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rev 10114 : 8161704: Switch to Jigsaw-aware boot JDK for compiling FX 9

  16 build.test.classes.dir=${build.dir}/test/classes
  17 build.test.results.dir=${build.dir}/test/results
  18 compile.on.save=true
  19 compile.on.save.unsupported.javafx=true
  20 # Uncomment to specify the preferred debugger connection transport:
  21 #debug.transport=dt_socket
  22 debug.classpath=\
  23     ${run.classpath}
  24 debug.test.classpath=\
  25     ${run.test.classpath}
  26 # This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
  27 dist.dir=dist
  28 dist.jar=${dist.dir}/Login.jar
  29 dist.javadoc.dir=${dist.dir}/javadoc
  30 endorsed.classpath=
  31 excludes=
  32 includes=**
  33 # Non-JavaFX jar file creation is deactivated in JavaFX 2.0+ projects
  34 jar.archive.disabled=true
  35 jar.compress=false
  36 jfxbuild.jfxrt.jar=
  37 javac.classpath=\
  38     ${jfxbuild.jfxrt.jar}:\
  39     ${javafx.classpath.extension}
  40 # Space-separated list of extra javac options
  41 javac.compilerargs=

  42 javac.deprecation=false
  43 javac.processorpath=\
  44     ${javac.classpath}
  45 javac.source=1.8
  46 javac.target=1.8
  47 javac.test.classpath=\
  48     ${javac.classpath}:\
  49     ${build.classes.dir}
  50 javac.test.processorpath=\
  51     ${javac.test.classpath}
  52 javadoc.additionalparam=
  53 javadoc.author=false
  54 javadoc.encoding=${source.encoding}
  55 javadoc.noindex=false
  56 javadoc.nonavbar=false
  57 javadoc.notree=false
  58 javadoc.private=false
  59 javadoc.splitindex=true
  60 javadoc.use=true
  61 javadoc.version=false
  62 javadoc.windowtitle=
  63 javafx.application.implementation.version=1.0
  64 javafx.binarycss=false
  65 javafx.classpath.extension=\
  66     ${platforms.JDK_1.8.home}/jre/lib/javaws.jar:\

  94 javafx.preloader.type=none
  95 # Set true for GlassFish only. Rebases manifest classpaths of JARs in lib dir. Not usable with signed JARs.
  96 javafx.rebase.libs=false
  97 javafx.run.height=600
  98 javafx.run.width=800
  99 javafx.signing.blob=false
 100 javafx.signing.enabled=true
 101 javafx.signing.type=self
 102 # Pre-JavaFX 2.0 WebStart is deactivated in JavaFX 2.0+ projects
 103 jnlp.enabled=false
 104 # Main class for Java launcher
 105 main.class=login.Main
 106 # For improved security specify narrower Codebase manifest attribute to prevent RIAs from being repurposed
 107 manifest.custom.codebase=no.codebase
 108 # Specify Permissions manifest attribute to override default (choices: sandbox, all-permissions)
 109 manifest.custom.permissions=
 110 manifest.file=manifest.mf
 111 meta.inf.dir=${src.dir}/META-INF
 112 mkdist.disabled=false
 113 native.bundling.enabled=false
 114 platform.active=JDK_1.8
 115 run.classpath=\
 116     ${dist.jar}:\
 117     ${javac.classpath}
 118 run.test.classpath=\
 119     ${javac.test.classpath}:\
 120     ${build.test.classes.dir}

 121 source.encoding=UTF-8
 122 src.dir=src
 123 test.src.dir=test

  16 build.test.classes.dir=${build.dir}/test/classes
  17 build.test.results.dir=${build.dir}/test/results
  18 compile.on.save=true
  19 compile.on.save.unsupported.javafx=true
  20 # Uncomment to specify the preferred debugger connection transport:
  21 #debug.transport=dt_socket
  22 debug.classpath=\
  23     ${run.classpath}
  24 debug.test.classpath=\
  25     ${run.test.classpath}
  26 # This directory is removed when the project is cleaned:
  27 dist.dir=dist
  28 dist.jar=${dist.dir}/Login.jar
  29 dist.javadoc.dir=${dist.dir}/javadoc
  30 endorsed.classpath=
  31 excludes=
  32 includes=**
  33 # Non-JavaFX jar file creation is deactivated in JavaFX 2.0+ projects
  34 jar.archive.disabled=true
  35 jar.compress=false

  36 javac.classpath=\

  37     ${javafx.classpath.extension}
  38 # Space-separated list of extra javac options
  39 compile.patch=@../../../../build/compile.args
  40 javac.compilerargs=${compile.patch} 
  41 javac.deprecation=false
  42 javac.processorpath=\
  43     ${javac.classpath}
  44 javac.source=1.9
  45 javac.target=1.9
  46 javac.test.classpath=\
  47     ${javac.classpath}:\
  48     ${build.classes.dir}
  49 javac.test.processorpath=\
  50     ${javac.test.classpath}
  51 javadoc.additionalparam=
  52 javadoc.author=false
  53 javadoc.encoding=${source.encoding}
  54 javadoc.noindex=false
  55 javadoc.nonavbar=false
  56 javadoc.notree=false
  57 javadoc.private=false
  58 javadoc.splitindex=true
  59 javadoc.use=true
  60 javadoc.version=false
  61 javadoc.windowtitle=
  62 javafx.application.implementation.version=1.0
  63 javafx.binarycss=false
  64 javafx.classpath.extension=\
  65     ${platforms.JDK_1.8.home}/jre/lib/javaws.jar:\

  93 javafx.preloader.type=none
  94 # Set true for GlassFish only. Rebases manifest classpaths of JARs in lib dir. Not usable with signed JARs.
  95 javafx.rebase.libs=false
  96 javafx.run.height=600
  97 javafx.run.width=800
  98 javafx.signing.blob=false
  99 javafx.signing.enabled=true
 100 javafx.signing.type=self
 101 # Pre-JavaFX 2.0 WebStart is deactivated in JavaFX 2.0+ projects
 102 jnlp.enabled=false
 103 # Main class for Java launcher
 104 main.class=login.Main
 105 # For improved security specify narrower Codebase manifest attribute to prevent RIAs from being repurposed
 106 manifest.custom.codebase=no.codebase
 107 # Specify Permissions manifest attribute to override default (choices: sandbox, all-permissions)
 108 manifest.custom.permissions=
 109 manifest.file=manifest.mf
 110 meta.inf.dir=${src.dir}/META-INF
 111 mkdist.disabled=false
 112 native.bundling.enabled=false
 113 platform.active=JDK_1.9
 114 run.classpath=\
 115     ${dist.jar}:\
 116     ${javac.classpath}
 117 run.test.classpath=\
 118     ${javac.test.classpath}:\
 119     ${build.test.classes.dir}
 120 run.patch=@../../../build/run.args
 121 run.jvmargs=${run.patch}
 122 source.encoding=UTF-8
 123 src.dir=src
 124 test.src.dir=test
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