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rev 47674 : Port 09.17.Thread_SMR_logging_update from JDK9 to JDK10
rev 47676 : eosterlund, stefank CR - refactor code into threadSMR.cpp and threadSMR.hpp
rev 47677 : eosterlund CR - need more inline fixes.

 263   JvmtiTagMap* tag_map() {
 264     return _tag_map;
 265   }
 268   // return true if event is enabled globally or for any thread
 269   // True only if there is a callback for it.
 270   bool is_enabled(jvmtiEvent event_type) {
 271     return _env_event_enable.is_enabled(event_type);
 272   }
 274 // Random Utilities
 276  protected:
 277   // helper methods for creating arrays of global JNI Handles from local Handles
 278   // allocated into environment specific storage
 279   jobject * new_jobjectArray(int length, Handle *handles);
 280   jthread * new_jthreadArray(int length, Handle *handles);
 281   jthreadGroup * new_jthreadGroupArray(int length, Handle *handles);
 283   // convert from JNIHandle to JavaThread *
 284   JavaThread  * get_JavaThread(jthread jni_thread);
 286   // convert to a jni jclass from a non-null Klass*
 287   jclass get_jni_class_non_null(Klass* k);
 289   jint count_locked_objects(JavaThread *java_thread, Handle hobj);
 290   jvmtiError get_locked_objects_in_frame(JavaThread *calling_thread,
 291                                    JavaThread* java_thread,
 292                                    javaVFrame *jvf,
 293                                    GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitors_list,
 294                                    jint depth);
 295   vframe* vframeFor(JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth);
 297  public:
 298   // get a field descriptor for the specified class and field
 299   static bool get_field_descriptor(Klass* k, jfieldID field, fieldDescriptor* fd);
 300   // test for suspend - most (all?) of these should go away
 301   static bool is_thread_fully_suspended(JavaThread *thread,
 302                                         bool wait_for_suspend,
 303                                         uint32_t *bits);
 306   // JVMTI API helper functions which are called at safepoint or thread is suspended.
 307   jvmtiError get_frame_count(JvmtiThreadState *state, jint *count_ptr);
 308   jvmtiError get_frame_location(JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth,
 309                                               jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr);
 310   jvmtiError get_object_monitor_usage(JavaThread *calling_thread,
 311                                                     jobject object, jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr);
 312   jvmtiError get_stack_trace(JavaThread *java_thread,
 313                                            jint stack_depth, jint max_count,
 314                                            jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr);
 315   jvmtiError get_current_contended_monitor(JavaThread *calling_thread,
 316                                                          JavaThread *java_thread,
 317                                                          jobject *monitor_ptr);
 318   jvmtiError get_owned_monitors(JavaThread *calling_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
 319                           GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *owned_monitors_list);
 320   jvmtiError check_top_frame(JavaThread* current_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
 321                              jvalue value, TosState tos, Handle* ret_ob_h);
 322   jvmtiError force_early_return(JavaThread* java_thread, jvalue value, TosState tos);
 323 };
 325 // This class is the only safe means of iterating through environments.

