1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package jdk.internal.logger;
  28 import java.security.AccessController;
  29 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  30 import java.util.function.BiFunction;
  31 import java.lang.System.LoggerFinder;
  32 import java.lang.System.Logger;
  33 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
  34 import java.util.Objects;
  35 import jdk.internal.misc.VM;
  36 import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
  38 /**
  39  * This class is a factory for Lazy Loggers; only system loggers can be
  40  * Lazy Loggers.
  41  */
  42 public final class LazyLoggers {
  44     static final RuntimePermission LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION =
  45                 new RuntimePermission("loggerFinder");
  47     private LazyLoggers() {
  48         throw new InternalError();
  49     }
  51     /**
  52      * This class is used to hold the factories that a Lazy Logger will use
  53      * to create (or map) its wrapped logger.
  54      * @param <L> {@link Logger} or a subclass of {@link Logger}.
  55      */
  56     private static final class LazyLoggerFactories<L extends Logger> {
  58         /**
  59          * A factory method to create an SPI logger.
  60          * Usually, this will be something like LazyLoggers::getSystemLogger.
  61          */
  62         final BiFunction<String, Class<?>, L> loggerSupplier;
  65         public LazyLoggerFactories(BiFunction<String, Class<?>, L> loggerSupplier) {
  66             this(Objects.requireNonNull(loggerSupplier),
  67                  (Void)null);
  68         }
  70         private LazyLoggerFactories(BiFunction<String, Class<?>, L> loggerSupplier,
  71                           Void unused) {
  72             this.loggerSupplier = loggerSupplier;
  73         }
  75     }
  77     static interface LoggerAccessor {
  78         /**
  79          * The logger name.
  80          * @return The name of the logger that is / will be lazily created.
  81          */
  82         public String getLoggerName();
  84         /**
  85          * Returns the wrapped logger object.
  86          * @return the wrapped logger object.
  87          */
  88         public Logger wrapped();
  90         /**
  91          * A PlatformLogger.Bridge view of the wrapped logger object.
  92          * @return A PlatformLogger.Bridge view of the wrapped logger object.
  93          */
  94         public PlatformLogger.Bridge platform();
  95     }
  97     /**
  98      * The LazyLoggerAccessor class holds all the logic that delays the creation
  99      * of the SPI logger until such a time that the VM is booted and the logger
 100      * is actually used for logging.
 101      *
 102      * This class uses the services of the BootstrapLogger class to instantiate
 103      * temporary loggers if appropriate.
 104      */
 105     static final class LazyLoggerAccessor implements LoggerAccessor {
 107         // The factories that will be used to create the logger lazyly
 108         final LazyLoggerFactories<? extends Logger> factories;
 110         // We need to pass the actual caller when creating the logger.
 111         private final WeakReference<Class<?>> callerRef;
 113         // The name of the logger that will be created lazyly
 114         final String name;
 115         // The plain logger SPI object - null until it is accessed for the
 116         // first time.
 117         private volatile Logger w;
 118         // A PlatformLogger.Bridge view of w.
 119         private volatile PlatformLogger.Bridge p;
 122         private LazyLoggerAccessor(String name,
 123                                    LazyLoggerFactories<? extends Logger> factories,
 124                                    Class<?> caller) {
 125             this(Objects.requireNonNull(name), Objects.requireNonNull(factories),
 126                     Objects.requireNonNull(caller), null);
 127         }
 129         private LazyLoggerAccessor(String name,
 130                                    LazyLoggerFactories<? extends Logger> factories,
 131                                    Class<?> caller, Void unused) {
 132             this.name = name;
 133             this.factories = factories;
 134             this.callerRef = new WeakReference<Class<?>>(caller);
 135         }
 137         /**
 138          * The logger name.
 139          * @return The name of the logger that is / will be lazily created.
