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rev 56044 : imported patch 8230184.patch
rev 56046 : v2.00 -> v2.05 (CR5/v2.05/8-for-jdk13) patches combined into one; merge with 8229212.patch; merge with jdk-14+11; merge with 8230184.patch.
rev 56047 : renames, comment cleanups and additions, whitespace and indent fixes; add PaddedObjectMonitor typdef to make 'PaddedEnd<ObjectMonitor' cleanups easier; add a couple of missing 'private' decls; delete unused next() function; merge pieces from dcubed.monitor_deflate_conc.v2.06d in dcubed.monitor_deflate_conc.v2.06[ac]; merge with 8229212.patch; merge with jdk-14+11; merge with 8230184.patch.
rev 56048 : Add OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE so that ObjectMonitor cache line sizes can be experimented with independently of DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; for SPARC and X64 configs that use 128 for DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, we are experimenting with 64; move _previous_owner_tid and _allocation_state fields to share the cache line with ObjectMonitor::_header; put ObjectMonitor::_ref_count on its own cache line after _owner; add 'int* count_p' parameter to deflate_monitor_list() and deflate_monitor_list_using_JT() and push counter updates down to where the ObjectMonitors are actually removed from the in-use lists; monitors_iterate() async deflation check should use negative ref_count; add 'JavaThread* target' param to deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT() add deflate_common_idle_monitors_using_JT() to make it clear which JavaThread* is the target of the work and which is the calling JavaThread* (self); g_free_list, g_om_in_use_list and g_om_in_use_count are now static to synchronizer.cpp (reduce scope); add more diagnostic info to some assert()'s; minor code cleanups and code motion; save_om_ptr() should detect a race with a deflating thread that is bailing out and cause a retry when the ref_count field is not positive; merge with jdk-14+11; add special GC support for TestHumongousClassLoader.java; merge with 8230184.patch.
rev 56049 : Merge the remainder of the lock-free monitor list changes from v2.06 with v2.06a and v2.06b after running the changes through the edit scripts; merge pieces from dcubed.monitor_deflate_conc.v2.06d in dcubed.monitor_deflate_conc.v2.06[ac]; merge pieces from dcubed.monitor_deflate_conc.v2.06e into dcubed.monitor_deflate_conc.v2.06c; merge with jdk-14+11; test work around for test/jdk/tools/jlink/multireleasejar/JLinkMultiReleaseJarTest.java should not been needed anymore.

@@ -116,28 +116,349 @@
 static volatile intptr_t gInflationLocks[NINFLATIONLOCKS];
 // global list of blocks of monitors
 PaddedObjectMonitor* volatile ObjectSynchronizer::g_block_list = NULL;
+bool volatile ObjectSynchronizer::_is_async_deflation_requested = false;
+bool volatile ObjectSynchronizer::_is_special_deflation_requested = false;
+jlong ObjectSynchronizer::_last_async_deflation_time_ns = 0;
 // Global ObjectMonitor free list. Newly allocated and deflated
 // ObjectMonitors are prepended here.
-ObjectMonitor* volatile ObjectSynchronizer::g_free_list = NULL;
+static ObjectMonitor* volatile g_free_list = NULL;
 // Global ObjectMonitor in-use list. When a JavaThread is exiting,
 // ObjectMonitors on its per-thread in-use list are prepended here.
-ObjectMonitor* volatile ObjectSynchronizer::g_om_in_use_list = NULL;
-int ObjectSynchronizer::g_om_in_use_count = 0;  // # on g_om_in_use_list
-bool volatile ObjectSynchronizer::_is_async_deflation_requested = false;
-bool volatile ObjectSynchronizer::_is_special_deflation_requested = false;
-jlong ObjectSynchronizer::_last_async_deflation_time_ns = 0;
+static ObjectMonitor* volatile g_om_in_use_list = NULL;
-static volatile intptr_t gListLock = 0;   // protects global monitor lists
 static volatile int g_om_free_count = 0;  // # on g_free_list
+static volatile int g_om_in_use_count = 0;  // # on g_om_in_use_list
 static volatile int g_om_population = 0;  // # Extant -- in circulation
 #define CHAINMARKER (cast_to_oop<intptr_t>(-1))
+// =====================> List Management functions
+// Return true if the ObjectMonitor's next field is marked.
+// Otherwise returns false.
+static bool is_next_marked(ObjectMonitor* om) {
+  return ((intptr_t)OrderAccess::load_acquire(&om->_next_om) & 0x1) != 0;
+// Mark an ObjectMonitor* and return it. Note: the om parameter
+// may or may not have been marked originally.
+static ObjectMonitor* mark_om_ptr(ObjectMonitor* om) {
+  return (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)om | 0x1);
+// Mark the next field in an ObjectMonitor. If marking was successful,
+// then the unmarked next field is returned via parameter and true is
+// returned. Otherwise false is returned.
+static bool mark_next(ObjectMonitor* om, ObjectMonitor** next_p) {
+  // Get current next field without any marking value.
+  ObjectMonitor* next = (ObjectMonitor*)
+      ((intptr_t)OrderAccess::load_acquire(&om->_next_om) & ~0x1);
+  if (Atomic::cmpxchg(mark_om_ptr(next), &om->_next_om, next) != next) {
+    return false;  // Could not mark the next field or it was already marked.
+  }
+  *next_p = next;
+  return true;
+// Loop until we mark the next field in an ObjectMonitor. The unmarked
+// next field is returned.
+static ObjectMonitor* mark_next_loop(ObjectMonitor* om) {
+  ObjectMonitor* next;
+  while (true) {
+    if (mark_next(om, &next)) {
+      // Marked om's next field so return the unmarked value.
+      return next;
+    }
+  }
+// Set the next field in an ObjectMonitor to the specified value.
+// The caller of set_next() must be the same thread that marked the
+// ObjectMonitor.
+static void set_next(ObjectMonitor* om, ObjectMonitor* value) {
+  OrderAccess::release_store(&om->_next_om, value);
+// Mark the next field in the list head ObjectMonitor. If marking was
+// successful, then the mid and the unmarked next field are returned
+// via parameter and true is returned. Otherwise false is returned.
+static bool mark_list_head(ObjectMonitor* volatile * list_p,
+                           ObjectMonitor** mid_p, ObjectMonitor** next_p) {
+  while (true) {
+    ObjectMonitor* mid = OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p);
+    if (mid == NULL) {
+      return false;  // The list is empty so nothing to mark.
+    }
+    if (mark_next(mid, next_p)) {
+      if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p) != mid) {
+        // The list head changed so we have to retry.
+        set_next(mid, *next_p);  // unmark mid
+        continue;
+      }
+      // We marked next field to guard against races.
+      *mid_p = mid;
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+// Return the unmarked next field in an ObjectMonitor. Note: the next
+// field may or may not have been marked originally.
+static ObjectMonitor* unmarked_next(ObjectMonitor* om) {
+  return (ObjectMonitor*)((intptr_t)OrderAccess::load_acquire(&om->_next_om) & ~0x1);
+#if 0
+// XXX - this is unused
+// Unmark the next field in an ObjectMonitor. Requires that the next
+// field be marked.
+static void unmark_next(ObjectMonitor* om) {
+  ADIM_guarantee(is_next_marked(om), "next field must be marked: next=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(om->_next_om));
+  ObjectMonitor* next = unmarked_next(om);
+  set_next(om, next);
+volatile int visit_counter = 42;
+static void chk_for_list_loop(ObjectMonitor* list, int count) {
+  if (!CheckMonitorLists) {
+    return;
+  }
+  int l_visit_counter = Atomic::add(1, &visit_counter);
+  int l_count = 0;
+  ObjectMonitor* prev = NULL;
+  for (ObjectMonitor* mid = list; mid != NULL; mid = unmarked_next(mid)) {
+    if (mid->visit_marker == l_visit_counter) {
+      log_error(monitorinflation)("ERROR: prev=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", l_count=%d"
+                                  " refers to an ObjectMonitor that has"
+                                  " already been visited: mid=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
+                                  p2i(prev), l_count, p2i(mid));
+      fatal("list=" INTPTR_FORMAT " of %d items has a loop.", p2i(list), count);
+    }
+    mid->visit_marker = l_visit_counter;
+    prev = mid;
+    if (++l_count > count + 1024 * 1024) {
+      fatal("list=" INTPTR_FORMAT " of %d items may have a loop; l_count=%d",
+            p2i(list), count, l_count);
+    }
+  }
+static void chk_om_not_on_list(ObjectMonitor* om, ObjectMonitor* list, int count) {
+  if (!CheckMonitorLists) {
+    return;
+  }
+  guarantee(list != om, "ERROR: om=" INTPTR_FORMAT " must not be head of the "
+            "list=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", count=%d", p2i(om), p2i(list), count);
+  int l_count = 0;
+  for (ObjectMonitor* mid = list; mid != NULL; mid = unmarked_next(mid)) {
+    if (unmarked_next(mid) == om) {
+      log_error(monitorinflation)("ERROR: mid=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", l_count=%d"
+                                  " next_om refers to om=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
+                                  p2i(mid), l_count, p2i(om));
+       fatal("list=" INTPTR_FORMAT " of %d items has bad next_om value.",
+             p2i(list), count);
+    }
+    if (++l_count > count + 1024 * 1024) {
+      fatal("list=" INTPTR_FORMAT " of %d items may have a loop; l_count=%d",
+            p2i(list), count, l_count);
+    }
+  }
+static void chk_om_elems_not_on_list(ObjectMonitor* elems, int elems_count,
+                                     ObjectMonitor* list, int list_count) {
+  if (!CheckMonitorLists) {
+    return;
+  }
+  chk_for_list_loop(elems, elems_count);
+  for (ObjectMonitor* mid = elems; mid != NULL; mid = unmarked_next(mid)) {
+    chk_om_not_on_list(mid, list, list_count);
+  }
+// Prepend a list of ObjectMonitors to the specified *list_p. 'tail' is
+// the last ObjectMonitor in the list and there are 'count' on the list.
+// Also updates the specified *count_p.
+static void prepend_list_to_common(ObjectMonitor* list, ObjectMonitor* tail,
+                                   int count, ObjectMonitor* volatile* list_p,
+                                   volatile int* count_p) {
+  chk_for_list_loop(OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                    OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+  chk_om_elems_not_on_list(list, count, OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                           OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+  while (true) {
+    ObjectMonitor* cur = OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p);
+    // Prepend list to *list_p.
+    ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
+    if (!mark_next(tail, &next)) {
+      continue;  // failed to mark next field so try it all again
+    }
+    set_next(tail, cur);  // tail now points to cur (and unmarks tail)
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+      // No potential race with takers or other prependers since
+      // *list_p is empty.
+      if (Atomic::cmpxchg(list, list_p, cur) == cur) {
+        // Successfully switched *list_p to the list value.
+        Atomic::add(count, count_p);
+        break;
+      }
+      // Implied else: try it all again
+    } else {
+      // Try to mark next field to guard against races:
+      if (!mark_next(cur, &next)) {
+        continue;  // failed to mark next field so try it all again
+      }
+      // We marked the next field so try to switch *list_p to the list value.
+      if (Atomic::cmpxchg(list, list_p, cur) != cur) {
+        // The list head has changed so unmark the next field and try again:
+        set_next(cur, next);
+        continue;
+      }
+      Atomic::add(count, count_p);
+      set_next(cur, next);  // unmark next field
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// Prepend a newly allocated block of ObjectMonitors to g_block_list and
+// g_free_list. Also updates g_om_population and g_om_free_count.
+void ObjectSynchronizer::prepend_block_to_lists(PaddedObjectMonitor* new_blk) {
+  // First we handle g_block_list:
+  while (true) {
+    PaddedObjectMonitor* cur = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_block_list);
+    // Prepend new_blk to g_block_list. The first ObjectMonitor in
+    // a block is reserved for use as linkage to the next block.
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&new_blk[0]._next_om, cur);
+    if (Atomic::cmpxchg(new_blk, &g_block_list, cur) == cur) {
+      // Successfully switched g_block_list to the new_blk value.
+      Atomic::add(_BLOCKSIZE - 1, &g_om_population);
+      break;
+    }
+    // Implied else: try it all again
+  }
+  // Second we handle g_free_list:
+  prepend_list_to_common(new_blk + 1, &new_blk[_BLOCKSIZE - 1], _BLOCKSIZE - 1,
+                         &g_free_list, &g_om_free_count);
+// Prepend a list of ObjectMonitors to g_free_list. 'tail' is the last
+// ObjectMonitor in the list and there are 'count' on the list. Also
+// updates g_om_free_count.
+static void prepend_list_to_g_free_list(ObjectMonitor* list,
+                                        ObjectMonitor* tail, int count) {
+  prepend_list_to_common(list, tail, count, &g_free_list, &g_om_free_count);
+// Prepend a list of ObjectMonitors to g_om_in_use_list. 'tail' is the last
+// ObjectMonitor in the list and there are 'count' on the list. Also
+// updates g_om_in_use_list.
+static void prepend_list_to_g_om_in_use_list(ObjectMonitor* list,
+                                             ObjectMonitor* tail, int count) {
+  prepend_list_to_common(list, tail, count, &g_om_in_use_list, &g_om_in_use_count);
+// Prepend an ObjectMonitor to the specified list. Also updates
+// the specified counter.
+static void prepend_to_common(ObjectMonitor* m, ObjectMonitor* volatile * list_p,
+                              int volatile * count_p) {
+  chk_for_list_loop(OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                    OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+  chk_om_not_on_list(m, OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                     OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+  while (true) {
+    ObjectMonitor* cur = OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p);
+    // Prepend ObjectMonitor to *list_p.
+    ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
+    if (!mark_next(m, &next)) {
+      continue;  // failed to mark next field so try it all again
+    }
+    set_next(m, cur);  // m now points to cur (and unmarks m)
+    if (cur == NULL) {
+      // No potential race with other prependers since *list_p is empty.
+      if (Atomic::cmpxchg(m, list_p, cur) == cur) {
+        // Successfully switched *list_p to 'm'.
+        Atomic::inc(count_p);
+        break;
+      }
+      // Implied else: try it all again
+    } else {
+      // Try to mark next field to guard against races:
+      if (!mark_next(cur, &next)) {
+        continue;  // failed to mark next field so try it all again
+      }
+      // We marked the next field so try to switch *list_p to 'm'.
+      if (Atomic::cmpxchg(m, list_p, cur) != cur) {
+        // The list head has changed so unmark the next field and try again:
+        set_next(cur, next);
+        continue;
+      }
+      Atomic::inc(count_p);
+      set_next(cur, next);  // unmark next field
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// Prepend an ObjectMonitor to a per-thread om_free_list.
+// Also updates the per-thread om_free_count.
+static void prepend_to_om_free_list(Thread* self, ObjectMonitor* m) {
+  prepend_to_common(m, &self->om_free_list, &self->om_free_count);
+// Prepend an ObjectMonitor to a per-thread om_in_use_list.
+// Also updates the per-thread om_in_use_count.
+static void prepend_to_om_in_use_list(Thread* self, ObjectMonitor* m) {
+  prepend_to_common(m, &self->om_in_use_list, &self->om_in_use_count);
+// Take an ObjectMonitor from the start of the specified list. Also
+// decrements the specified counter. Returns NULL if none are available.
+static ObjectMonitor* take_from_start_of_common(ObjectMonitor* volatile * list_p,
+                                                int volatile * count_p) {
+  chk_for_list_loop(OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                    OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+  ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* take = NULL;
+  // Mark the list head to guard against A-B-A race:
+  if (!mark_list_head(list_p, &take, &next)) {
+    return NULL;  // None are available.
+  }
+  // Switch marked list head to next (which unmarks the list head, but
+  // leaves take marked):
+  OrderAccess::release_store(list_p, next);
+  Atomic::dec(count_p);
+  // Unmark take, but leave the next value for any lagging list
+  // walkers. It will get cleaned up when take is prepended to
+  // the in-use list:
+  set_next(take, next);
+  return take;
+// Take an ObjectMonitor from the start of the global free-list. Also
+// updates g_om_free_count. Returns NULL if none are available.
+static ObjectMonitor* take_from_start_of_g_free_list() {
+  return take_from_start_of_common(&g_free_list, &g_om_free_count);
+// Take an ObjectMonitor from the start of a per-thread free-list.
+// Also updates om_free_count. Returns NULL if none are available.
+static ObjectMonitor* take_from_start_of_om_free_list(Thread* self) {
+  return take_from_start_of_common(&self->om_free_list, &self->om_free_count);
 // =====================> Quick functions
 // The quick_* forms are special fast-path variants used to improve
 // performance.  In the simplest case, a "quick_*" implementation could
 // simply return false, in which case the caller will perform the necessary