 343       Thread::current()->leaving_jvmti_env_iteration();
 344     }
 345   }
 346   JvmtiEnv* first()                 { return JvmtiEnvBase::head_environment(); }
 347   JvmtiEnv* next(JvmtiEnvBase* env) { return env->next_environment(); }
 348 };
 350 // VM operation to update for pop top frame.
 351 class VM_UpdateForPopTopFrame : public VM_Operation {
 352 private:
 353   JvmtiThreadState* _state;
 354   jvmtiError _result;
 356 public:
 357   VM_UpdateForPopTopFrame(JvmtiThreadState* state) {
 358     _state = state;
 359     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 360   }
 361   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_UpdateForPopTopFrame; }
 362   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 363   void doit() {
 364     JavaThread* jt = _state->get_thread();
 365     if (Threads::includes(jt) && !jt->is_exiting() && jt->threadObj() != NULL) {
 366       _state->update_for_pop_top_frame();
 367     } else {
 368       _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 369     }
 370   }
 371 };
 373 // VM operation to set frame pop.
 374 class VM_SetFramePop : public VM_Operation {
 375 private:
 376   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 377   JvmtiThreadState* _state;
 378   jint _depth;
 379   jvmtiError _result;
 381 public:
 382   VM_SetFramePop(JvmtiEnv *env, JvmtiThreadState* state, jint depth) {
 383     _env = env;
 384     _state = state;
 385     _depth = depth;
 386     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 387   }
 388   // Nested operation must be allowed for the VM_EnterInterpOnlyMode that is
 389   // called from the JvmtiEventControllerPrivate::recompute_thread_enabled.
 390   bool allow_nested_vm_operations() const { return true; }
 391   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_SetFramePop; }
 392   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 393   void doit() {
 394     JavaThread* jt = _state->get_thread();
 395     if (Threads::includes(jt) && !jt->is_exiting() && jt->threadObj() != NULL) {
 396       int frame_number = _state->count_frames() - _depth;
 397       _state->env_thread_state((JvmtiEnvBase*)_env)->set_frame_pop(frame_number);
 398     } else {
 399       _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 400     }
 401   }
 402 };
 405 // VM operation to get monitor information with stack depth.
 406 class VM_GetOwnedMonitorInfo : public VM_Operation {
 407 private:
 408   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 409   JavaThread* _calling_thread;
 410   JavaThread *_java_thread;
 411   jvmtiError _result;
 412   GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *_owned_monitors_list;
 414 public:
 415   VM_GetOwnedMonitorInfo(JvmtiEnv* env, JavaThread* calling_thread,
 416                                    JavaThread* java_thread,
 417                                    GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitor_list) {
 418     _env = env;
 419     _calling_thread = calling_thread;
 420     _java_thread = java_thread;
 421     _owned_monitors_list = owned_monitor_list;
 422     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 423   }
 424   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetOwnedMonitorInfo; }
 425   void doit() {
 426     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 427     if (Threads::includes(_java_thread) && !_java_thread->is_exiting()
 428                                         && _java_thread->threadObj() != NULL) {
 429       _result = ((JvmtiEnvBase *)_env)->get_owned_monitors(_calling_thread, _java_thread,
 430                                                             _owned_monitors_list);
 431     }
 432   }
 433   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 434 };
 437 // VM operation to get object monitor usage.
 438 class VM_GetObjectMonitorUsage : public VM_Operation {
 439 private:
 440   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 441   jobject _object;
 442   JavaThread* _calling_thread;
 443   jvmtiMonitorUsage* _info_ptr;
 444   jvmtiError _result;
 446 public:
 447   VM_GetObjectMonitorUsage(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread* calling_thread, jobject object, jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr) {
 448     _env = env;
 449     _object = object;
 450     _calling_thread = calling_thread;
 451     _info_ptr = info_ptr;
 452   }

 459 };
 461 // VM operation to get current contended monitor.
 462 class VM_GetCurrentContendedMonitor : public VM_Operation {
 463 private:
 464   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 465   JavaThread *_calling_thread;
 466   JavaThread *_java_thread;
 467   jobject *_owned_monitor_ptr;
 468   jvmtiError _result;
 470 public:
 471   VM_GetCurrentContendedMonitor(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread *calling_thread, JavaThread *java_thread, jobject *mon_ptr) {
 472     _env = env;
 473     _calling_thread = calling_thread;
 474     _java_thread = java_thread;
 475     _owned_monitor_ptr = mon_ptr;
 476   }
 477   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetCurrentContendedMonitor; }
 478   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 479   void doit() {
 480     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 481     if (Threads::includes(_java_thread) && !_java_thread->is_exiting() &&
 482         _java_thread->threadObj() != NULL) {
 483       _result = ((JvmtiEnvBase *)_env)->get_current_contended_monitor(_calling_thread,_java_thread,_owned_monitor_ptr);
 484     }
 485   }
 486 };
 488 // VM operation to get stack trace at safepoint.
 489 class VM_GetStackTrace : public VM_Operation {
 490 private:
 491   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 492   JavaThread *_java_thread;
 493   jint _start_depth;
 494   jint _max_count;
 495   jvmtiFrameInfo *_frame_buffer;
 496   jint *_count_ptr;
 497   jvmtiError _result;
 499 public:
 500   VM_GetStackTrace(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread *java_thread,
 501                    jint start_depth, jint max_count,
 502                    jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr) {
 503     _env = env;
 504     _java_thread = java_thread;
 505     _start_depth = start_depth;
 506     _max_count = max_count;
 507     _frame_buffer = frame_buffer;
 508     _count_ptr = count_ptr;
 509   }
 510   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 511   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetStackTrace; }
 512   void doit() {
 513     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 514     if (Threads::includes(_java_thread) && !_java_thread->is_exiting()
 515                                         && _java_thread->threadObj() != NULL) {
 516       _result = ((JvmtiEnvBase *)_env)->get_stack_trace(_java_thread,
 517                                                         _start_depth, _max_count,
 518                                                         _frame_buffer, _count_ptr);
 519     }
 520   }
 521 };
 523 // forward declaration
 524 struct StackInfoNode;
 526 // VM operation to get stack trace at safepoint.
 527 class VM_GetMultipleStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
 528 private:
 529   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 530   jint _max_frame_count;
 531   jvmtiStackInfo *_stack_info;
 532   jvmtiError _result;
 533   int _frame_count_total;
 534   struct StackInfoNode *_head;
 536   JvmtiEnvBase *env()                 { return (JvmtiEnvBase *)_env; }
 537   jint max_frame_count()              { return _max_frame_count; }
 538   struct StackInfoNode *head()        { return _head; }
 539   void set_head(StackInfoNode *head)  { _head = head; }

