< prev index next >


Print this page
rev 50604 : imported patch jep181-rev1
rev 50606 : imported patch jep181-rev3

3129   if (inner_classes_attribute_start != NULL) {
3130     cfs->set_current(inner_classes_attribute_start);
3131     cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK_0);  // length
3132     length = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3133   }
3135   // 4-tuples of shorts of inner classes data and 2 shorts of enclosing
3136   // method data:
3137   //   [inner_class_info_index,
3138   //    outer_class_info_index,
3139   //    inner_name_index,
3140   //    inner_class_access_flags,
3141   //    ...
3142   //    enclosing_method_class_index,
3143   //    enclosing_method_method_index]
3144   const int size = length * 4 + (parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute ? 2 : 0);
3145   Array<u2>* const inner_classes = MetadataFactory::new_array<u2>(_loader_data, size, CHECK_0);
3146   _inner_classes = inner_classes;
3148   int index = 0;
3149   const int cp_size = _cp->length();
3150   cfs->guarantee_more(8 * length, CHECK_0);  // 4-tuples of u2
3151   for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
3152     // Inner class index
3153     const u2 inner_class_info_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3154     check_property(
3155       valid_klass_reference_at(inner_class_info_index),
3156       "inner_class_info_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",
3157       inner_class_info_index, CHECK_0);
3158     // Outer class index
3159     const u2 outer_class_info_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3160     check_property(
3161       outer_class_info_index == 0 ||
3162         valid_klass_reference_at(outer_class_info_index),
3163       "outer_class_info_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",
3164       outer_class_info_index, CHECK_0);
3165     // Inner class name
3166     const u2 inner_name_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3167     check_property(
3168       inner_name_index == 0 || valid_symbol_at(inner_name_index),
3169       "inner_name_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",

3203                             inner_classes->at(i+3) != inner_classes->at(j+3)),
3204                             "Duplicate entry in InnerClasses in class file %s",
3205                             CHECK_0);
3206       }
3207     }
3208   }
3210   // Set EnclosingMethod class and method indexes.
3211   if (parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute) {
3212     inner_classes->at_put(index++, enclosing_method_class_index);
3213     inner_classes->at_put(index++, enclosing_method_method_index);
3214   }
3215   assert(index == size, "wrong size");
3217   // Restore buffer's current position.
3218   cfs->set_current(current_mark);
3220   return length;
3221 }

3223 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_synthetic_attribute(TRAPS) {
3224   set_class_synthetic_flag(true);
3225 }
3227 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_signature_attribute(const ClassFileStream* const cfs, TRAPS) {
3228   assert(cfs != NULL, "invariant");
3230   const u2 signature_index = cfs->get_u2(CHECK);
3231   check_property(
3232     valid_symbol_at(signature_index),
3233     "Invalid constant pool index %u in Signature attribute in class file %s",
3234     signature_index, CHECK);
3235   set_class_generic_signature_index(signature_index);
3236 }
3238 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_bootstrap_methods_attribute(const ClassFileStream* const cfs,
3239                                                                   ConstantPool* cp,
3240                                                                   u4 attribute_byte_length,
3241                                                                   TRAPS) {
3242   assert(cfs != NULL, "invariant");

3310         argument_index,
3311         CHECK);
3312       operands->at_put(operand_fill_index++, argument_index);
3313     }
3314   }
3315   guarantee_property(current_start + attribute_byte_length == cfs->current(),
3316                      "Bad length on BootstrapMethods in class file %s",
3317                      CHECK);
3318 }
3320 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_attributes(const ClassFileStream* const cfs,
3321                                                  ConstantPool* cp,
3322                  ClassFileParser::ClassAnnotationCollector* parsed_annotations,
3323                                                  TRAPS) {
3324   assert(cfs != NULL, "invariant");
3325   assert(cp != NULL, "invariant");
3326   assert(parsed_annotations != NULL, "invariant");
3328   // Set inner classes attribute to default sentinel
3329   _inner_classes = Universe::the_empty_short_array();

3330   cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK);  // attributes_count
3331   u2 attributes_count = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3332   bool parsed_sourcefile_attribute = false;
3333   bool parsed_innerclasses_attribute = false;

3334   bool parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute = false;
3335   bool parsed_bootstrap_methods_attribute = false;
3336   const u1* runtime_visible_annotations = NULL;
3337   int runtime_visible_annotations_length = 0;
3338   const u1* runtime_invisible_annotations = NULL;
3339   int runtime_invisible_annotations_length = 0;
3340   const u1* runtime_visible_type_annotations = NULL;
3341   int runtime_visible_type_annotations_length = 0;
3342   const u1* runtime_invisible_type_annotations = NULL;
3343   int runtime_invisible_type_annotations_length = 0;
3344   bool runtime_invisible_type_annotations_exists = false;
3345   bool runtime_invisible_annotations_exists = false;
3346   bool parsed_source_debug_ext_annotations_exist = false;
3347   const u1* inner_classes_attribute_start = NULL;
3348   u4  inner_classes_attribute_length = 0;
3349   u2  enclosing_method_class_index = 0;
3350   u2  enclosing_method_method_index = 0;