@@ -580,19 +901,19 @@
 // As a general policy we use "volatile" to control compiler-based reordering
 // and explicit fences (barriers) to control for architectural reordering
 // performed by the CPU(s) or platform.
 struct SharedGlobals {
-  char         _pad_prefix[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE];
+  char         _pad_prefix[OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE];
   // These are highly shared mostly-read variables.
   // To avoid false-sharing they need to be the sole occupants of a cache line.
   volatile int stw_random;
   volatile int stw_cycle;
-  DEFINE_PAD_MINUS_SIZE(1, DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(volatile int) * 2);
+  DEFINE_PAD_MINUS_SIZE(1, OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(volatile int) * 2);
   // Hot RW variable -- Sequester to avoid false-sharing
   volatile int hc_sequence;
+  DEFINE_PAD_MINUS_SIZE(2, OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(volatile int));
 static SharedGlobals GVars;
 static int MonitorScavengeThreshold = 1000000;
 static volatile int ForceMonitorScavenge = 0; // Scavenge required and pending

@@ -996,32 +1317,36 @@
       ObjectMonitor* mid = (ObjectMonitor *)(block + i);
       if (mid->is_active()) {
         ObjectMonitorHandle omh(mid);
         if (mid->object() == NULL ||
-            (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors && mid->_owner == DEFLATER_MARKER)) {
+            (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors && mid->ref_count() < 0)) {
           // Only process with closure if the object is set.
           // For async deflation, race here if monitor is not owned!
           // The above ref_count bump (in ObjectMonitorHandle ctr)
           // will cause subsequent async deflation to skip it.
-          // However, previous or concurrent async deflation is a race.
+          // However, previous or concurrent async deflation is a race
+          // so skip this ObjectMonitor if it is being async deflated.
-    block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)block->_next_om;
+    // unmarked_next() is not needed with g_block_list (no next field marking).
+    block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)OrderAccess::load_acquire(&block->_next_om);
 static bool monitors_used_above_threshold() {
-  if (g_om_population == 0) {
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population) == 0) {
     return false;
   if (MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold > 0) {
-    int monitors_used = g_om_population - g_om_free_count;
-    int monitor_usage = (monitors_used * 100LL) / g_om_population;
+    int monitors_used = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population) -
+                        OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count);
+    int monitor_usage = (monitors_used * 100LL) /
+                        OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population);
     return monitor_usage > MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold;
   return false;

@@ -1048,11 +1373,12 @@
     // than AsyncDeflationInterval (unless is_async_deflation_requested)
     // in order to not swamp the ServiceThread.
     _last_async_deflation_time_ns = os::javaTimeNanos();
     return true;
-  if (is_MonitorBound_exceeded(g_om_population - g_om_free_count)) {
+  if (is_MonitorBound_exceeded(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population) -
+                               OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count))) {
     // Not enough ObjectMonitors on the global free list.
     return true;
   return false;