 590   void doit();
 591 };
 594 // VM operation to count stack frames at safepoint.
 595 class VM_GetFrameCount : public VM_Operation {
 596 private:
 597   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 598   JvmtiThreadState *_state;
 599   jint *_count_ptr;
 600   jvmtiError _result;
 602 public:
 603   VM_GetFrameCount(JvmtiEnv *env, JvmtiThreadState *state, jint *count_ptr) {
 604     _env = env;
 605     _state = state;
 606     _count_ptr = count_ptr;
 607   }
 608   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetFrameCount; }
 609   jvmtiError result()    { return _result; }
 610   void doit() {
 611     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 612     JavaThread* jt = _state->get_thread();
 613     if (Threads::includes(jt) && !jt->is_exiting() && jt->threadObj() != NULL) {
 614       _result = ((JvmtiEnvBase*)_env)->get_frame_count(_state, _count_ptr);
 615     }
 616   }
 617 };
 619 // VM operation to frame location at safepoint.
 620 class VM_GetFrameLocation : public VM_Operation {
 621 private:
 622   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 623   JavaThread* _java_thread;
 624   jint _depth;
 625   jmethodID* _method_ptr;
 626   jlocation* _location_ptr;
 627   jvmtiError _result;
 629 public:
 630   VM_GetFrameLocation(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth,
 631                       jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr) {
 632     _env = env;
 633     _java_thread = java_thread;
 634     _depth = depth;
 635     _method_ptr = method_ptr;
 636     _location_ptr = location_ptr;
 637   }
 638   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetFrameLocation; }
 639   jvmtiError result()    { return _result; }
 640   void doit() {
 641     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_THREAD_NOT_ALIVE;
 642     if (Threads::includes(_java_thread) && !_java_thread->is_exiting() &&
 643         _java_thread->threadObj() != NULL) {
 644       _result = ((JvmtiEnvBase*)_env)->get_frame_location(_java_thread, _depth,
 645                                                           _method_ptr, _location_ptr);
 646     }
 647   }
 648 };
 651 // ResourceTracker
 652 //
 653 // ResourceTracker works a little like a ResourceMark. All allocates
 654 // using the resource tracker are recorded. If an allocate using the
 655 // resource tracker fails the destructor will free any resources
 656 // that were allocated using the tracker.
 657 // The motive for this class is to avoid messy error recovery code
 658 // in situations where multiple allocations are done in sequence. If
 659 // the second or subsequent allocation fails it avoids any code to
 660 // release memory allocated in the previous calls.
 661 //
 662 // Usage :-
 663 //   ResourceTracker rt(env);
 664 //   :
 665 //   err = rt.allocate(1024, &ptr);
 667 class ResourceTracker : public StackObj {

 263   JvmtiTagMap* tag_map() {
 264     return _tag_map;
 265   }
 268   // return true if event is enabled globally or for any thread
 269   // True only if there is a callback for it.
 270   bool is_enabled(jvmtiEvent event_type) {
 271     return _env_event_enable.is_enabled(event_type);
 272   }
 274 // Random Utilities
 276  protected:
 277   // helper methods for creating arrays of global JNI Handles from local Handles
 278   // allocated into environment specific storage
 279   jobject * new_jobjectArray(int length, Handle *handles);
 280   jthread * new_jthreadArray(int length, Handle *handles);
 281   jthreadGroup * new_jthreadGroupArray(int length, Handle *handles);

