1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
  31 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  32 #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
  33 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  36 enum DCmdSource {
  37   DCmd_Source_Internal  = 0x01U,  // invocation from the JVM
  38   DCmd_Source_AttachAPI = 0x02U,  // invocation via the attachAPI
  39   DCmd_Source_MBean     = 0x04U   // invocation via a MBean
  40 };
  42 // Warning: strings referenced by the JavaPermission struct are passed to
  43 // the native part of the JDK. Avoid use of dynamically allocated strings
  44 // that could be de-allocated before the JDK native code had time to
  45 // convert them into Java Strings.
  46 struct JavaPermission {
  47   const char* _class;
  48   const char* _name;
  49   const char* _action;
  50 };
  52 // CmdLine is the class used to handle a command line containing a single
  53 // diagnostic command and its arguments. It provides methods to access the
  54 // command name and the beginning of the arguments. The class is also
  55 // able to identify commented command lines and the "stop" keyword
  56 class CmdLine : public StackObj {
  57 private:
  58   const char* _cmd;
  59   size_t      _cmd_len;
  60   const char* _args;
  61   size_t      _args_len;
  62 public:
  63   CmdLine(const char* line, size_t len, bool no_command_name);
  64   const char* args_addr() const   { return _args; }
  65   size_t args_len() const         { return _args_len; }
  66   const char* cmd_addr() const    { return _cmd; }
  67   size_t cmd_len() const          { return _cmd_len; }
  68   bool is_empty() const           { return _cmd_len == 0; }
  69   bool is_executable() const      { return is_empty() || _cmd[0] != '#'; }
  70   bool is_stop() const            { return !is_empty() && strncmp("stop", _cmd, _cmd_len) == 0; }
  71 };
  73 // Iterator class taking a character string in input and returning a CmdLine
  74 // instance for each command line. The argument delimiter has to be specified.
  75 class DCmdIter : public StackObj {
  76   friend class DCmd;
  77 private:
  78   const char* const _str;
  79   const char        _delim;
  80   const size_t      _len;
  81   size_t      _cursor;
  82 public:
  84   DCmdIter(const char* str, char delim)
  85    : _str(str), _delim(delim), _len(::strlen(str)),
  86      _cursor(0) {}
  87   bool has_next() const { return _cursor < _len; }
  88   CmdLine next() {
  89     assert(_cursor <= _len, "Cannot iterate more");
  90     size_t n = _cursor;
  91     while (n < _len && _str[n] != _delim) n++;
  92     CmdLine line(&(_str[_cursor]), n - _cursor, false);
  93     _cursor = n + 1;
  94     // The default copy constructor of CmdLine is used to return a CmdLine
  95     // instance to the caller.
  96     return line;
  97   }
  98 };
 100 // Iterator class to iterate over diagnostic command arguments
 101 class DCmdArgIter : public ResourceObj {
 102   const char* const _buffer;
 103   const size_t      _len;
 104   size_t      _cursor;
 105   const char* _key_addr;
 106   size_t      _key_len;
 107   const char* _value_addr;
 108   size_t      _value_len;
 109   const char  _delim;
 110 public:
 111   DCmdArgIter(const char* buf, size_t len, char delim)
 112     : _buffer(buf), _len(len), _cursor(0), _key_addr(NULL),
 113       _key_len(0), _value_addr(NULL), _value_len(0), _delim(delim) {}
 115   bool next(TRAPS);
 116   const char* key_addr() const    { return _key_addr; }
 117   size_t key_length() const       { return _key_len; }
 118   const char* value_addr() const  { return _value_addr; }
 119   size_t value_length() const     { return _value_len; }
 120 };
 122 // A DCmdInfo instance provides a description of a diagnostic command. It is
 123 // used to export the description to the JMX interface of the framework.
 124 class DCmdInfo : public ResourceObj {
 125 protected:
 126   const char* const _name;           /* Name of the diagnostic command */
 127   const char* const _description;    /* Short description */
 128   const char* const _impact;         /* Impact on the JVM */
 129   const JavaPermission _permission;  /* Java Permission required to execute this command if any */
 130   const int         _num_arguments;  /* Number of supported options or arguments */
 131   const bool        _is_enabled;     /* True if the diagnostic command can be invoked, false otherwise */
 132 public:
 133   DCmdInfo(const char* name,
 134           const char* description,
 135           const char* impact,
 136           JavaPermission permission,
 137           int num_arguments,
 138           bool enabled)
 139   : _name(name), _description(description), _impact(impact), _permission(permission),
 140     _num_arguments(num_arguments), _is_enabled(enabled) {}
 141   const char* name() const          { return _name; }
 142   const char* description() const   { return _description; }
 143   const char* impact() const        { return _impact; }
 144   const JavaPermission& permission() const { return _permission; }
 145   int num_arguments() const         { return _num_arguments; }
 146   bool is_enabled() const           { return _is_enabled; }
 148   static bool by_name(void* name, DCmdInfo* info);
 149 };
 151 // A DCmdArgumentInfo instance provides a description of a diagnostic command
 152 // argument. It is used to export the description to the JMX interface of the
 153 // framework.