3351   // Iterate over attributes
3352   while (attributes_count--) {
3353     cfs->guarantee_more(6, CHECK);  // attribute_name_index, attribute_length
3354     const u2 attribute_name_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3355     const u4 attribute_length = cfs->get_u4_fast();
3356     check_property(
3357       valid_symbol_at(attribute_name_index),
3358       "Attribute name has bad constant pool index %u in class file %s",
3359       attribute_name_index, CHECK);
3360     const Symbol* const tag = cp->symbol_at(attribute_name_index);
3361     if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_source_file()) {
3362       // Check for SourceFile tag
3363       if (_need_verify) {
3364         guarantee_property(attribute_length == 2, "Wrong SourceFile attribute length in class file %s", CHECK);
3365       }
3366       if (parsed_sourcefile_attribute) {
3367         classfile_parse_error("Multiple SourceFile attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3368       } else {
3369         parsed_sourcefile_attribute = true;
3370       }

3479             "Multiple RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3480         }
3481         runtime_visible_type_annotations_length = attribute_length;
3482         runtime_visible_type_annotations = cfs->current();
3483         assert(runtime_visible_type_annotations != NULL, "null visible type annotations");
3484         // No need for the VM to parse Type annotations
3485         cfs->skip_u1(runtime_visible_type_annotations_length, CHECK);
3486       } else if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_runtime_invisible_type_annotations()) {
3487         if (runtime_invisible_type_annotations_exists) {
3488           classfile_parse_error(
3489             "Multiple RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3490         } else {
3491           runtime_invisible_type_annotations_exists = true;
3492         }
3493         if (PreserveAllAnnotations) {
3494           runtime_invisible_type_annotations_length = attribute_length;
3495           runtime_invisible_type_annotations = cfs->current();
3496           assert(runtime_invisible_type_annotations != NULL, "null invisible type annotations");
3497         }
3498         cfs->skip_u1(attribute_length, CHECK);

3499       } else {
3500         // Unknown attribute
3501         cfs->skip_u1(attribute_length, CHECK);
3502       }
3503     } else {
3504       // Unknown attribute
3505       cfs->skip_u1(attribute_length, CHECK);
3506     }
3507   }
3508   _annotations = assemble_annotations(runtime_visible_annotations,
3509                                       runtime_visible_annotations_length,
3510                                       runtime_invisible_annotations,
3511                                       runtime_invisible_annotations_length,
3512                                       CHECK);
3513   _type_annotations = assemble_annotations(runtime_visible_type_annotations,
3514                                            runtime_visible_type_annotations_length,
3515                                            runtime_invisible_type_annotations,
3516                                            runtime_invisible_type_annotations_length,
3517                                            CHECK);
3519   if (parsed_innerclasses_attribute || parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute) {
3520     const u2 num_of_classes = parse_classfile_inner_classes_attribute(
3521                             cfs,
3522                             inner_classes_attribute_start,
3523                             parsed_innerclasses_attribute,
3524                             enclosing_method_class_index,
3525                             enclosing_method_method_index,
3526                             CHECK);
3527     if (parsed_innerclasses_attribute &&_need_verify && _major_version >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION) {
3528       guarantee_property(
3529         inner_classes_attribute_length == sizeof(num_of_classes) + 4 * sizeof(u2) * num_of_classes,
3530         "Wrong InnerClasses attribute length in class file %s", CHECK);
3531     }
3532   }

3534   if (_max_bootstrap_specifier_index >= 0) {
3535     guarantee_property(parsed_bootstrap_methods_attribute,
3536                        "Missing BootstrapMethods attribute in class file %s", CHECK);
3537   }
3538 }
3540 void ClassFileParser::apply_parsed_class_attributes(InstanceKlass* k) {
3541   assert(k != NULL, "invariant");
3543   if (_synthetic_flag)
3544     k->set_is_synthetic();
3545   if (_sourcefile_index != 0) {
3546     k->set_source_file_name_index(_sourcefile_index);
3547   }
3548   if (_generic_signature_index != 0) {
3549     k->set_generic_signature_index(_generic_signature_index);
3550   }
3551   if (_sde_buffer != NULL) {
3552     k->set_source_debug_extension(_sde_buffer, _sde_length);
3553   }

3577     // The annotations arrays below has been transfered the
3578     // _combined_annotations so these fields can now be cleared.
3579     _annotations             = NULL;
3580     _type_annotations        = NULL;
3581     _fields_annotations      = NULL;
3582     _fields_type_annotations = NULL;
3583 }
3585 // Transfer ownership of metadata allocated to the InstanceKlass.
3586 void ClassFileParser::apply_parsed_class_metadata(
3587                                             InstanceKlass* this_klass,
3588                                             int java_fields_count, TRAPS) {
3589   assert(this_klass != NULL, "invariant");
3591   _cp->set_pool_holder(this_klass);
3592   this_klass->set_constants(_cp);
3593   this_klass->set_fields(_fields, java_fields_count);
3594   this_klass->set_methods(_methods);
3595   this_klass->set_inner_classes(_inner_classes);

