1 doclet.Generating_0=Generating {0}...
   2 doclet.Toolkit_Usage_Violation=The Doclet Toolkit can only be used by {0}
   3 doclet.MissingSerialTag=in class {0}, missing @serial tag for default serializable field: {1}.
   4 doclet.MissingSerialDataTag=in class {0}, missing @serialData tag in method {1}.
   5 doclet.Serializable_no_customization=No readObject or writeObject method declared.
   6 doclet.Serialized_Form=Serialized Form
   7 doclet.Serialized_Form_methods=Serialization Methods
   8 doclet.Serialized_Form_fields=Serialized Fields
   9 doclet.Serialized_Form_class=Serialization Overview
  10 doclet.Class_0_implements_serializable=Class {0} implements Serializable
  11 doclet.Class_0_extends_implements_serializable=Class {0} extends {1} implements Serializable
  12 doclet.Option_conflict=Option {0} conflicts with {1}
  13 doclet.Option_reuse=Option reused: {0}
  14 doclet.exception_encountered= {0} encountered \n\
  15 \twhile attempting to create file: {1}
  16 doclet.perform_copy_exception_encountered= {0} encountered while \n\
  17 performing copy.
  18 doclet.File_not_found=File not found: {0}
  19 doclet.Copy_Overwrite_warning=File {0} not copied to {1} due to existing file with same name...
  20 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1=Copying file {0} to directory {1}...
  21 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_File_1=Copying file {0} to file {1}...
  22 doclet.No_Public_Classes_To_Document=No public or protected classes found to document.
  23 doclet.Unable_to_create_directory_0=Unable to create directory {0}
  24 doclet.destination_directory_not_directory_0=Destination directory is not a directory {0}
  25 doclet.destination_directory_not_writable_0=Destination directory not writable {0}
  26 doclet.Encoding_not_supported=Encoding not supported: {0}
  27 doclet.Building_Tree=Building tree for all the packages and classes...
  28 doclet.Building_Index=Building index for all the packages and classes...
  29 doclet.Building_Index_For_All_Classes=Building index for all classes...
  30 doclet.sourcetab_warning=The argument for -sourcetab must be an integer greater than 0.
  31 doclet.Packages=Packages
  32 doclet.Other_Packages=Other Packages
  33 doclet.Notice_taglet_registered=Registered Taglet {0} ...
  34 doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen=Note: Custom tags that were not seen: {0}
  35 doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden=Note: Custom tags that override standard tags: {0}
  36 doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn=Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: {0}. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names.
  37 doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered=Error - Exception {0} thrown while trying to register Taglet {1}...
  38 doclet.Error_invalid_custom_tag_argument=Error - {0} is an invalid argument to the -tag option...
  39 doclet.Author=Author:
  40 doclet.Default=Default:
  41 doclet.Parameters=Parameters:
  42 doclet.TypeParameters=Type Parameters:
  43 doclet.Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a parameter name.
  44 doclet.Parameters_dup_warn=Parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
  45 doclet.Type_Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a type parameter name.
  46 doclet.Type_Parameters_dup_warn=Type parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
  47 doclet.Returns=Returns:
  48 doclet.Return_tag_on_void_method=@return tag cannot be used in method with void return type.
  49 doclet.See_Also=See Also:
  50 doclet.See=See:
  51 doclet.SerialData=Serial Data:
  52 doclet.Since=Since:
  53 doclet.Throws=Throws:
  54 doclet.Version=Version:
  55 doclet.Factory=Factory:
  56 doclet.UnknownTag={0} is an unknown tag.
  57 doclet.UnknownTagLowercase={0} is an unknown tag -- same as a known tag except for case.
  58 doclet.noInheritedDoc=@inheritDoc used but {0} does not override or implement any method.
  59 doclet.malformed_html_link_tag=<a> tag is malformed:\n"{0}"
  60 doclet.tag_misuse=Tag {0} cannot be used in {1} documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: {2}.
