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rev 47794 : Port 09.17.Thread_SMR_logging_update from JDK9 to JDK10
rev 47796 : eosterlund, stefank CR - refactor code into threadSMR.cpp and threadSMR.hpp
rev 47797 : eosterlund CR - need more inline fixes.
rev 47800 : Rebase to 2017.10.25 PIT snapshot.

  39 #include "runtime/park.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
  41 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/thread_ext.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/unhandledOops.hpp"
  45 #include "trace/traceBackend.hpp"
  46 #include "trace/traceMacros.hpp"
  47 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  48 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
  49 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  51 #include "gc/g1/dirtyCardQueue.hpp"
  52 #include "gc/g1/satbMarkQueue.hpp"
  53 #endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
  54 #ifdef ZERO
  55 # include "stack_zero.hpp"
  56 #endif
  58 class ThreadSafepointState;

  60 class JvmtiThreadState;
  61 class JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure;
  62 class ThreadStatistics;
  63 class ConcurrentLocksDump;
  64 class ParkEvent;
  65 class Parker;
  67 class ciEnv;
  68 class CompileThread;
  69 class CompileLog;
  70 class CompileTask;
  71 class CompileQueue;
  72 class CompilerCounters;
  73 class vframeArray;
  75 class DeoptResourceMark;
  76 class jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet;
  78 class GCTaskQueue;

  83 template <class T, MEMFLAGS F> class ChunkedList;
  84 typedef ChunkedList<Metadata*, mtInternal> MetadataOnStackBuffer;
  86 DEBUG_ONLY(class ResourceMark;)
  88 class WorkerThread;
  90 // Class hierarchy
  91 // - Thread
  92 //   - NamedThread
  93 //     - VMThread
  94 //     - ConcurrentGCThread
  95 //     - WorkerThread
  96 //       - GangWorker
  97 //       - GCTaskThread
  98 //   - JavaThread
  99 //     - various subclasses eg CompilerThread, ServiceThread
 100 //   - WatcherThread
 102 class Thread: public ThreadShadow {

 103   friend class VMStructs;
 104   friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
 105  private:
 108   // Current thread is maintained as a thread-local variable
 109   static THREAD_LOCAL_DECL Thread* _thr_current;
 110 #endif
 112   // Exception handling
 113   // (Note: _pending_exception and friends are in ThreadShadow)
 114   //oop       _pending_exception;                // pending exception for current thread
 115   // const char* _exception_file;                   // file information for exception (debugging only)
 116   // int         _exception_line;                   // line information for exception (debugging only)
 117  protected:
 118   // Support for forcing alignment of thread objects for biased locking
 119   void*       _real_malloc_address;

 120  public:
 121   void* operator new(size_t size) throw() { return allocate(size, true); }
 122   void* operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) throw() {
 123     return allocate(size, false); }
 124   void  operator delete(void* p);
 126  protected:
 127   static void* allocate(size_t size, bool throw_excpt, MEMFLAGS flags = mtThread);
 128  private:
 130   // ***************************************************************
 131   // Suspend and resume support
 132   // ***************************************************************
 133   //
 134   // VM suspend/resume no longer exists - it was once used for various
 135   // things including safepoints but was deprecated and finally removed
 136   // in Java 7. Because VM suspension was considered "internal" Java-level
 137   // suspension was considered "external", and this legacy naming scheme
 138   // remains.
 139   //

 339   virtual bool is_Named_thread() const               { return false; }
 340   virtual bool is_Worker_thread() const              { return false; }
 342   // Can this thread make Java upcalls
 343   virtual bool can_call_java() const                 { return false; }
 345   // Casts
 346   virtual WorkerThread* as_Worker_thread() const     { return NULL; }
 348   virtual char* name() const { return (char*)"Unknown thread"; }
 350   // Returns the current thread (ASSERTS if NULL)
 351   static inline Thread* current();
 352   // Returns the current thread, or NULL if not attached
 353   static inline Thread* current_or_null();
 354   // Returns the current thread, or NULL if not attached, and is
 355   // safe for use from signal-handlers
 356   static inline Thread* current_or_null_safe();
 358   // Common thread operations

 359   static void set_priority(Thread* thread, ThreadPriority priority);
 360   static ThreadPriority get_priority(const Thread* const thread);
 361   static void start(Thread* thread);
 362   static void interrupt(Thread* thr);
 363   static bool is_interrupted(Thread* thr, bool clear_interrupted);
 365   void set_native_thread_name(const char *name) {
 366     assert(Thread::current() == this, "set_native_thread_name can only be called on the current thread");
 367     os::set_native_thread_name(name);
 368   }
 370   ObjectMonitor** omInUseList_addr()             { return (ObjectMonitor **)&omInUseList; }
 371   Monitor* SR_lock() const                       { return _SR_lock; }
 373   bool has_async_exception() const { return (_suspend_flags & _has_async_exception) != 0; }
 375   inline void set_suspend_flag(SuspendFlags f);
 376   inline void clear_suspend_flag(SuspendFlags f);
 378   inline void set_has_async_exception();