3596   this_klass->set_local_interfaces(_local_interfaces);
3597   this_klass->set_annotations(_combined_annotations);
3598   // Delay the setting of _transitive_interfaces until after initialize_supers() in
3599   // fill_instance_klass(). It is because the _transitive_interfaces may be shared with
3600   // its _super. If an OOM occurs while loading the current klass, its _super field
3601   // may not have been set. When GC tries to free the klass, the _transitive_interfaces
3602   // may be deallocated mistakenly in InstanceKlass::deallocate_interfaces(). Subsequent
3603   // dereferences to the deallocated _transitive_interfaces will result in a crash.
3605   // Clear out these fields so they don't get deallocated by the destructor
3606   clear_class_metadata();
3607 }
3609 AnnotationArray* ClassFileParser::assemble_annotations(const u1* const runtime_visible_annotations,
3610                                                        int runtime_visible_annotations_length,
3611                                                        const u1* const runtime_invisible_annotations,
3612                                                        int runtime_invisible_annotations_length,
3613                                                        TRAPS) {
3614   AnnotationArray* annotations = NULL;
3615   if (runtime_visible_annotations != NULL ||

4586     const Method* const m = methods->at(index);
4588     // skip private, static, and <init> methods
4589     if ((!m->is_private() && !m->is_static()) &&
4590         (m->name() != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {
4592       const Symbol* const name = m->name();
4593       const Symbol* const signature = m->signature();
4594       const Klass* k = this_klass->super();
4595       const Method* super_m = NULL;
4596       while (k != NULL) {
4597         // skip supers that don't have final methods.
4598         if (k->has_final_method()) {
4599           // lookup a matching method in the super class hierarchy
4600           super_m = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->lookup_method(name, signature);
4601           if (super_m == NULL) {
4602             break; // didn't find any match; get out
4603           }
4605           if (super_m->is_final() && !super_m->is_static() &&
4606               // matching method in super is final, and not static
4607               (Reflection::verify_field_access(this_klass,

4608                                                super_m->method_holder(),
4609                                                super_m->method_holder(),
4610                                                super_m->access_flags(), false))

4611             // this class can access super final method and therefore override
4612             ) {
4613             ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
4614             Exceptions::fthrow(
4615               THREAD_AND_LOCATION,
4616               vmSymbols::java_lang_VerifyError(),
4617               "class %s overrides final method %s.%s%s",
4618               this_klass->external_name(),
4619               super_m->method_holder()->external_name(),
4620               name->as_C_string(),
4621               signature->as_C_string()
4622             );
4623             return;
4624           }

4626           // continue to look from super_m's holder's super.
4627           k = super_m->method_holder()->super();
4628           continue;
4629         }
4631         k = k->super();
4632       }
4633     }
4634   }
4635 }
4638 // assumes that this_klass is an interface
4639 static void check_illegal_static_method(const InstanceKlass* this_klass, TRAPS) {
4640   assert(this_klass != NULL, "invariant");
4641   assert(this_klass->is_interface(), "not an interface");
4642   const Array<Method*>* methods = this_klass->methods();
4643   const int num_methods = methods->length();

5451   assert(ik->size_helper() == _field_info->instance_size, "sanity");
5453   // Fill in information already parsed
5454   ik->set_should_verify_class(_need_verify);
5456   // Not yet: supers are done below to support the new subtype-checking fields
5457   ik->set_nonstatic_field_size(_field_info->nonstatic_field_size);
5458   ik->set_has_nonstatic_fields(_field_info->has_nonstatic_fields);
5459   assert(_fac != NULL, "invariant");
5460   ik->set_static_oop_field_count(_fac->count[STATIC_OOP]);
5462   // this transfers ownership of a lot of arrays from
5463   // the parser onto the InstanceKlass*
5464   apply_parsed_class_metadata(ik, _java_fields_count, CHECK);
5466   // note that is not safe to use the fields in the parser from this point on
5467   assert(NULL == _cp, "invariant");
5468   assert(NULL == _fields, "invariant");
5469   assert(NULL == _methods, "invariant");
5470   assert(NULL == _inner_classes, "invariant");

5471   assert(NULL == _local_interfaces, "invariant");
5472   assert(NULL == _combined_annotations, "invariant");
5474   if (_has_final_method) {
5475     ik->set_has_final_method();
5476   }
5478   ik->copy_method_ordering(_method_ordering, CHECK);
5479   // The InstanceKlass::_methods_jmethod_ids cache
5480   // is managed on the assumption that the initial cache
5481   // size is equal to the number of methods in the class. If
5482   // that changes, then InstanceKlass::idnum_can_increment()
5483   // has to be changed accordingly.
5484   ik->set_initial_method_idnum(ik->methods()->length());
5486   ik->set_this_class_index(_this_class_index);
5488   if (is_anonymous()) {
5489     // _this_class_index is a CONSTANT_Class entry that refers to this
5490     // anonymous class itself. If this class needs to refer to its own methods or

5720                                  ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
5721                                  Handle protection_domain,
5722                                  const InstanceKlass* host_klass,
5723                                  GrowableArray<Handle>* cp_patches,
5724                                  Publicity pub_level,
5725                                  TRAPS) :
5726   _stream(stream),
5727   _requested_name(name),
5728   _loader_data(loader_data),
5729   _host_klass(host_klass),
5730   _cp_patches(cp_patches),
5731   _num_patched_klasses(0),
5732   _max_num_patched_klasses(0),
5733   _orig_cp_size(0),
5734   _first_patched_klass_resolved_index(0),
5735   _super_klass(),
5736   _cp(NULL),
5737   _fields(NULL),
5738   _methods(NULL),
5739   _inner_classes(NULL),