@@ -1083,22 +1409,25 @@
 void ObjectSynchronizer::global_used_oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
-  list_oops_do(g_om_in_use_list, f);
+  list_oops_do(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_list), OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count), f);
 void ObjectSynchronizer::thread_local_used_oops_do(Thread* thread, OopClosure* f) {
   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
-  list_oops_do(thread->om_in_use_list, f);
+  list_oops_do(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&thread->om_in_use_list), OrderAccess::load_acquire(&thread->om_in_use_count), f);
-void ObjectSynchronizer::list_oops_do(ObjectMonitor* list, OopClosure* f) {
+void ObjectSynchronizer::list_oops_do(ObjectMonitor* list, int count, OopClosure* f) {
   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
-  ObjectMonitor* mid;
-  for (mid = list; mid != NULL; mid = mid->_next_om) {
+  chk_for_list_loop(list, count);
+  // The oops_do() phase does not overlap with monitor deflation
+  // so no need to update the ObjectMonitor's ref_count for this
+  // ObjectMonitor* use.
+  for (ObjectMonitor* mid = list; mid != NULL; mid = unmarked_next(mid)) {
     if (mid->object() != NULL) {

@@ -1110,13 +1439,10 @@
 // Inflation unlinks monitors from the global g_free_list and
 // associates them with objects.  Deflation -- which occurs at
 // STW-time -- disassociates idle monitors from objects.  Such
 // scavenged monitors are returned to the g_free_list.
-// The global list is protected by gListLock.  All the critical sections
-// are short and operate in constant-time.
 // ObjectMonitors reside in type-stable memory (TSM) and are immortal.
 // Lifecycle:
 // --   unassigned and on the global free list
 // --   unassigned and on a thread's private om_free_list

@@ -1155,12 +1481,12 @@
 // by a safepoint's cleanup phase or by the ServiceThread at periodic
 // intervals when is_async_deflation_needed() returns true. In
 // addition to other policies that are checked, if there are not
 // enough ObjectMonitors on the global free list, then
 // is_async_deflation_needed() will return true. The ServiceThread
-// calls deflate_global_idle_monitors_using_JT() and also sets the
-// per-thread om_request_deflation flag as needed.
+// calls deflate_global_idle_monitors_using_JT() and also calls
+// deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT() as needed.
 static void InduceScavenge(Thread* self, const char * Whence) {
   assert(!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors, "is not used by async deflation");
   // Induce STW safepoint to trim monitors

@@ -1185,62 +1511,42 @@
   // number of ObjectMonitors in circulation as well as the STW
   // scavenge costs.  As usual, we lean toward time in space-time
   // tradeoffs.
   const int MAXPRIVATE = 1024;
-  if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread *)self;
-    if (jt->om_request_deflation && jt->om_in_use_count > 0 &&
-        cause != inflate_cause_vm_internal) {
-      // Deflate any per-thread idle monitors for this JavaThread if
-      // this is not an internal inflation; internal inflations can
-      // occur in places where it is not safe to pause for a safepoint.
-      // Clean up your own mess (Gibbs Rule 45). Otherwise, skip this
-      // deflation. deflate_global_idle_monitors_using_JT() is called
-      // by the ServiceThread. Per-thread async deflation is triggered
-      // by the ServiceThread via om_request_deflation.
-      debug_only(jt->check_for_valid_safepoint_state(false);)
-      ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT();
-    }
-  }
   stringStream ss;
   for (;;) {
     ObjectMonitor* m;
     // 1: try to allocate from the thread's local om_free_list.
     // Threads will attempt to allocate first from their local list, then
-    // from the global list, and only after those attempts fail will the thread
-    // attempt to instantiate new monitors.   Thread-local free lists take
-    // heat off the gListLock and improve allocation latency, as well as reducing
-    // coherency traffic on the shared global list.
-    m = self->om_free_list;
+    // from the global list, and only after those attempts fail will the
+    // thread attempt to instantiate new monitors. Thread-local free lists
+    // improve allocation latency, as well as reducing coherency traffic
+    // on the shared global list.
+    m = take_from_start_of_om_free_list(self);
     if (m != NULL) {
-      self->om_free_list = m->_next_om;
-      self->om_free_count--;
       guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
-      m->_next_om = self->om_in_use_list;
-      self->om_in_use_list = m;
-      self->om_in_use_count++;
+      prepend_to_om_in_use_list(self, m);
       return m;
     // 2: try to allocate from the global g_free_list
     // CONSIDER: use muxTry() instead of muxAcquire().
     // If the muxTry() fails then drop immediately into case 3.
     // If we're using thread-local free lists then try
     // to reprovision the caller's free list.
-    if (g_free_list != NULL) {
+    if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_free_list) != NULL) {
       // Reprovision the thread's om_free_list.
       // Use bulk transfers to reduce the allocation rate and heat
       // on various locks.
-      Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "om_alloc(1)");
-      for (int i = self->om_free_provision; --i >= 0 && g_free_list != NULL;) {
-        g_om_free_count--;
-        ObjectMonitor* take = g_free_list;
-        g_free_list = take->_next_om;
+      for (int i = self->om_free_provision; --i >= 0;) {
+        ObjectMonitor* take = take_from_start_of_g_free_list();
+        if (take == NULL) {
+          break;  // No more are available.
+        }
         guarantee(take->object() == NULL, "invariant");
         if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {
           // We allowed 3 field values to linger during async deflation.
           // We clear header and restore ref_count here, but we leave
           // owner == DEFLATER_MARKER so the simple C2 ObjectMonitor

@@ -1258,16 +1564,16 @@
         assert(take->is_free(), "invariant");
         om_release(self, take, false);
-      Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
       self->om_free_provision += 1 + (self->om_free_provision/2);
       if (self->om_free_provision > MAXPRIVATE) self->om_free_provision = MAXPRIVATE;
       if (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors &&
-          is_MonitorBound_exceeded(g_om_population - g_om_free_count)) {
+          is_MonitorBound_exceeded(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population) -
+                                   OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count))) {
         // Not enough ObjectMonitors on the global free list.
         // We can't safely induce a STW safepoint from om_alloc() as our thread
         // state may not be appropriate for such activities and callers may hold
         // naked oops, so instead we defer the action.
         InduceScavenge(self, "om_alloc");

@@ -1284,14 +1590,14 @@
     // A better solution would be to use C++ placement-new.
     // BEWARE: As it stands currently, we don't run the ctors!
     assert(_BLOCKSIZE > 1, "invariant");
     size_t neededsize = sizeof(PaddedObjectMonitor) * _BLOCKSIZE;
     PaddedObjectMonitor* temp;
-    size_t aligned_size = neededsize + (DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1);
+    size_t aligned_size = neededsize + (OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1);
     void* real_malloc_addr = (void*)NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, aligned_size,
-    temp = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)align_up(real_malloc_addr, DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+    temp = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)align_up(real_malloc_addr, OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
     // NOTE: (almost) no way to recover if allocation failed.
     // We might be able to induce a STW safepoint and scavenge enough
     // ObjectMonitors to permit progress.
     if (temp == NULL) {

@@ -1307,42 +1613,25 @@
     // The trick of using the 1st element in the block as g_block_list
     // linkage should be reconsidered.  A better implementation would
     // look like: class Block { Block * next; int N; ObjectMonitor Body [N] ; }
     for (int i = 1; i < _BLOCKSIZE; i++) {
-      temp[i]._next_om = (ObjectMonitor *)&temp[i+1];
+      OrderAccess::release_store(&temp[i]._next_om, (ObjectMonitor*)&temp[i+1]);
       assert(temp[i].is_free(), "invariant");
     // terminate the last monitor as the end of list
-    temp[_BLOCKSIZE - 1]._next_om = NULL;
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&temp[_BLOCKSIZE - 1]._next_om, (ObjectMonitor*)NULL);
     // Element [0] is reserved for global list linkage
     // Consider carving out this thread's current request from the
     // block in hand.  This avoids some lock traffic and redundant
     // list activity.
-    // Acquire the gListLock to manipulate g_block_list and g_free_list.
-    // An Oyama-Taura-Yonezawa scheme might be more efficient.
-    Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "om_alloc(2)");
-    g_om_population += _BLOCKSIZE-1;
-    g_om_free_count += _BLOCKSIZE-1;
-    // Add the new block to the list of extant blocks (g_block_list).
-    // The very first ObjectMonitor in a block is reserved and dedicated.
-    // It serves as blocklist "next" linkage.
-    temp[0]._next_om = g_block_list;
-    // There are lock-free uses of g_block_list so make sure that
-    // the previous stores happen before we update g_block_list.
-    OrderAccess::release_store(&g_block_list, temp);
-    // Add the new string of ObjectMonitors to the global free list
-    temp[_BLOCKSIZE - 1]._next_om = g_free_list;
-    g_free_list = temp + 1;
-    Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
+    prepend_block_to_lists(temp);
 // Place "m" on the caller's private per-thread om_free_list.
 // In practice there's no need to clamp or limit the number of

