1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package test.robot.com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;
  28 import com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.TestLog;
  29 import test.robot.com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.ParameterizedTestBase;
  30 import test.robot.com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.input.devices.TestTouchDevice;
  31 import test.robot.com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.input.devices.TestTouchDevices;
  32 import org.junit.After;
  33 import org.junit.Assert;
  34 import org.junit.Assume;
  35 import org.junit.Before;
  36 import org.junit.Ignore;
  37 import org.junit.Test;
  38 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
  40 import java.util.Collection;
  42 /**
  43  * Rotate tests generated by two touch points.
  44  * By default rotation starting form 0 degrees position - on Axis Y,
  45  * but it can be sent from any other location on the object
  46  *  */
  47 public class RotateTest extends ParameterizedTestBase {
  49     private int newX1;
  50     private int newY1;
  51     private static final int ZERO_ANGLE = 0;
  52     private int centerX;
  53     private int centerY;
  54     private int radius;
  55     private int p1;
  56     private int p2;
  58     public RotateTest(TestTouchDevice device) {
  59         super(device);
  60     }
  62     @Parameterized.Parameters
  63     public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
  64         return TestTouchDevices.getTouchDeviceParameters(2);
  65     }
  67     @Before
  68     public void init() {
  69         //Rotate tests should be run only on platforms that support current feature
  70         Assume.assumeTrue(Boolean.getBoolean("com.sun.javafx.gestures.rotate"));
  71         centerX = (int) Math.round(width * 0.5);
  72         centerY = (int) Math.round(height * 0.5);
  73         radius = (int) Math.round(height * 0.45);
  74     }
  76     @After
  77     public void releaseAll() throws Exception {
  78         if (device.getPressedPoints() == 2) {
  79             TestLog.reset();
  80             device.removePoint(p1);
  81             device.removePoint(p2);
  82             device.sync();
  83         }
  84     }
  86     private void updateNewTouchPoint(int angle, int radius, int centerX, int centerY) {
  88         int transformedAngle = 90 - angle;
  89         newX1 = centerX + (int) Math.round(radius *
  90                 Math.cos(Math.toRadians(transformedAngle)));
  91         newY1 = centerY - (int) Math.round(radius *
  92                 Math.sin(Math.toRadians(transformedAngle)));
  93     }
  95     private int getDistance(int xPoint1, int yPoint1, int xPoint2, int yPoint2) {
  96         double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((xPoint1 - xPoint2), 2)
  97                 + Math.pow((yPoint1 - yPoint2), 2));
  98         return (int) d;
  99     }
 101     private int getRotateThreshold() {
 102         String s = System.getProperty("com.sun.javafx.gestures.rotate.threshold");
 103         if (s != null) {
 104             return Integer.valueOf(s);
 105         } else {
 106             return 5;
 107         }
 108     }
 110     private void Rotate(int startAngle, int radius, int x2, int y2, int angleStep,
 111                         int numOfIterations) throws Exception {
 113         int totalAngle = angleStep;
 114         updateNewTouchPoint(startAngle, radius, x2, y2);
 116         TestLog.reset();
 117         p1 = device.addPoint(newX1, newY1);
 118         p2 = device.addPoint(x2, y2);
 119         device.sync();
 120         //verify pressing two fingers
 121         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: PRESSED %d, %d", newX1, newY1);
 122         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: PRESSED %d, %d", x2, y2);
 124         //saving previous coordinates:
 125         int previousX = newX1;
 126         int previousY = newY1;
 128         updateNewTouchPoint((angleStep + startAngle), radius, x2, y2);
 130         Assume.assumeTrue(getDistance(previousX, previousY, newX1, newY1 )
 131                 > device.getTapRadius());
 133         //start the rotation
 134         TestLog.reset();
 135         device.setPoint(p1, newX1, newY1);
 136         device.sync();
 137         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: MOVED %d, %d", newX1, newY1);
 138         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: STATIONARY %d, %d", x2, y2);
 140         if (Math.abs(angleStep) >= getRotateThreshold()) {
 141             TestLog.waitForLogContaining("Rotation started, angle: " + ZERO_ANGLE