5740   _local_interfaces(NULL),
5741   _transitive_interfaces(NULL),
5742   _combined_annotations(NULL),
5743   _annotations(NULL),
5744   _type_annotations(NULL),
5745   _fields_annotations(NULL),
5746   _fields_type_annotations(NULL),
5747   _klass(NULL),
5748   _klass_to_deallocate(NULL),
5749   _parsed_annotations(NULL),
5750   _fac(NULL),
5751   _field_info(NULL),
5752   _method_ordering(NULL),
5753   _all_mirandas(NULL),
5754   _vtable_size(0),
5755   _itable_size(0),
5756   _num_miranda_methods(0),
5757   _rt(REF_NONE),
5758   _protection_domain(protection_domain),
5759   _access_flags(),

5825   // synch back verification state to stream
5826   stream->set_verify(_need_verify);
5828   // Check if verification needs to be relaxed for this class file
5829   // Do not restrict it to jdk1.0 or jdk1.1 to maintain backward compatibility (4982376)
5830   _relax_verify = relax_format_check_for(_loader_data);
5832   parse_stream(stream, CHECK);
5834   post_process_parsed_stream(stream, _cp, CHECK);
5835 }
5837 void ClassFileParser::clear_class_metadata() {
5838   // metadata created before the instance klass is created.  Must be
5839   // deallocated if classfile parsing returns an error.
5840   _cp = NULL;
5841   _fields = NULL;
5842   _methods = NULL;
5843   _inner_classes = NULL;

5844   _local_interfaces = NULL;
5845   _combined_annotations = NULL;
5846   _annotations = _type_annotations = NULL;
5847   _fields_annotations = _fields_type_annotations = NULL;
5848 }
5850 // Destructor to clean up
5851 ClassFileParser::~ClassFileParser() {
5852   if (_cp != NULL) {
5853     MetadataFactory::free_metadata(_loader_data, _cp);
5854   }
5855   if (_fields != NULL) {
5856     MetadataFactory::free_array<u2>(_loader_data, _fields);
5857   }
5859   if (_methods != NULL) {
5860     // Free methods
5861     InstanceKlass::deallocate_methods(_loader_data, _methods);
5862   }
5864   // beware of the Universe::empty_blah_array!!
5865   if (_inner_classes != NULL && _inner_classes != Universe::the_empty_short_array()) {
5866     MetadataFactory::free_array<u2>(_loader_data, _inner_classes);

5867   }
5869   // Free interfaces
5870   InstanceKlass::deallocate_interfaces(_loader_data, _super_klass,
5871                                        _local_interfaces, _transitive_interfaces);
5873   if (_combined_annotations != NULL) {
5874     // After all annotations arrays have been created, they are installed into the
5875     // Annotations object that will be assigned to the InstanceKlass being created.
5877     // Deallocate the Annotations object and the installed annotations arrays.
5878     _combined_annotations->deallocate_contents(_loader_data);
5880     // If the _combined_annotations pointer is non-NULL,
5881     // then the other annotations fields should have been cleared.
5882     assert(_annotations             == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5883     assert(_type_annotations        == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5884     assert(_fields_annotations      == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5885     assert(_fields_type_annotations == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5886   } else {

3129   if (inner_classes_attribute_start != NULL) {
3130     cfs->set_current(inner_classes_attribute_start);
3131     cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK_0);  // length
3132     length = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3133   }
3135   // 4-tuples of shorts of inner classes data and 2 shorts of enclosing
3136   // method data:
3137   //   [inner_class_info_index,
3138   //    outer_class_info_index,
3139   //    inner_name_index,
3140   //    inner_class_access_flags,
3141   //    ...
3142   //    enclosing_method_class_index,
3143   //    enclosing_method_method_index]
3144   const int size = length * 4 + (parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute ? 2 : 0);
3145   Array<u2>* const inner_classes = MetadataFactory::new_array<u2>(_loader_data, size, CHECK_0);
3146   _inner_classes = inner_classes;
3148   int index = 0;

3149   cfs->guarantee_more(8 * length, CHECK_0);  // 4-tuples of u2
3150   for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
3151     // Inner class index
3152     const u2 inner_class_info_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3153     check_property(
3154       valid_klass_reference_at(inner_class_info_index),
3155       "inner_class_info_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",
3156       inner_class_info_index, CHECK_0);
3157     // Outer class index
3158     const u2 outer_class_info_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3159     check_property(
3160       outer_class_info_index == 0 ||
3161         valid_klass_reference_at(outer_class_info_index),
3162       "outer_class_info_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",
3163       outer_class_info_index, CHECK_0);
3164     // Inner class name
3165     const u2 inner_name_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3166     check_property(
3167       inner_name_index == 0 || valid_symbol_at(inner_name_index),
3168       "inner_name_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",