 554   address stack_base() const           { assert(_stack_base != NULL,"Sanity check"); return _stack_base; }
 555   void    set_stack_base(address base) { _stack_base = base; }
 556   size_t  stack_size() const           { return _stack_size; }
 557   void    set_stack_size(size_t size)  { _stack_size = size; }
 558   address stack_end()  const           { return stack_base() - stack_size(); }
 559   void    record_stack_base_and_size();
 561   bool    on_local_stack(address adr) const {
 562     // QQQ this has knowledge of direction, ought to be a stack method
 563     return (_stack_base >= adr && adr >= stack_end());
 564   }
 566   uintptr_t self_raw_id()                    { return _self_raw_id; }
 567   void      set_self_raw_id(uintptr_t value) { _self_raw_id = value; }
 569   int     lgrp_id() const        { return _lgrp_id; }
 570   void    set_lgrp_id(int value) { _lgrp_id = value; }
 572   // Printing
 573   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const;

 574   void print() const { print_on(tty); }
 575   virtual void print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) const;
 576   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
 578   // Debug-only code
 579 #ifdef ASSERT
 580  private:
 581   // Deadlock detection support for Mutex locks. List of locks own by thread.
 582   Monitor* _owned_locks;
 583   // Mutex::set_owner_implementation is the only place where _owned_locks is modified,
 584   // thus the friendship
 585   friend class Mutex;
 586   friend class Monitor;
 588  public:
 589   void print_owned_locks_on(outputStream* st) const;
 590   void print_owned_locks() const                 { print_owned_locks_on(tty);    }
 591   Monitor* owned_locks() const                   { return _owned_locks;          }
 592   bool owns_locks() const                        { return owned_locks() != NULL; }
 593   bool owns_locks_but_compiled_lock() const;

 774   static void start();
 775   static void stop();
 776   // Only allow start once the VM is sufficiently initialized
 777   // Otherwise the first task to enroll will trigger the start
 778   static void make_startable();
 779  private:
 780   int sleep() const;
 781 };
 784 class CompilerThread;
 786 typedef void (*ThreadFunction)(JavaThread*, TRAPS);
 788 class JavaThread: public Thread {
 789   friend class VMStructs;
 790   friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
 791   friend class WhiteBox;
 792  private:
 793   JavaThread*    _next;                          // The next thread in the Threads list

 794   oop            _threadObj;                     // The Java level thread object
 796 #ifdef ASSERT
 797  private:
 798   int _java_call_counter;
 800  public:
 801   int  java_call_counter()                       { return _java_call_counter; }
 802   void inc_java_call_counter()                   { _java_call_counter++; }
 803   void dec_java_call_counter() {
 804     assert(_java_call_counter > 0, "Invalid nesting of JavaCallWrapper");
 805     _java_call_counter--;
 806   }
 807  private:  // restore original namespace restriction
 808 #endif  // ifdef ASSERT
 810 #ifndef PRODUCT
 811  public:
 812   enum {
 813     jump_ring_buffer_size = 16

1101   intptr_t* last_Java_sp() const                 { return _anchor.last_Java_sp(); }
1103   // last_Java_pc
1105   address last_Java_pc(void)                     { return _anchor.last_Java_pc(); }
1107   // Safepoint support
1108 #if !(defined(PPC64) || defined(AARCH64))
1109   JavaThreadState thread_state() const           { return _thread_state; }
1110   void set_thread_state(JavaThreadState s)       { _thread_state = s;    }
1111 #else
1112   // Use membars when accessing volatile _thread_state. See
1113   // Threads::create_vm() for size checks.
1114   inline JavaThreadState thread_state() const;
1115   inline void set_thread_state(JavaThreadState s);
1116 #endif
1117   ThreadSafepointState *safepoint_state() const  { return _safepoint_state; }
1118   void set_safepoint_state(ThreadSafepointState *state) { _safepoint_state = state; }
1119   bool is_at_poll_safepoint()                    { return _safepoint_state->is_at_poll_safepoint(); }

1121   // thread has called JavaThread::exit() or is terminated
1122   bool is_exiting()                              { return _terminated == _thread_exiting || is_terminated(); }
1123   // thread is terminated (no longer on the threads list); we compare
1124   // against the two non-terminated values so that a freed JavaThread
1125   // will also be considered terminated.
1126   bool is_terminated()                           { return _terminated != _not_terminated && _terminated != _thread_exiting; }
1127   void set_terminated(TerminatedTypes t)         { _terminated = t; }

1128   // special for Threads::remove() which is static:
1129   void set_terminated_value()                    { _terminated = _thread_terminated; }
1130   void block_if_vm_exited();
1132   bool doing_unsafe_access()                     { return _doing_unsafe_access; }
1133   void set_doing_unsafe_access(bool val)         { _doing_unsafe_access = val; }
1135   bool do_not_unlock_if_synchronized()             { return _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized; }
1136   void set_do_not_unlock_if_synchronized(bool val) { _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized = val; }
1138   // Suspend/resume support for JavaThread
1139  private:
1140   inline void set_ext_suspended();
1141   inline void clear_ext_suspended();
1143  public:
1144   void java_suspend();
1145   void java_resume();
1146   int  java_suspend_self();
1148   void check_and_wait_while_suspended() {
1149     assert(JavaThread::current() == this, "sanity check");

