/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common; import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap; import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.MapCursor; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.BlockMap; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.FloatStamp; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.Stamp; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory; import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey; import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeMap; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeStack; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Position; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.InputType; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BinaryOpLogicNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.IfNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MergeNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PhiNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PiNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph.ScheduleResult; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.UnaryOpLogicNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValuePhiNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.BinaryNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.ConditionalNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.UnaryNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.cfg.Block; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.cfg.ControlFlowGraph; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.cfg.ControlFlowGraph.RecursiveVisitor; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.IntegerSwitchNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.FixedAccessNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.FloatingAccessNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.FloatingReadNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryAccess; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.memory.MemoryPhiNode; import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.BasePhase; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.Phase; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.graph.ScheduledNodeIterator; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.schedule.SchedulePhase; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.schedule.SchedulePhase.SchedulingStrategy; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.LowTierContext; import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.PhaseContext; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.TriState; /** * This phase lowers {@link FloatingReadNode FloatingReadNodes} into corresponding fixed reads. */ public class FixReadsPhase extends BasePhase { private static final CounterKey counterStampsRegistered = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_StampsRegistered"); private static final CounterKey counterIfsKilled = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_KilledIfs"); private static final CounterKey counterConditionalsKilled = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_KilledConditionals"); private static final CounterKey counterCanonicalizedSwitches = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_CanonicalizedSwitches"); private static final CounterKey counterConstantReplacements = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_ConstantReplacement"); private static final CounterKey counterConstantInputReplacements = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_ConstantInputReplacement"); private static final CounterKey counterBetterMergedStamps = DebugContext.counter("FixReads_BetterMergedStamp"); protected boolean replaceInputsWithConstants; protected Phase schedulePhase; @Override public float codeSizeIncrease() { return 2.0f; } private static class FixReadsClosure extends ScheduledNodeIterator { @Override protected void processNode(Node node) { if (node instanceof AbstractMergeNode) { AbstractMergeNode mergeNode = (AbstractMergeNode) node; for (MemoryPhiNode memoryPhi : mergeNode.memoryPhis().snapshot()) { // Memory phi nodes are no longer necessary at this point. memoryPhi.replaceAtUsages(null); memoryPhi.safeDelete(); } } else if (node instanceof FloatingAccessNode) { FloatingAccessNode floatingAccessNode = (FloatingAccessNode) node; floatingAccessNode.setLastLocationAccess(null); GuardingNode guard = floatingAccessNode.getGuard(); if (guard != null) { floatingAccessNode.setGuard(null); GraphUtil.tryKillUnused(guard.asNode()); } FixedAccessNode fixedAccess = floatingAccessNode.asFixedNode(); replaceCurrent(fixedAccess); } else if (node instanceof PiNode) { PiNode piNode = (PiNode) node; if (piNode.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).isCompatible(piNode.getOriginalNode().