3202                             inner_classes->at(i+3) != inner_classes->at(j+3)),
3203                             "Duplicate entry in InnerClasses in class file %s",
3204                             CHECK_0);
3205       }
3206     }
3207   }
3209   // Set EnclosingMethod class and method indexes.
3210   if (parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute) {
3211     inner_classes->at_put(index++, enclosing_method_class_index);
3212     inner_classes->at_put(index++, enclosing_method_method_index);
3213   }
3214   assert(index == size, "wrong size");
3216   // Restore buffer's current position.
3217   cfs->set_current(current_mark);
3219   return length;
3220 }
3222 u2 ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_nest_members_attribute(const ClassFileStream* const cfs,
3223                                                            const u1* const nest_members_attribute_start,
3224                                                            TRAPS) {
3225   const u1* const current_mark = cfs->current();
3226   u2 length = 0;
3227   if (nest_members_attribute_start != NULL) {
3228     cfs->set_current(nest_members_attribute_start);
3229     cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK_0);  // length
3230     length = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3231   }
3232   const int size = length;
3233   Array<u2>* const nest_members = MetadataFactory::new_array<u2>(_loader_data, size, CHECK_0);
3234   _nest_members = nest_members;
3236   int index = 0;
3237   cfs->guarantee_more(2 * length, CHECK_0);
3238   for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
3239     const u2 class_info_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3240     check_property(
3241       valid_klass_reference_at(class_info_index),
3242       "Nest member class_info_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",
3243       class_info_index, CHECK_0);
3244     nest_members->at_put(index++, class_info_index);
3245   }
3246   assert(index == size, "wrong size");
3248   // Restore buffer's current position.
3249   cfs->set_current(current_mark);
3251   return length;
3252 }
3254 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_synthetic_attribute(TRAPS) {
3255   set_class_synthetic_flag(true);
3256 }
3258 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_signature_attribute(const ClassFileStream* const cfs, TRAPS) {
3259   assert(cfs != NULL, "invariant");
3261   const u2 signature_index = cfs->get_u2(CHECK);
3262   check_property(
3263     valid_symbol_at(signature_index),
3264     "Invalid constant pool index %u in Signature attribute in class file %s",
3265     signature_index, CHECK);
3266   set_class_generic_signature_index(signature_index);
3267 }
3269 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_bootstrap_methods_attribute(const ClassFileStream* const cfs,
3270                                                                   ConstantPool* cp,
3271                                                                   u4 attribute_byte_length,
3272                                                                   TRAPS) {
3273   assert(cfs != NULL, "invariant");

3341         argument_index,
3342         CHECK);
3343       operands->at_put(operand_fill_index++, argument_index);
3344     }
3345   }
3346   guarantee_property(current_start + attribute_byte_length == cfs->current(),
3347                      "Bad length on BootstrapMethods in class file %s",
3348                      CHECK);
3349 }
3351 void ClassFileParser::parse_classfile_attributes(const ClassFileStream* const cfs,
3352                                                  ConstantPool* cp,
3353                  ClassFileParser::ClassAnnotationCollector* parsed_annotations,
3354                                                  TRAPS) {
3355   assert(cfs != NULL, "invariant");
3356   assert(cp != NULL, "invariant");
3357   assert(parsed_annotations != NULL, "invariant");
3359   // Set inner classes attribute to default sentinel
3360   _inner_classes = Universe::the_empty_short_array();
3361   // Set nest members attribute to default sentinel
3362   _nest_members = Universe::the_empty_short_array();
3363   cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK);  // attributes_count
3364   u2 attributes_count = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3365   bool parsed_sourcefile_attribute = false;
3366   bool parsed_innerclasses_attribute = false;
3367   bool parsed_nest_members_attribute = false;
3368   bool parsed_nest_host_attribute = false;
3369   bool parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute = false;
3370   bool parsed_bootstrap_methods_attribute = false;
3371   const u1* runtime_visible_annotations = NULL;
3372   int runtime_visible_annotations_length = 0;
3373   const u1* runtime_invisible_annotations = NULL;
3374   int runtime_invisible_annotations_length = 0;
3375   const u1* runtime_visible_type_annotations = NULL;
3376   int runtime_visible_type_annotations_length = 0;
3377   const u1* runtime_invisible_type_annotations = NULL;
3378   int runtime_invisible_type_annotations_length = 0;
3379   bool runtime_invisible_type_annotations_exists = false;
3380   bool runtime_invisible_annotations_exists = false;
3381   bool parsed_source_debug_ext_annotations_exist = false;
3382   const u1* inner_classes_attribute_start = NULL;
3383   u4  inner_classes_attribute_length = 0;
3384   u2  enclosing_method_class_index = 0;
3385   u2  enclosing_method_method_index = 0;
3386   const u1* nest_members_attribute_start = NULL;
3387   u4  nest_members_attribute_length = 0;
3389   // Iterate over attributes
3390   while (attributes_count--) {
3391     cfs->guarantee_more(6, CHECK);  // attribute_name_index, attribute_length
3392     const u2 attribute_name_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3393     const u4 attribute_length = cfs->get_u4_fast();
3394     check_property(
3395       valid_symbol_at(attribute_name_index),
3396       "Attribute name has bad constant pool index %u in class file %s",
3397       attribute_name_index, CHECK);
3398     const Symbol* const tag = cp->symbol_at(attribute_name_index);
3399     if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_source_file()) {
3400       // Check for SourceFile tag
3401       if (_need_verify) {
3402         guarantee_property(attribute_length == 2, "Wrong SourceFile attribute length in class file %s", CHECK);
3403       }
3404       if (parsed_sourcefile_attribute) {
3405         classfile_parse_error("Multiple SourceFile attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3406       } else {
3407         parsed_sourcefile_attribute = true;
3408       }