 142                 + ", total angle: " + ZERO_ANGLE + ", inertia value: false");
 143             TestLog.waitForLogContaining("Rotation, angle: " + angleStep
 144                 + ", total angle: " + totalAngle
 145                 + ", inertia value: false");
 146         } else {
 147             Assert.assertEquals(0, TestLog.countLogContaining("Rotation started"));
 148             Assert.assertEquals(0, TestLog.countLogContaining("Rotation, angle"));
 149         }
 150         boolean passedTheThreshold =false;
 151         if (numOfIterations >= 2) {
 152             for (int i = 2; i <= numOfIterations; i++) {
 153                 updateNewTouchPoint(angleStep * i + startAngle, radius, x2, y2);
 154                 totalAngle += angleStep;
 155                 TestLog.reset();
 156                 device.setPoint(p1, newX1, newY1);
 157                 device.sync();
 159                 TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: MOVED %d, %d", newX1, newY1);
 160                 TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: STATIONARY %d, %d", x2, y2);
 162                 String expectedLog;
 163                 if (Math.abs(angleStep) < getRotateThreshold()) {
 164                     if(Math.abs(totalAngle) >= getRotateThreshold()) {
 165                         if (!passedTheThreshold) {
 166                             expectedLog = "Rotation, angle: " + totalAngle
 167                                 + ", total angle: " + totalAngle
 168                                 + ", inertia value: false";
 169                             passedTheThreshold = true;
 170                         } else {
 171                             expectedLog = "Rotation, angle: " + angleStep
 172                                 + ", total angle: " + totalAngle
 173                                 + ", inertia value: false";
 174                         }
 175                     } else {
 176                         expectedLog = "sync";
 177                     }
 178                 } else {
 179                     expectedLog = "Rotation, angle: " + angleStep
 180                             + ", total angle: " + totalAngle
 181                             + ", inertia value: false";
 182                 }
 183                 TestLog.waitForLogContaining(expectedLog);
 184             }
 185         }
 186         TestLog.reset();
 187         device.removePoint(p1);
 188         device.removePoint(p2);
 189         device.sync();
 190         //verify fingers release
 191         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: RELEASED %d, %d", newX1, newY1);
 192         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: RELEASED %d, %d", x2, y2);
 193         if (Math.abs(totalAngle) >= getRotateThreshold()) {
 194             TestLog.waitForLogContaining("Rotation finished, angle: " + ZERO_ANGLE
 195                     + ", total angle: " + totalAngle + ", inertia value: false");
 196             Assert.assertEquals(1, TestLog.countLogContaining("Rotation "
 197                     + "finished, " + "angle: " + ZERO_ANGLE
 198                     + ", total angle: " + totalAngle
 199                     + ", inertia value: false"));
 200         } else {
 201             Assert.assertEquals(0, TestLog.countLogContaining("Rotation finished, "
 202                     + "angle: " + ZERO_ANGLE + ", total angle: " + totalAngle
 203                     + ", inertia value: false"));
 204         }
 205         if (TestLog.countLogContaining("Rotation finished") > 0) {
 206             TestLog.waitForLogContainingSubstrings("Rotation", "inertia value: true");
 207         }
 208         TestLog.reset();
 209         p2 = device.addPoint(x2, y2);
 210         device.sync();
 211         device.removePoint(p2);
 212         device.sync();
 213         TestLog.waitForLogContaining("TouchPoint: RELEASED %d, %d", x2, y2);
 214     }
 216     private void Rotate(int radius, int x2, int y2, int angleStep,
 217                         int numOfIterations) throws Exception {
 218         Rotate(0, radius, x2, y2, angleStep, numOfIterations);
 219     }
 221     private void Rotate(int startAngle, int angleStep, int numOfIterations) throws Exception {
 222         Rotate(startAngle, radius, centerX, centerY, angleStep, numOfIterations);
 223     }
 225     private void Rotate(int angleStep, int numOfIterations) throws Exception {
 226         Rotate(0, radius, centerX, centerY, angleStep, numOfIterations);
 227     }
 229     /**
 230      * Tap two fingers, drag a little bit upper finger right in order move,
 231      * but not enough for rotation.
