacklock.  0 indicates the markword is "BUSY".
 230   // Lockword mutators that use a LD...CAS idiom should always
 231   // check for and avoid overwriting a 0 value installed by some
 232   // other thread.  (They should spin or block instead.  The 0 value
 233   // is transient and *should* be short-lived).
 234   static markWord INFLATING() { return zero(); }    // inflate-in-progress
 236   // Should this header be preserved during GC?
 237   template <typename KlassProxy>
 238   inline bool must_be_preserved(KlassProxy klass) const;

 199   markWord set_bias_epoch(int epoch) {
 200     assert(has_bias_pattern(), "should not call this otherwise");
 201     assert((epoch & (~epoch_mask)) == 0, "epoch overflow");
 202     return markWord(mask_bits(value(), ~epoch_mask_in_place) | (epoch << epoch_shift));
 203   }
 204   markWord incr_bias_epoch() {
 205     return set_bias_epoch((1 + bias_epoch()) & epoch_mask);
 206   }
 207   // Prototype mark for initialization
 208   static markWord biased_locking_prototype() {
 209     return markWord( biased_lock_pattern );
 210   }
 212   // lock accessors (note that these assume lock_shift == 0)
 213   bool is_locked()   const {
 214     return (mask_bits(value(), lock_mask_in_place) != unlocked_value);
 215   }
 216   bool is_unlocked() const {
 217     return (mask_bits(value(), biased_lock_mask_in_place) == unlocked_value);
 218   }
 219   // ObjectMonitor::install_displaced_markword_in_object() uses
 220   // is_marked() on ObjectMonitor::_header as part of the restoration
 221   // protocol for an object's header. In this usage, the mark bits are
 222   // only ever set (and cleared) on the ObjectMonitor::_header field.
 223   bool is_marked()   const {
 224     return (mask_bits(value(), lock_mask_in_place) == marked_value);
 225   }
 226   bool is_neutral()  const { return (mask_bits(value(), biased_lock_mask_in_place) == unlocked_value); }
 228   // Special temporary state of the markWord while being inflated.
 229   // Code that looks at mark outside a lock need to take this into account.
 230   bool is_being_inflated() const { return (value() == 0); }
 232   // Distinguished markword value - used when inflating over
 233   // an existing stacklock.  0 indicates the markword is "BUSY".
 234   // Lockword mutators that use a LD...CAS idiom should always
 235   // check for and avoid overwriting a 0 value installed by some
 236   // other thread.  (They should spin or block instead.  The 0 value
 237   // is transient and *should* be short-lived).
 238   static markWord INFLATING() { return zero(); }    // inflate-in-progress
 240   // Should this header be preserved during GC?
 241   template <typename KlassProxy>
 242   inline bool must_be_preserved(KlassProxy klass) const;

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