@@ -1367,32 +1656,70 @@
   // _next_om is used for both per-thread in-use and free lists so
   // we have to remove 'm' from the in-use list first (as needed).
   if (from_per_thread_alloc) {
     // Need to remove 'm' from om_in_use_list.
+    // We use the more complicated mark-cur_mid_in_use-and-mid-as-we-go
+    // protocol because async deflation can do list deletions in parallel.
     ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
+    ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
+    ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
     bool extracted = false;
-    for (ObjectMonitor* mid = self->om_in_use_list; mid != NULL; cur_mid_in_use = mid, mid = mid->_next_om) {
+    if (!mark_list_head(&self->om_in_use_list, &mid, &next)) {
+      fatal("thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT " in-use list must not be empty.", p2i(self));
+    }
+    while (true) {
       if (m == mid) {
-        // extract from per-thread in-use list
-        if (mid == self->om_in_use_list) {
-          self->om_in_use_list = mid->_next_om;
-        } else if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
-          cur_mid_in_use->_next_om = mid->_next_om; // maintain the current thread in-use list
+        // We found 'm' on the per-thread in-use list so try to extract it.
+        // First try the list head:
+        if (Atomic::cmpxchg(next, &self->om_in_use_list, mid) != mid) {
+          // We could not switch the list head to next.
+          ObjectMonitor* marked_mid = mark_om_ptr(mid);
+          // Switch cur_mid_in_use's next field to next (which also
+          // unmarks cur_mid_in_use):
+          ADIM_guarantee(cur_mid_in_use != NULL, "must not be NULL");
+          if (Atomic::cmpxchg(next, &cur_mid_in_use->_next_om, marked_mid)
+              != marked_mid) {
+            // We could not switch cur_mid_in_use's next field. This
+            // should not be possible since it was marked so we:
+            fatal("mid=" INTPTR_FORMAT " must be referred to by the list "
+                  "head: &om_in_use_list=" INTPTR_FORMAT " or by "
+                  "cur_mid_in_use's next field: cur_mid_in_use=" INTPTR_FORMAT
+                  ", next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(mid),
+                  p2i((ObjectMonitor**)&self->om_in_use_list),
+                  p2i(cur_mid_in_use), p2i(cur_mid_in_use->_next_om));
+          }
         extracted = true;
-        self->om_in_use_count--;
+        Atomic::dec(&self->om_in_use_count);
+        // Unmark mid, but leave the next value for any lagging list
+        // walkers. It will get cleaned up when mid is prepended to
+        // the thread's free list:
+        set_next(mid, next);
+      if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
+        set_next(cur_mid_in_use, mid);  // umark cur_mid_in_use
+      }
+      // The next cur_mid_in_use keeps mid's marked next field so
+      // that it is stable for a possible next field change. It
+      // cannot be deflated while it is marked.
+      cur_mid_in_use = mid;
+      mid = next;
+      if (mid == NULL) {
+        // Reached end of the list and didn't find m so:
+        fatal("must find m=" INTPTR_FORMAT "on om_in_use_list=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
+              p2i(m), p2i(self->om_in_use_list));
+      }
+      // Mark mid's next field so we can possibly extract it:
+      next = mark_next_loop(mid);
-    assert(extracted, "Should have extracted from in-use list");
-  m->_next_om = self->om_free_list;
+  prepend_to_om_free_list(self, m);
   guarantee(m->is_free(), "invariant");
-  self->om_free_list = m;
-  self->om_free_count++;
 // Return ObjectMonitors on a moribund thread's free and in-use
 // lists to the appropriate global lists. The ObjectMonitors on the
 // per-thread in-use list may still be in use by other threads.

@@ -1406,68 +1733,111 @@
 // om_flush() is called) or via ObjectSynchronizer::oops_do() (after
 // om_flush() is called).
 // With AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors, deflate_global_idle_monitors_using_JT()
 // and deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT() (in another thread) can
-// run at the same time as om_flush() so we have to be careful.
+// run at the same time as om_flush() so we have to follow a careful
+// protocol to prevent list corruption.
 void ObjectSynchronizer::om_flush(Thread* self) {
-  ObjectMonitor* free_list = self->om_free_list;
-  ObjectMonitor* free_tail = NULL;
+  // This function can race with an async deflater thread. Since
+  // deflation has to process the per-thread in-use list before
+  // prepending the deflated ObjectMonitors to the global free list,
+  // we process the per-thread lists in the same order to prevent
+  // ordering races.
+  int in_use_count = 0;
+  ObjectMonitor* in_use_list = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* in_use_tail = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
+  // An async deflation thread checks to see if the target thread
+  // is exiting, but if it has made it past that check before we
+  // started exiting, then it is racing to get to the in-use list.
+  if (mark_list_head(&self->om_in_use_list, &in_use_list, &next)) {
+    chk_for_list_loop(in_use_list, OrderAccess::load_acquire(&self->om_in_use_count));
+    // At this point, we have marked the in-use list head so an
+    // async deflation thread cannot come in after us. If an async
+    // deflation thread is ahead of us, then we'll detect that and
+    // wait for it to finish its work.
+    //
+    // The thread is going away, however the ObjectMonitors on the
+    // om_in_use_list may still be in-use by other threads. Link
+    // them to in_use_tail, which will be linked into the global
+    // in-use list g_om_in_use_list below.
+    //
+    // Account for the in-use list head before the loop since it is
+    // already marked (by this thread):
+    in_use_tail = in_use_list;
+    in_use_count++;
+    for (ObjectMonitor* cur_om = unmarked_next(in_use_list); cur_om != NULL;) {
+      if (is_next_marked(cur_om)) {
+        // This next field is marked so there must be an async deflater
+        // thread ahead of us so we'll give it a chance to finish.
+        while (is_next_marked(cur_om)) {
+          os::naked_short_sleep(1);
+        }
+        // Refetch the possibly changed next field and try again.
+        cur_om = unmarked_next(in_use_tail);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!cur_om->is_active()) {
+        // cur_om was deflated and the allocation state was changed
+        // to Free while it was marked. We happened to see it just
+        // after it was unmarked (and added to the free list).
+        // Refetch the possibly changed next field and try again.
+        cur_om = unmarked_next(in_use_tail);
+        continue;
+      }
+      in_use_tail = cur_om;
+      in_use_count++;
+      cur_om = unmarked_next(cur_om);
+    }
+    guarantee(in_use_tail != NULL, "invariant");
+    int l_om_in_use_count = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&self->om_in_use_count);
+    ADIM_guarantee(l_om_in_use_count == in_use_count, "in-use counts don't "
+                   "match: l_om_in_use_count=%d, in_use_count=%d",
+                   l_om_in_use_count, in_use_count);
+    // Clear the in-use count before unmarking the in-use list head
+    // to avoid races:
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&self->om_in_use_count, 0);
+    // Clear the in-use list head (which also unmarks it):
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&self->om_in_use_list, (ObjectMonitor*)NULL);
+    // Unmark the disconnected list head:
+    set_next(in_use_list, next);
+  }
   int free_count = 0;
+  ObjectMonitor* free_list = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&self->om_free_list);
+  ObjectMonitor* free_tail = NULL;
   if (free_list != NULL) {
-    ObjectMonitor* s;
+    chk_for_list_loop(free_list, OrderAccess::load_acquire(&self->om_free_count));
     // The thread is going away. Set 'free_tail' to the last per-thread free
-    // monitor which will be linked to g_free_list below under the gListLock.
+    // monitor which will be linked to g_free_list below.
     stringStream ss;
-    for (s = free_list; s != NULL; s = s->_next_om) {
+    for (ObjectMonitor* s = free_list; s != NULL; s = unmarked_next(s)) {
       free_tail = s;
       guarantee(s->object() == NULL, "invariant");
       guarantee(!s->is_busy(), "must be !is_busy: %s", s->is_busy_to_string(&ss));
     guarantee(free_tail != NULL, "invariant");
-    ADIM_guarantee(self->om_free_count == free_count, "free-count off");
-    self->om_free_list = NULL;
-    self->om_free_count = 0;
+    int l_om_free_count = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&self->om_free_count);
+    ADIM_guarantee(l_om_free_count == free_count, "free counts don't match: "
+                   "l_om_free_count=%d, free_count=%d", l_om_free_count,
+                   free_count);
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&self->om_free_list, (ObjectMonitor*)NULL);
+    OrderAccess::release_store(&self->om_free_count, 0);
-  ObjectMonitor* in_use_list = self->om_in_use_list;
-  ObjectMonitor* in_use_tail = NULL;
-  int in_use_count = 0;
-  if (in_use_list != NULL) {
-    // The thread is going away, however the ObjectMonitors on the
-    // om_in_use_list may still be in-use by other threads. Link
-    // them to in_use_tail, which will be linked into the global
-    // in-use list g_om_in_use_list below, under the gListLock.
-    ObjectMonitor *cur_om;
-    for (cur_om = in_use_list; cur_om != NULL; cur_om = cur_om->_next_om) {
-      in_use_tail = cur_om;
-      in_use_count++;
-      ADIM_guarantee(cur_om->is_active(), "invariant");
-    }
-    guarantee(in_use_tail != NULL, "invariant");
-    ADIM_guarantee(self->om_in_use_count == in_use_count, "in-use count off");
-    self->om_in_use_list = NULL;
-    self->om_in_use_count = 0;
-  }
-  Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "om_flush");
   if (free_tail != NULL) {
-    free_tail->_next_om = g_free_list;
-    g_free_list = free_list;
-    g_om_free_count += free_count;
+    prepend_list_to_g_free_list(free_list, free_tail, free_count);
   if (in_use_tail != NULL) {
-    in_use_tail->_next_om = g_om_in_use_list;
-    g_om_in_use_list = in_use_list;
-    g_om_in_use_count += in_use_count;
+    prepend_list_to_g_om_in_use_list(in_use_list, in_use_tail, in_use_count);
-  Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
   LogStream* ls = NULL;
   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {
     ls = &lsh_debug;

@@ -1580,22 +1950,11 @@
     // See the comments in om_alloc().
     LogStreamHandle(Trace, monitorinflation) lsh;
     if (mark.has_locker()) {
-      ObjectMonitor* m;
-      if (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors || cause == inflate_cause_vm_internal) {
-        // If !AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors or if an internal inflation, then
-        // we won't stop for a potential safepoint in om_alloc.
-        m = om_alloc(self, cause);
-      } else {
-        // If AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors and not an internal inflation, then
-        // we may stop for a safepoint in om_alloc() so protect object.
-        Handle h_obj(self, object);
-        m = om_alloc(self, cause);
-        object = h_obj();  // Refresh object.
-      }
+      ObjectMonitor* m = om_alloc(self, cause);
       // Optimistically prepare the objectmonitor - anticipate successful CAS
       // We do this before the CAS in order to minimize the length of time
       // in which INFLATING appears in the mark.
       m->_Responsible  = NULL;

