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*** old/makefiles/BuildJdk.gmk	Tue Jan  8 02:19:31 2013
--- new/makefiles/BuildJdk.gmk	Tue Jan  8 02:19:29 2013

*** 37,46 **** --- 37,52 ---- include NativeCompilation.gmk # Setup the java compilers for the JDK build. include Setup.gmk + # Include Profile information + include ProfileNames.gmk + + # Include the corresponding custom file, if present. + -include $(CUSTOM_MAKE_DIR)/BuildJdk.gmk + import: import-only import-only: # Import (corba jaxp jaxws langtools hotspot) +$(MAKE) -f Import.gmk
*** 95,104 **** --- 101,117 ---- overlay-images: +$(MAKE) -f CompileLaunchers.gmk OVERLAY_IMAGES=true +$(MAKE) -f Images.gmk overlay-images + # Create Compact Profile images + $(ALL_PROFILES): + +$(MAKE) PROFILE=$@ -f CreateJars.gmk + +$(MAKE) PROFILE=$@ JRE_IMAGE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/j2re-$(word $(call profile_number,$@),$(PROFILE_NAMES))-image -f Images.gmk profile-image + + profiles: $(ALL_PROFILES) + sign-jars: +$(MAKE) -f SignJars.gmk BINARIES:=$(notdir $(wildcard $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/*)) INSTALLDIR:=openjdk-$(RELEASE)
*** 119,123 **** --- 132,137 ---- all: jdk .PHONY: import gensrc gendata classes libs launchers genclasses .PHONY: import-only gensrc-only gendata-only classes-only libs-only launchers-only genclasses-only .PHONY: all jdk demos images overlay-images bundles install + .PHONY: profiles $(ALL_PROFILES)

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