  61 doclet.Package_Summary=Package Summary
  62 doclet.Interface_Summary=Interface Summary
  63 doclet.Annotation_Types_Summary=Annotation Types Summary
  64 doclet.Enum_Summary=Enum Summary
  65 doclet.Exception_Summary=Exception Summary
  66 doclet.Error_Summary=Error Summary
  67 doclet.Class_Summary=Class Summary
  68 doclet.Nested_Class_Summary=Nested Class Summary
  69 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member_Summary=Optional Element Summary
  70 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member_Summary=Required Element Summary
  71 doclet.Field_Summary=Field Summary
  72 doclet.Enum_Constant_Summary=Enum Constant Summary
  73 doclet.Constructor_Summary=Constructor Summary
  74 doclet.Method_Summary=Method Summary
  75 doclet.Interfaces=Interfaces
  76 doclet.Enums=Enums
  77 doclet.AnnotationTypes=Annotation Types
  78 doclet.Exceptions=Exceptions
  79 doclet.Errors=Errors
  80 doclet.Classes=Classes
  81 doclet.Packages=Packages
  82 doclet.packages=packages
  83 doclet.All_Classes=All Classes
  84 doclet.All_Superinterfaces=All Superinterfaces:
  85 doclet.All_Implemented_Interfaces=All Implemented Interfaces:
  86 doclet.All_classes_and_interfaces=All classes and interfaces (except non-static nested types)
  87 doclet.Package_class_and_interface_descriptions=Package, class and interface descriptions
  88 doclet.Interface=Interface
  89 doclet.Class=Class
  90 doclet.AnnotationType=Annotation Type
  91 doclet.annotationtype=annotation type
  92 doclet.annotationtypes=annotation types
  93 doclet.Enum=Enum
  94 doclet.enum=enum
  95 doclet.enums=enums
  96 doclet.interface=interface
  97 doclet.interfaces=interfaces
  98 doclet.class=class
  99 doclet.classes=classes
 100 doclet.Error=Error
 101 doclet.error=error
 102 doclet.errors=errors
 103 doclet.Exception=Exception
 104 doclet.exception=exception
 105 doclet.exceptions=exceptions
 106 doclet.Package_private=(package private)
 107 doclet.Nested_Classes_Interfaces_Inherited_From_Class=Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
 108 doclet.Nested_Classes_Interface_Inherited_From_Interface=Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
 109 doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Class=Methods inherited from class
 110 doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Interface=Methods inherited from interface
 111 doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Class=Fields inherited from class
 112 doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Interface=Fields inherited from interface
 113 doclet.Annotation_Type_Member_Detail=Element Detail
 114 doclet.Enum_Constant_Detail=Enum Constant Detail
 115 doclet.Constants_Summary=Constant Field Values
 116 doclet.Field_Detail=Field Detail
 117 doclet.Method_Detail=Method Detail
 118 doclet.Constructor_Detail=Constructor Detail
 119 doclet.Deprecated=Deprecated.
 120 doclet.Groupname_already_used=In -group option, groupname already used: {0}
 121 doclet.value_tag_invalid_reference={0} (referenced by @value tag) is an unknown reference.
 122 doclet.value_tag_invalid_constant=@value tag (which references {0}) can only be used in constants.
 123 doclet.dest_dir_create=Creating destination directory: "{0}"
 124 doclet.in={0} in {1}
 125 doclet.Use_Table_Summary=Use table, listing {0}, and an explanation
 126 doclet.Constants_Table_Summary={0} table, listing constant fields, and values
 127 doclet.Member_Table_Summary={0} table, listing {1}, and an explanation
 128 doclet.fields=fields
 129 doclet.Fields=Fields
 130 doclet.constructors=constructors
 131 doclet.Constructors=Constructors
 132 doclet.methods=methods
 133 doclet.Methods=Methods
 134 doclet.annotation_type_optional_members=optional elements
 135 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Members=Optional Elements
 136 doclet.annotation_type_required_members=required elements
 137 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Members=Required Elements
 138 doclet.enum_constants=enum constants
 139 doclet.Enum_Constants=Enum Constants
 140 doclet.nested_classes=nested classes
 141 doclet.Nested_Classes=Nested Classes
 142 doclet.subclasses=subclasses
 143 doclet.subinterfaces=subinterfaces
 144 doclet.Modifier=Modifier
 145 doclet.Type=Type
 146 doclet.Field=Field
 147 doclet.Constructor=Constructor
 148 doclet.Method=Method
 149 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member=Optional Element
 150 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member=Required Element
 151 doclet.Annotation_Type_Member=Annotation Type Element
 152 doclet.Enum_Constant=Enum Constant
 153 doclet.Class=Class
 154 doclet.Description=Description
 155 doclet.ConstantField=Constant Field
 156 doclet.Value=Value
 157 doclet.0_and_1={0} and {1}
 159 #Documentation for Enums
 160 doclet.enum_values_doc=\n\
 161  Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in\n\
 162  the order they are declared.  This method may be used to iterate\n\
 163  over the constants as follows:\n\
 164  <pre>\n\
 165  for ({0} c : {0}.values())\n\
 166  &nbsp;   System.out.println(c);\n\
 167  </pre>\n\
 168  @return an array containing the constants of this enum type, in\n\
 169  the order they are declared
 171 doclet.enum_valueof_doc=\n\
 172  Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.\n\
 173  The string must match <i>exactly</i> an identifier used to declare an\n\
 174  enum constant in this type.  (Extraneous whitespace characters are \n\
 175  not permitted.)\n\
 176  \n\
 177  @param name the name of the enum constant to be returned.\n\
 178  @return the enum constant with the specified name\n\
 179  @throws IllegalArgumentException if this enum type has no constant\n\
 180          with the specified name\n\
 181  @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null