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT))) { // Pi nodes are no longer necessary at this point. piNode.replaceAndDelete(piNode.getOriginalNode()); } } else if (node instanceof MemoryAccess) { MemoryAccess memoryAccess = (MemoryAccess) node; memoryAccess.setLastLocationAccess(null); } } } protected static class RawConditionalEliminationVisitor implements RecursiveVisitor { protected final NodeMap stampMap; protected final NodeStack undoOperations; private final ScheduleResult schedule; private final StructuredGraph graph; private final MetaAccessProvider metaAccess; private final boolean replaceConstantInputs; private final BlockMap blockActionStart; private final EconomicMap> endMaps; private final DebugContext debug; protected RawConditionalEliminationVisitor(StructuredGraph graph, ScheduleResult schedule, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, boolean replaceInputsWithConstants) { this.graph = graph; this.debug = graph.getDebug(); this.schedule = schedule; this.metaAccess = metaAccess; blockActionStart = new BlockMap<>(schedule.getCFG()); endMaps = EconomicMap.create(); stampMap = graph.createNodeMap(); undoOperations = new NodeStack(); replaceConstantInputs = replaceInputsWithConstants && GraalOptions.ReplaceInputsWithConstantsBasedOnStamps.getValue(graph.getOptions()); } protected void replaceInput(Position p, Node oldInput, Node newConstantInput) { p.set(oldInput, newConstantInput); } protected int replaceConstantInputs(Node node) { int replacements = 0; // Check if we can replace any of the inputs with a constant. for (Position p : node.inputPositions()) { Node input = p.get(node); if (p.getInputType() == InputType.Value) { if (input instanceof ValueNode) { ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) input; if (valueNode instanceof ConstantNode) { // Input already is a constant. } else { Stamp bestStamp = getBestStamp(valueNode); Constant constant = bestStamp.asConstant(); if (constant != null) { if (bestStamp instanceof FloatStamp) { FloatStamp floatStamp = (FloatStamp) bestStamp; if (floatStamp.contains(0.0d)) { // Could also be -0.0d. continue; } } counterConstantInputReplacements.increment(node.getDebug()); ConstantNode stampConstant = ConstantNode.forConstant(bestStamp, constant, metaAccess, graph); assert stampConstant.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).isCompatible(valueNode.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); replaceInput(p, node, stampConstant); replacements++; } } } } } return replacements; } protected void processNode(Node node) { assert node.isAlive(); if (replaceConstantInputs) { replaceConstantInputs(node); } if (node instanceof MergeNode) { registerCombinedStamps((MergeNode) node); } if (node instanceof AbstractBeginNode) { processAbstractBegin((AbstractBeginNode) node); } else if (node instanceof IfNode) { processIf((IfNode) node); } else if (node instanceof IntegerSwitchNode) { processIntegerSwitch((IntegerSwitchNode) node); } else if (node instanceof BinaryNode) { processBinary((BinaryNode) node); } else if (node instanceof ConditionalNode) { processConditional((ConditionalNode) node); } else if (node instanceof UnaryNode) { processUnary((UnaryNode) node); } else if (node instanceof EndNode) { processEnd((EndNode) node); } } protected void registerCombinedStamps(MergeNode node) { EconomicMap endMap = endMaps.get(node); MapCursor entries = endMap.getEntries(); while (entries.advance()) { ValueNode value = entries.getKey(); if (value.isDeleted()) { // nodes from this map can be deleted when a loop dies continue; } if (registerNewValueStamp(value, entries.getValue())) { counterBetterMergedStamps.increment(debug); } } } protected void processEnd(EndNode node) { AbstractMergeNode abstractMerge = node.merge(); if (abstractMerge instanceof MergeNode) { MergeNode merge = (MergeNode) abstractMerge; NodeMap blockToNodeMap = this.schedule.getNodeToBlockMap(); Block mergeBlock = blockToNodeMap.get(merge); Block mergeBlockDominator = mergeBlock.getDominator(); Block currentBlock = blockToNodeMap.get(node); EconomicMap currentEndMap = endMaps.get(merge); if (currentEndMap == null || !currentEndMap.isEmpty()) { EconomicMap endMap = EconomicMap.create(); // Process phis for (ValuePhiNode phi : merge.valuePhis()) { if (currentEndMap == null || currentEndMap.containsKey(phi)) { ValueNode valueAt = phi.valueAt(node); Stamp bestStamp = getBestStamp(valueAt); if (currentEndMap != null) { bestStamp = bestStamp.meet(currentEndMap.get(phi)); } if (!bestStamp.equals(phi.