 154 class DCmdArgumentInfo : public ResourceObj {
 155 protected:
 156   const char* const _name;            /* Option/Argument name*/
 157   const char* const _description;     /* Short description */
 158   const char* const _type;            /* Type: STRING, BOOLEAN, etc. */
 159   const char* const _default_string;  /* Default value in a parsable string */
 160   const bool        _mandatory;       /* True if the option/argument is mandatory */
 161   const bool        _option;          /* True if it is an option, false if it is an argument */
 162                                 /* (see diagnosticFramework.hpp for option/argument definitions) */
 163   const bool        _multiple;        /* True is the option can be specified several time */
 164   const int         _position;        /* Expected position for this argument (this field is */
 165                                 /* meaningless for options) */
 166 public:
 167   DCmdArgumentInfo(const char* name, const char* description, const char* type,
 168                    const char* default_string, bool mandatory, bool option,
 169                    bool multiple, int position = -1)
 170     : _name(name), _description(description), _type(type),
 171       _default_string(default_string), _mandatory(mandatory), _option(option),
 172       _multiple(multiple), _position(position) {}
 174   const char* name() const        { return _name; }
 175   const char* description() const { return _description; }
 176   const char* type() const        { return _type; }
 177   const char* default_string() const { return _default_string; }
 178   bool is_mandatory() const       { return _mandatory; }
 179   bool is_option() const          { return _option; }
 180   bool is_multiple() const        { return _multiple; }
 181   int position() const            { return _position; }
 182 };
 184 // The DCmdParser class can be used to create an argument parser for a
 185 // diagnostic command. It is not mandatory to use it to parse arguments.
 186 // The DCmdParser parses a CmdLine instance according to the parameters that
 187 // have been declared by its associated diagnostic command. A parameter can
 188 // either be an option or an argument. Options are identified by the option name
 189 // while arguments are identified by their position in the command line. The
 190 // position of an argument is defined relative to all arguments passed on the
 191 // command line, options are not considered when defining an argument position.
 192 // The generic syntax of a diagnostic command is:
 193 //
 194 //    <command name> [<option>=<value>] [<argument_value>]
 195 //
 196 // Example:
 197 //
 198 //    command_name option1=value1 option2=value argumentA argumentB argumentC
 199 //
 200 // In this command line, the diagnostic command receives five parameters, two
 201 // options named option1 and option2, and three arguments. argumentA's position
 202 // is 0, argumentB's position is 1 and argumentC's position is 2.
 203 class DCmdParser {
 204 private:
 205   GenDCmdArgument* _options;
 206   GenDCmdArgument* _arguments_list;
 207 public:
 208   DCmdParser()
 209     : _options(NULL), _arguments_list(NULL) {}
 210   void add_dcmd_option(GenDCmdArgument* arg);
 211   void add_dcmd_argument(GenDCmdArgument* arg);
 212   GenDCmdArgument* lookup_dcmd_option(const char* name, size_t len);
 213   GenDCmdArgument* arguments_list() const { return _arguments_list; };
 214   void check(TRAPS);
 215   void parse(CmdLine* line, char delim, TRAPS);
 216   void print_help(outputStream* out, const char* cmd_name) const;
 217   void reset(TRAPS);
 218   void cleanup();
 219   int num_arguments() const;
 220   GrowableArray<const char*>* argument_name_array() const;
 221   GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* argument_info_array() const;
 222 };
 224 // The DCmd class is the parent class of all diagnostic commands
 225 // Diagnostic command instances should not be instantiated directly but
 226 // created using the associated factory. The factory can be retrieved with
 227 // the DCmdFactory::getFactory() method.
 228 // A diagnostic command instance can either be allocated in the resource Area
 229 // or in the C-heap. Allocation in the resource area is recommended when the
 230 // current thread is the only one which will access the diagnostic command
 231 // instance. Allocation in the C-heap is required when the diagnostic command
 232 // is accessed by several threads (for instance to perform asynchronous
 233 // execution).