 140          */
 141         @Override
 142         public String getLoggerName() {
 143             return name;
 144         }
 146         // must be called in synchronized block
 147         // set wrapped logger if not set
 148         private void setWrappedIfNotSet(Logger wrapped) {
 149             if (w == null) {
 150                 w = wrapped;
 151             }
 152         }
 154         /**
 155          * Returns the logger SPI object, creating it if 'w' is still null.
 156          * @return the logger SPI object.
 157          */
 158         public Logger wrapped() {
 159             Logger wrapped = w;
 160             if (wrapped != null) return wrapped;
 161             // Wrapped logger not created yet: create it.
 162             // BootstrapLogger has the logic to decide whether to invoke the
 163             // SPI or use a temporary (BootstrapLogger or SimpleConsoleLogger)
 164             // logger.
 165             wrapped = BootstrapLogger.getLogger(this);
 166             synchronized(this) {
 167                 // if w has already been in between, simply drop 'wrapped'.
 168                 setWrappedIfNotSet(wrapped);
 169                 return w;
 170             }
 171         }
 173         /**
 174          * A PlatformLogger.Bridge view of the wrapped logger.
 175          * @return A PlatformLogger.Bridge view of the wrapped logger.
 176          */
 177         public PlatformLogger.Bridge platform() {
 178             // We can afford to return the platform view of the previous
 179             // logger - if that view is not null.
 180             // Because that view will either be the BootstrapLogger, which
 181             // will redirect to the new wrapper properly, or the temporary
 182             // logger - which in effect is equivalent to logging something
 183             // just before the application initialized LogManager.
 184             PlatformLogger.Bridge platform = p;
 185             if (platform != null) return platform;
 186             synchronized (this) {
 187                 if (w != null) {
 188                     if (p == null) p = PlatformLogger.Bridge.convert(w);
 189                     return p;
 190                 }
 191             }
 192             // If we reach here it means that the wrapped logger may not
 193             // have been created yet: attempt to create it.
 194             // BootstrapLogger has the logic to decide whether to invoke the
 195             // SPI or use a temporary (BootstrapLogger or SimpleConsoleLogger)
 196             // logger.
 197             final Logger wrapped = BootstrapLogger.getLogger(this);
 198             synchronized(this) {
 199                 // if w has already been set, simply drop 'wrapped'.
 200                 setWrappedIfNotSet(wrapped);
 201                 if (p == null) p = PlatformLogger.Bridge.convert(w);
 202                 return p;
 203             }
 204         }
 206         /**
 207          * Makes this accessor release a temporary logger.
 208          * This method is called
 209          * by BootstrapLogger when JUL is the default backend and LogManager
 210          * is initialized, in order to replace temporary SimpleConsoleLoggers by
 211          * real JUL loggers. See BootstrapLogger for more details.
 212          * If {@code replace} is {@code true}, then this method will force
 213          * the accessor to eagerly recreate its wrapped logger.
 214          * Note: passing {@code replace=false} is no guarantee that the
 215          * method will not actually replace the released logger.
 216          * @param temporary The temporary logger too be released.
 217          * @param replace   Whether the released logger should be eagerly
 218          *                  replaced.
 219          */
 220         void release(SimpleConsoleLogger temporary, boolean replace) {
 221             PlatformLogger.ConfigurableBridge.LoggerConfiguration conf =
 222                 PlatformLogger.ConfigurableBridge.getLoggerConfiguration(temporary);
 223             PlatformLogger.Level level = conf != null
 224                     ? conf.getPlatformLevel()
 225                     : null;
 226             synchronized (this) {
 227                 if (this.w == temporary) {
 228                     this.w = null; this.p = null;
 229                 }
 230             }
 231             PlatformLogger.Bridge platform =  replace || level != null
 232                     ? this.platform() : null;
 234             if (level != null) {
 235                 conf = (platform != null && platform != temporary)
 236                         ? PlatformLogger.ConfigurableBridge.getLoggerConfiguration(platform)
 237                         : null;
 238                 if (conf != null) conf.setPlatformLevel(level);
 239             }
 240         }
 242         /**
 243          * Replace 'w' by the real SPI logger and flush the log messages pending
 244          * in the temporary 'bootstrap' Logger. Called by BootstrapLogger when
 245          * this accessor's bootstrap logger is accessed and BootstrapLogger
 246          * notices that the VM is no longer booting.
