/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package test.javafx.stage; import test.com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubPopupStage; import test.com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubStage; import test.com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubToolkit; import test.com.sun.javafx.pgstub.StubToolkit.ScreenConfiguration; import test.com.sun.javafx.test.MouseEventGenerator; import com.sun.javafx.tk.Toolkit; import javafx.concurrent.Task; import javafx.event.Event; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.BoundingBox; import javafx.geometry.Bounds; import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D; import javafx.scene.Cursor; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javafx.scene.ParentShim; import javafx.stage.Popup; import javafx.stage.PopupWindow; import javafx.stage.Screen; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.stage.Window; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class PopupTest { private StubToolkit toolkit; private Stage stage; private Scene scene; private boolean done = false; @Before public void setUp() { stage = new Stage(); scene = new Scene(new Group(), 500, 500); stage.setScene(scene); stage.show(); done = false; toolkit = (StubToolkit) Toolkit.getToolkit(); } @After public void tearDown() { stage.hide(); toolkit.resetScreens(); } private void pulse() { toolkit.fireTestPulse(); } @Test public void testShow() { // test showing popup with visible parent Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.show(stage); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); // test showing popup with invisible parent stage.hide(); Popup p2 = new Popup(); p2.show(stage); assertFalse(p2.isShowing()); // test showing popup without parent // TODO should result in an exception // Popup p3 = new Popup(); // p3.show(null); // assertFalse(p3.isVisible()); } @Test public void testShowNoAutofix() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.setAutoFix(false); p1.show(stage); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); } @Test public void testShowLocation() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.show(stage, 10, 20); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); assertEquals(10, p1.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(20, p1.getY(), 1e-100); pulse(); StubPopupStage peer = (StubPopupStage) p1.impl_getPeer(); assertEquals(10, peer.x, 1e-100); assertEquals(20, peer.y, 1e-100); } private static final class PopupRoot extends Parent { private final Rectangle geomBoundsRect; private double layoutBoundsX; private double layoutBoundsY; private double layoutBoundsWidth; private double layoutBoundsHeight; public PopupRoot() { geomBoundsRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); layoutBoundsWidth = 100; layoutBoundsHeight = 100; ParentShim.getChildren(this).add(geomBoundsRect); } public void setGeomBounds(final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height) { geomBoundsRect.setX(x); geomBoundsRect.setY(y); geomBoundsRect.setWidth(width); geomBoundsRect.setHeight(height); } public void setLayoutBounds(final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height) { layoutBoundsX = x; layoutBoundsY = y; layoutBoundsWidth = width; layoutBoundsHeight = height; impl_layoutBoundsChanged(); } @Override protected Bounds impl_computeLayoutBounds() { return new BoundingBox(layoutBoundsX, layoutBoundsY, layoutBoundsWidth, layoutBoundsHeight); } } @Test public void testAnchorPositioning() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); final PopupRoot root = new PopupRoot(); root.setGeomBounds(-10, 20, 120, 100); root.setLayoutBounds(0, 0, 100, 140); popup.getScene().setRoot(root); popup.setAnchorLocation(PopupWindow.AnchorLocation.WINDOW_BOTTOM_RIGHT); popup.show(stage, 400, 400); final StubPopupStage peer = (StubPopupStage) popup.impl_getPeer(); pulse(); assertEquals(280.0, peer.x, 1e-100); assertEquals(260.0, peer.y, 1e-100); popup.setAnchorLocation(PopupWindow.AnchorLocation.CONTENT_TOP_LEFT); assertEquals(290.0, popup.getAnchorX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(260.0, popup.getAnchorY(), 1e-100); pulse(); assertEquals(280.0, peer.x, 1e-100); assertEquals(260.0, peer.y, 1e-100); popup.setAnchorX(200); popup.setAnchorY(100); pulse(); assertEquals(190.0, peer.x, 1e-100); assertEquals(100.0, peer.y, 1e-100); } @Test public void testAnchorKeepsPositionOnContentChange() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); final PopupRoot root = new PopupRoot(); root.setGeomBounds(0, 0, 100, 140); root.setLayoutBounds(-10, 20, 120, 