 283   // convert to a jni jclass from a non-null Klass*
 284   jclass get_jni_class_non_null(Klass* k);
 286   jint count_locked_objects(JavaThread *java_thread, Handle hobj);
 287   jvmtiError get_locked_objects_in_frame(JavaThread *calling_thread,
 288                                    JavaThread* java_thread,
 289                                    javaVFrame *jvf,
 290                                    GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitors_list,
 291                                    jint depth);
 292   vframe* vframeFor(JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth);
 294  public:
 295   // get a field descriptor for the specified class and field
 296   static bool get_field_descriptor(Klass* k, jfieldID field, fieldDescriptor* fd);


 298   // JVMTI API helper functions which are called at safepoint or thread is suspended.
 299   jvmtiError get_frame_count(JvmtiThreadState *state, jint *count_ptr);
 300   jvmtiError get_frame_location(JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth,
 301                                               jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr);
 302   jvmtiError get_object_monitor_usage(JavaThread *calling_thread,
 303                                                     jobject object, jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr);
 304   jvmtiError get_stack_trace(JavaThread *java_thread,
 305                                            jint stack_depth, jint max_count,
 306                                            jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr);
 307   jvmtiError get_current_contended_monitor(JavaThread *calling_thread,
 308                                                          JavaThread *java_thread,
 309                                                          jobject *monitor_ptr);
 310   jvmtiError get_owned_monitors(JavaThread *calling_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
 311                           GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *owned_monitors_list);
 312   jvmtiError check_top_frame(JavaThread* current_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
 313                              jvalue value, TosState tos, Handle* ret_ob_h);
 314   jvmtiError force_early_return(JavaThread* java_thread, jvalue value, TosState tos);
 315 };
 317 // This class is the only safe means of iterating through environments.

 335       Thread::current()->leaving_jvmti_env_iteration();
 336     }
 337   }
 338   JvmtiEnv* first()                 { return JvmtiEnvBase::head_environment(); }
 339   JvmtiEnv* next(JvmtiEnvBase* env) { return env->next_environment(); }
 340 };
 342 // VM operation to update for pop top frame.
 343 class VM_UpdateForPopTopFrame : public VM_Operation {
 344 private:
 345   JvmtiThreadState* _state;
 346   jvmtiError _result;
 348 public:
 349   VM_UpdateForPopTopFrame(JvmtiThreadState* state) {
 350     _state = state;
 351     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 352   }
 353   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_UpdateForPopTopFrame; }
 354   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 355   void doit();

 356 };
 358 // VM operation to set frame pop.
 359 class VM_SetFramePop : public VM_Operation {
 360 private:
 361   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 362   JvmtiThreadState* _state;
 363   jint _depth;
 364   jvmtiError _result;
 366 public:
 367   VM_SetFramePop(JvmtiEnv *env, JvmtiThreadState* state, jint depth) {
 368     _env = env;
 369     _state = state;
 370     _depth = depth;
 371     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 372   }
 373   // Nested operation must be allowed for the VM_EnterInterpOnlyMode that is
 374   // called from the JvmtiEventControllerPrivate::recompute_thread_enabled.
 375   bool allow_nested_vm_operations() const { return true; }
 376   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_SetFramePop; }
 377   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 378   void doit();

 379 };
 382 // VM operation to get monitor information with stack depth.
 383 class VM_GetOwnedMonitorInfo : public VM_Operation {
 384 private:
 385   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 386   JavaThread* _calling_thread;
 387   JavaThread *_java_thread;
 388   jvmtiError _result;
 389   GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *_owned_monitors_list;
 391 public:
 392   VM_GetOwnedMonitorInfo(JvmtiEnv* env, JavaThread* calling_thread,
 393                                    JavaThread* java_thread,
 394                                    GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitor_list) {
 395     _env = env;
 396     _calling_thread = calling_thread;
 397     _java_thread = java_thread;
 398     _owned_monitors_list = owned_monitor_list;
 399     _result = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 400   }
 401   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetOwnedMonitorInfo; }
 402   void doit();

 403   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 404 };
 407 // VM operation to get object monitor usage.
 408 class VM_GetObjectMonitorUsage : public VM_Operation {
 409 private:
 410   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 411   jobject _object;
 412   JavaThread* _calling_thread;
 413   jvmtiMonitorUsage* _info_ptr;
 414   jvmtiError _result;
 416 public:
 417   VM_GetObjectMonitorUsage(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread* calling_thread, jobject object, jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr) {
 418     _env = env;
 419     _object = object;
 420     _calling_thread = calling_thread;
 421     _info_ptr = info_ptr;
 422   }

