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  12 doclet.Option_conflict=Option {0} conflicts with {1}
  13 doclet.Option_reuse=Option reused: {0}
  14 doclet.exception_encountered= {0} encountered \n\
  15 \twhile attempting to create file: {1}
  16 doclet.perform_copy_exception_encountered= {0} encountered while \n\
  17 performing copy.
  18 doclet.File_not_found=File not found: {0}
  19 doclet.Copy_Overwrite_warning=File {0} not copied to {1} due to existing file with same name...
  20 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1=Copying file {0} to directory {1}...
  21 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_File_1=Copying file {0} to file {1}...
  22 doclet.No_Public_Classes_To_Document=No public or protected classes found to document.
  23 doclet.Unable_to_create_directory_0=Unable to create directory {0}
  24 doclet.destination_directory_not_directory_0=Destination directory is not a directory {0}
  25 doclet.destination_directory_not_writable_0=Destination directory not writable {0}
  26 doclet.Encoding_not_supported=Encoding not supported: {0}
  27 doclet.Building_Tree=Building tree for all the packages and classes...
  28 doclet.Building_Index=Building index for all the packages and classes...
  29 doclet.Building_Index_For_All_Classes=Building index for all classes...
  30 doclet.sourcetab_warning=The argument for -sourcetab must be an integer greater than 0.
  31 doclet.Packages=Packages

  32 doclet.Other_Packages=Other Packages
  33 doclet.Notice_taglet_registered=Registered Taglet {0} ...
  34 doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen=Note: Custom tags that were not seen: {0}
  35 doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden=Note: Custom tags that override standard tags: {0}
  36 doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn=Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: {0}. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names.
  37 doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered=Error - Exception {0} thrown while trying to register Taglet {1}...
  38 doclet.Error_invalid_custom_tag_argument=Error - {0} is an invalid argument to the -tag option...
  39 doclet.Author=Author:
  40 doclet.Default=Default:
  41 doclet.Parameters=Parameters:
  42 doclet.TypeParameters=Type Parameters:
  43 doclet.Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a parameter name.
  44 doclet.Parameters_dup_warn=Parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
  45 doclet.Type_Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a type parameter name.
  46 doclet.Type_Parameters_dup_warn=Type parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
  47 doclet.Returns=Returns:
  48 doclet.Return_tag_on_void_method=@return tag cannot be used in method with void return type.
  49 doclet.See_Also=See Also:
  50 doclet.See=See:
  51 doclet.SerialData=Serial Data:
  52 doclet.Since=Since:
  53 doclet.Throws=Throws:
  54 doclet.Version=Version:
  55 doclet.Factory=Factory:
  56 doclet.UnknownTag={0} is an unknown tag.
  57 doclet.UnknownTagLowercase={0} is an unknown tag -- same as a known tag except for case.
  58 doclet.noInheritedDoc=@inheritDoc used but {0} does not override or implement any method.
  59 doclet.malformed_html_link_tag=<a> tag is malformed:\n"{0}"
  60 doclet.tag_misuse=Tag {0} cannot be used in {1} documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: {2}.
  61 doclet.Package_Summary=Package Summary

  62 doclet.Interface_Summary=Interface Summary
  63 doclet.Annotation_Types_Summary=Annotation Types Summary
  64 doclet.Enum_Summary=Enum Summary
  65 doclet.Exception_Summary=Exception Summary
  66 doclet.Error_Summary=Error Summary
  67 doclet.Class_Summary=Class Summary
  68 doclet.Nested_Class_Summary=Nested Class Summary
  69 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member_Summary=Optional Element Summary
  70 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member_Summary=Required Element Summary
  71 doclet.Field_Summary=Field Summary
  72 doclet.Enum_Constant_Summary=Enum Constant Summary
  73 doclet.Constructor_Summary=Constructor Summary
  74 doclet.Method_Summary=Method Summary
  75 doclet.Interfaces=Interfaces
  76 doclet.Enums=Enums
  77 doclet.AnnotationTypes=Annotation Types
  78 doclet.Exceptions=Exceptions
  79 doclet.Errors=Errors
  80 doclet.Classes=Classes
  81 doclet.Packages=Packages
  82 doclet.packages=packages

  83 doclet.All_Classes=All Classes
  84 doclet.All_Superinterfaces=All Superinterfaces:
  85 doclet.All_Implemented_Interfaces=All Implemented Interfaces:
  86 doclet.All_classes_and_interfaces=All classes and interfaces (except non-static nested types)
  87 doclet.Package_class_and_interface_descriptions=Package, class and interface descriptions
  88 doclet.Interface=Interface
  89 doclet.Class=Class
  90 doclet.AnnotationType=Annotation Type
  91 doclet.annotationtype=annotation type
  92 doclet.annotationtypes=annotation types
  93 doclet.Enum=Enum
  94 doclet.enum=enum
  95 doclet.enums=enums
  96 doclet.interface=interface
  97 doclet.interfaces=interfaces
  98 doclet.class=class
  99 doclet.classes=classes
 100 doclet.Error=Error
 101 doclet.error=error
 102 doclet.errors=errors