1169   static void check_special_condition_for_native_trans_and_transition(JavaThread *thread);
1171   bool is_ext_suspend_completed(bool called_by_wait, int delay, uint32_t *bits);
1172   bool is_ext_suspend_completed_with_lock(uint32_t *bits) {
1173     MutexLockerEx ml(SR_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1174     // Warning: is_ext_suspend_completed() may temporarily drop the
1175     // SR_lock to allow the thread to reach a stable thread state if
1176     // it is currently in a transient thread state.
1177     return is_ext_suspend_completed(false /* !called_by_wait */,
1178                                     SuspendRetryDelay, bits);
1179   }
1181   // We cannot allow wait_for_ext_suspend_completion() to run forever or
1182   // we could hang. SuspendRetryCount and SuspendRetryDelay are normally
1183   // passed as the count and delay parameters. Experiments with specific
1184   // calls to wait_for_ext_suspend_completion() can be done by passing
1185   // other values in the code. Experiments with all calls can be done
1186   // via the appropriate -XX options.
1187   bool wait_for_ext_suspend_completion(int count, int delay, uint32_t *bits);

1189   inline void set_external_suspend();
1190   inline void clear_external_suspend();
1192   inline void set_deopt_suspend();
1193   inline void clear_deopt_suspend();
1194   bool is_deopt_suspend()         { return (_suspend_flags & _deopt_suspend) != 0; }
1196   bool is_external_suspend() const {
1197     return (_suspend_flags & _external_suspend) != 0;
1198   }
1199   // Whenever a thread transitions from native to vm/java it must suspend
1200   // if external|deopt suspend is present.
1201   bool is_suspend_after_native() const {
1202     return (_suspend_flags & (_external_suspend | _deopt_suspend)) != 0;
1203   }
1205   // external suspend request is completed
1206   bool is_ext_suspended() const {
1207     return (_suspend_flags & _ext_suspended) != 0;
1208   }

2015   IdealGraphPrinter *_ideal_graph_printer;
2016  public:
2017   IdealGraphPrinter *ideal_graph_printer()           { return _ideal_graph_printer; }
2018   void set_ideal_graph_printer(IdealGraphPrinter *n) { _ideal_graph_printer = n; }
2019 #endif
2021   // Get/set the thread's current task
2022   CompileTask* task()                      { return _task; }
2023   void         set_task(CompileTask* task) { _task = task; }
2024 };
2026 inline CompilerThread* CompilerThread::current() {
2027   return JavaThread::current()->as_CompilerThread();
2028 }
2030 // The active thread queue. It also keeps track of the current used
2031 // thread priorities.
2032 class Threads: AllStatic {
2033   friend class VMStructs;
2034  private:

2035   static JavaThread* _thread_list;
2036   static int         _number_of_threads;
2037   static int         _number_of_non_daemon_threads;
2038   static int         _return_code;
2039   static int         _thread_claim_parity;
2040 #ifdef ASSERT
2041   static bool        _vm_complete;
2042 #endif
2044   static void initialize_java_lang_classes(JavaThread* main_thread, TRAPS);
2045   static void initialize_jsr292_core_classes(TRAPS);

2046  public:
2047   // Thread management
2048   // force_daemon is a concession to JNI, where we may need to add a
2049   // thread to the thread list before allocating its thread object
2050   static void add(JavaThread* p, bool force_daemon = false);
2051   static void remove(JavaThread* p);
2052   static bool includes(JavaThread* p);
2053   static JavaThread* first()                     { return _thread_list; }
2054   static void threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc);
2055   static void possibly_parallel_threads_do(bool is_par, ThreadClosure* tc);

2057   // Initializes the vm and creates the vm thread
2058   static jint create_vm(JavaVMInitArgs* args, bool* canTryAgain);
2059   static void convert_vm_init_libraries_to_agents();
2060   static void create_vm_init_libraries();
2061   static void create_vm_init_agents();
2062   static void shutdown_vm_agents();
2063   static bool destroy_vm();
2064   // Supported VM versions via JNI
2065   // Includes JNI_VERSION_1_1
2066   static jboolean is_supported_jni_version_including_1_1(jint version);
2067   // Does not include JNI_VERSION_1_1
2068   static jboolean is_supported_jni_version(jint version);
2070   // The "thread claim parity" provides a way for threads to be claimed
2071   // by parallel worker tasks.
2072   //
2073   // Each thread contains a a "parity" field. A task will claim the
2074   // thread only if its parity field is the same as the global parity,
2075   // which is updated by calling change_thread_claim_parity().
2076   //

2097   // Apply "f->do_oop" to roots in all threads that
2098   // are part of compiled frames
2099   static void compiled_frame_oops_do(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf);
2101   static void convert_hcode_pointers();
2102   static void restore_hcode_pointers();
2104   // Sweeper
2105   static void nmethods_do(CodeBlobClosure* cf);
2107   // RedefineClasses support
2108   static void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
2109   static void metadata_handles_do(void f(Metadata*));
2111 #ifdef ASSERT
2112   static bool is_vm_complete() { return _vm_complete; }
2113 #endif
2115   // Verification
2116   static void verify();