 232      */
 233     @Test
 234     public void testSmallStepRightNoRotateSent() throws Exception {
 235         Rotate(4, 1);
 236     }
 238     /**
 239      * Tap two fingers, drag a little bit upper finger right in order move,
 240      * but not enough for rotation, then make 2 more small moves
 241      */
 242     @Test
 243     public void testRotateRightByFewSmallSteps() throws Exception {
 244         Rotate(4, 5);
 245     }
 247     /**
 248      * Tap two fingers, drag upper finger right in order to rotate
 249      */
 250     @Test
 251     public void testRotateRight() throws Exception {
 252         Rotate(15, 6);
 253     }
 255     /**
 256      * Tap two fingers, rotate the object right (by 3 steps, 50 degrees each)
 257      */
 258     @Test
 259     public void testRotateRightBigSteps() throws Exception {
 260         Rotate(50, 3);
 261     }
 263     /**
 264      * Tap two fingers, rotate the object right by only 1 very big step - 80 degrees
 265      */
 266     @Test
 267     @Ignore //RT-36616
 268     public void testRotateRightOneBigStep() throws Exception {
 269         Rotate(80, 1);
 270     }
 272     /**
 273      * Tap two fingers, drag a little bit upper finger left in order move,
 274      * but not enough for rotation.
 275      */
 276     @Test
 277     public void testSmallStepLeftNoRotateSent() throws Exception {
 278         Rotate(-4, 1);
 279     }
 281     /**
 282      * Tap two fingers, drag a little bit upper finger left in order move,
 283      * but not enough for rotation, then make 9 more small moves
 284      */
 285     @Test
 286     public void testRotateLeftByFewSmallSteps() throws Exception {
 287         Rotate(-4, 10);
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Tap two fingers, drag upper finger left in order to rotate
 292      */
 293     @Test
 294     public void testRotateLeft() throws Exception {
 295         Rotate(-10, 4);
 296     }
 298     /**
 299      * Tap two fingers, rotate the object left (by 5 steps, 40 degrees each)
 300      */
 301     @Test
 302     public void testRotateLeftBigSteps() throws Exception {
 303         Rotate(-40, 5);
 304     }
 306     /**
 307      * Tap two fingers, rotate the object left by only 1 very big step - 70 degrees
 308      */
 309     @Test
 310     @Ignore //RT-36616
 311     public void testRotateLeftOneBigStep() throws Exception {
 312         Rotate(-70, 1);
 313     }
 315     /**
 316      * Tap two fingers in 45 degrees, rotate the object right
 317      */
 318     @Test
 319     public void testRotateRightFrom45Degrees() throws Exception {
 320         Rotate(45, 20, 3);
 321     }
 323     /**
 324      * Tap two fingers in 45 degrees, rotate the object left
 325      */
 326     @Test
 327     public void testRotateLeftFrom45Degrees() throws Exception {
 328         Rotate(45, -20, 3);
 329     }
 331     /**
 332      * Tap two fingers in -45 degrees, rotate the object right
 333      */
 334     @Test
 335     public void testRotateRightFromMinus45Degrees() throws Exception {
 336         Rotate(-45, 20, 3);
 337     }
 339     /**
 340      * Tap two fingers in -45 degrees, rotate the object left
 341      */
 342     @Test
 343     public void testRotateLeftFromMinus45Degrees() throws Exception {
 344         Rotate(-45, -20, 3);
 345     }
 347     /**
 348      * Tap two fingers in 140 degrees, rotate the object right
 349      */
 350     @Test
 351     public void testRotateRightFrom140Degrees() throws Exception {
 352         Rotate(140, 20, 3);
 353     }
 355     /**
 356      * Tap two fingers in 140 degrees, rotate the object left
 357      */
 358     @Test
 359     public void testRotateLeftFrom140Degrees() throws Exception {
 360         Rotate(140, -20, 3);
 361     }
 363     /**
 364      * Tap two fingers in -140 degrees, rotate the object right
 365      */
 366     @Test
 367     public void testRotateRightFromMinus140Degrees() throws Exception {
 368         Rotate(-140, 20, 3);
 369     }
 371     /**
 372      * Tap two fingers in -140 degrees, rotate the object left
 373      */
 374     @Test
 375     public void testRotateLeftFromMinus140Degrees() throws Exception {
 376         Rotate(-140, -20, 3);
 377     }
 379 }