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1138          * Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by
1139          * this logger.
1140          *
1141          * @param level the log message level.
1142          * @return {@code true} if the given log message level is currently
1143          *         being logged.
1144          *
1145          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1146          */
1147         public boolean isLoggable(Level level);
1149         /**
1150          * Logs a message.
1151          *
1152          * @implSpec The default implementation for this method calls
1153          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msg, (Object[])null);}
1154          *
1155          * @param level the log message level.
1156          * @param msg the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if
1157          * this logger is a {@link
1158          * LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String, java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.Class)
1159          * localized logger}); can be {@code null}.

1160          *
1161          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1162          */
1163         public default void log(Level level, String msg) {
1164             log(level, (ResourceBundle) null, msg, (Object[]) null);
1165         }
1167         /**
1168          * Logs a lazily supplied message.
1169          * <p>
1170          * If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level
1171          * then a message is logged that is the result produced by the
1172          * given supplier function.  Otherwise, the supplier is not operated on.
1173          *
1174          * @implSpec When logging is enabled for the given level, the default
1175          * implementation for this method calls
1176          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msgSupplier.get(), (Object[])null);}
1177          *
1178          * @param level the log message level.
1179          * @param msgSupplier a supplier function that produces a message.

1205          *
1206          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}, or
1207          *         {@code obj} is {@code null}.
1208          */
1209         public default void log(Level level, Object obj) {
1210             Objects.requireNonNull(obj);
1211             if (isLoggable(Objects.requireNonNull(level))) {
1212                 this.log(level, (ResourceBundle) null, obj.toString(), (Object[]) null);
1213             }
1214         }
1216         /**
1217          * Logs a message associated with a given throwable.
1218          *
1219          * @implSpec The default implementation for this method calls
1220          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msg, thrown);}
1221          *
1222          * @param level the log message level.
1223          * @param msg the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if
1224          * this logger is a {@link
1225          * LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String, java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.Class)
1226          * localized logger}); can be {@code null}.

1227          * @param thrown a {@code Throwable} associated with the log message;
1228          *        can be {@code null}.
1229          *
1230          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1231          */
1232         public default void log(Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown) {
1233             this.log(level, null, msg, thrown);
1234         }
1236         /**
1237          * Logs a lazily supplied message associated with a given throwable.
1238          * <p>
1239          * If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level
1240          * then a message is logged that is the result produced by the
1241          * given supplier function.  Otherwise, the supplier is not operated on.
1242          *
1243          * @implSpec When logging is enabled for the given level, the default
1244          * implementation for this method calls
1245          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msgSupplier.get(), thrown);}
1246          *

1253          *                               {@code msgSupplier} is {@code null}.
1254          */
1255         public default void log(Level level, Supplier<String> msgSupplier,
1256                 Throwable thrown) {
1257             Objects.requireNonNull(msgSupplier);
1258             if (isLoggable(Objects.requireNonNull(level))) {
1259                 this.log(level, null, msgSupplier.get(), thrown);
1260             }
1261         }
1263         /**
1264          * Logs a message with an optional list of parameters.
1265          *
1266          * @implSpec The default implementation for this method calls
1267          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, format, params);}
1268          *
1269          * @param level one of the log message level identifiers.
1270          * @param format the string message format in {@link
1271          * java.text.MessageFormat} format, (or a key in the message
1272          * catalog, if this logger is a {@link
1273          * LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String, java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.Class)
1274          * localized logger}); can be {@code null}.