 247          * @param bootstrap This accessor's bootstrap logger (usually this is 'w').
 248          */
 249         Logger getConcreteLogger(BootstrapLogger bootstrap) {
 250             assert VM.isBooted();
 251             synchronized(this) {
 252                 // another thread may have already invoked flush()
 253                 if (this.w == bootstrap) {
 254                     this.w = null; this.p = null;
 255                 }
 256             }
 257             return this.wrapped();
 258         }
 260         PlatformLogger.Bridge getConcretePlatformLogger(BootstrapLogger bootstrap) {
 261             assert VM.isBooted();
 262             synchronized(this) {
 263                 // another thread may have already invoked flush()
 264                 if (this.w == bootstrap) {
 265                     this.w = null; this.p = null;
 266                 }
 267             }
 268             return this.platform();
 269         }
 271         // Creates the wrapped logger by invoking the SPI.
 272         Logger createLogger() {
 273             final Class<?> caller = callerRef.get();
 274             if (caller == null) {
 275                 throw new IllegalStateException("The class for which this logger"
 276                         + " was created has been garbage collected");
 277             }
 278             return this.factories.loggerSupplier.apply(name, caller);
 279         }
 281         /**
 282          * Creates a new lazy logger accessor for the named logger. The given
 283          * factories will be use when it becomes necessary to actually create
 284          * the logger.
 285          * @param <T> An interface that extends {@link Logger}.
 286          * @param name The logger name.
 287          * @param factories The factories that should be used to create the
 288          *                  wrapped logger.
 289          * @return A new LazyLoggerAccessor.
 290          */
 291         public static LazyLoggerAccessor makeAccessor(String name,
 292                 LazyLoggerFactories<? extends Logger> factories, Class<?> caller) {
 293                 return new LazyLoggerAccessor(name, factories, caller);
 294         }
 296     }
 298     /**
 299      * An implementation of {@link Logger} that redirects all calls to a wrapped
 300      * instance of {@code Logger}.
 301      */
 302     private static class LazyLoggerWrapper
 303         extends AbstractLoggerWrapper<Logger> {
 305         final LoggerAccessor loggerAccessor;
 307         public LazyLoggerWrapper(LazyLoggerAccessor loggerSinkSupplier) {
 308             this(Objects.requireNonNull(loggerSinkSupplier), (Void)null);
 309         }
 311         private LazyLoggerWrapper(LazyLoggerAccessor loggerSinkSupplier,
 312                 Void unused) {
 313             this.loggerAccessor = loggerSinkSupplier;
 314         }
 316         @Override
 317         final Logger wrapped() {
 318             return loggerAccessor.wrapped();
 319         }
 321         @Override
 322         PlatformLogger.Bridge platformProxy() {
 323             return loggerAccessor.platform();
 324         }
 326     }
 328     // Do not expose this outside of this package.
 329     private static volatile LoggerFinder provider;
 330     private static LoggerFinder accessLoggerFinder() {
 331         LoggerFinder prov = provider;
 332         if (prov == null) {
 333             // no need to lock: it doesn't matter if we call
 334             // getLoggerFinder() twice - since LoggerFinder already caches
 335             // the result.
 336             // This is just an optimization to avoid the cost of calling
 337             // doPrivileged every time.
 338             final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
 339             prov = sm == null ? LoggerFinder.getLoggerFinder() :
 340                 AccessController.doPrivileged(
 341                         (PrivilegedAction<LoggerFinder>)LoggerFinder::getLoggerFinder);
 342             provider = prov;
 343         }
 344         return prov;
 345     }
 347     // Avoid using lambda here as lazy loggers could be created early
 348     // in the bootstrap sequence...