2117   static void print_on(outputStream* st, bool print_stacks, bool internal_format, bool print_concurrent_locks);

2118   static void print(bool print_stacks, bool internal_format) {
2119     // this function is only used by debug.cpp
2120     print_on(tty, print_stacks, internal_format, false /* no concurrent lock printed */);
2121   }
2122   static void print_on_error(outputStream* st, Thread* current, char* buf, int buflen);
2123   static void print_on_error(Thread* this_thread, outputStream* st, Thread* current, char* buf,
2124                              int buflen, bool* found_current);
2125   static void print_threads_compiling(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen);
2127   // Get Java threads that are waiting to enter a monitor. If doLock
2128   // is true, then Threads_lock is grabbed as needed. Otherwise, the
2129   // VM needs to be at a safepoint.
2130   static GrowableArray<JavaThread*>* get_pending_threads(int count,
2131                                                          address monitor, bool doLock);
2133   // Get owning Java thread from the monitor's owner field. If doLock
2134   // is true, then Threads_lock is grabbed as needed. Otherwise, the
2135   // VM needs to be at a safepoint.
2136   static JavaThread *owning_thread_from_monitor_owner(address owner,
2137                                                       bool doLock);
2139   // Number of threads on the active threads list
2140   static int number_of_threads()                 { return _number_of_threads; }
2141   // Number of non-daemon threads on the active threads list
2142   static int number_of_non_daemon_threads()      { return _number_of_non_daemon_threads; }
2144   // Deoptimizes all frames tied to marked nmethods
2145   static void deoptimized_wrt_marked_nmethods();
2147   static JavaThread* find_java_thread_from_java_tid(jlong java_tid);
2149 };
2152 // Thread iterator
2153 class ThreadClosure: public StackObj {
2154  public:
2155   virtual void do_thread(Thread* thread) = 0;
2156 };
2158 class SignalHandlerMark: public StackObj {
2159  private:
2160   Thread* _thread;
2161  public:
2162   SignalHandlerMark(Thread* t) {
2163     _thread = t;
2164     if (_thread) _thread->enter_signal_handler();
2165   }
2166   ~SignalHandlerMark() {
2167     if (_thread) _thread->leave_signal_handler();
2168     _thread = NULL;

  39 #include "runtime/park.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
  41 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/thread_ext.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/unhandledOops.hpp"
  45 #include "trace/traceBackend.hpp"
  46 #include "trace/traceMacros.hpp"
  47 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  48 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
  49 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  51 #include "gc/g1/dirtyCardQueue.hpp"
  52 #include "gc/g1/satbMarkQueue.hpp"
  53 #endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
  54 #ifdef ZERO
  55 # include "stack_zero.hpp"
  56 #endif
  58 class ThreadSafepointState;
  59 class ThreadsList;
  60 class NestedThreadsList;
  62 class JvmtiThreadState;
  63 class JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure;
  64 class ThreadStatistics;
  65 class ConcurrentLocksDump;
  66 class ParkEvent;
  67 class Parker;
  69 class ciEnv;
  70 class CompileThread;
  71 class CompileLog;
  72 class CompileTask;
  73 class CompileQueue;
  74 class CompilerCounters;
  75 class vframeArray;
  77 class DeoptResourceMark;
  78 class jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet;
  80 class GCTaskQueue;