1275          * @param params an optional list of parameters to the message (may be
1276          * none).
1277          *
1278          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1279          */
1280         public default void log(Level level, String format, Object... params) {
1281             this.log(level, null, format, params);
1282         }
1284         /**
1285          * Logs a localized message associated with a given throwable.
1286          * <p>
1287          * If the given resource bundle is non-{@code null},  the {@code msg}
1288          * string is localized using the given resource bundle.
1289          * Otherwise the {@code msg} string is not localized.
1290          *
1291          * @param level the log message level.
1292          * @param bundle a resource bundle to localize {@code msg}; can be
1293          * {@code null}.
1294          * @param msg the string message (or a key in the message catalog,

1436          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1437          */
1438         protected LoggerFinder() {
1439             this(checkPermission());
1440         }
1442         private LoggerFinder(Void unused) {
1443             // nothing to do.
1444         }
1446         private static Void checkPermission() {
1447             final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1448             if (sm != null) {
1449                 sm.checkPermission(LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1450             }
1451             return null;
1452         }
1454         /**
1455          * Returns an instance of {@link Logger Logger}
1456          * for the given {@code caller}.
1457          *
1458          * @param name the name of the logger.
1459          * @param caller the class for which the logger is being requested.
1460          *
1461          * @return a {@link Logger logger} suitable for the given caller's
1462          *         use.
1463          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} or
1464          *        {@code caller} is {@code null}.
1465          * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and its
1466          *         {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow the
1467          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1468          */
1469         public abstract Logger getLogger(String name, /* Module */ Class<?> caller);
1471         /**
1472          * Returns a localizable instance of {@link Logger Logger}
1473          * for the given {@code caller}.
1474          * The returned logger will use the provided resource bundle for
1475          * message localization.
1476          *
1477          * @implSpec By default, this method calls {@link
1478          * #getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)
1479          * this.getLogger(name, caller)} to obtain a logger, then wraps that
1480          * logger in a {@link Logger} instance where all methods that do not
1481          * take a {@link ResourceBundle} as parameter are redirected to one
1482          * which does - passing the given {@code bundle} for
1483          * localization. So for instance, a call to {@link
1484          * Logger#log(Level, String) Logger.log(Level.INFO, msg)}
1485          * will end up as a call to {@link
1486          * Logger#log(Level, ResourceBundle, String, Object...)
1487          * Logger.log(Level.INFO, bundle, msg, (Object[])null)} on the wrapped
1488          * logger instance.
1489          * Note however that by default, string messages returned by {@link
1490          * java.util.function.Supplier Supplier&lt;String&gt;} will not be
1491          * localized, as it is assumed that such strings are messages which are
1492          * already constructed, rather than keys in a resource bundle.
1493          * <p>
1494          * An implementation of {@code LoggerFinder} may override this method,
1495          * for example, when the underlying logging backend provides its own
1496          * mechanism for localizing log messages, then such a
1497          * {@code LoggerFinder} would be free to return a logger
1498          * that makes direct use of the mechanism provided by the backend.
1499          *
1500          * @param name    the name of the logger.
1501          * @param bundle  a resource bundle; can be {@code null}.
1502          * @param caller the class for which the logger is being requested.
1503          * @return an instance of {@link Logger Logger}  which will use the
1504          * provided resource bundle for message localization.
1505          *
1506          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} or
1507          *         {@code caller} is {@code null}.
1508          * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and its
1509          *         {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow the
1510          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1511          */
1512         public Logger getLocalizedLogger(String name, ResourceBundle bundle,
1513                                           /* Module */ Class<?> caller) {
1514             return new LocalizedLoggerWrapper<>(getLogger(name, caller), bundle);
1515         }
1517         /**
1518          * Returns the {@code LoggerFinder} instance. There is one
1519          * single system-wide {@code LoggerFinder} instance in
1520          * the Java Runtime.  See the class specification of how the
1521          * {@link LoggerFinder LoggerFinder} implementation is located and
1522          * loaded.
1524          * @return the {@link LoggerFinder LoggerFinder} instance.
1525          * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and its
1526          *         {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow the
1527          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1528          */
1529         public static LoggerFinder getLoggerFinder() {
1530             final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1531             if (sm != null) {
1532                 sm.checkPermission(LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1533             }
1534             return accessProvider();

1541             // always return the same instance, so if we don't have it,
1542             // just fetch it again.
1543             if (service == null) {
1544                 PrivilegedAction<LoggerFinder> pa =
1545                         () -> LoggerFinderLoader.getLoggerFinder();
1546                 service = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa, null,
1547                         LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1548             }
1549             return service;
1550         }
1552     }
1555     /**
1556      * Returns an instance of {@link Logger Logger} for the caller's
1557      * use.
1558      *
1559      * @implSpec
1560      * Instances returned by this method route messages to loggers
1561      * obtained by calling {@link LoggerFinder#getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)
1562      * LoggerFinder.getLogger(name, caller)}.