 349     private static final BiFunction<String, Class<?>, Logger> loggerSupplier =
 350            new BiFunction<>() {
 351         @Override
 352         public Logger apply(String name, Class<?> caller) {
 353             return LazyLoggers.getLoggerFromFinder(name, caller);
 354         }
 355     };
 357     private static final LazyLoggerFactories<Logger> factories =
 358            new LazyLoggerFactories<>(loggerSupplier);
 362     // A concrete implementation of Logger that delegates to a  System.Logger,
 363     // but only creates the System.Logger instance lazily when it's used for
 364     // the first time.
 365     // The JdkLazyLogger uses a LazyLoggerAccessor objects, which relies
 366     // on the logic embedded in BootstrapLogger to avoid loading the concrete
 367     // logger provider until the VM has finished booting.
 368     //
 369     private static final class JdkLazyLogger extends LazyLoggerWrapper {
 370         JdkLazyLogger(String name, Class<?> caller) {
 371             this(LazyLoggerAccessor.makeAccessor(name, factories, caller),
 372                  (Void)null);
 373         }
 374         private JdkLazyLogger(LazyLoggerAccessor holder, Void unused) {
 375             super(holder);
 376         }
 377     }
 379     /**
 380      * Gets a logger from the LoggerFinder. Creates the actual concrete
 381      * logger.
 382      * @param name    name of the logger
 383      * @param caller  class on behalf of which the logger is created
 384      * @return  The logger returned by the LoggerFinder.
 385      */
 386     static Logger getLoggerFromFinder(String name, Class<?> caller) {
 387         final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
 388         if (sm == null) {
 389             return accessLoggerFinder().getLogger(name, caller);
 390         } else {
 391             return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Logger>)
 392                     () -> {return accessLoggerFinder().getLogger(name, caller);},
 393                     null, LOGGERFINDER_PERMISSION);
 394         }
 395     }
 397     /**
 398      * Returns a (possibly lazy) Logger for the caller.
 399      *
 400      * @param name the logger name
 401      * @param caller The class on behalf of which the logger is created.
 402      *               If the caller is not loaded from the Boot ClassLoader,
 403      *               the LoggerFinder is accessed and the logger returned
 404      *               by {@link LoggerFinder#getLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)}
 405      *               is returned to the caller directly.
 406      *               Otherwise, the logger returned by
 407      *               {@link #getLazyLogger(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)}
 408      *               is returned to the caller.
 409      *
 410      * @return  a (possibly lazy) Logger instance.
 411      */
 412     public static final Logger getLogger(String name, Class<?> caller) {
 413         if (caller.getClassLoader() == null) {
 414             return getLazyLogger(name, caller);
 415         } else {
 416             return getLoggerFromFinder(name, caller);
 417         }
 418     }
 420     /**
 421      * Returns a (possibly lazy) Logger suitable for system classes.
 422      * Whether the returned logger is lazy or not depend on the result
 423      * returned by {@link BootstrapLogger#useLazyLoggers()}.
 424      *
 425      * @param name the logger name
 426      * @param caller the class on behalf of which the logger is created.
 427      * @return  a (possibly lazy) Logger instance.
 428      */
 429     public static final Logger getLazyLogger(String name, Class<?> caller) {
 431         // BootstrapLogger has the logic to determine whether a LazyLogger
 432         // should be used. Usually, it is worth it only if:
 433         //   - the VM is not yet booted
 434         //   - or, the backend is JUL and there is no configuration
 435         //   - or, the backend is a custom backend, as we don't know what
 436         //     that is going to load...
 437         // So if for instance the VM is booted and we use JUL with a custom
 438         // configuration, we're not going to delay the creation of loggers...
 439         final boolean useLazyLogger = BootstrapLogger.useLazyLoggers();
 440         if (useLazyLogger) {
 441             return new JdkLazyLogger(name, caller);
 442         } else {
 443             // Directly invoke the LoggerFinder.
 444             return getLoggerFromFinder(name, caller);
 445         }
 446     }
 448 }