  85 template <class T, MEMFLAGS F> class ChunkedList;
  86 typedef ChunkedList<Metadata*, mtInternal> MetadataOnStackBuffer;
  88 DEBUG_ONLY(class ResourceMark;)
  90 class WorkerThread;
  92 // Class hierarchy
  93 // - Thread
  94 //   - NamedThread
  95 //     - VMThread
  96 //     - ConcurrentGCThread
  97 //     - WorkerThread
  98 //       - GangWorker
  99 //       - GCTaskThread
 100 //   - JavaThread
 101 //     - various subclasses eg CompilerThread, ServiceThread
 102 //   - WatcherThread
 104 class Thread: public ThreadShadow {
 105   friend class Threads;
 106   friend class VMStructs;
 107   friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
 108  private:
 111   // Current thread is maintained as a thread-local variable
 112   static THREAD_LOCAL_DECL Thread* _thr_current;
 113 #endif
 115   // Exception handling
 116   // (Note: _pending_exception and friends are in ThreadShadow)
 117   //oop       _pending_exception;                // pending exception for current thread
 118   // const char* _exception_file;                   // file information for exception (debugging only)
 119   // int         _exception_line;                   // line information for exception (debugging only)
 120  protected:
 121   // Support for forcing alignment of thread objects for biased locking
 122   void*       _real_malloc_address;
 123   // JavaThread lifecycle support:
 124   friend class ScanHazardPtrGatherProtectedThreadsClosure;
 125   friend class ScanHazardPtrGatherThreadsListClosure;
 126   friend class ScanHazardPtrPrintMatchingThreadsClosure;
 127   friend class ThreadsListHandle;
 128   friend class ThreadsListSetter;
 129   ThreadsList* volatile _threads_hazard_ptr;
 130   ThreadsList*          cmpxchg_threads_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* exchange_value, ThreadsList* compare_value);
 131   ThreadsList*          get_threads_hazard_ptr();
 132   void                  set_threads_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* new_list);
 133   static bool           is_hazard_ptr_tagged(ThreadsList* list) {
 134     return (intptr_t(list) & intptr_t(1)) == intptr_t(1);
 135   }
 136   static ThreadsList*   tag_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* list) {
 137     return (ThreadsList*)(intptr_t(list) | intptr_t(1));
 138   }
 139   static ThreadsList*   untag_hazard_ptr(ThreadsList* list) {
 140     return (ThreadsList*)(intptr_t(list) & ~intptr_t(1));
 141   }
 142   NestedThreadsList* _nested_threads_hazard_ptr;
 143   NestedThreadsList* get_nested_threads_hazard_ptr() {
 144     return _nested_threads_hazard_ptr;
 145   }
 146   void set_nested_threads_hazard_ptr(NestedThreadsList* value) {
 147     assert(Threads_lock->owned_by_self(),
 148            "must own Threads_lock for _nested_threads_hazard_ptr to be valid.");
 149     _nested_threads_hazard_ptr = value;
 150   }
 151   // This field is enabled via -XX:+EnableThreadSMRStatistics:
 152   uint _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt;
 153   void dec_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt() {
 154     assert(_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt != 0, "mismatched {dec,inc}_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt()");
 155     _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt--;
 156   }
 157   void inc_nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt() {
 158     _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt++;
 159   }
 160   uint nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt() {
 161     return _nested_threads_hazard_ptr_cnt;
 162   }
 164  public:
 165   void* operator new(size_t size) throw() { return allocate(size, true); }
 166   void* operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_constant) throw() {
 167     return allocate(size, false); }
 168   void  operator delete(void* p);
 170  protected:
 171   static void* allocate(size_t size, bool throw_excpt, MEMFLAGS flags = mtThread);
 172  private:
 174   // ***************************************************************
 175   // Suspend and resume support
 176   // ***************************************************************
 177   //
 178   // VM suspend/resume no longer exists - it was once used for various
 179   // things including safepoints but was deprecated and finally removed
 180   // in Java 7. Because VM suspension was considered "internal" Java-level
 181   // suspension was considered "external", and this legacy naming scheme
 182   // remains.
 183   //

 383   virtual bool is_Named_thread() const               { return false; }
 384   virtual bool is_Worker_thread() const              { return false; }
 386   // Can this thread make Java upcalls
 387   virtual bool can_call_java() const                 { return false; }
 389   // Casts
 390   virtual WorkerThread* as_Worker_thread() const     { return NULL; }
 392   virtual char* name() const { return (char*)"Unknown thread"; }
 394   // Returns the current thread (ASSERTS if NULL)
 395   static inline Thread* current();
 396   // Returns the current thread, or NULL if not attached
 397   static inline Thread* current_or_null();
 398   // Returns the current thread, or NULL if not attached, and is
 399   // safe for use from signal-handlers
 400   static inline Thread* current_or_null_safe();
 402   // Common thread operations
 403 #ifdef ASSERT
 404   static void check_for_dangling_thread_pointer(Thread *thread);
 405 #endif
 406   static void set_priority(Thread* thread, ThreadPriority priority);
 407   static ThreadPriority get_priority(const Thread* const thread);
 408   static void start(Thread* thread);
 409   static void interrupt(Thread* thr);
 410   static bool is_interrupted(Thread* thr, bool clear_interrupted);
 412   void set_native_thread_name(const char *name) {
 413     assert(Thread::current() == this, "set_native_thread_name can only be called on the current thread");
 414     os::set_native_thread_name(name);
 415   }
 417   ObjectMonitor** omInUseList_addr()             { return (ObjectMonitor **)&omInUseList; }
 418   Monitor* SR_lock() const                       { return _SR_lock; }
 420   bool has_async_exception() const { return (_suspend_flags & _has_async_exception) != 0; }
 422   inline void set_suspend_flag(SuspendFlags f);
 423   inline void clear_suspend_flag(SuspendFlags f);
 425   inline void set_has_async_exception();