  12 doclet.Option_conflict=Option {0} conflicts with {1}
  13 doclet.Option_reuse=Option reused: {0}
  14 doclet.exception_encountered= {0} encountered \n\
  15 \twhile attempting to create file: {1}
  16 doclet.perform_copy_exception_encountered= {0} encountered while \n\
  17 performing copy.
  18 doclet.File_not_found=File not found: {0}
  19 doclet.Copy_Overwrite_warning=File {0} not copied to {1} due to existing file with same name...
  20 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1=Copying file {0} to directory {1}...
  21 doclet.Copying_File_0_To_File_1=Copying file {0} to file {1}...
  22 doclet.No_Public_Classes_To_Document=No public or protected classes found to document.
  23 doclet.Unable_to_create_directory_0=Unable to create directory {0}
  24 doclet.destination_directory_not_directory_0=Destination directory is not a directory {0}
  25 doclet.destination_directory_not_writable_0=Destination directory not writable {0}
  26 doclet.Encoding_not_supported=Encoding not supported: {0}
  27 doclet.Building_Tree=Building tree for all the packages and classes...
  28 doclet.Building_Index=Building index for all the packages and classes...
  29 doclet.Building_Index_For_All_Classes=Building index for all classes...
  30 doclet.sourcetab_warning=The argument for -sourcetab must be an integer greater than 0.
  31 doclet.Packages=Packages
  32 doclet.Profiles=Profiles
  33 doclet.Other_Packages=Other Packages
  34 doclet.Notice_taglet_registered=Registered Taglet {0} ...
  35 doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen=Note: Custom tags that were not seen: {0}
  36 doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden=Note: Custom tags that override standard tags: {0}
  37 doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn=Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: {0}. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names.
  38 doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered=Error - Exception {0} thrown while trying to register Taglet {1}...
  39 doclet.Error_invalid_custom_tag_argument=Error - {0} is an invalid argument to the -tag option...
  40 doclet.Author=Author:
  41 doclet.Default=Default:
  42 doclet.Parameters=Parameters:
  43 doclet.TypeParameters=Type Parameters:
  44 doclet.Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a parameter name.
  45 doclet.Parameters_dup_warn=Parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
  46 doclet.Type_Parameters_warn=@param argument "{0}" is not a type parameter name.
  47 doclet.Type_Parameters_dup_warn=Type parameter "{0}" is documented more than once.
  48 doclet.Returns=Returns:
  49 doclet.Return_tag_on_void_method=@return tag cannot be used in method with void return type.
  50 doclet.See_Also=See Also:
  51 doclet.See=See:
  52 doclet.SerialData=Serial Data:
  53 doclet.Since=Since:
  54 doclet.Throws=Throws:
  55 doclet.Version=Version:
  56 doclet.Factory=Factory:
  57 doclet.UnknownTag={0} is an unknown tag.
  58 doclet.UnknownTagLowercase={0} is an unknown tag -- same as a known tag except for case.
  59 doclet.noInheritedDoc=@inheritDoc used but {0} does not override or implement any method.
  60 doclet.malformed_html_link_tag=<a> tag is malformed:\n"{0}"
  61 doclet.tag_misuse=Tag {0} cannot be used in {1} documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: {2}.
  62 doclet.Package_Summary=Package Summary
  63 doclet.Profile_Summary=Profile Summary
  64 doclet.Interface_Summary=Interface Summary
  65 doclet.Annotation_Types_Summary=Annotation Types Summary
  66 doclet.Enum_Summary=Enum Summary
  67 doclet.Exception_Summary=Exception Summary
  68 doclet.Error_Summary=Error Summary
  69 doclet.Class_Summary=Class Summary
  70 doclet.Nested_Class_Summary=Nested Class Summary
  71 doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member_Summary=Optional Element Summary
  72 doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member_Summary=Required Element Summary
  73 doclet.Field_Summary=Field Summary
  74 doclet.Enum_Constant_Summary=Enum Constant Summary
  75 doclet.Constructor_Summary=Constructor Summary
  76 doclet.Method_Summary=Method Summary
  77 doclet.Interfaces=Interfaces
  78 doclet.Enums=Enums
  79 doclet.AnnotationTypes=Annotation Types
  80 doclet.Exceptions=Exceptions
  81 doclet.Errors=Errors
  82 doclet.Classes=Classes
  83 doclet.Packages=Packages
  84 doclet.packages=packages
  85 doclet.profiles=profiles
  86 doclet.All_Classes=All Classes
  87 doclet.All_Superinterfaces=All Superinterfaces:
  88 doclet.All_Implemented_Interfaces=All Implemented Interfaces:
  89 doclet.All_classes_and_interfaces=All classes and interfaces (except non-static nested types)
  90 doclet.Package_class_and_interface_descriptions=Package, class and interface descriptions
  91 doclet.Interface=Interface
  92 doclet.Class=Class
  93 doclet.AnnotationType=Annotation Type
  94 doclet.annotationtype=annotation type
  95 doclet.annotationtypes=annotation types
  96 doclet.Enum=Enum
  97 doclet.enum=enum
  98 doclet.enums=enums
  99 doclet.interface=interface
 100 doclet.interfaces=interfaces
 101 doclet.class=class
 102 doclet.classes=classes
 103 doclet.Error=Error
 104 doclet.error=error
 105 doclet.errors=errors

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