3517             "Multiple RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3518         }
3519         runtime_visible_type_annotations_length = attribute_length;
3520         runtime_visible_type_annotations = cfs->current();
3521         assert(runtime_visible_type_annotations != NULL, "null visible type annotations");
3522         // No need for the VM to parse Type annotations
3523         cfs->skip_u1(runtime_visible_type_annotations_length, CHECK);
3524       } else if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_runtime_invisible_type_annotations()) {
3525         if (runtime_invisible_type_annotations_exists) {
3526           classfile_parse_error(
3527             "Multiple RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3528         } else {
3529           runtime_invisible_type_annotations_exists = true;
3530         }
3531         if (PreserveAllAnnotations) {
3532           runtime_invisible_type_annotations_length = attribute_length;
3533           runtime_invisible_type_annotations = cfs->current();
3534           assert(runtime_invisible_type_annotations != NULL, "null invisible type annotations");
3535         }
3536         cfs->skip_u1(attribute_length, CHECK);
3537       } else if (_major_version >= JAVA_11_VERSION) {
3538         if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_nest_members()) {
3539           // Check for NestMembers tag
3540           if (parsed_nest_members_attribute) {
3541             classfile_parse_error("Multiple NestMembers attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3542           } else {
3543             parsed_nest_members_attribute = true;
3544           }
3545           if (parsed_nest_host_attribute) {
3546             classfile_parse_error("Conflicting NestHost and NestMembers attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3547           }
3548           nest_members_attribute_start = cfs->current();
3549           nest_members_attribute_length = attribute_length;
3550           cfs->skip_u1(nest_members_attribute_length, CHECK);
3551         } else if (tag == vmSymbols::tag_nest_host()) {
3552           if (parsed_nest_host_attribute) {
3553             classfile_parse_error("Multiple NestHost attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3554           } else {
3555             parsed_nest_host_attribute = true;
3556           }
3557           if (parsed_nest_members_attribute) {
3558             classfile_parse_error("Conflicting NestMembers and NestHost attributes in class file %s", CHECK);
3559           }
3560           if (_need_verify) {
3561             guarantee_property(attribute_length == 2, "Wrong NestHost attribute length in class file %s", CHECK);
3562           }
3563           cfs->guarantee_more(2, CHECK);
3564           u2 class_info_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
3565           check_property(
3566                          valid_klass_reference_at(class_info_index),
3567                          "Nest-host class_info_index %u has bad constant type in class file %s",
3568                          class_info_index, CHECK);
3569           _nest_host = class_info_index;
3570         }
3571       } else {
3572         // Unknown attribute
3573         cfs->skip_u1(attribute_length, CHECK);
3574       }
3575     } else {
3576       // Unknown attribute
3577       cfs->skip_u1(attribute_length, CHECK);
3578     }
3579   }
3580   _annotations = assemble_annotations(runtime_visible_annotations,
3581                                       runtime_visible_annotations_length,
3582                                       runtime_invisible_annotations,
3583                                       runtime_invisible_annotations_length,
3584                                       CHECK);
3585   _type_annotations = assemble_annotations(runtime_visible_type_annotations,
3586                                            runtime_visible_type_annotations_length,
3587                                            runtime_invisible_type_annotations,
3588                                            runtime_invisible_type_annotations_length,
3589                                            CHECK);
3591   if (parsed_innerclasses_attribute || parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute) {
3592     const u2 num_of_classes = parse_classfile_inner_classes_attribute(
3593                             cfs,
3594                             inner_classes_attribute_start,
3595                             parsed_innerclasses_attribute,
3596                             enclosing_method_class_index,
3597                             enclosing_method_method_index,
3598                             CHECK);
3599     if (parsed_innerclasses_attribute && _need_verify && _major_version >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION) {
3600       guarantee_property(
3601         inner_classes_attribute_length == sizeof(num_of_classes) + 4 * sizeof(u2) * num_of_classes,
3602         "Wrong InnerClasses attribute length in class file %s", CHECK);
3603     }
3604   }
3606   if (parsed_nest_members_attribute) {
3607     const u2 num_of_classes = parse_classfile_nest_members_attribute(
3608                             cfs,
3609                             nest_members_attribute_start,
3610                             CHECK);
3611     if (_need_verify) {
3612       guarantee_property(
3613         nest_members_attribute_length == sizeof(num_of_classes) + sizeof(u2) * num_of_classes,
3614         "Wrong NestMembers attribute length in class file %s", CHECK);
3615     }
3616   }
3618   if (_max_bootstrap_specifier_index >= 0) {
3619     guarantee_property(parsed_bootstrap_methods_attribute,
3620                        "Missing BootstrapMethods attribute in class file %s", CHECK);
3621   }
3622 }
3624 void ClassFileParser::apply_parsed_class_attributes(InstanceKlass* k) {
3625   assert(k != NULL, "invariant");
3627   if (_synthetic_flag)
3628     k->set_is_synthetic();
3629   if (_sourcefile_index != 0) {
3630     k->set_source_file_name_index(_sourcefile_index);
3631   }
3632   if (_generic_signature_index != 0) {
3633     k->set_generic_signature_index(_generic_signature_index);
3634   }
3635   if (_sde_buffer != NULL) {
3636     k->set_source_debug_extension(_sde_buffer, _sde_length);
3637   }