 234 // To ensure a proper cleanup, it's highly recommended to use a DCmdMark for
 235 // each diagnostic command instance. In case of a C-heap allocated diagnostic
 236 // command instance, the DCmdMark must be created in the context of the last
 237 // thread that will access the instance.
 238 class DCmd : public ResourceObj {
 239 protected:
 240   outputStream* const _output;
 241   const bool          _is_heap_allocated;
 242 public:
 243   DCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap_allocated)
 244    : _output(output), _is_heap_allocated(heap_allocated) {}
 246   // Child classes: please always provide these methods:
 247   //  static const char* name()             { return "<command name>";}
 248   //  static const char* description()      { return "<command help>";}
 250   static const char* disabled_message() { return "Diagnostic command currently disabled"; }
 252   // The impact() method returns a description of the intrusiveness of the diagnostic
 253   // command on the Java Virtual Machine behavior. The rational for this method is that some
 254   // diagnostic commands can seriously disrupt the behavior of the Java Virtual Machine
 255   // (for instance a Thread Dump for an application with several tens of thousands of threads,
 256   // or a Head Dump with a 40GB+ heap size) and other diagnostic commands have no serious
 257   // impact on the JVM (for instance, getting the command line arguments or the JVM version).
 258   // The recommended format for the description is <impact level>: [longer description],
 259   // where the impact level is selected among this list: {Low, Medium, High}. The optional
 260   // longer description can provide more specific details like the fact that Thread Dump
 261   // impact depends on the heap size.
 262   static const char* impact()       { return "Low: No impact"; }
 264   // The permission() method returns the description of Java Permission. This
 265   // permission is required when the diagnostic command is invoked via the
 266   // DiagnosticCommandMBean. The rationale for this permission check is that
 267   // the DiagnosticCommandMBean can be used to perform remote invocations of
 268   // diagnostic commands through the PlatformMBeanServer. The (optional) Java
 269   // Permission associated with each diagnostic command should ease the work
 270   // of system administrators to write policy files granting permissions to
 271   // execute diagnostic commands to remote users. Any diagnostic command with
 272   // a potential impact on security should overwrite this method.
 273   static const JavaPermission permission() {
 274     JavaPermission p = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
 275     return p;
 276   }
 277   static int num_arguments()        { return 0; }
 278   outputStream* output() const      { return _output; }
 279   bool is_heap_allocated() const    { return _is_heap_allocated; }
 280   virtual void print_help(const char* name) const {
 281     output()->print_cr("Syntax: %s", name);
 282   }
 283   virtual void parse(CmdLine* line, char delim, TRAPS) {
 284     DCmdArgIter iter(line->args_addr(), line->args_len(), delim);
 285     bool has_arg = iter.next(CHECK);
 286     if (has_arg) {
 287       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
 288                 "The argument list of this diagnostic command should be empty.");
 289     }
 290   }
 291   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) { }
 292   virtual void reset(TRAPS) { }
 293   virtual void cleanup() { }
 295   // support for the JMX interface
 296   virtual GrowableArray<const char*>* argument_name_array() const {
 297     GrowableArray<const char*>* array = new GrowableArray<const char*>(0);
 298     return array;
 299   }
 300   virtual GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* argument_info_array() const {
 301     GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* array = new GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>(0);
 302     return array;
 303   }
 305   // main method to invoke the framework
 306   static void parse_and_execute(DCmdSource source, outputStream* out, const char* cmdline,
 307                                 char delim, TRAPS);
 308 };
 310 class DCmdWithParser : public DCmd {
 311 protected:
 312   DCmdParser _dcmdparser;
 313 public:
 314   DCmdWithParser (outputStream *output, bool heap=false) : DCmd(output, heap) { }
 315   static const char* disabled_message() { return "Diagnostic command currently disabled"; }
 316   static const char* impact()         { return "Low: No impact"; }
 317   virtual void parse(CmdLine *line, char delim, TRAPS);
 318   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) { }
 319   virtual void reset(TRAPS);
 320   virtual void cleanup();
 321   virtual void print_help(const char* name) const;
 322   virtual GrowableArray<const char*>* argument_name_array() const;
 323   virtual GrowableArray<DCmdArgumentInfo*>* argument_info_array() const;
 324 };
 326 class DCmdMark : public StackObj {
 327   DCmd* const _ref;
 328 public:
 329   DCmdMark(DCmd* cmd) : _ref(cmd) {}
 330   ~DCmdMark() {
 331     if (_ref != NULL) {
 332       _ref->cleanup();
 333       if (_ref->is_heap_allocated()) {
 334         delete _ref;
 335       }
 336     }
 337   }
 338 };
 340 // Diagnostic commands are not directly instantiated but created with a factory.