1563      *
1564      * @apiNote
1565      * This method may defer calling the {@link
1566      * LoggerFinder#getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)
1567      * LoggerFinder.getLogger} method to create an actual logger supplied by
1568      * the logging backend, for instance, to allow loggers to be obtained during
1569      * the system initialization time.
1570      *
1571      * @param name the name of the logger.
1572      * @return an instance of {@link Logger} that can be used by the calling
1573      *         class.
1574      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null}.
1575      *
1576      * @since 9
1577      */
1578     @CallerSensitive
1579     public static Logger getLogger(String name) {
1580         Objects.requireNonNull(name);
1581         final Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
1582         return LazyLoggers.getLogger(name, caller);
1583     }
1585     /**
1586      * Returns a localizable instance of {@link Logger
1587      * Logger} for the caller's use.
1588      * The returned logger will use the provided resource bundle for message
1589      * localization.
1590      *
1591      * @implSpec
1592      * The returned logger will perform message localization as specified
1593      * by {@link LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String,
1594      * java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.Class)
1595      * LoggerFinder.getLocalizedLogger(name, bundle, caller}.

1596      *
1597      * @apiNote
1598      * This method is intended to be used after the system is fully initialized.
1599      * This method may trigger the immediate loading and initialization
1600      * of the {@link LoggerFinder} service, which may cause issues if the
1601      * Java Runtime is not ready to initialize the concrete service
1602      * implementation yet.
1603      * System classes which may be loaded early in the boot sequence and
1604      * need to log localized messages should create a logger using
1605      * {@link #getLogger(java.lang.String)} and then use the log methods that
1606      * take a resource bundle as parameter.
1607      *
1608      * @param name    the name of the logger.
1609      * @param bundle  a resource bundle.
1610      * @return an instance of {@link Logger} which will use the provided
1611      * resource bundle for message localization.
1612      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} or
1613      *         {@code bundle} is {@code null}.
1614      *
1615      * @since 9
1616      */
1617     @CallerSensitive
1618     public static Logger getLogger(String name, ResourceBundle bundle) {
1619         final ResourceBundle rb = Objects.requireNonNull(bundle);
1620         Objects.requireNonNull(name);
1621         final Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
1622         final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1623         // We don't use LazyLoggers if a resource bundle is specified.
1624         // Bootstrap sensitive classes in the JDK do not use resource bundles
1625         // when logging. This could be revisited later, if it needs to.
1626         if (sm != null) {
1627             return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Logger>)
1628                     () -> LoggerFinder.accessProvider().getLocalizedLogger(name, rb, caller),
1629                     null,

1630                     LoggerFinder.LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1631         }
1632         return LoggerFinder.accessProvider().getLocalizedLogger(name, rb, caller);

1633     }
1635     /**
1636      * Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. The
1637      * argument serves as a status code; by convention, a nonzero status
1638      * code indicates abnormal termination.
1639      * <p>
1640      * This method calls the <code>exit</code> method in class
1641      * <code>Runtime</code>. This method never returns normally.
1642      * <p>
1643      * The call <code>System.exit(n)</code> is effectively equivalent to
1644      * the call:
1645      * <blockquote><pre>
1646      * Runtime.getRuntime().exit(n)
1647      * </pre></blockquote>
1648      *
1649      * @param      status   exit status.
1650      * @throws  SecurityException
1651      *        if a security manager exists and its <code>checkExit</code>
1652      *        method doesn't allow exit with the specified status.