3661     // The annotations arrays below has been transfered the
3662     // _combined_annotations so these fields can now be cleared.
3663     _annotations             = NULL;
3664     _type_annotations        = NULL;
3665     _fields_annotations      = NULL;
3666     _fields_type_annotations = NULL;
3667 }
3669 // Transfer ownership of metadata allocated to the InstanceKlass.
3670 void ClassFileParser::apply_parsed_class_metadata(
3671                                             InstanceKlass* this_klass,
3672                                             int java_fields_count, TRAPS) {
3673   assert(this_klass != NULL, "invariant");
3675   _cp->set_pool_holder(this_klass);
3676   this_klass->set_constants(_cp);
3677   this_klass->set_fields(_fields, java_fields_count);
3678   this_klass->set_methods(_methods);
3679   this_klass->set_inner_classes(_inner_classes);
3680   this_klass->set_nest_members(_nest_members);
3681   this_klass->set_nest_host_index(_nest_host);
3682   this_klass->set_local_interfaces(_local_interfaces);
3683   this_klass->set_annotations(_combined_annotations);
3684   // Delay the setting of _transitive_interfaces until after initialize_supers() in
3685   // fill_instance_klass(). It is because the _transitive_interfaces may be shared with
3686   // its _super. If an OOM occurs while loading the current klass, its _super field
3687   // may not have been set. When GC tries to free the klass, the _transitive_interfaces
3688   // may be deallocated mistakenly in InstanceKlass::deallocate_interfaces(). Subsequent
3689   // dereferences to the deallocated _transitive_interfaces will result in a crash.
3691   // Clear out these fields so they don't get deallocated by the destructor
3692   clear_class_metadata();
3693 }
3695 AnnotationArray* ClassFileParser::assemble_annotations(const u1* const runtime_visible_annotations,
3696                                                        int runtime_visible_annotations_length,
3697                                                        const u1* const runtime_invisible_annotations,
3698                                                        int runtime_invisible_annotations_length,
3699                                                        TRAPS) {
3700   AnnotationArray* annotations = NULL;
3701   if (runtime_visible_annotations != NULL ||

4672     const Method* const m = methods->at(index);
4674     // skip private, static, and <init> methods
4675     if ((!m->is_private() && !m->is_static()) &&
4676         (m->name() != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {
4678       const Symbol* const name = m->name();
4679       const Symbol* const signature = m->signature();
4680       const Klass* k = this_klass->super();
4681       const Method* super_m = NULL;
4682       while (k != NULL) {
4683         // skip supers that don't have final methods.
4684         if (k->has_final_method()) {
4685           // lookup a matching method in the super class hierarchy
4686           super_m = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->lookup_method(name, signature);
4687           if (super_m == NULL) {
4688             break; // didn't find any match; get out
4689           }
4691           if (super_m->is_final() && !super_m->is_static() &&
4692               !super_m->access_flags().is_private()) {
4693             // matching method in super is final, and not static or private
4694             bool can_access = Reflection::verify_member_access(this_klass,
4695                                                                super_m->method_holder(),
4696                                                                super_m->method_holder(),
4697                                                                super_m->access_flags(),
4698                                                               false, false, CHECK);
4699             if (can_access) {
4700               // this class can access super final method and therefore override

4701               ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
4702               Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION,

4703                                  vmSymbols::java_lang_VerifyError(),
4704                                  "class %s overrides final method %s.%s%s",
4705                                  this_klass->external_name(),
4706                                  super_m->method_holder()->external_name(),
4707                                  name->as_C_string(),
4708                                  signature->as_C_string()
4709                                  );
4710               return;
4711             }
4712           }
4714           // continue to look from super_m's holder's super.
4715           k = super_m->method_holder()->super();
4716           continue;
4717         }
4719         k = k->super();
4720       }
4721     }
4722   }
4723 }
4726 // assumes that this_klass is an interface
4727 static void check_illegal_static_method(const InstanceKlass* this_klass, TRAPS) {
4728   assert(this_klass != NULL, "invariant");
4729   assert(this_klass->is_interface(), "not an interface");
4730   const Array<Method*>* methods = this_klass->methods();
4731   const int num_methods = methods->length();

