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  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /**
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 6545058 6611182 8016209 8139986 8162746
  27  * @summary validate and test -version, -fullversion, and internal, as well as
  28  *          sanity checks if a tool can be launched.
  29  * @compile VersionCheck.java
  30  * @run main VersionCheck
  31  */
  33 import java.io.File;
  34 import java.io.FileFilter;
  35 import java.util.Map;
  36 import java.util.ArrayList;
  37 import java.util.HashMap;
  38 import java.util.List;

  40 public class VersionCheck extends TestHelper {
  42     // tools that do not accept -J-option
  43     static final String[] BLACKLIST_JOPTION = {
  44         "controlpanel",
  45         "jabswitch",
  46         "java-rmi",
  47         "java-rmi.cgi",
  48         "java",
  49         "javacpl",
  50         "jaccessinspector",
  51         "jaccessinspector-32",
  52         "jaccesswalker",
  53         "jaccesswalker-32",
  54         "jaotc",
  55         "javaw",
  56         "javaws",
  57         "jcontrol",
  58         "jmc",

 131         return getVersion0(true, argv);
 132     }
 134     static String getVersion(String... argv) {
 135         return getVersion0(false, argv);
 136     }
 138     static String getVersion0(boolean allLines, String... argv) {
 139         TestHelper.TestResult tr = doExec(argv);
 140         StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
 141         // remove the HotSpot line
 142         for (String x : tr.testOutput) {
 143             if (allLines || !x.matches(".*Client.*VM.*|.*Server.*VM.*")) {
 144                 out = out.append(x + "\n");
 145             }
 146         }
 147         return out.toString();
 148     }
 150     /*
 151      * this tests if the tool can take a version string and returns
 152      * a 0 exit code, it is not possible to validate the contents
 153      * of the -version output as they are inconsistent.
 154      */
 155     static boolean testToolVersion() {
 156         TestHelper.testExitValue = 0;

 157         for (File f : new File(JAVA_BIN).listFiles(new ToolFilter(BLACKLIST_VERSION))) {
 158             String x = f.getAbsolutePath();
 159             System.out.println("Testing (-version): " + x);
 160             TestResult tr = doExec(x, "-version");
 161             tr.checkPositive();

 162         }
 163         return TestHelper.testExitValue == 0;
 164     }

 166     static boolean compareJVersionStrings() {
 167         int failcount = 0;

 168         for (File f : new File(JAVA_BIN).listFiles(new ToolFilter(BLACKLIST_JOPTION))) {

 169             String x = f.getAbsolutePath();
 170             System.out.println("Testing (-J-version): " + x);
 171             String testStr;
 173             testStr = getVersion(x, "-J-version");
 174             if (refVersion.compareTo(testStr) != 0) {
 175                 failcount++;
 176                 System.out.println("Error: " + x +
 177                                    " fails -J-version comparison");
 178                 System.out.println("Expected:");
 179                 System.out.print(refVersion);
 180                 System.out.println("Actual:");
 181                 System.out.print(testStr);
 182             }
 184             testStr = getVersion(x, "-J-fullversion");
 185             if (refFullVersion.compareTo(testStr) != 0) {
 186                 failcount++;
 187                 System.out.println("Error: " + x +
 188                                    " fails -J-fullversion comparison");
 189                 System.out.println("Expected:");
 190                 System.out.print(refFullVersion);
 191                 System.out.println("Actual:");
 192                 System.out.print(testStr);
 193             }
 194         }
 195         System.out.println("Version Test: " + failcount);
 196         return failcount == 0;

 197     }

 199     static boolean compareInternalStrings() {
 200         int failcount = 0;
 201         String bStr = refVersion.substring(refVersion.indexOf("build") +
 202                                            "build".length() + 1,
 203                                            refVersion.lastIndexOf(")"));
 205         String expectedFullVersion = "fullversion:" + bStr;
 207         Map<String, String> envMap = new HashMap<>();
 208         envMap.put(TestHelper.JLDEBUG_KEY, "true");
 209         TestHelper.TestResult tr = doExec(envMap, javaCmd, "-version");
 210         List<String> alist = new ArrayList<>();
 211         alist.addAll(tr.testOutput);
 212         for (String x : tr.testOutput) {
 213             alist.add(x.trim());
 214         }
 216         if (!alist.contains(expectedFullVersion)) {

 217             System.out.println("Error: could not find " + expectedFullVersion);
 218             failcount++;

 219         }
 220         System.out.println("Internal Strings Test: " + failcount);
 221         return failcount == 0;
 222     }
 224     static boolean testDebugVersion() {

 225         String jdkType = System.getProperty("jdk.debug", "release");
 226         String versionLines = getAllVersionLines(javaCmd, "-version");
 227         if ("release".equals(jdkType)) {
 228             jdkType = "";
 229         } else {
 230             jdkType = jdkType + " ";
 231         }