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT))) { endMap.put(phi, bestStamp); } } } int lastMark = undoOperations.size(); while (currentBlock != mergeBlockDominator) { int mark = blockActionStart.get(currentBlock); for (int i = lastMark - 1; i >= mark; --i) { ValueNode nodeWithNewStamp = (ValueNode) undoOperations.get(i); if (nodeWithNewStamp.isDeleted() || nodeWithNewStamp instanceof LogicNode || nodeWithNewStamp instanceof ConstantNode || blockToNodeMap.isNew(nodeWithNewStamp)) { continue; } Block block = getBlock(nodeWithNewStamp, blockToNodeMap); if (block == null || block.getId() <= mergeBlockDominator.getId()) { // Node with new stamp in path to the merge block dominator and that // at the same time was defined at least in the merge block // dominator (i.e., therefore can be used after the merge.) Stamp bestStamp = getBestStamp(nodeWithNewStamp); assert bestStamp != null; if (currentEndMap != null) { Stamp otherEndsStamp = currentEndMap.get(nodeWithNewStamp); if (otherEndsStamp == null) { // No stamp registered in one of the previously processed // ends => skip. continue; } bestStamp = bestStamp.meet(otherEndsStamp); } if (nodeWithNewStamp.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).tryImproveWith(bestStamp) == null) { // No point in registering the stamp. } else { endMap.put(nodeWithNewStamp, bestStamp); } } } currentBlock = currentBlock.getDominator(); } endMaps.put(merge, endMap); } } } private static Block getBlock(ValueNode node, NodeMap blockToNodeMap) { if (node instanceof PhiNode) { PhiNode phiNode = (PhiNode) node; return blockToNodeMap.get(phiNode.merge()); } return blockToNodeMap.get(node); } protected void processUnary(UnaryNode node) { Stamp newStamp = node.foldStamp(getBestStamp(node.getValue())); if (!checkReplaceWithConstant(newStamp, node)) { registerNewValueStamp(node, newStamp); } } protected boolean checkReplaceWithConstant(Stamp newStamp, ValueNode node) { Constant constant = newStamp.asConstant(); if (constant != null && !(node instanceof ConstantNode)) { ConstantNode stampConstant = ConstantNode.forConstant(newStamp, constant, metaAccess, graph); debug.log("RawConditionElimination: constant stamp replaces %1s with %1s", node, stampConstant); counterConstantReplacements.increment(debug); node.replaceAtUsages(InputType.Value, stampConstant); GraphUtil.tryKillUnused(node); return true; } return false; } protected void processBinary(BinaryNode node) { Stamp xStamp = getBestStamp(node.getX()); Stamp yStamp = getBestStamp(node.getY()); Stamp newStamp = node.foldStamp(xStamp, yStamp); if (!checkReplaceWithConstant(newStamp, node)) { registerNewValueStamp(node, newStamp); } } protected void processIntegerSwitch(IntegerSwitchNode node) { Stamp bestStamp = getBestStamp(node.value()); if (node.tryRemoveUnreachableKeys(null, bestStamp)) { debug.log("\t Canonicalized integer switch %s for value %s and stamp %s", node, node.value(), bestStamp); counterCanonicalizedSwitches.increment(debug); } } protected void processIf(IfNode node) { TriState result = tryProveCondition(node.condition()); if (result != TriState.UNKNOWN) { boolean isTrue = (result == TriState.TRUE); AbstractBeginNode survivingSuccessor = node.getSuccessor(isTrue); survivingSuccessor.replaceAtUsages(null); survivingSuccessor.replaceAtPredecessor(null); node.replaceAtPredecessor(survivingSuccessor); GraphUtil.killCFG(node); counterIfsKilled.increment(debug); } } protected void processConditional(ConditionalNode node) { TriState result = tryProveCondition(node.condition()); if (result != TriState.UNKNOWN) { boolean isTrue = (result == TriState.TRUE); counterConditionalsKilled.increment(debug); node.replaceAndDelete(isTrue ? node.trueValue() : node.falseValue()); } else { Stamp trueStamp = getBestStamp(node.trueValue()); Stamp falseStamp = getBestStamp(node.falseValue()); registerNewStamp(node, trueStamp.meet(falseStamp)); } } protected TriState tryProveCondition(LogicNode condition) { Stamp conditionStamp = this.getBestStamp(condition); if (conditionStamp == StampFactory.tautology()) { return TriState.TRUE; } else if (conditionStamp == StampFactory.contradiction()) { return TriState.FALSE; } if (condition instanceof UnaryOpLogicNode) { UnaryOpLogicNode unaryOpLogicNode = (UnaryOpLogicNode) condition; return unaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(this.getBestStamp(unaryOpLogicNode.getValue())); } else if (condition instanceof BinaryOpLogicNode) { BinaryOpLogicNode binaryOpLogicNode = (BinaryOpLogicNode) condition; return binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(this.getBestStamp(binaryOpLogicNode.getX()), this.getBestStamp(binaryOpLogicNode.getY())); } return TriState.UNKNOWN; } protected void processAbstractBegin(AbstractBeginNode beginNode) { Node predecessor = beginNode.predecessor(); if (predecessor instanceof IfNode) { IfNode ifNode = (IfNode) predecessor; boolean negated = (ifNode.falseSuccessor() == beginNode); LogicNode condition = ifNode.condition(); registerNewCondition(condition, negated); } else if (predecessor instanceof IntegerSwitchNode) { IntegerSwitchNode integerSwitchNode = (IntegerSwitchNode) predecessor; registerIntegerSwitch(beginNode, integerSwitchNode); } } private void registerIntegerSwitch(AbstractBeginNode beginNode, IntegerSwitchNode