 341 // Each diagnostic command class has its own factory. The DCmdFactory class also
 342 // manages the status of the diagnostic command (hidden, enabled). A DCmdFactory
 343 // has to be registered to make the diagnostic command available (see
 344 // management.cpp)
 345 class DCmdFactory: public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
 346 private:
 347   static Mutex*       _dcmdFactory_lock;
 348   static bool         _send_jmx_notification;
 349   static bool         _has_pending_jmx_notification;
 350   static DCmdFactory* _DCmdFactoryList;
 352   // Pointer to the next factory in the singly-linked list of registered
 353   // diagnostic commands
 354   DCmdFactory*        _next;
 355   // When disabled, a diagnostic command cannot be executed. Any attempt to
 356   // execute it will result in the printing of the disabled message without
 357   // instantiating the command.
 358   const bool          _enabled;
 359   // When hidden, a diagnostic command doesn't appear in the list of commands
 360   // provided by the 'help' command.
 361   const bool          _hidden;
 362   const uint32_t      _export_flags;
 363   const int           _num_arguments;
 365 public:
 366   DCmdFactory(int num_arguments, uint32_t flags, bool enabled, bool hidden)
 367     : _next(NULL), _enabled(enabled), _hidden(hidden),
 368       _export_flags(flags), _num_arguments(num_arguments) {}
 369   bool is_enabled() const       { return _enabled; }
 370   bool is_hidden() const        { return _hidden; }
 371   uint32_t export_flags() const { return _export_flags; }
 372   int num_arguments() const     { return _num_arguments; }
 373   DCmdFactory* next() const     { return _next; }
 374   virtual DCmd* create_resource_instance(outputStream* output) const = 0;
 375   virtual const char* name() const = 0;
 376   virtual const char* description() const = 0;
 377   virtual const char* impact() const = 0;
 378   virtual const JavaPermission permission() const = 0;
 379   virtual const char* disabled_message() const = 0;
 380   // Register a DCmdFactory to make a diagnostic command available.
 381   // Once registered, a diagnostic command must not be unregistered.
 382   // To prevent a diagnostic command from being executed, just set the
 383   // enabled flag to false.
 384   static int register_DCmdFactory(DCmdFactory* factory);
 385   static DCmdFactory* factory(DCmdSource source, const char* cmd, size_t len);
 386   // Returns a resourceArea allocated diagnostic command for the given command line
 387   static DCmd* create_local_DCmd(DCmdSource source, CmdLine &line, outputStream* out, TRAPS);
 388   static GrowableArray<const char*>* DCmd_list(DCmdSource source);
 389   static GrowableArray<DCmdInfo*>* DCmdInfo_list(DCmdSource source);
 391   static void set_jmx_notification_enabled(bool enabled) {
 392     _send_jmx_notification = enabled;
 393   }
 394   static void push_jmx_notification_request();
 395   static bool has_pending_jmx_notification() { return _has_pending_jmx_notification; }
 396   static void send_notification(TRAPS);
 397 private:
 398   static void send_notification_internal(TRAPS);
 400   friend class HelpDCmd;
 401 };
 403 // Template to easily create DCmdFactory instances. See management.cpp
 404 // where this template is used to create and register factories.
 405 template <class DCmdClass> class DCmdFactoryImpl : public DCmdFactory {
 406 public:
 407   DCmdFactoryImpl(uint32_t flags, bool enabled, bool hidden) :
 408     DCmdFactory(DCmdClass::num_arguments(), flags, enabled, hidden) { }
 409   // Returns a resourceArea allocated instance
 410   DCmd* create_resource_instance(outputStream* output) const {
 411     return new DCmdClass(output, false);
 412   }
 413   const char* name() const {
 414     return DCmdClass::name();
 415   }
 416   const char* description() const {
 417     return DCmdClass::description();
 418   }
 419   const char* impact() const {
 420     return DCmdClass::impact();
 421   }
 422   const JavaPermission permission() const {
 423     return DCmdClass::permission();
 424   }
 425   const char* disabled_message() const {
 426      return DCmdClass::disabled_message();
 427   }
 428 };
 430 // This class provides a convenient way to register Dcmds, without a need to change
 431 // management.cpp every time. Body of these two methods resides in
 432 // diagnosticCommand.cpp
 434 class DCmdRegistrant : public AllStatic {
 436 private:
 437     static void register_dcmds();
 438     static void register_dcmds_ext();
 440     friend class Management;
 441 };