 429 };
 431 // VM operation to get current contended monitor.
 432 class VM_GetCurrentContendedMonitor : public VM_Operation {
 433 private:
 434   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 435   JavaThread *_calling_thread;
 436   JavaThread *_java_thread;
 437   jobject *_owned_monitor_ptr;
 438   jvmtiError _result;
 440 public:
 441   VM_GetCurrentContendedMonitor(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread *calling_thread, JavaThread *java_thread, jobject *mon_ptr) {
 442     _env = env;
 443     _calling_thread = calling_thread;
 444     _java_thread = java_thread;
 445     _owned_monitor_ptr = mon_ptr;
 446   }
 447   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetCurrentContendedMonitor; }
 448   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 449   void doit();

 450 };
 452 // VM operation to get stack trace at safepoint.
 453 class VM_GetStackTrace : public VM_Operation {
 454 private:
 455   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 456   JavaThread *_java_thread;
 457   jint _start_depth;
 458   jint _max_count;
 459   jvmtiFrameInfo *_frame_buffer;
 460   jint *_count_ptr;
 461   jvmtiError _result;
 463 public:
 464   VM_GetStackTrace(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread *java_thread,
 465                    jint start_depth, jint max_count,
 466                    jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr) {
 467     _env = env;
 468     _java_thread = java_thread;
 469     _start_depth = start_depth;
 470     _max_count = max_count;
 471     _frame_buffer = frame_buffer;
 472     _count_ptr = count_ptr;
 473   }
 474   jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
 475   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetStackTrace; }
 476   void doit();

 477 };
 479 // forward declaration
 480 struct StackInfoNode;
 482 // VM operation to get stack trace at safepoint.
 483 class VM_GetMultipleStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
 484 private:
 485   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 486   jint _max_frame_count;
 487   jvmtiStackInfo *_stack_info;
 488   jvmtiError _result;
 489   int _frame_count_total;
 490   struct StackInfoNode *_head;
 492   JvmtiEnvBase *env()                 { return (JvmtiEnvBase *)_env; }
 493   jint max_frame_count()              { return _max_frame_count; }
 494   struct StackInfoNode *head()        { return _head; }
 495   void set_head(StackInfoNode *head)  { _head = head; }

 546   void doit();
 547 };
 550 // VM operation to count stack frames at safepoint.
 551 class VM_GetFrameCount : public VM_Operation {
 552 private:
 553   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 554   JvmtiThreadState *_state;
 555   jint *_count_ptr;
 556   jvmtiError _result;
 558 public:
 559   VM_GetFrameCount(JvmtiEnv *env, JvmtiThreadState *state, jint *count_ptr) {
 560     _env = env;
 561     _state = state;
 562     _count_ptr = count_ptr;
 563   }
 564   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetFrameCount; }
 565   jvmtiError result()    { return _result; }
 566   void doit();

 567 };
 569 // VM operation to frame location at safepoint.
 570 class VM_GetFrameLocation : public VM_Operation {
 571 private:
 572   JvmtiEnv *_env;
 573   JavaThread* _java_thread;
 574   jint _depth;
 575   jmethodID* _method_ptr;
 576   jlocation* _location_ptr;
 577   jvmtiError _result;
 579 public:
 580   VM_GetFrameLocation(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth,
 581                       jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr) {
 582     _env = env;
 583     _java_thread = java_thread;
 584     _depth = depth;
 585     _method_ptr = method_ptr;
 586     _location_ptr = location_ptr;
 587   }
 588   VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetFrameLocation; }
 589   jvmtiError result()    { return _result; }
 590   void doit();

 591 };
 594 // ResourceTracker
 595 //
 596 // ResourceTracker works a little like a ResourceMark. All allocates
 597 // using the resource tracker are recorded. If an allocate using the
 598 // resource tracker fails the destructor will free any resources
 599 // that were allocated using the tracker.
 600 // The motive for this class is to avoid messy error recovery code
 601 // in situations where multiple allocations are done in sequence. If
 602 // the second or subsequent allocation fails it avoids any code to
 603 // release memory allocated in the previous calls.
 604 //
 605 // Usage :-
 606 //   ResourceTracker rt(env);
 607 //   :
 608 //   err = rt.allocate(1024, &ptr);
 610 class ResourceTracker : public StackObj {

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