1138          * Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by
1139          * this logger.
1140          *
1141          * @param level the log message level.
1142          * @return {@code true} if the given log message level is currently
1143          *         being logged.
1144          *
1145          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1146          */
1147         public boolean isLoggable(Level level);
1149         /**
1150          * Logs a message.
1151          *
1152          * @implSpec The default implementation for this method calls
1153          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msg, (Object[])null);}
1154          *
1155          * @param level the log message level.
1156          * @param msg the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if
1157          * this logger is a {@link
1158          * LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String,
1159          * java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.reflect.Module) localized logger});
1160          * can be {@code null}.
1161          *
1162          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1163          */
1164         public default void log(Level level, String msg) {
1165             log(level, (ResourceBundle) null, msg, (Object[]) null);
1166         }
1168         /**
1169          * Logs a lazily supplied message.
1170          * <p>
1171          * If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level
1172          * then a message is logged that is the result produced by the
1173          * given supplier function.  Otherwise, the supplier is not operated on.
1174          *
1175          * @implSpec When logging is enabled for the given level, the default
1176          * implementation for this method calls
1177          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msgSupplier.get(), (Object[])null);}
1178          *
1179          * @param level the log message level.
1180          * @param msgSupplier a supplier function that produces a message.

1206          *
1207          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}, or
1208          *         {@code obj} is {@code null}.
1209          */
1210         public default void log(Level level, Object obj) {
1211             Objects.requireNonNull(obj);
1212             if (isLoggable(Objects.requireNonNull(level))) {
1213                 this.log(level, (ResourceBundle) null, obj.toString(), (Object[]) null);
1214             }
1215         }
1217         /**
1218          * Logs a message associated with a given throwable.
1219          *
1220          * @implSpec The default implementation for this method calls
1221          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msg, thrown);}
1222          *
1223          * @param level the log message level.
1224          * @param msg the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if
1225          * this logger is a {@link
1226          * LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String, 
1227          * java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.reflect.Module) localized logger});
1228          * can be {@code null}.
1229          * @param thrown a {@code Throwable} associated with the log message;
1230          *        can be {@code null}.
1231          *
1232          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1233          */
1234         public default void log(Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown) {
1235             this.log(level, null, msg, thrown);
1236         }
1238         /**
1239          * Logs a lazily supplied message associated with a given throwable.
1240          * <p>
1241          * If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level
1242          * then a message is logged that is the result produced by the
1243          * given supplier function.  Otherwise, the supplier is not operated on.
1244          *
1245          * @implSpec When logging is enabled for the given level, the default
1246          * implementation for this method calls
1247          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msgSupplier.get(), thrown);}
1248          *

1255          *                               {@code msgSupplier} is {@code null}.
1256          */
1257         public default void log(Level level, Supplier<String> msgSupplier,
1258                 Throwable thrown) {
1259             Objects.requireNonNull(msgSupplier);
1260             if (isLoggable(Objects.requireNonNull(level))) {
1261                 this.log(level, null, msgSupplier.get(), thrown);
1262             }
1263         }
1265         /**
1266          * Logs a message with an optional list of parameters.
1267          *
1268          * @implSpec The default implementation for this method calls
1269          * {@code this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, format, params);}
1270          *
1271          * @param level one of the log message level identifiers.
1272          * @param format the string message format in {@link
1273          * java.text.MessageFormat} format, (or a key in the message
1274          * catalog, if this logger is a {@link
1275          * LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String,
1276          * java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.reflect.Module) localized logger});
1277          * can be {@code null}.
1278          * @param params an optional list of parameters to the message (may be
1279          * none).
1280          *
1281          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code level} is {@code null}.
1282          */
1283         public default void log(Level level, String format, Object... params) {
1284             this.log(level, null, format, params);
1285         }
1287         /**
1288          * Logs a localized message associated with a given throwable.
1289          * <p>
1290          * If the given resource bundle is non-{@code null},  the {@code msg}
1291          * string is localized using the given resource bundle.
1292          * Otherwise the {@code msg} string is not localized.
1293          *
1294          * @param level the log message level.
1295          * @param bundle a resource bundle to localize {@code msg}; can be
1296          * {@code null}.
1297          * @param msg the string message (or a key in the message catalog,