@@ -1689,23 +2048,12 @@
     // An inflateTry() method that we could call from fast_enter() and slow_enter()
     // would be useful.
     // Catch if the object's header is not neutral (not locked and
     // not marked is what we care about here).
-    ADIM_guarantee(mark.is_neutral(), "invariant: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT, mark.value());
-    ObjectMonitor* m;
-    if (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors || cause == inflate_cause_vm_internal) {
-      // If !AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors or if an internal inflation, then
-      // we won't stop for a potential safepoint in om_alloc.
-      m = om_alloc(self, cause);
-    } else {
-      // If AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors and not an internal inflation, then
-      // we may stop for a safepoint in om_alloc() so protect object.
-      Handle h_obj(self, object);
-      m = om_alloc(self, cause);
-      object = h_obj();  // Refresh object.
-    }
+    ADIM_guarantee(mark.is_neutral(), "invariant: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT,mark.value());
+    ObjectMonitor* m = om_alloc(self, cause);
     // prepare m for installation - set monitor to initial state
     // If we leave _owner == DEFLATER_MARKER here, then the simple C2
     // ObjectMonitor enter optimization can no longer race with async

@@ -1717,10 +2065,14 @@
     assert(m->is_new(), "freshly allocated monitor must be new");
     if (object->cas_set_mark(markWord::encode(m), mark) != mark) {
+      guarantee(!m->owner_is_DEFLATER_MARKER() || m->ref_count() >= 0,
+                "race between deflation and om_release() with m=" INTPTR_FORMAT
+                ", _owner=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", ref_count=%d", p2i(m),
+                p2i(m->_owner), m->ref_count());
       // om_release() will reset the allocation state

@@ -1775,20 +2127,20 @@
 // For async deflation:
 // If a special deflation request is made, then the safepoint based
 // deflation mechanism is used. Otherwise, an async deflation request
 // is registered with the ServiceThread and it is notified.
-void ObjectSynchronizer::do_safepoint_work(DeflateMonitorCounters* _counters) {
+void ObjectSynchronizer::do_safepoint_work(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
   // The per-thread in-use lists are handled in
   // ParallelSPCleanupThreadClosure::do_thread().
   if (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors || is_special_deflation_requested()) {
     // Use the older mechanism for the global in-use list or if a
     // special deflation has been requested before the safepoint.
-    ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_idle_monitors(_counters);
+    ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_idle_monitors(counters);
   log_debug(monitorinflation)("requesting async deflation of idle monitors.");
   // Request deflation of idle monitors by the ServiceThread:

@@ -1843,19 +2195,24 @@
     assert(mid->object() == NULL, "invariant: object=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
     assert(mid->is_free(), "invariant");
     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitor to the working free list
-    // defined by free_head_p and free_tail_p.
+    // defined by free_head_p and free_tail_p. No races on this list
+    // so no need for load_acquire() or store_release().
     if (*free_head_p == NULL) *free_head_p = mid;
     if (*free_tail_p != NULL) {
       // We append to the list so the caller can use mid->_next_om
       // to fix the linkages in its context.
       ObjectMonitor* prevtail = *free_tail_p;
       // Should have been cleaned up by the caller:
-      assert(prevtail->_next_om == NULL, "cleaned up deflated?");
-      prevtail->_next_om = mid;
+      // Note: Should not have to mark prevtail here since we're at a
+      // safepoint and ObjectMonitors on the local free list should
+      // not be accessed in parallel.
+      assert(prevtail->_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om="
+             INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(prevtail->_next_om));
+      set_next(prevtail, mid);
     *free_tail_p = mid;
     // At this point, mid->_next_om still refers to its current
     // value and another ObjectMonitor's _next_om field still
     // refers to this ObjectMonitor. Those linkages have to be

@@ -1954,23 +2311,25 @@
         assert(mid->is_free(), "must be free: allocation_state=%d",
                (int) mid->allocation_state());
         // Move the deflated ObjectMonitor to the working free list
-        // defined by free_head_p and free_tail_p.
+        // defined by free_head_p and free_tail_p. No races on this list
+        // so no need for load_acquire() or store_release().
         if (*free_head_p == NULL) {
           // First one on the list.
           *free_head_p = mid;
         if (*free_tail_p != NULL) {
           // We append to the list so the caller can use mid->_next_om
           // to fix the linkages in its context.
           ObjectMonitor* prevtail = *free_tail_p;
           // Should have been cleaned up by the caller:
-          assert(prevtail->_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om="
-                 INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(prevtail->_next_om));
-          prevtail->_next_om = mid;
+          ObjectMonitor* next = mark_next_loop(prevtail);
+          assert(unmarked_next(prevtail) == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om="
+                 INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(unmarked_next(prevtail)));
+          set_next(prevtail, mid);  // prevtail now points to mid (and is unmarked)
         *free_tail_p = mid;
         // At this point, mid->_next_om still refers to its current
         // value and another ObjectMonitor's _next_om field still