 232         String tofind = "(" + jdkType + "build";

 233         int idx = versionLines.indexOf(tofind);
 234         if (idx < 0) {

 235             System.out.println("Did not find first instance of " + tofind);
 236             return false;
 237         }
 238         idx =  versionLines.indexOf(tofind, idx + 1);
 239         if (idx < 0) {
 240             System.out.println("Did not find first instance of " + tofind);
 241             return false;

 242         }
 243         return true;

 244     }
 246     // Initialize
 247     static void init() {
 248         refVersion = getVersion(javaCmd, "-version");
 249         refFullVersion = getVersion(javaCmd, "-fullversion");
 250     }
 252     public static void main(String[] args) {
 253         init();
 254         if (compareJVersionStrings() &&
 255                 compareInternalStrings() &&
 256                 testToolVersion() &&
 257                 testDebugVersion()) {

 258             System.out.println("All Version string comparisons: PASS");
 259         } else {
 260             throw new AssertionError("Some tests failed");
 261         }
 262     }
 264     static class ToolFilter implements FileFilter {
 265         final Iterable<String> exclude;
 266         protected ToolFilter(String... exclude) {
 267             List<String> tlist = new ArrayList<>();
 268             this.exclude = tlist;
 269             for (String x : exclude) {
 270                 String str = x + ((isWindows) ? EXE_FILE_EXT : "");
 271                 tlist.add(str.toLowerCase());
 272             }
 273         }
 274         @Override
 275         public boolean accept(File pathname) {
 276             if (!pathname.isFile() || !pathname.canExecute()) {
 277                 return false;
 278             }
 279             String name = pathname.getName().toLowerCase();
 280             if (isWindows && !name.endsWith(EXE_FILE_EXT)) {

  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /**
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 6545058 6611182 8016209 8139986 8162746
  27  * @summary validate and test -version, -fullversion, and internal, as well as
  28  *          sanity checks if a tool can be launched.
  29  * @compile VersionCheck.java
  30  * @run main VersionCheck
  31  */
  33 import java.io.File;
  34 import java.io.FileFilter;
  35 import java.util.Map;
  36 import java.util.ArrayList;
  37 import java.util.HashMap;
  38 import java.util.List;
  39 import java.util.HashSet;
  40 import java.util.Set;
  42 public class VersionCheck extends TestHelper {
  44     // tools that do not accept -J-option
  45     static final String[] BLACKLIST_JOPTION = {
  46         "controlpanel",
  47         "jabswitch",
  48         "java-rmi",
  49         "java-rmi.cgi",
  50         "java",
  51         "javacpl",
  52         "jaccessinspector",
  53         "jaccessinspector-32",
  54         "jaccesswalker",
  55         "jaccesswalker-32",
  56         "jaotc",
  57         "javaw",
  58         "javaws",
  59         "jcontrol",
  60         "jmc",

 133         return getVersion0(true, argv);
 134     }
 136     static String getVersion(String... argv) {
 137         return getVersion0(false, argv);
 138     }
 140     static String getVersion0(boolean allLines, String... argv) {
 141         TestHelper.TestResult tr = doExec(argv);
 142         StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
 143         // remove the HotSpot line
 144         for (String x : tr.testOutput) {
 145             if (allLines || !x.matches(".*Client.*VM.*|.*Server.*VM.*")) {
 146                 out = out.append(x + "\n");
 147             }
 148         }
 149         return out.toString();
 150     }
 152     /*
 153      * Checks if the tools accept "-version" option (exit code is zero).
 154      * The output of the tools run with "-version" is not verified.

 155      */
 156     static String testToolVersion() {
 157         System.out.println("=== testToolVersion === ");
 158         Set<String> failed = new HashSet<>();
 159         for (File f : new File(JAVA_BIN).listFiles(new ToolFilter(BLACKLIST_VERSION))) {
 160             String x = f.getAbsolutePath();

 161             TestResult tr = doExec(x, "-version");
 162             System.out.println("Testing " + f.getName());
 163             System.out.println("#> " + x + " -version");
 164             tr.testOutput.forEach(System.out::println);
 165             System.out.println("#> echo $?");
 166             System.out.println(tr.exitValue);
 167             if (!tr.isOK()) {
 168                 System.out.println("failed");
 169                 failed.add(f.getName());
 170             }

 171         }
 172         if (failed.isEmpty()) {
 173             System.out.println("testToolVersion passed");
 174             return "";
 175         } else {
 176             System.out.println("testToolVersion failed");
 177             return "testToolVersion: " + failed + "; ";
 178         }
 180     }
 182     static String testJVersionStrings() {
 183         System.out.println("=== testJVersionStrings === ");
 184         Set<String> failed = new HashSet<>();
 185         for (File f : new File(JAVA_BIN).listFiles(new ToolFilter(BLACKLIST_JOPTION))) {
 186             System.out.println("Testing " + f.getName());
 187             String x = f.getAbsolutePath();
 188             String testStr = getVersion(x, "-J-version");

