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*** 20,30 **** * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc; ! import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeCycles.CYCLES_0; import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeSize.SIZE_2; import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.CompareNode.createCompareNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.Condition; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp; --- 20,30 ---- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc; ! import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeCycles.CYCLES_1; import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeSize.SIZE_2; import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.CompareNode.createCompareNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.Condition; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
*** 45,58 **** import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.NodeLIRBuilderTool; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant; /** ! * The {@code ConditionalNode} class represents a comparison that yields one of two values. Note ! * that these nodes are not built directly from the bytecode but are introduced by canonicalization. */ ! @NodeInfo(cycles = CYCLES_0, size = SIZE_2) public final class ConditionalNode extends FloatingNode implements Canonicalizable, LIRLowerable { public static final NodeClass<ConditionalNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(ConditionalNode.class); @Input(InputType.Condition) LogicNode condition; @Input ValueNode trueValue; --- 45,58 ---- import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.NodeLIRBuilderTool; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant; /** ! * The {@code ConditionalNode} class represents a comparison that yields one of two (eagerly ! * evaluated) values. */ ! @NodeInfo(cycles = CYCLES_1, size = SIZE_2) public final class ConditionalNode extends FloatingNode implements Canonicalizable, LIRLowerable { public static final NodeClass<ConditionalNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(ConditionalNode.class); @Input(InputType.Condition) LogicNode condition; @Input ValueNode trueValue;
*** 114,124 **** if (constant != null) { IntegerStamp bounds = StampFactory.forInteger(constant.getJavaKind(), constant.asLong(), constant.getJavaKind().getMaxValue()); valueStamp = valueStamp.join(bounds); } } - } return updateStamp(valueStamp); } public ValueNode trueValue() { --- 114,123 ----
*** 143,154 **** return this; } public static ValueNode canonicalizeConditional(LogicNode condition, ValueNode trueValue, ValueNode falseValue, Stamp stamp) { ! // this optimizes the case where a value from the range 0 - 1 is mapped to the range 0 - 1 ! if (trueValue.isConstant() && falseValue.isConstant() && trueValue.stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp && falseValue.stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) { long constTrueValue = trueValue.asJavaConstant().asLong(); long constFalseValue = falseValue.asJavaConstant().asLong(); if (condition instanceof IntegerEqualsNode) { IntegerEqualsNode equals = (IntegerEqualsNode) condition; if (equals.getY().isConstant() && equals.getX().stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) { --- 142,185 ---- return this; } public static ValueNode canonicalizeConditional(LogicNode condition, ValueNode trueValue, ValueNode falseValue, Stamp stamp) { ! if (trueValue == falseValue) { ! return trueValue; ! } ! ! if (condition instanceof CompareNode && ((CompareNode) condition).isIdentityComparison()) { ! // optimize the pattern (x == y) ? x : y ! CompareNode compare = (CompareNode) condition; ! if ((compare.getX() == trueValue && compare.getY() == falseValue) || (compare.getX() == falseValue && compare.getY() == trueValue)) { ! return falseValue; ! } ! } ! ! if (trueValue.stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) { ! // check if the conditional is redundant ! if (condition instanceof IntegerLessThanNode) { ! IntegerLessThanNode lessThan = (IntegerLessThanNode) condition; ! IntegerStamp falseValueStamp = (IntegerStamp) falseValue.stamp(); ! IntegerStamp trueValueStamp = (IntegerStamp) trueValue.stamp(); ! if (lessThan.getX() == trueValue && lessThan.getY() == falseValue) { ! // return "x" for "x < y ? x : y" in case that we know "x <= y" ! if (trueValueStamp.upperBound() <= falseValueStamp.lowerBound()) { ! return trueValue; ! } ! } else if (lessThan.getX() == falseValue && lessThan.getY() == trueValue) { ! // return "x" for "x < y ? y : x" in case that we know "x <= y" ! if (falseValueStamp.upperBound() <= trueValueStamp.lowerBound()) { ! return falseValue; ! } ! } ! } ! ! // this optimizes the case where a value from the range 0 - 1 is mapped to the ! // range 0 - 1 ! if (trueValue.isConstant() && falseValue.isConstant()) { long constTrueValue = trueValue.asJavaConstant().asLong(); long constFalseValue = falseValue.asJavaConstant().asLong(); if (condition instanceof IntegerEqualsNode) { IntegerEqualsNode equals = (IntegerEqualsNode) condition; if (equals.getY().isConstant() && equals.getX().stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) {
*** 186,210 **** return IntegerConvertNode.convertUnsigned(AndNode.create(integerTestNode.getX(), integerTestNode.getY()), stamp); } } } } - if (condition instanceof CompareNode && ((CompareNode) condition).isIdentityComparison()) { - // optimize the pattern (x == y) ? x : y - CompareNode compare = (CompareNode) condition; - if ((compare.getX() == trueValue && compare.getY() == falseValue) || (compare.getX() == falseValue && compare.getY() == trueValue)) { - return falseValue; - } - } - if (trueValue == falseValue) { - return trueValue; - } ! if (condition instanceof IntegerLessThanNode && trueValue.stamp() instanceof IntegerStamp) { /* ! * Convert a conditional add ((x < 0) ? (x + y) : x) into (x + (y & (x >> (bits - 1)))) ! * to avoid the test. */ IntegerLessThanNode lt = (IntegerLessThanNode) condition; if (lt.getY().isConstant() && lt.getY().asConstant().isDefaultForKind()) { if (falseValue == lt.getX()) { if (trueValue instanceof AddNode) { --- 217,231 ---- return IntegerConvertNode.convertUnsigned(AndNode.create(integerTestNode.getX(), integerTestNode.getY()), stamp); } } } } ! if (condition instanceof IntegerLessThanNode) { /* ! * Convert a conditional add ((x < 0) ? (x + y) : x) into (x + (y & (x >> (bits - ! * 1)))) to avoid the test. */ IntegerLessThanNode lt = (IntegerLessThanNode) condition; if (lt.getY().isConstant() && lt.getY().asConstant().isDefaultForKind()) { if (falseValue == lt.getX()) { if (trueValue instanceof AddNode) {
*** 217,226 **** --- 238,248 ---- } } } } } + } return null; } private static ValueNode findSynonym(ValueNode condition, ValueNode trueValue, ValueNode falseValue) {
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