5539   assert(ik->size_helper() == _field_info->instance_size, "sanity");
5541   // Fill in information already parsed
5542   ik->set_should_verify_class(_need_verify);
5544   // Not yet: supers are done below to support the new subtype-checking fields
5545   ik->set_nonstatic_field_size(_field_info->nonstatic_field_size);
5546   ik->set_has_nonstatic_fields(_field_info->has_nonstatic_fields);
5547   assert(_fac != NULL, "invariant");
5548   ik->set_static_oop_field_count(_fac->count[STATIC_OOP]);
5550   // this transfers ownership of a lot of arrays from
5551   // the parser onto the InstanceKlass*
5552   apply_parsed_class_metadata(ik, _java_fields_count, CHECK);
5554   // note that is not safe to use the fields in the parser from this point on
5555   assert(NULL == _cp, "invariant");
5556   assert(NULL == _fields, "invariant");
5557   assert(NULL == _methods, "invariant");
5558   assert(NULL == _inner_classes, "invariant");
5559   assert(NULL == _nest_members, "invariant");
5560   assert(NULL == _local_interfaces, "invariant");
5561   assert(NULL == _combined_annotations, "invariant");
5563   if (_has_final_method) {
5564     ik->set_has_final_method();
5565   }
5567   ik->copy_method_ordering(_method_ordering, CHECK);
5568   // The InstanceKlass::_methods_jmethod_ids cache
5569   // is managed on the assumption that the initial cache
5570   // size is equal to the number of methods in the class. If
5571   // that changes, then InstanceKlass::idnum_can_increment()
5572   // has to be changed accordingly.
5573   ik->set_initial_method_idnum(ik->methods()->length());
5575   ik->set_this_class_index(_this_class_index);
5577   if (is_anonymous()) {
5578     // _this_class_index is a CONSTANT_Class entry that refers to this
5579     // anonymous class itself. If this class needs to refer to its own methods or

5809                                  ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
5810                                  Handle protection_domain,
5811                                  const InstanceKlass* host_klass,
5812                                  GrowableArray<Handle>* cp_patches,
5813                                  Publicity pub_level,
5814                                  TRAPS) :
5815   _stream(stream),
5816   _requested_name(name),
5817   _loader_data(loader_data),
5818   _host_klass(host_klass),
5819   _cp_patches(cp_patches),
5820   _num_patched_klasses(0),
5821   _max_num_patched_klasses(0),
5822   _orig_cp_size(0),
5823   _first_patched_klass_resolved_index(0),
5824   _super_klass(),
5825   _cp(NULL),
5826   _fields(NULL),
5827   _methods(NULL),
5828   _inner_classes(NULL),
5829   _nest_members(NULL),
5830   _nest_host(0),
5831   _local_interfaces(NULL),
5832   _transitive_interfaces(NULL),
5833   _combined_annotations(NULL),
5834   _annotations(NULL),
5835   _type_annotations(NULL),
5836   _fields_annotations(NULL),
5837   _fields_type_annotations(NULL),
5838   _klass(NULL),
5839   _klass_to_deallocate(NULL),
5840   _parsed_annotations(NULL),
5841   _fac(NULL),
5842   _field_info(NULL),
5843   _method_ordering(NULL),
5844   _all_mirandas(NULL),
5845   _vtable_size(0),
5846   _itable_size(0),
5847   _num_miranda_methods(0),
5848   _rt(REF_NONE),
5849   _protection_domain(protection_domain),
5850   _access_flags(),

5916   // synch back verification state to stream
5917   stream->set_verify(_need_verify);
5919   // Check if verification needs to be relaxed for this class file
5920   // Do not restrict it to jdk1.0 or jdk1.1 to maintain backward compatibility (4982376)
5921   _relax_verify = relax_format_check_for(_loader_data);
5923   parse_stream(stream, CHECK);
5925   post_process_parsed_stream(stream, _cp, CHECK);
5926 }
5928 void ClassFileParser::clear_class_metadata() {
5929   // metadata created before the instance klass is created.  Must be
5930   // deallocated if classfile parsing returns an error.
5931   _cp = NULL;
5932   _fields = NULL;
5933   _methods = NULL;
5934   _inner_classes = NULL;
5935   _nest_members = NULL;
5936   _local_interfaces = NULL;
5937   _combined_annotations = NULL;
5938   _annotations = _type_annotations = NULL;
5939   _fields_annotations = _fields_type_annotations = NULL;
5940 }
5942 // Destructor to clean up
5943 ClassFileParser::~ClassFileParser() {
5944   if (_cp != NULL) {
5945     MetadataFactory::free_metadata(_loader_data, _cp);
5946   }
5947   if (_fields != NULL) {
5948     MetadataFactory::free_array<u2>(_loader_data, _fields);
5949   }
5951   if (_methods != NULL) {
5952     // Free methods
5953     InstanceKlass::deallocate_methods(_loader_data, _methods);
5954   }
5956   // beware of the Universe::empty_blah_array!!
5957   if (_inner_classes != NULL && _inner_classes != Universe::the_empty_short_array()) {
5958     MetadataFactory::free_array<u2>(_loader_data, _inner_classes);
5959   }
5961   if (_nest_members != NULL && _nest_members != Universe::the_empty_short_array()) {
5962     MetadataFactory::free_array<u2>(_loader_data, _nest_members);
5963   }
5965   // Free interfaces
5966   InstanceKlass::deallocate_interfaces(_loader_data, _super_klass,
5967                                        _local_interfaces, _transitive_interfaces);
5969   if (_combined_annotations != NULL) {
5970     // After all annotations arrays have been created, they are installed into the
5971     // Annotations object that will be assigned to the InstanceKlass being created.
5973     // Deallocate the Annotations object and the installed annotations arrays.
5974     _combined_annotations->deallocate_contents(_loader_data);
5976     // If the _combined_annotations pointer is non-NULL,
5977     // then the other annotations fields should have been cleared.
5978     assert(_annotations             == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5979     assert(_type_annotations        == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5980     assert(_fields_annotations      == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5981     assert(_fields_type_annotations == NULL, "Should have been cleared");
5982   } else {

< prev index next >