@@ -2003,135 +2362,239 @@
   // The owner field is no longer NULL so we lost the race since the
   // ObjectMonitor is now busy.
   return false;
-// Walk a given monitor list, and deflate idle monitors
-// The given list could be a per-thread list or a global list
-// Caller acquires gListLock as needed.
+// Walk a given monitor list, and deflate idle monitors.
+// The given list could be a per-thread list or a global list.
 // In the case of parallel processing of thread local monitor lists,
 // work is done by Threads::parallel_threads_do() which ensures that
 // each Java thread is processed by exactly one worker thread, and
 // thus avoid conflicts that would arise when worker threads would
 // process the same monitor lists concurrently.
 // See also ParallelSPCleanupTask and
 // SafepointSynchronize::do_cleanup_tasks() in safepoint.cpp and
 // Threads::parallel_java_threads_do() in thread.cpp.
-int ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list(ObjectMonitor** list_p,
+int ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list(ObjectMonitor* volatile * list_p,
+                                             int volatile * count_p,
                                              ObjectMonitor** free_head_p,
                                              ObjectMonitor** free_tail_p) {
-  ObjectMonitor* mid;
-  ObjectMonitor* next;
   ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
   int deflated_count = 0;
-  for (mid = *list_p; mid != NULL;) {
+  // We use the simpler mark-mid-as-we-go protocol since there are no
+  // parallel list deletions since we are at a safepoint.
+  if (!mark_list_head(list_p, &mid, &next)) {
+    return 0;  // The list is empty so nothing to deflate.
+  }
+  while (true) {
     oop obj = (oop) mid->object();
     if (obj != NULL && deflate_monitor(mid, obj, free_head_p, free_tail_p)) {
       // Deflation succeeded and already updated free_head_p and
       // free_tail_p as needed. Finish the move to the local free list
       // by unlinking mid from the global or per-thread in-use list.
-      if (mid == *list_p) {
-        *list_p = mid->_next_om;
-      } else if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
-        cur_mid_in_use->_next_om = mid->_next_om; // maintain the current thread in-use list
+      if (Atomic::cmpxchg(next, list_p, mid) != mid) {
+        // We could not switch the list head to next.
+        ADIM_guarantee(cur_mid_in_use != NULL, "must not be NULL");
+        if (Atomic::cmpxchg(next, &cur_mid_in_use->_next_om, mid) != mid) {
+          // deflate_monitor_list() is called at a safepoint so the
+          // global or per-thread in-use list should not be modified
+          // in parallel so we:
+          fatal("mid=" INTPTR_FORMAT " must be referred to by the list head: "
+                "list_p=" INTPTR_FORMAT " or by cur_mid_in_use's next field: "
+                "cur_mid_in_use=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
+                p2i(mid), p2i((ObjectMonitor**)list_p), p2i(cur_mid_in_use),
+                p2i(cur_mid_in_use->_next_om));
-      next = mid->_next_om;
-      mid->_next_om = NULL;  // This mid is current tail in the free_head_p list
-      mid = next;
+      }
+      // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list so
+      // its marked next field no longer has any effects.
+      Atomic::dec(count_p);
+      chk_for_list_loop(OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                        OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+      chk_om_not_on_list(mid, OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                         OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+      // mid is current tail in the free_head_p list so NULL terminate it
+      // (which also unmarks it):
+      set_next(mid, NULL);
+      // All the list management is done so move on to the next one:
+      mid = next;
     } else {
+      set_next(mid, next);  // unmark next field
+      // All the list management is done so move on to the next one:
       cur_mid_in_use = mid;
-      mid = mid->_next_om;
+      mid = next;
+    }
+    if (mid == NULL) {
+      break;  // Reached end of the list so nothing more to deflate.
+    // Mark mid's next field so we can possibly deflate it:
+    next = mark_next_loop(mid);
   return deflated_count;
 // Walk a given ObjectMonitor list and deflate idle ObjectMonitors using
 // a JavaThread. Returns the number of deflated ObjectMonitors. The given
 // list could be a per-thread in-use list or the global in-use list.
-// Caller acquires gListLock as appropriate. If a safepoint has started,
-// then we save state via saved_mid_in_use_p and return to the caller to
-// honor the safepoint.
+// If a safepoint has started, then we save state via saved_mid_in_use_p
+// and return to the caller to honor the safepoint.
-int ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list_using_JT(ObjectMonitor** list_p,
+int ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_monitor_list_using_JT(ObjectMonitor* volatile * list_p,
+                                                      int volatile * count_p,
                                                       ObjectMonitor** free_head_p,
                                                       ObjectMonitor** free_tail_p,
                                                       ObjectMonitor** saved_mid_in_use_p) {
   assert(AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors, "sanity check");
   assert(Thread::current()->is_Java_thread(), "precondition");
-  ObjectMonitor* mid;
-  ObjectMonitor* next;
   ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* mid = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* next = NULL;
+  ObjectMonitor* next_next = NULL;
   int deflated_count = 0;
+  // We use the more complicated mark-cur_mid_in_use-and-mid-as-we-go
+  // protocol because om_release() can do list deletions in parallel.
+  // We also mark-next-next-as-we-go to prevent an om_flush() that is
+  // behind this thread from passing us.
   if (*saved_mid_in_use_p == NULL) {
     // No saved state so start at the beginning.
-    mid = *list_p;
+    // Mark the list head's next field so we can possibly deflate it:
+    if (!mark_list_head(list_p, &mid, &next)) {
+      return 0;  // The list is empty so nothing to deflate.
+    }
   } else {
     // We're restarting after a safepoint so restore the necessary state
     // before we resume.
     cur_mid_in_use = *saved_mid_in_use_p;
-    mid = cur_mid_in_use->_next_om;
+    // Mark cur_mid_in_use's next field so we can possibly update its
+    // next field to extract a deflated ObjectMonitor.
+    mid = mark_next_loop(cur_mid_in_use);
+    if (mid == NULL) {
+      set_next(cur_mid_in_use, NULL);  // unmark next field
+      *saved_mid_in_use_p = NULL;
+      return 0;  // The remainder is empty so nothing more to deflate.
+    }
+    // Mark mid's next field so we can possibly deflate it:
+    next = mark_next_loop(mid);
-  while (mid != NULL) {
+  while (true) {
+    // The current mid's next field is marked at this point. If we have
+    // a cur_mid_in_use, then its next field is also marked at this point.
+    if (next != NULL) {
+      // We mark the next -> next field so that an om_flush()
+      // thread that is behind us cannot pass us when we
+      // unmark the current mid's next field.
+      next_next = mark_next_loop(next);
+    }
     // Only try to deflate if there is an associated Java object and if
     // mid is old (is not newly allocated and is not newly freed).
     if (mid->object() != NULL && mid->is_old() &&
         deflate_monitor_using_JT(mid, free_head_p, free_tail_p)) {
-      // Deflation succeeded so update the in-use list.
-      if (mid == *list_p) {
-        *list_p = mid->_next_om;
-      } else if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
-        // Maintain the current in-use list.
-        cur_mid_in_use->_next_om = mid->_next_om;
-      }
-      next = mid->_next_om;
-      mid->_next_om = NULL;
-      // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list
-      // and is the current tail in the free_head_p list.
-      mid = next;
+      // Deflation succeeded and already updated free_head_p and
+      // free_tail_p as needed. Finish the move to the local free list
+      // by unlinking mid from the global or per-thread in-use list.
+      if (Atomic::cmpxchg(next, list_p, mid) != mid) {
+        // We could not switch the list head to next.
+        ObjectMonitor* marked_mid = mark_om_ptr(mid);
+        ObjectMonitor* marked_next = mark_om_ptr(next);
+        // Switch cur_mid_in_use's next field to marked next:
+        ADIM_guarantee(cur_mid_in_use != NULL, "must not be NULL");
+        if (Atomic::cmpxchg(marked_next, &cur_mid_in_use->_next_om,
+                            marked_mid) != marked_mid) {
+          // We could not switch cur_mid_in_use's next field. This
+          // should not be possible since it was marked so we:
+          fatal("mid=" INTPTR_FORMAT " must be referred to by the list head: "
+                "&list_p=" INTPTR_FORMAT " or by cur_mid_in_use's next field: "
+                "cur_mid_in_use=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", next_om=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
+                p2i(mid), p2i((ObjectMonitor**)list_p), p2i(cur_mid_in_use),
+                p2i(cur_mid_in_use->_next_om));
+        }
+      }
+      // At this point mid is disconnected from the in-use list so
+      // its marked next field no longer has any effects.
+      Atomic::dec(count_p);
+      chk_for_list_loop(OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                        OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+      chk_om_not_on_list(mid, OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p),
+                         OrderAccess::load_acquire(count_p));
+      // mid is current tail in the free_head_p list so NULL terminate it
+      // (which also unmarks it):
+      set_next(mid, NULL);
+      // All the list management is done so move on to the next one:
+      mid = next;  // mid keeps non-NULL next's marked next field
+      next = next_next;
     } else {
       // mid is considered in-use if it does not have an associated
       // Java object or mid is not old or deflation did not succeed.
       // A mid->is_new() node can be seen here when it is freshly
       // returned by om_alloc() (and skips the deflation code path).
       // A mid->is_old() node can be seen here when deflation failed.
       // A mid->is_free() node can be seen here when a fresh node from
       // om_alloc() is released by om_release() due to losing the race
       // in inflate().
+      // All the list management is done so move on to the next one:
+      if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
+        set_next(cur_mid_in_use, mid);  // umark cur_mid_in_use
+      }
+      // The next cur_mid_in_use keeps mid's marked next field so
+      // that it is stable for a possible next field change. It
+      // cannot be modified by om_release() while it is marked.
       cur_mid_in_use = mid;
-      mid = mid->_next_om;
+      mid = next;  // mid keeps non-NULL next's marked next field
+      next = next_next;
       if (SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing() &&
-          cur_mid_in_use != *list_p && cur_mid_in_use->is_old()) {
+          cur_mid_in_use != OrderAccess::load_acquire(list_p) &&
+          cur_mid_in_use->is_old()) {
         // If a safepoint has started and cur_mid_in_use is not the list
         // head and is old, then it is safe to use as saved state. Return
-        // to the caller so gListLock can be dropped as appropriate
-        // before blocking.
+        // to the caller before blocking.
         *saved_mid_in_use_p = cur_mid_in_use;
+        set_next(cur_mid_in_use, mid);  // umark cur_mid_in_use
+        if (mid != NULL) {
+          set_next(mid, next);  // umark mid
+        }
         return deflated_count;
+    if (mid == NULL) {
+      if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
+        set_next(cur_mid_in_use, mid);  // umark cur_mid_in_use
+      }
+      break;  // Reached end of the list so nothing more to deflate.
+    }
+    // The current mid's next field is marked at this point. If we have
+    // a cur_mid_in_use, then its next field is also marked at this point.
   // We finished the list without a safepoint starting so there's
   // no need to save state.
   *saved_mid_in_use_p = NULL;
   return deflated_count;
 void ObjectSynchronizer::prepare_deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
-  counters->n_in_use = 0;              // currently associated with objects
-  counters->n_in_circulation = 0;      // extant
-  counters->n_scavenged = 0;           // reclaimed (global and per-thread)
-  counters->per_thread_scavenged = 0;  // per-thread scavenge total
+  OrderAccess::release_store(&counters->n_in_use, 0);              // currently associated with objects
+  OrderAccess::release_store(&counters->n_in_circulation, 0);      // extant
+  OrderAccess::release_store(&counters->n_scavenged, 0);           // reclaimed (global and per-thread)
+  OrderAccess::release_store(&counters->per_thread_scavenged, 0);  // per-thread scavenge total
   counters->per_thread_times = 0.0;    // per-thread scavenge times
 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");

@@ -2152,37 +2615,32 @@
   if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
-  // Prevent om_flush from changing mids in Thread dtor's during deflation
-  // And in case the vm thread is acquiring a lock during a safepoint
-  // See e.g. 6320749
-  Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "deflate_idle_monitors");
   // Note: the thread-local monitors lists get deflated in
   // a separate pass. See deflate_thread_local_monitors().
   // For moribund threads, scan g_om_in_use_list
   int deflated_count = 0;
-  if (g_om_in_use_list) {
-    counters->n_in_circulation += g_om_in_use_count;
-    deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list((ObjectMonitor **)&g_om_in_use_list, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
-    g_om_in_use_count -= deflated_count;
-    counters->n_scavenged += deflated_count;
-    counters->n_in_use += g_om_in_use_count;
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_list) != NULL) {
+    // Update n_in_circulation before g_om_in_use_count is updated by deflation.
+    Atomic::add(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count), &counters->n_in_circulation);
+    deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(&g_om_in_use_list, &g_om_in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
+    Atomic::add(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count), &counters->n_in_use);
   if (free_head_p != NULL) {
     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors back to the global free list.
-    guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && counters->n_scavenged > 0, "invariant");
-    assert(free_tail_p->_next_om == NULL, "invariant");
-    // constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to g_free_list
-    free_tail_p->_next_om = g_free_list;
-    g_free_list = free_head_p;
+    // No races on the working free list so no need for load_acquire().
+    guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
+    assert(free_tail_p->_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om="
+           INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(free_tail_p->_next_om));
+    prepend_list_to_g_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, deflated_count);
+    Atomic::add(deflated_count, &counters->n_scavenged);
-  Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
   LogStream* ls = NULL;

@@ -2204,25 +2662,24 @@
   JavaThread* self = JavaThread::current();
   deflate_common_idle_monitors_using_JT(true /* is_global */, self);
-// Deflate per-thread idle ObjectMonitors using a JavaThread.
+// Deflate the specified JavaThread's idle ObjectMonitors using a JavaThread.
-void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT() {
+void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT(JavaThread* target) {
   assert(AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors, "sanity check");
   assert(Thread::current()->is_Java_thread(), "precondition");
-  JavaThread* self = JavaThread::current();
-  self->om_request_deflation = false;
-  deflate_common_idle_monitors_using_JT(false /* !is_global */, self);
+  deflate_common_idle_monitors_using_JT(false /* !is_global */, target);
 // Deflate global or per-thread idle ObjectMonitors using a JavaThread.
-void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_common_idle_monitors_using_JT(bool is_global, JavaThread* self) {
+void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_common_idle_monitors_using_JT(bool is_global, JavaThread* target) {
+  JavaThread* self = JavaThread::current();
   int deflated_count = 0;
   ObjectMonitor* free_head_p = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged ObjectMonitors
   ObjectMonitor* free_tail_p = NULL;
   ObjectMonitor* saved_mid_in_use_p = NULL;
   elapsedTimer timer;