integerSwitchNode) { registerNewValueStamp(integerSwitchNode.value(), integerSwitchNode.getValueStampForSuccessor(beginNode)); } protected void registerNewCondition(LogicNode condition, boolean negated) { if (condition instanceof UnaryOpLogicNode) { UnaryOpLogicNode unaryLogicNode = (UnaryOpLogicNode) condition; ValueNode value = unaryLogicNode.getValue(); Stamp newStamp = unaryLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForValue(negated); registerNewValueStamp(value, newStamp); } else if (condition instanceof BinaryOpLogicNode) { BinaryOpLogicNode binaryOpLogicNode = (BinaryOpLogicNode) condition; ValueNode x = binaryOpLogicNode.getX(); ValueNode y = binaryOpLogicNode.getY(); Stamp xStamp = getBestStamp(x); Stamp yStamp = getBestStamp(y); registerNewValueStamp(x, binaryOpLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForX(negated, xStamp, yStamp)); registerNewValueStamp(y, binaryOpLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForY(negated, xStamp, yStamp)); } registerCondition(condition, negated); } protected void registerCondition(LogicNode condition, boolean negated) { registerNewStamp(condition, negated ? StampFactory.contradiction() : StampFactory.tautology()); } protected boolean registerNewValueStamp(ValueNode value, Stamp newStamp) { if (newStamp != null && !value.isConstant()) { Stamp currentStamp = getBestStamp(value); Stamp betterStamp = currentStamp.tryImproveWith(newStamp); if (betterStamp != null) { registerNewStamp(value, betterStamp); return true; } } return false; } protected void registerNewStamp(ValueNode value, Stamp newStamp) { counterStampsRegistered.increment(debug); debug.log("\t Saving stamp for node %s stamp %s", value, newStamp); ValueNode originalNode = value; stampMap.setAndGrow(originalNode, new StampElement(newStamp, stampMap.getAndGrow(originalNode))); undoOperations.push(originalNode); } protected Stamp getBestStamp(ValueNode value) { ValueNode originalNode = value; StampElement currentStamp = stampMap.getAndGrow(originalNode); if (currentStamp == null) { return value.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); } return currentStamp.getStamp(); } @Override public Integer enter(Block b) { int mark = undoOperations.size(); blockActionStart.put(b, mark); for (Node n : schedule.getBlockToNodesMap().get(b)) { if (n.isAlive()) { processNode(n); } } return mark; } @Override public void exit(Block b, Integer state) { int mark = state; while (undoOperations.size() > mark) { Node node = undoOperations.pop(); if (node.isAlive()) { stampMap.set(node, stampMap.get(node).getParent()); } } } } public FixReadsPhase(boolean replaceInputsWithConstants, Phase schedulePhase) { this.replaceInputsWithConstants = replaceInputsWithConstants; this.schedulePhase = schedulePhase; } @Override protected void run(StructuredGraph graph, LowTierContext context) { schedulePhase.apply(graph); ScheduleResult schedule = graph.getLastSchedule(); FixReadsClosure fixReadsClosure = new FixReadsClosure(); for (Block block : schedule.getCFG().getBlocks()) { fixReadsClosure.processNodes(block, schedule); } if (GraalOptions.RawConditionalElimination.getValue(graph.getOptions())) { schedule.getCFG().visitDominatorTree(createVisitor(graph, schedule, context), false); } graph.setAfterFixReadPhase(true); } public static class RawCEPhase extends BasePhase { private final boolean replaceInputsWithConstants; public RawCEPhase(boolean replaceInputsWithConstants) { this.replaceInputsWithConstants = replaceInputsWithConstants; } @Override protected CharSequence getName() { return "RawCEPhase"; } @Override protected void run(StructuredGraph graph, LowTierContext context) { if (GraalOptions.RawConditionalElimination.getValue(graph.getOptions())) { SchedulePhase schedulePhase = new SchedulePhase(SchedulingStrategy.LATEST, true); schedulePhase.apply(graph); ScheduleResult schedule = graph.getLastSchedule(); schedule.getCFG().visitDominatorTree(new RawConditionalEliminationVisitor(graph, schedule, context.getMetaAccess(), replaceInputsWithConstants), false); } } } protected ControlFlowGraph.RecursiveVisitor createVisitor(StructuredGraph graph, ScheduleResult schedule, PhaseContext context) { return new RawConditionalEliminationVisitor(graph, schedule, context.getMetaAccess(), replaceInputsWithConstants); } protected static final class StampElement { private final Stamp stamp; private final StampElement parent; public StampElement(Stamp stamp, StampElement parent) { this.stamp = stamp; this.parent = parent; } public StampElement getParent() { return parent; } public Stamp getStamp() { return stamp; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(stamp); if (this.parent != null) { result.append(" ("); result.append(this.parent.toString()); result.append(")"); } return result.toString(); } } public void setReplaceInputsWithConstants(boolean replaceInputsWithConstants) { this.replaceInputsWithConstants = replaceInputsWithConstants; } }