 601   address stack_base() const           { assert(_stack_base != NULL,"Sanity check"); return _stack_base; }
 602   void    set_stack_base(address base) { _stack_base = base; }
 603   size_t  stack_size() const           { return _stack_size; }
 604   void    set_stack_size(size_t size)  { _stack_size = size; }
 605   address stack_end()  const           { return stack_base() - stack_size(); }
 606   void    record_stack_base_and_size();
 608   bool    on_local_stack(address adr) const {
 609     // QQQ this has knowledge of direction, ought to be a stack method
 610     return (_stack_base >= adr && adr >= stack_end());
 611   }
 613   uintptr_t self_raw_id()                    { return _self_raw_id; }
 614   void      set_self_raw_id(uintptr_t value) { _self_raw_id = value; }
 616   int     lgrp_id() const        { return _lgrp_id; }
 617   void    set_lgrp_id(int value) { _lgrp_id = value; }
 619   // Printing
 620   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
 621   virtual void print_nested_threads_hazard_ptrs_on(outputStream* st) const;
 622   void print() const { print_on(tty); }
 623   virtual void print_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) const;
 624   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
 626   // Debug-only code
 627 #ifdef ASSERT
 628  private:
 629   // Deadlock detection support for Mutex locks. List of locks own by thread.
 630   Monitor* _owned_locks;
 631   // Mutex::set_owner_implementation is the only place where _owned_locks is modified,
 632   // thus the friendship
 633   friend class Mutex;
 634   friend class Monitor;
 636  public:
 637   void print_owned_locks_on(outputStream* st) const;
 638   void print_owned_locks() const                 { print_owned_locks_on(tty);    }
 639   Monitor* owned_locks() const                   { return _owned_locks;          }
 640   bool owns_locks() const                        { return owned_locks() != NULL; }
 641   bool owns_locks_but_compiled_lock() const;

 822   static void start();
 823   static void stop();
 824   // Only allow start once the VM is sufficiently initialized
 825   // Otherwise the first task to enroll will trigger the start
 826   static void make_startable();
 827  private:
 828   int sleep() const;
 829 };
 832 class CompilerThread;
 834 typedef void (*ThreadFunction)(JavaThread*, TRAPS);
 836 class JavaThread: public Thread {
 837   friend class VMStructs;
 838   friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
 839   friend class WhiteBox;
 840  private:
 841   JavaThread*    _next;                          // The next thread in the Threads list
 842   bool           _on_thread_list;                // Is set when this JavaThread is added to the Threads list
 843   oop            _threadObj;                     // The Java level thread object
 845 #ifdef ASSERT
 846  private:
 847   int _java_call_counter;
 849  public:
 850   int  java_call_counter()                       { return _java_call_counter; }
 851   void inc_java_call_counter()                   { _java_call_counter++; }
 852   void dec_java_call_counter() {
 853     assert(_java_call_counter > 0, "Invalid nesting of JavaCallWrapper");
 854     _java_call_counter--;
 855   }
 856  private:  // restore original namespace restriction
 857 #endif  // ifdef ASSERT
 859 #ifndef PRODUCT
 860  public:
 861   enum {
 862     jump_ring_buffer_size = 16

1150   intptr_t* last_Java_sp() const                 { return _anchor.last_Java_sp(); }
1152   // last_Java_pc
1154   address last_Java_pc(void)                     { return _anchor.last_Java_pc(); }
1156   // Safepoint support
1157 #if !(defined(PPC64) || defined(AARCH64))
1158   JavaThreadState thread_state() const           { return _thread_state; }
1159   void set_thread_state(JavaThreadState s)       { _thread_state = s;    }
1160 #else
1161   // Use membars when accessing volatile _thread_state. See
1162   // Threads::create_vm() for size checks.
1163   inline JavaThreadState thread_state() const;
1164   inline void set_thread_state(JavaThreadState s);
1165 #endif
1166   ThreadSafepointState *safepoint_state() const  { return _safepoint_state; }
1167   void set_safepoint_state(ThreadSafepointState *state) { _safepoint_state = state; }
1168   bool is_at_poll_safepoint()                    { return _safepoint_state->is_at_poll_safepoint(); }
1170   // JavaThread termination and lifecycle support:
1171   void smr_delete();
1172   bool on_thread_list() { return _on_thread_list; }
1173   void set_on_thread_list() { _on_thread_list = true; }
1175   // thread has called JavaThread::exit() or is terminated
1176   bool is_exiting() const;
1177   // thread is terminated (no longer on the threads list); we compare
1178   // against the two non-terminated values so that a freed JavaThread
1179   // will also be considered terminated.
1180   bool check_is_terminated(TerminatedTypes l_terminated) const {
1181     return l_terminated != _not_terminated && l_terminated != _thread_exiting;
1182   }
1183   bool is_terminated();
1184   void set_terminated(TerminatedTypes t);
1185   // special for Threads::remove() which is static:
1186   void set_terminated_value();
1187   void block_if_vm_exited();
1189   bool doing_unsafe_access()                     { return _doing_unsafe_access; }
1190   void set_doing_unsafe_access(bool val)         { _doing_unsafe_access = val; }
1192   bool do_not_unlock_if_synchronized()             { return _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized; }
1193   void set_do_not_unlock_if_synchronized(bool val) { _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized = val; }
1195   // Suspend/resume support for JavaThread
1196  private:
1197   inline void set_ext_suspended();
1198   inline void clear_ext_suspended();
1200  public:
1201   void java_suspend();
1202   void java_resume();
1203   int  java_suspend_self();
1205   void check_and_wait_while_suspended() {
1206     assert(JavaThread::current() == this, "sanity check");