1439          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1440          */
1441         protected LoggerFinder() {
1442             this(checkPermission());
1443         }
1445         private LoggerFinder(Void unused) {
1446             // nothing to do.
1447         }
1449         private static Void checkPermission() {
1450             final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1451             if (sm != null) {
1452                 sm.checkPermission(LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1453             }
1454             return null;
1455         }
1457         /**
1458          * Returns an instance of {@link Logger Logger}
1459          * for the given {@code module}.
1460          *
1461          * @param name the name of the logger.
1462          * @param module the module for which the logger is being requested.
1463          *
1464          * @return a {@link Logger logger} suitable for use within the given
1465          *         module.
1466          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} or
1467          *        {@code module} is {@code null}.
1468          * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and its
1469          *         {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow the
1470          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1471          */
1472         public abstract Logger getLogger(String name, Module module);
1474         /**
1475          * Returns a localizable instance of {@link Logger Logger}
1476          * for the given {@code module}.
1477          * The returned logger will use the provided resource bundle for
1478          * message localization.
1479          *
1480          * @implSpec By default, this method calls {@link
1481          * #getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.reflect.Module)
1482          * this.getLogger(name, module)} to obtain a logger, then wraps that
1483          * logger in a {@link Logger} instance where all methods that do not
1484          * take a {@link ResourceBundle} as parameter are redirected to one
1485          * which does - passing the given {@code bundle} for
1486          * localization. So for instance, a call to {@link
1487          * Logger#log(Level, String) Logger.log(Level.INFO, msg)}
1488          * will end up as a call to {@link
1489          * Logger#log(Level, ResourceBundle, String, Object...)
1490          * Logger.log(Level.INFO, bundle, msg, (Object[])null)} on the wrapped
1491          * logger instance.
1492          * Note however that by default, string messages returned by {@link
1493          * java.util.function.Supplier Supplier&lt;String&gt;} will not be
1494          * localized, as it is assumed that such strings are messages which are
1495          * already constructed, rather than keys in a resource bundle.
1496          * <p>
1497          * An implementation of {@code LoggerFinder} may override this method,
1498          * for example, when the underlying logging backend provides its own
1499          * mechanism for localizing log messages, then such a
1500          * {@code LoggerFinder} would be free to return a logger
1501          * that makes direct use of the mechanism provided by the backend.
1502          *
1503          * @param name    the name of the logger.
1504          * @param bundle  a resource bundle; can be {@code null}.
1505          * @param module  the module for which the logger is being requested.
1506          * @return an instance of {@link Logger Logger}  which will use the
1507          * provided resource bundle for message localization.
1508          *
1509          * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} or
1510          *         {@code module} is {@code null}.
1511          * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and its
1512          *         {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow the
1513          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1514          */
1515         public Logger getLocalizedLogger(String name, ResourceBundle bundle,
1516                                          Module module) {
1517             return new LocalizedLoggerWrapper<>(getLogger(name, module), bundle);
1518         }
1520         /**
1521          * Returns the {@code LoggerFinder} instance. There is one
1522          * single system-wide {@code LoggerFinder} instance in
1523          * the Java Runtime.  See the class specification of how the
1524          * {@link LoggerFinder LoggerFinder} implementation is located and
1525          * loaded.
1527          * @return the {@link LoggerFinder LoggerFinder} instance.
1528          * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and its
1529          *         {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow the
1530          *         {@code RuntimePermission("loggerFinder")}.
1531          */
1532         public static LoggerFinder getLoggerFinder() {
1533             final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1534             if (sm != null) {
1535                 sm.checkPermission(LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1536             }
1537             return accessProvider();