100); popup.getScene().setRoot(root); popup.setAnchorLocation( PopupWindow.AnchorLocation.CONTENT_BOTTOM_RIGHT); popup.show(stage, 400, 300); final StubPopupStage peer = (StubPopupStage) popup.impl_getPeer(); assertEquals(280.0, peer.x, 1e-100); assertEquals(180.0, peer.y, 1e-100); root.setLayoutBounds(10, -10, 80, 160); pulse(); assertEquals(400.0, popup.getAnchorX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(300.0, popup.getAnchorY(), 1e-100); assertEquals(310.0, peer.x, 1e-100); assertEquals(140.0, peer.y, 1e-100); } @Test public void testPopupWithoutAnchorStayInTheCenter() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.setWidth(100); popup.setHeight(100); popup.show(stage); Rectangle2D bounds = Screen.getPrimary().getVisualBounds(); double centerX = Math.ceil((bounds.getMinX() + (bounds.getWidth() - 100))/2); double centerY = Math.ceil((bounds.getMinY() + (bounds.getHeight() - 100))/3); StubPopupStage peer = (StubPopupStage) popup.impl_getPeer(); assertEquals(centerX, Math.ceil(peer.x), 1e-100); assertEquals(centerY, Math.ceil(peer.y), 1e-100); popup.hide(); popup.show(stage); peer = (StubPopupStage) popup.impl_getPeer(); assertEquals(centerX, Math.ceil(peer.x), 1e-100); assertEquals(centerY, Math.ceil(peer.y), 1e-100); } @Test public void testHide() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.show(stage); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); p1.hide(); assertFalse(p1.isShowing()); } @Test public void testHideAll() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.show(stage); Popup p2 = new Popup(); p2.show(p1); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); assertTrue(p2.isShowing()); p1.hide(); assertFalse(p1.isShowing()); assertFalse(p2.isShowing()); p1.show(stage); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); assertFalse(p2.isShowing()); p1.hide(); assertFalse(p1.isShowing()); assertFalse(p2.isShowing()); } @Test public void testAutoHiding() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.setAutoHide(true); p1.show(stage); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); p1.getContent().add(rect); rect.requestFocus(); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); // hiding popup stage removes the focus (in stubbed environment) p1.hide(); assertFalse(p1.isShowing()); } @Test public void testAutoHidingWithFocusedChild() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.setAutoHide(true); p1.show(stage); // setting initial focus Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); p1.getContent().add(rect); rect.requestFocus(); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); Popup p2 = new Popup(); p2.setAutoHide(true); p2.show(p1); Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(); p2.getContent().add(rect2); rect2.requestFocus(); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); assertTrue(p2.isShowing()); p1.hide(); // child has focus, popup should stay visible // Again this should be handled by PopupEventRedirector // all the AutoHide features are not implemented yet. //assertTrue(p1.isVisible()); } @Test public void testAutoHidingTree() { Popup p0 = new Popup(); p0.setAutoHide(true); p0.show(stage); // setting initial focus Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); p0.getContent().add(rect); rect.requestFocus(); Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.setAutoHide(true); p1.show(p0); Popup p2 = new Popup(); p2.setAutoHide(true); p2.show(p1); Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(); p2.getContent().add(rect2); rect2.requestFocus(); assertTrue(p1.isShowing()); assertTrue(p2.isShowing()); assertTrue(p0.isShowing()); // after autohide the whole popup tree should be hidden // up to the parent popup with focus p2.hide(); // Commenting this assersion for now : need to decide if // doAutoHide on popup should hide just itself or its parent popup as well. // PopupEventRedirector should probably take care of it. //assertFalse(p1.isVisible()); assertFalse(p2.isShowing()); assertTrue(p0.isShowing()); } @Test public void testOnAutohide() { Popup p1 = new Popup(); p1.setAutoHide(true); p1.show(stage); p1.setOnAutoHide(e -> { done = true; }); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(20, 20, 50, 50); p1.getContent().add(rect); assertFalse(done); final MouseEventGenerator generator = new MouseEventGenerator(); scene.impl_processMouseEvent( generator.generateMouseEvent( MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, 0, 0)); // test whether runnable ran assertTrue(done); } @Ignore ("Not sure how this ever worked, or what the point is") @Test public void testPeerListener() { Popup p = new Popup(); p.setAutoHide(true); p.show(stage); StubPopupStage peer = (StubPopupStage) p.impl_getPeer(); p.sizeToScene(); double width = p.getWidth(); double height = p.getHeight(); // test changing dimensions to same values p.sizeToScene(); assertEquals(width, p.