1226   static void check_special_condition_for_native_trans_and_transition(JavaThread *thread);
1228   bool is_ext_suspend_completed(bool called_by_wait, int delay, uint32_t *bits);
1229   bool is_ext_suspend_completed_with_lock(uint32_t *bits) {
1230     MutexLockerEx ml(SR_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1231     // Warning: is_ext_suspend_completed() may temporarily drop the
1232     // SR_lock to allow the thread to reach a stable thread state if
1233     // it is currently in a transient thread state.
1234     return is_ext_suspend_completed(false /* !called_by_wait */,
1235                                     SuspendRetryDelay, bits);
1236   }
1238   // We cannot allow wait_for_ext_suspend_completion() to run forever or
1239   // we could hang. SuspendRetryCount and SuspendRetryDelay are normally
1240   // passed as the count and delay parameters. Experiments with specific
1241   // calls to wait_for_ext_suspend_completion() can be done by passing
1242   // other values in the code. Experiments with all calls can be done
1243   // via the appropriate -XX options.
1244   bool wait_for_ext_suspend_completion(int count, int delay, uint32_t *bits);
1246   // test for suspend - most (all?) of these should go away
1247   bool is_thread_fully_suspended(bool wait_for_suspend, uint32_t *bits);
1249   inline void set_external_suspend();
1250   inline void clear_external_suspend();
1252   inline void set_deopt_suspend();
1253   inline void clear_deopt_suspend();
1254   bool is_deopt_suspend()         { return (_suspend_flags & _deopt_suspend) != 0; }
1256   bool is_external_suspend() const {
1257     return (_suspend_flags & _external_suspend) != 0;
1258   }
1259   // Whenever a thread transitions from native to vm/java it must suspend
1260   // if external|deopt suspend is present.
1261   bool is_suspend_after_native() const {
1262     return (_suspend_flags & (_external_suspend | _deopt_suspend)) != 0;
1263   }
1265   // external suspend request is completed
1266   bool is_ext_suspended() const {
1267     return (_suspend_flags & _ext_suspended) != 0;
1268   }

2075   IdealGraphPrinter *_ideal_graph_printer;
2076  public:
2077   IdealGraphPrinter *ideal_graph_printer()           { return _ideal_graph_printer; }
2078   void set_ideal_graph_printer(IdealGraphPrinter *n) { _ideal_graph_printer = n; }
2079 #endif
2081   // Get/set the thread's current task
2082   CompileTask* task()                      { return _task; }
2083   void         set_task(CompileTask* task) { _task = task; }
2084 };
2086 inline CompilerThread* CompilerThread::current() {
2087   return JavaThread::current()->as_CompilerThread();
2088 }
2090 // The active thread queue. It also keeps track of the current used
2091 // thread priorities.
2092 class Threads: AllStatic {
2093   friend class VMStructs;
2094  private:
2095   // Safe Memory Reclamation (SMR) support:
2096   static Monitor*              _smr_delete_lock;
2097   // The '_cnt', '_max' and '_times" fields are enabled via
2098   // -XX:+EnableThreadSMRStatistics:
2099   static uint                  _smr_delete_lock_wait_cnt;
2100   static uint                  _smr_delete_lock_wait_max;
2101   static volatile jint         _smr_delete_notify;
2102   static volatile jint         _smr_deleted_thread_cnt;
2103   static volatile jint         _smr_deleted_thread_time_max;
2104   static volatile jint         _smr_deleted_thread_times;
2105   static ThreadsList* volatile _smr_java_thread_list;
2106   static ThreadsList*          get_smr_java_thread_list();
2107   static ThreadsList*          xchg_smr_java_thread_list(ThreadsList* new_list);
2108   static long                  _smr_java_thread_list_alloc_cnt;
2109   static long                  _smr_java_thread_list_free_cnt;
2110   static uint                  _smr_java_thread_list_max;
2111   static uint                  _smr_nested_thread_list_max;
2112   static volatile jint         _smr_tlh_cnt;
2113   static volatile jint         _smr_tlh_time_max;
2114   static volatile jint         _smr_tlh_times;
2115   static ThreadsList*          _smr_to_delete_list;
2116   static uint                  _smr_to_delete_list_cnt;
2117   static uint                  _smr_to_delete_list_max;
2119   static JavaThread*           _thread_list;
2120   static int                   _number_of_threads;
2121   static int                   _number_of_non_daemon_threads;
2122   static int                   _return_code;
2123   static int                   _thread_claim_parity;
2124 #ifdef ASSERT
2125   static bool                  _vm_complete;
2126 #endif
2128   static void initialize_java_lang_classes(JavaThread* main_thread, TRAPS);
2129   static void initialize_jsr292_core_classes(TRAPS);
2131   static void smr_free_list(ThreadsList* threads);
2133  public:
2134   // Thread management
2135   // force_daemon is a concession to JNI, where we may need to add a
2136   // thread to the thread list before allocating its thread object
2137   static void add(JavaThread* p, bool force_daemon = false);
2138   static void remove(JavaThread* p);