1544             // always return the same instance, so if we don't have it,
1545             // just fetch it again.
1546             if (service == null) {
1547                 PrivilegedAction<LoggerFinder> pa =
1548                         () -> LoggerFinderLoader.getLoggerFinder();
1549                 service = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa, null,
1550                         LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1551             }
1552             return service;
1553         }
1555     }
1558     /**
1559      * Returns an instance of {@link Logger Logger} for the caller's
1560      * use.
1561      *
1562      * @implSpec
1563      * Instances returned by this method route messages to loggers
1564      * obtained by calling {@link LoggerFinder#getLogger(java.lang.String,
1565      * java.lang.reflect.Module) LoggerFinder.getLogger(name, module)}, where
1566      * {@code module} is the caller's module.
1567      *
1568      * @apiNote
1569      * This method may defer calling the {@link
1570      * LoggerFinder#getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.reflect.Module)
1571      * LoggerFinder.getLogger} method to create an actual logger supplied by
1572      * the logging backend, for instance, to allow loggers to be obtained during
1573      * the system initialization time.
1574      *
1575      * @param name the name of the logger.
1576      * @return an instance of {@link Logger} that can be used by the calling
1577      *         class.
1578      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null}.
1579      *
1580      * @since 9
1581      */
1582     @CallerSensitive
1583     public static Logger getLogger(String name) {
1584         Objects.requireNonNull(name);
1585         final Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
1586         return LazyLoggers.getLogger(name, caller.getModule());
1587     }
1589     /**
1590      * Returns a localizable instance of {@link Logger
1591      * Logger} for the caller's use.
1592      * The returned logger will use the provided resource bundle for message
1593      * localization.
1594      *
1595      * @implSpec
1596      * The returned logger will perform message localization as specified
1597      * by {@link LoggerFinder#getLocalizedLogger(java.lang.String,
1598      * java.util.ResourceBundle, java.lang.reflect.Module)
1599      * LoggerFinder.getLocalizedLogger(name, bundle, module}, where
1600      * {@code module} is the caller's module.
1601      *
1602      * @apiNote
1603      * This method is intended to be used after the system is fully initialized.
1604      * This method may trigger the immediate loading and initialization
1605      * of the {@link LoggerFinder} service, which may cause issues if the
1606      * Java Runtime is not ready to initialize the concrete service
1607      * implementation yet.
1608      * System classes which may be loaded early in the boot sequence and
1609      * need to log localized messages should create a logger using
1610      * {@link #getLogger(java.lang.String)} and then use the log methods that
1611      * take a resource bundle as parameter.
1612      *
1613      * @param name    the name of the logger.
1614      * @param bundle  a resource bundle.
1615      * @return an instance of {@link Logger} which will use the provided
1616      * resource bundle for message localization.
1617      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null} or
1618      *         {@code bundle} is {@code null}.
1619      *
1620      * @since 9
1621      */
1622     @CallerSensitive
1623     public static Logger getLogger(String name, ResourceBundle bundle) {
1624         final ResourceBundle rb = Objects.requireNonNull(bundle);
1625         Objects.requireNonNull(name);
1626         final Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
1627         final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
1628         // We don't use LazyLoggers if a resource bundle is specified.
1629         // Bootstrap sensitive classes in the JDK do not use resource bundles
1630         // when logging. This could be revisited later, if it needs to.
1631         if (sm != null) {
1632             final PrivilegedAction<Logger> pa =
1633                     () -> LoggerFinder.accessProvider()
1634                             .getLocalizedLogger(name, rb, caller.getModule());
1635             return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa, null,
1636                                          LoggerFinder.LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
1637         }
1638         return LoggerFinder.accessProvider()
1639                 .getLocalizedLogger(name, rb, caller.getModule());
1640     }
1642     /**
1643      * Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. The
1644      * argument serves as a status code; by convention, a nonzero status
1645      * code indicates abnormal termination.
1646      * <p>
1647      * This method calls the <code>exit</code> method in class
1648      * <code>Runtime</code>. This method never returns normally.
1649      * <p>
1650      * The call <code>System.exit(n)</code> is effectively equivalent to
1651      * the call:
1652      * <blockquote><pre>
1653      * Runtime.getRuntime().exit(n)
1654      * </pre></blockquote>
1655      *
1656      * @param      status   exit status.
1657      * @throws  SecurityException
1658      *        if a security manager exists and its <code>checkExit</code>
1659      *        method doesn't allow exit with the specified status.

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