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(height, p.getHeight(), 1e-100); // these methods shouldn't do anything for popups, // width and height should stay the same peer.close(); assertEquals(width, p.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(height, p.getHeight(), 1e-100); peer.setFullScreen(true); assertEquals(width, p.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(height, p.getHeight(), 1e-100); peer.setIconified(true); assertEquals(width, p.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(height, p.getHeight(), 1e-100); peer.setResizable(true); assertEquals(width, p.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(height, p.getHeight(), 1e-100); peer.setLocation(0, 0); assertEquals(0, p.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(0, p.getY(), 1e-100); peer.setSize(100, 100); assertEquals(100, p.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(100, p.getHeight(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testDefautValueOfAutofix() { Popup p = new Popup(); assertTrue(p.isAutoFix()); assertTrue(p.autoFixProperty().get()); } @Test public void testBasicAutofix() { toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 0, 200, 1920, 1000, 96)); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); popup.show(stage, 1900, 100); assertEquals(1920, popup.getX() + popup.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(200, popup.getY(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testDoubleShowAutofix() { toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 0, 200, 1920, 1000, 96)); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); popup.show(stage, 1900, 100); assertEquals(1920, popup.getX() + popup.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(200, popup.getY(), 1e-100); popup.show(stage, 1900, 100); assertEquals(1920, popup.getX() + popup.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(200, popup.getY(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testAutofixActivationAfterShow() { toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 0, 200, 1920, 1000, 96)); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoFix(false); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); popup.show(stage, 1900, 100); assertEquals(1900, popup.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(100, popup.getY(), 1e-100); popup.setAutoFix(true); assertEquals(1920, popup.getX() + popup.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(200, popup.getY(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testAutofixOnContentChange() { toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 0, 0, 1920, 1172, 96)); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); popup.show(stage, 100, 1120); assertEquals(100, popup.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(1120, popup.getY(), 1e-100); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 100)); assertEquals(100, popup.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(1172, popup.getY() + popup.getHeight(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testAutofixOnScreenChange() { toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 0, 0, 1920, 1172, 96)); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); popup.show(stage, 100, 1120); assertEquals(100, popup.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(1120, popup.getY(), 1e-100); toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 120, 0, 1800, 1172, 96)); assertEquals(120, popup.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(1120, popup.getY(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testAutofixWithFullScreen() { toolkit.setScreens( new ScreenConfiguration(0, 0, 1920, 1200, 0, 0, 1920, 1172, 96)); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.getContent().add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); stage.setFullScreen(true); popup.show(stage, 100, 1160); assertEquals(100, popup.getX(), 1e-100); assertEquals(1150, popup.getY(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testSetPopupContentByChangingRootNode() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.getScene().setRoot(new Group(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 200))); assertEquals(300, popup.