@@ -2230,75 +2687,64 @@
   if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
   if (is_global) {
-    Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "deflate_global_idle_monitors_using_JT(1)");
-    OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, set_value(g_om_in_use_count));
+    OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, set_value(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count)));
   } else {
-    OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, inc(self->om_in_use_count));
+    OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, inc(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&target->om_in_use_count)));
   do {
     int local_deflated_count;
     if (is_global) {
-      local_deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list_using_JT((ObjectMonitor **)&g_om_in_use_list, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p, &saved_mid_in_use_p);
-      g_om_in_use_count -= local_deflated_count;
+      local_deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list_using_JT(&g_om_in_use_list, &g_om_in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p, &saved_mid_in_use_p);
     } else {
-      local_deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list_using_JT(self->om_in_use_list_addr(), &free_head_p, &free_tail_p, &saved_mid_in_use_p);
-      self->om_in_use_count -= local_deflated_count;
+      local_deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list_using_JT(&target->om_in_use_list, &target->om_in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p, &saved_mid_in_use_p);
     deflated_count += local_deflated_count;
     if (free_head_p != NULL) {
-      // Move the scavenged ObjectMonitors to the global free list.
+      // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors to the global free list.
+      // No races on the working list so no need for load_acquire().
       guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && local_deflated_count > 0, "free_tail_p=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", local_deflated_count=%d", p2i(free_tail_p), local_deflated_count);
-      assert(free_tail_p->_next_om == NULL, "invariant");
+      // Note: The target thread can be doing an om_alloc() that
+      // is trying to prepend an ObjectMonitor on its in-use list
+      // at the same time that we have deflated the current in-use
+      // list head and put it on the local free list. prepend_to_common()
+      // will detect the race and retry which avoids list corruption,
+      // but the next field in free_tail_p can flicker to marked
+      // and then unmarked while prepend_to_common() is sorting it
+      // all out.
+      assert(unmarked_next(free_tail_p) == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om="
+             INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(unmarked_next(free_tail_p)));
-      if (!is_global) {
-        Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "deflate_per_thread_idle_monitors_using_JT(2)");
-      }
-      // Constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to g_free_list.
-      free_tail_p->_next_om = g_free_list;
-      g_free_list = free_head_p;
+      prepend_list_to_g_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, local_deflated_count);
-      g_om_free_count += local_deflated_count;
       OM_PERFDATA_OP(Deflations, inc(local_deflated_count));
-      if (!is_global) {
-        Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
-      }
     if (saved_mid_in_use_p != NULL) {
       // deflate_monitor_list_using_JT() detected a safepoint starting.
-      if (is_global) {
-        Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
-      }
         if (is_global) {
           log_debug(monitorinflation)("pausing deflation of global idle monitors for a safepoint.");
         } else {
-          log_debug(monitorinflation)("jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": pausing deflation of per-thread idle monitors for a safepoint.", p2i(self));
+          log_debug(monitorinflation)("jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": pausing deflation of per-thread idle monitors for a safepoint.", p2i(target));
         assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing(), "sanity check");
         ThreadBlockInVM blocker(self);
       // Prepare for another loop after the safepoint.
       free_head_p = NULL;
       free_tail_p = NULL;
       if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
-      if (is_global) {
-        Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "deflate_global_idle_monitors_using_JT(3)");
-      }
   } while (saved_mid_in_use_p != NULL);
-  if (is_global) {
-    Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
-  }
   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
   LogStream* ls = NULL;

@@ -2309,11 +2755,11 @@
   if (ls != NULL) {
     if (is_global) {
       ls->print_cr("async-deflating global idle monitors, %3.7f secs, %d monitors", timer.seconds(), deflated_count);
     } else {
-      ls->print_cr("jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": async-deflating per-thread idle monitors, %3.7f secs, %d monitors", p2i(self), timer.seconds(), deflated_count);
+      ls->print_cr("jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": async-deflating per-thread idle monitors, %3.7f secs, %d monitors", p2i(target), timer.seconds(), deflated_count);
 void ObjectSynchronizer::finish_deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {

@@ -2321,33 +2767,33 @@
   // monitors. Note: if the work is split among more than one
   // worker thread, then the reported time will likely be more
   // than a beginning to end measurement of the phase.
   // Note: AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors only deflates per-thread idle
   // monitors at a safepoint when a special deflation has been requested.
-  log_info(safepoint, cleanup)("deflating per-thread idle monitors, %3.7f secs, monitors=%d", counters->per_thread_times, counters->per_thread_scavenged);
+  log_info(safepoint, cleanup)("deflating per-thread idle monitors, %3.7f secs, monitors=%d",
+                               counters->per_thread_times,
+                               OrderAccess::load_acquire(&counters->per_thread_scavenged));
   bool needs_special_deflation = is_special_deflation_requested();
   if (!AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors || needs_special_deflation) {
     // AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors does not use these counters unless
     // there is a special deflation request.
-    g_om_free_count += counters->n_scavenged;
     OM_PERFDATA_OP(Deflations, inc(counters->n_scavenged));
     OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, set_value(counters->n_in_circulation));
   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {
     // exit_globals()'s call to audit_and_print_stats() is done
     // at the Info level.
     ObjectSynchronizer::audit_and_print_stats(false /* on_exit */);
   } else if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
-    Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "finish_deflate_idle_monitors");
     log_info(monitorinflation)("g_om_population=%d, g_om_in_use_count=%d, "
-                               "g_om_free_count=%d", g_om_population,
-                               g_om_in_use_count, g_om_free_count);
-    Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
+                               "g_om_free_count=%d",
+                               OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population),
+                               OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count),
+                               OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count));
   ForceMonitorScavenge = 0;    // Reset
   GVars.stw_random = os::random();

@@ -2357,60 +2803,47 @@
 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_thread_local_monitors(Thread* thread, DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
-  if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors) {
-    if (!is_special_deflation_requested()) {
-      // Mark the JavaThread for idle monitor deflation if a special
-      // deflation has NOT been requested.
-      if (thread->om_in_use_count > 0) {
-        // This JavaThread is using monitors so mark it.
-        thread->om_request_deflation = true;
-      }
+  if (AsyncDeflateIdleMonitors && !is_special_deflation_requested()) {
+    // Nothing to do if a special deflation has NOT been requested.
-  }
   ObjectMonitor* free_head_p = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
   ObjectMonitor* free_tail_p = NULL;
   elapsedTimer timer;
   if (log_is_enabled(Info, safepoint, cleanup) ||
       log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
-  int deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(thread->om_in_use_list_addr(), &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
-  Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "deflate_thread_local_monitors");
+  // Update n_in_circulation before om_in_use_count is updated by deflation.
+  Atomic::add(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&thread->om_in_use_count), &counters->n_in_circulation);
-  // Adjust counters
-  counters->n_in_circulation += thread->om_in_use_count;
-  thread->om_in_use_count -= deflated_count;
-  counters->n_scavenged += deflated_count;
-  counters->n_in_use += thread->om_in_use_count;
-  counters->per_thread_scavenged += deflated_count;
+  int deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(&thread->om_in_use_list, &thread->om_in_use_count, &free_head_p, &free_tail_p);
+  Atomic::add(OrderAccess::load_acquire(&thread->om_in_use_count), &counters->n_in_use);
   if (free_head_p != NULL) {
     // Move the deflated ObjectMonitors back to the global free list.
+    // No races on the working list so no need for load_acquire().
     guarantee(free_tail_p != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
-    assert(free_tail_p->_next_om == NULL, "invariant");
-    // constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to g_free_list
-    free_tail_p->_next_om = g_free_list;
-    g_free_list = free_head_p;
+    assert(free_tail_p->_next_om == NULL, "must be NULL: _next_om="
+           INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(free_tail_p->_next_om));
+    prepend_list_to_g_free_list(free_head_p, free_tail_p, deflated_count);
+    Atomic::add(deflated_count, &counters->n_scavenged);
+    Atomic::add(deflated_count, &counters->per_thread_scavenged);
   // Safepoint logging cares about cumulative per_thread_times and
   // we'll capture most of the cost, but not the muxRelease() which
   // should be cheap.
   counters->per_thread_times += timer.seconds();
-  Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
   LogStreamHandle(Debug, monitorinflation) lsh_debug;
   LogStreamHandle(Info, monitorinflation) lsh_info;
   LogStream* ls = NULL;
   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, monitorinflation)) {
     ls = &lsh_debug;

@@ -2457,13 +2890,11 @@
 void ObjectSynchronizer::release_monitors_owned_by_thread(TRAPS) {
   assert(THREAD == JavaThread::current(), "must be current Java thread");
   NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
   ReleaseJavaMonitorsClosure rjmc(THREAD);
-  Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "release_monitors_owned_by_thread");
-  Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
 const char* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate_cause_name(const InflateCause cause) {
   switch (cause) {

@@ -2513,42 +2944,35 @@
   } else if (log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) {
     ls = &lsh_info;
   assert(ls != NULL, "sanity check");
-  if (!on_exit) {
-    // Not at VM exit so grab the global list lock.
-    Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "audit_and_print_stats");
-  }
   // Log counts for the global and per-thread monitor lists:
   int chk_om_population = log_monitor_list_counts(ls);
   int error_cnt = 0;
   ls->print_cr("Checking global lists:");
   // Check g_om_population:
-  if (g_om_population == chk_om_population) {
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population) == chk_om_population) {
     ls->print_cr("g_om_population=%d equals chk_om_population=%d",
-                 g_om_population, chk_om_population);
+                 OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population),
+                 chk_om_population);
   } else {
     ls->print_cr("ERROR: g_om_population=%d is not equal to "
-                 "chk_om_population=%d", g_om_population,
+                 "chk_om_population=%d",
+                 OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population),
   // Check g_om_in_use_list and g_om_in_use_count:
   chk_global_in_use_list_and_count(ls, &error_cnt);
   // Check g_free_list and g_om_free_count:
   chk_global_free_list_and_count(ls, &error_cnt);
-  if (!on_exit) {
-    Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
-  }
   ls->print_cr("Checking per-thread lists:");
   for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *jt = jtiwh.next(); ) {
     // Check om_in_use_list and om_in_use_count:
     chk_per_thread_in_use_list_and_count(jt, ls, &error_cnt);