2139   static void threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc);
2140   static void possibly_parallel_threads_do(bool is_par, ThreadClosure* tc);
2142   // SMR support:
2143   template <class T>
2144   static void threads_do_smr(T *tc, Thread *self);
2145   static ThreadsList *acquire_stable_list(Thread *self, bool is_ThreadsListSetter);
2146   static ThreadsList *acquire_stable_list_fast_path(Thread *self);
2147   static ThreadsList *acquire_stable_list_nested_path(Thread *self);
2148   static void release_stable_list(Thread *self);
2149   static void release_stable_list_fast_path(Thread *self);
2150   static void release_stable_list_nested_path(Thread *self);
2151   static void release_stable_list_wake_up(char *log_str);
2152   static bool is_a_protected_JavaThread(JavaThread *thread);
2153   static bool is_a_protected_JavaThread_with_lock(JavaThread *thread) {
2154     MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock->owned_by_self() ? NULL : Threads_lock);
2155     return is_a_protected_JavaThread(thread);
2156   }
2157   static void smr_delete(JavaThread *thread);
2158   // The coordination between Threads::release_stable_list() and
2159   // Threads::smr_delete() uses the smr_delete_lock in order to
2160   // reduce the traffic on the Threads_lock.
2161   static Monitor* smr_delete_lock() { return _smr_delete_lock; }
2162   // The smr_delete_notify flag is used for proper double-check
2163   // locking in order to reduce the traffic on the smr_delete_lock.
2164   static bool smr_delete_notify();
2165   static void set_smr_delete_notify();
2166   static void clear_smr_delete_notify();
2167   static void inc_smr_deleted_thread_cnt();
2168   static void update_smr_deleted_thread_time_max(jint new_value);
2169   static void add_smr_deleted_thread_times(jint add_value);
2170   static void inc_smr_tlh_cnt();
2171   static void update_smr_tlh_time_max(jint new_value);
2172   static void add_smr_tlh_times(jint add_value);
2174   // Initializes the vm and creates the vm thread
2175   static jint create_vm(JavaVMInitArgs* args, bool* canTryAgain);
2176   static void convert_vm_init_libraries_to_agents();
2177   static void create_vm_init_libraries();
2178   static void create_vm_init_agents();
2179   static void shutdown_vm_agents();
2180   static bool destroy_vm();
2181   // Supported VM versions via JNI
2182   // Includes JNI_VERSION_1_1
2183   static jboolean is_supported_jni_version_including_1_1(jint version);
2184   // Does not include JNI_VERSION_1_1
2185   static jboolean is_supported_jni_version(jint version);
2187   // The "thread claim parity" provides a way for threads to be claimed
2188   // by parallel worker tasks.
2189   //
2190   // Each thread contains a a "parity" field. A task will claim the
2191   // thread only if its parity field is the same as the global parity,
2192   // which is updated by calling change_thread_claim_parity().
2193   //

2214   // Apply "f->do_oop" to roots in all threads that
2215   // are part of compiled frames
2216   static void compiled_frame_oops_do(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf);
2218   static void convert_hcode_pointers();
2219   static void restore_hcode_pointers();
2221   // Sweeper
2222   static void nmethods_do(CodeBlobClosure* cf);
2224   // RedefineClasses support
2225   static void metadata_do(void f(Metadata*));
2226   static void metadata_handles_do(void f(Metadata*));
2228 #ifdef ASSERT
2229   static bool is_vm_complete() { return _vm_complete; }
2230 #endif
2232   // Verification
2233   static void verify();
2234   static void log_smr_statistics();
2235   static void print_on(outputStream* st, bool print_stacks, bool internal_format, bool print_concurrent_locks);
2236   static void print_smr_info_on(outputStream* st);
2237   static void print_smr_info_elements_on(outputStream* st, ThreadsList* t_list);
2238   static void print(bool print_stacks, bool internal_format) {
2239     // this function is only used by debug.cpp
2240     print_on(tty, print_stacks, internal_format, false /* no concurrent lock printed */);
2241   }
2242   static void print_on_error(outputStream* st, Thread* current, char* buf, int buflen);
2243   static void print_on_error(Thread* this_thread, outputStream* st, Thread* current, char* buf,
2244                              int buflen, bool* found_current);
2245   static void print_threads_compiling(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen);
2247   // Get Java threads that are waiting to enter a monitor.
2248   static GrowableArray<JavaThread*>* get_pending_threads(ThreadsList * t_list,
2249                                                          int count, address monitor);

2251   // Get owning Java thread from the monitor's owner field.
2252   static JavaThread *owning_thread_from_monitor_owner(ThreadsList * t_list,
2253                                                       address owner);

2255   // Number of threads on the active threads list
2256   static int number_of_threads()                 { return _number_of_threads; }
2257   // Number of non-daemon threads on the active threads list
2258   static int number_of_non_daemon_threads()      { return _number_of_non_daemon_threads; }
2260   // Deoptimizes all frames tied to marked nmethods
2261   static void deoptimized_wrt_marked_nmethods();

2262 };
2265 // Thread iterator
2266 class ThreadClosure: public StackObj {
2267  public:
2268   virtual void do_thread(Thread* thread) = 0;
2269 };
2271 class SignalHandlerMark: public StackObj {
2272  private:
2273   Thread* _thread;
2274  public:
2275   SignalHandlerMark(Thread* t) {
2276     _thread = t;
2277     if (_thread) _thread->enter_signal_handler();
2278   }
2279   ~SignalHandlerMark() {
2280     if (_thread) _thread->leave_signal_handler();
2281     _thread = NULL;
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