 189             if (refVersion.compareTo(testStr) != 0) {
 190                 failed.add(f.getName());
 191                 System.out.println("Error: " + x +
 192                                    " fails -J-version comparison");
 193                 System.out.println("Expected:");
 194                 System.out.print(refVersion);
 195                 System.out.println("Actual:");
 196                 System.out.print(testStr);
 197             }
 199             testStr = getVersion(x, "-J-fullversion");
 200             if (refFullVersion.compareTo(testStr) != 0) {
 201                 failed.add(f.getName());
 202                 System.out.println("Error: " + x +
 203                                    " fails -J-fullversion comparison");
 204                 System.out.println("Expected:");
 205                 System.out.print(refFullVersion);
 206                 System.out.println("Actual:");
 207                 System.out.print(testStr);
 208             }
 209         }
 210         if (failed.isEmpty()) {
 211             System.out.println("testJVersionStrings passed");
 212             return "";
 213         } else {
 214             System.out.println("testJVersionStrings failed");
 215             return "testJVersionStrings: " + failed + "; ";
 216         }
 217     }
 219     static String testInternalStrings() {
 220         System.out.println("=== testInternalStrings === ");
 221         String bStr = refVersion.substring(refVersion.indexOf("build") +
 222                                            "build".length() + 1,
 223                                            refVersion.lastIndexOf(")"));
 225         String expectedFullVersion = "fullversion:" + bStr;
 227         Map<String, String> envMap = new HashMap<>();
 228         envMap.put(TestHelper.JLDEBUG_KEY, "true");
 229         TestHelper.TestResult tr = doExec(envMap, javaCmd, "-version");
 230         List<String> alist = new ArrayList<>();
 231         tr.testOutput.stream().map(String::trim).forEach(alist::add);

 233         if (alist.contains(expectedFullVersion)) {
 234             System.out.println("testInternalStrings passed");
 235             return "";
 236         } else {            
 237             System.out.println("Error: could not find " + expectedFullVersion);
 238             tr.testOutput.forEach(System.out::println);
 239             System.out.println("testInternalStrings failed");
 240             return "testInternalStrings; ";
 241         }

 242     }
 244     static String testDebugVersion() {
 245         System.out.println("=== testInternalStrings === ");
 246         String jdkType = System.getProperty("jdk.debug", "release");
 247         String versionLines = getAllVersionLines(javaCmd, "-version");
 248         if ("release".equals(jdkType)) {
 249             jdkType = "";
 250         } else {
 251             jdkType = jdkType + " ";
 252         }
 254         String tofind = "(" + jdkType + "build";
 256         int idx = versionLines.indexOf(tofind);
 257         if (idx < 0) {
 258             System.out.println("versionLines " + versionLines);
 259             System.out.println("Did not find first instance of " + tofind);
 260             return "testDebugVersion; ";
 261         }
 262         idx =  versionLines.indexOf(tofind, idx + 1);
 263         if (idx < 0) {
 264             System.out.println("versionLines " + versionLines);
 265             System.out.println("Did not find second instance of " + tofind);
 266             return "testDebugVersion; ";
 267         }
 268         System.out.println("testDebugVersion passed");
 269         return "";
 270     }
 272     // Initialize
 273     static void init() {
 274         refVersion = getVersion(javaCmd, "-version");
 275         refFullVersion = getVersion(javaCmd, "-fullversion");
 276     }
 278     public static void main(String[] args) {
 279         init();
 280         String errorMessage = "";
 281         errorMessage += testJVersionStrings();
 282         errorMessage += testInternalStrings();
 283         errorMessage += testToolVersion();
 284         errorMessage += testDebugVersion();
 285         if (errorMessage.isEmpty()) {
 286             System.out.println("All Version string comparisons: PASS");
 287         } else {
 288             throw new AssertionError("VersionCheck failed: " + errorMessage);
 289         }
 290     }
 292     static class ToolFilter implements FileFilter {
 293         final Iterable<String> exclude;
 294         protected ToolFilter(String... exclude) {
 295             List<String> tlist = new ArrayList<>();
 296             this.exclude = tlist;
 297             for (String x : exclude) {
 298                 String str = x + ((isWindows) ? EXE_FILE_EXT : "");
 299                 tlist.add(str.toLowerCase());
 300             }
 301         }
 302         @Override
 303         public boolean accept(File pathname) {
 304             if (!pathname.isFile() || !pathname.canExecute()) {
 305                 return false;
 306             }
 307             String name = pathname.getName().toLowerCase();
 308             if (isWindows && !name.endsWith(EXE_FILE_EXT)) {
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