@@ -2566,11 +2990,11 @@
   if ((on_exit && log_is_enabled(Info, monitorinflation)) ||
       (!on_exit && log_is_enabled(Trace, monitorinflation))) {
     // When exiting this log output is at the Info level. When called
     // at a safepoint, this log output is at the Trace level since
     // there can be a lot of it.
-    log_in_use_monitor_details(ls, on_exit);
+    log_in_use_monitor_details(ls);
   guarantee(error_cnt == 0, "ERROR: found monitor list errors: error_cnt=%d", error_cnt);

@@ -2622,39 +3046,46 @@
 // Check the global free list and count; log the results of the checks.
 void ObjectSynchronizer::chk_global_free_list_and_count(outputStream * out,
                                                         int *error_cnt_p) {
   int chk_om_free_count = 0;
-  for (ObjectMonitor* n = g_free_list; n != NULL; n = n->_next_om) {
+  for (ObjectMonitor* n = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_free_list); n != NULL; n = unmarked_next(n)) {
     chk_free_entry(NULL /* jt */, n, out, error_cnt_p);
-  if (g_om_free_count == chk_om_free_count) {
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count) == chk_om_free_count) {
     out->print_cr("g_om_free_count=%d equals chk_om_free_count=%d",
-                  g_om_free_count, chk_om_free_count);
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count),
+                  chk_om_free_count);
   } else {
-    out->print_cr("ERROR: g_om_free_count=%d is not equal to "
-                  "chk_om_free_count=%d", g_om_free_count,
+    // With lock free access to g_free_list, it is possible for an
+    // ObjectMonitor to be prepended to g_free_list after we started
+    // calculating chk_om_free_count so g_om_free_count may not
+    // match anymore.
+    out->print_cr("WARNING: g_om_free_count=%d is not equal to "
+                  "chk_om_free_count=%d",
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count),
-    *error_cnt_p = *error_cnt_p + 1;
 // Check the global in-use list and count; log the results of the checks.
 void ObjectSynchronizer::chk_global_in_use_list_and_count(outputStream * out,
                                                           int *error_cnt_p) {
   int chk_om_in_use_count = 0;
-  for (ObjectMonitor* n = g_om_in_use_list; n != NULL; n = n->_next_om) {
+  for (ObjectMonitor* n = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_list); n != NULL; n = unmarked_next(n)) {
     chk_in_use_entry(NULL /* jt */, n, out, error_cnt_p);
-  if (g_om_in_use_count == chk_om_in_use_count) {
-    out->print_cr("g_om_in_use_count=%d equals chk_om_in_use_count=%d", g_om_in_use_count,
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count) == chk_om_in_use_count) {
+    out->print_cr("g_om_in_use_count=%d equals chk_om_in_use_count=%d",
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count),
   } else {
     out->print_cr("ERROR: g_om_in_use_count=%d is not equal to chk_om_in_use_count=%d",
-                  g_om_in_use_count, chk_om_in_use_count);
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count),
+                  chk_om_in_use_count);
     *error_cnt_p = *error_cnt_p + 1;
 // Check an in-use monitor entry; log any errors.

@@ -2719,64 +3150,63 @@
 // Check the thread's free list and count; log the results of the checks.
 void ObjectSynchronizer::chk_per_thread_free_list_and_count(JavaThread *jt,
                                                             outputStream * out,
                                                             int *error_cnt_p) {
   int chk_om_free_count = 0;
-  for (ObjectMonitor* n = jt->om_free_list; n != NULL; n = n->_next_om) {
+  for (ObjectMonitor* n = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_free_list); n != NULL; n = unmarked_next(n)) {
     chk_free_entry(jt, n, out, error_cnt_p);
-  if (jt->om_free_count == chk_om_free_count) {
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_free_count) == chk_om_free_count) {
     out->print_cr("jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": om_free_count=%d equals "
-                  "chk_om_free_count=%d", p2i(jt), jt->om_free_count, chk_om_free_count);
+                  "chk_om_free_count=%d", p2i(jt),
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_free_count),
+                  chk_om_free_count);
   } else {
     out->print_cr("ERROR: jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": om_free_count=%d is not "
-                  "equal to chk_om_free_count=%d", p2i(jt), jt->om_free_count,
+                  "equal to chk_om_free_count=%d", p2i(jt),
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_free_count),
     *error_cnt_p = *error_cnt_p + 1;
 // Check the thread's in-use list and count; log the results of the checks.
 void ObjectSynchronizer::chk_per_thread_in_use_list_and_count(JavaThread *jt,
                                                               outputStream * out,
                                                               int *error_cnt_p) {
   int chk_om_in_use_count = 0;
-  for (ObjectMonitor* n = jt->om_in_use_list; n != NULL; n = n->_next_om) {
+  for (ObjectMonitor* n = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_list); n != NULL; n = unmarked_next(n)) {
     chk_in_use_entry(jt, n, out, error_cnt_p);
-  if (jt->om_in_use_count == chk_om_in_use_count) {
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_count) == chk_om_in_use_count) {
     out->print_cr("jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": om_in_use_count=%d equals "
-                  "chk_om_in_use_count=%d", p2i(jt), jt->om_in_use_count,
+                  "chk_om_in_use_count=%d", p2i(jt),
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_count),
   } else {
     out->print_cr("ERROR: jt=" INTPTR_FORMAT ": om_in_use_count=%d is not "
-                  "equal to chk_om_in_use_count=%d", p2i(jt), jt->om_in_use_count,
+                  "equal to chk_om_in_use_count=%d", p2i(jt),
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_count),
     *error_cnt_p = *error_cnt_p + 1;
 // Log details about ObjectMonitors on the in-use lists. The 'BHL'
 // flags indicate why the entry is in-use, 'object' and 'object type'
 // indicate the associated object and its type.
-void ObjectSynchronizer::log_in_use_monitor_details(outputStream * out,
-                                                    bool on_exit) {
-  if (!on_exit) {
-    // Not at VM exit so grab the global list lock.
-    Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "log_in_use_monitor_details");
-  }
+void ObjectSynchronizer::log_in_use_monitor_details(outputStream * out) {
   stringStream ss;
-  if (g_om_in_use_count > 0) {
+  if (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count) > 0) {
     out->print_cr("In-use global monitor info:");
     out->print_cr("(B -> is_busy, H -> has hash code, L -> lock status)");
     out->print_cr("%18s  %s  %7s  %18s  %18s",
                   "monitor", "BHL", "ref_cnt", "object", "object type");
     out->print_cr("==================  ===  =======  ==================  ==================");
-    for (ObjectMonitor* n = g_om_in_use_list; n != NULL; n = n->_next_om) {
+    for (ObjectMonitor* n = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_list); n != NULL; n = unmarked_next(n)) {
       const oop obj = (oop) n->object();
       const markWord mark = n->header();
       ResourceMark rm;
       out->print(INTPTR_FORMAT "  %d%d%d  %7d  " INTPTR_FORMAT "  %s",
                  p2i(n), n->is_busy() != 0, mark.hash() != 0,

@@ -2788,21 +3218,17 @@
-  if (!on_exit) {
-    Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
-  }
   out->print_cr("In-use per-thread monitor info:");
   out->print_cr("(B -> is_busy, H -> has hash code, L -> lock status)");
   out->print_cr("%18s  %18s  %s  %7s  %18s  %18s",
                 "jt", "monitor", "BHL", "ref_cnt", "object", "object type");
   out->print_cr("==================  ==================  ===  =======  ==================  ==================");
   for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *jt = jtiwh.next(); ) {
-    for (ObjectMonitor* n = jt->om_in_use_list; n != NULL; n = n->_next_om) {
+    for (ObjectMonitor* n = OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_list); n != NULL; n = unmarked_next(n)) {
       const oop obj = (oop) n->object();
       const markWord mark = n->header();
       ResourceMark rm;
       out->print(INTPTR_FORMAT "  " INTPTR_FORMAT "  %d%d%d  %7d  "
                  INTPTR_FORMAT "  %s", p2i(jt), p2i(n), n->is_busy() != 0,

@@ -2825,21 +3251,27 @@
   int pop_count = 0;
   out->print_cr("%18s  %10s  %10s  %10s",
                 "Global Lists:", "InUse", "Free", "Total");
   out->print_cr("==================  ==========  ==========  ==========");
   out->print_cr("%18s  %10d  %10d  %10d", "",
-                g_om_in_use_count, g_om_free_count, g_om_population);
-  pop_count += g_om_in_use_count + g_om_free_count;
+                OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count),
+                OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count),
+                OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_population));
+  pop_count += OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_in_use_count) +
+               OrderAccess::load_acquire(&g_om_free_count);
   out->print_cr("%18s  %10s  %10s  %10s",
                 "Per-Thread Lists:", "InUse", "Free", "Provision");
   out->print_cr("==================  ==========  ==========  ==========");
   for (JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh; JavaThread *jt = jtiwh.next(); ) {
     out->print_cr(INTPTR_FORMAT "  %10d  %10d  %10d", p2i(jt),
-                  jt->om_in_use_count, jt->om_free_count, jt->om_free_provision);
-    pop_count += jt->om_in_use_count + jt->om_free_count;
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_count),
+                  OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_free_count),
+                  jt->om_free_provision);
+    pop_count += OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_in_use_count) +
+                 OrderAccess::load_acquire(&jt->om_free_count);
   return pop_count;
 #ifndef PRODUCT

@@ -2857,11 +3289,12 @@
       address blk = (address)block;
       size_t diff = mon - blk;
       assert((diff % sizeof(PaddedObjectMonitor)) == 0, "must be aligned");
       return 1;
-    block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)block->_next_om;
+    // unmarked_next() is not needed with g_block_list (no next field marking).
+    block = (PaddedObjectMonitor*)OrderAccess::load_acquire(&block->_next_om);
   return 0;
< prev index next >