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(200, popup.getHeight(), 1e-100); popup.getScene().setRoot(new Group(new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 300))); assertEquals(200, popup.getWidth(), 1e-100); assertEquals(300, popup.getHeight(), 1e-100); } @Test public void testKeyEventTranslation() { Popup popup = new Popup(); AtomicBoolean res = new AtomicBoolean(false); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 200); popup.getScene().setRoot(new Group(rectangle)); popup.show(stage); rectangle.requestFocus(); rectangle.setOnKeyPressed((KeyEvent e) -> { assertEquals(rectangle, e.getTarget()); res.set(true); }); Event.fireEvent(stage, new KeyEvent(null, stage, KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, "c", "c", KeyCode.C, false, false, false, false)); assertTrue(res.get()); } @Test public void testConsumeAutoHidingEventsProperty() { final EventCounter mouseEventCounter = new EventCounter(); final EventCounter keyEventCounter = new EventCounter(); stage.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, mouseEventCounter); stage.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, keyEventCounter); try { final MouseEventGenerator mouseEventGenerator = new MouseEventGenerator(); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.setAutoHide(true); assertTrue(popup.getConsumeAutoHidingEvents()); popup.show(stage); Event.fireEvent(stage, mouseEventGenerator.generateMouseEvent( MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, 0, 0)); assertEquals(0, mouseEventCounter.getValue()); popup.show(stage); Event.fireEvent(stage, new KeyEvent(null, stage, KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED, KeyCode.ESCAPE.getName(), KeyCode.ESCAPE, false, false, false, false)); assertEquals(0, keyEventCounter.getValue()); popup.setConsumeAutoHidingEvents(false); popup.show(stage); Event.fireEvent(stage, mouseEventGenerator.generateMouseEvent( MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, 0, 0)); assertEquals(1, mouseEventCounter.getValue()); popup.show(stage); Event.fireEvent(stage, new KeyEvent(null, stage, KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED, KeyCode.ESCAPE.getName(), KeyCode.ESCAPE, false, false, false, false)); assertEquals(1, keyEventCounter.getValue()); } finally { stage.removeEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, mouseEventCounter); stage.removeEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, keyEventCounter); } } @Test(expected=NullPointerException.class) public void testShowWithNullOwner() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.show(null); } @Test(expected=NullPointerException.class) public void testShowXYWithNullOwner() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.show((Window) null, 10, 10); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testShowWithOwnerThatWouldCreateCycle1() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.show(popup); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testShowWithOwnerThatWouldCreateCycle2() { final Popup popup1 = new Popup(); final Popup popup2 = new Popup(); popup1.show(stage); popup2.show(popup1); popup1.hide(); popup1.show(popup2); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testShowXYWithOwnerThatWouldCreateCycle1() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.show(popup, 10, 20); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testShowXYWithOwnerThatWouldCreateCycle2() { final Popup popup1 = new Popup(); final Popup popup2 = new Popup(); popup1.show(stage); popup2.show(popup1); popup1.hide(); popup1.show(popup2, 10, 20); } @Test public void testFocusGrabbedWhenNecessary() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.show(stage); stage.requestFocus(); final StubStage peer = (StubStage) stage.impl_getPeer(); assertFalse(peer.isFocusGrabbed()); popup.setAutoHide(true); assertTrue(peer.isFocusGrabbed()); popup.hide(); assertFalse(peer.isFocusGrabbed()); } @Test public void testPopupRootStyle() { final Popup popup = new Popup(); final Parent oldRoot = popup.getScene().getRoot(); Assert.assertTrue(oldRoot.getStyleClass().contains("popup")); final Group newRoot = new Group(new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 300)); popup.getScene().setRoot(newRoot); Assert.assertTrue(newRoot.getStyleClass().contains("popup")); Assert.assertFalse(oldRoot.getStyleClass().contains("popup")); System.out.println(javafx.scene.shape.Sphere.class.getResource("Sphere.class")); } @Test public void testCursorInheritance() { stage.getScene().setCursor(Cursor.CLOSED_HAND); final Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.show(stage); assertEquals(Cursor.CLOSED_HAND, popup.getScene().getCursor()); } private static final class EventCounter implements EventHandler { private int counter; public int getValue() { return counter; } public void handle(final Event event) { ++counter; } } }