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rev 52509 : [mq]: graal2

  46         return new BiDirectionalTraceBuilder(blocks).build(debug, startBlock, blocks, pred);
  47     }
  49     private final Deque<AbstractBlockBase<?>> worklist;
  50     private final BitSet processed;
  51     private final Trace[] blockToTrace;
  53     private BiDirectionalTraceBuilder(AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks) {
  54         processed = new BitSet(blocks.length);
  55         worklist = createQueue(blocks);
  56         blockToTrace = new Trace[blocks.length];
  57     }
  59     private static Deque<AbstractBlockBase<?>> createQueue(AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks) {
  60         ArrayList<AbstractBlockBase<?>> queue = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(blocks));
  61         queue.sort(BiDirectionalTraceBuilder::compare);
  62         return new ArrayDeque<>(queue);
  63     }
  65     private static int compare(AbstractBlockBase<?> a, AbstractBlockBase<?> b) {
  66         return Double.compare(b.probability(), a.probability());
  67     }
  69     private boolean processed(AbstractBlockBase<?> b) {
  70         return processed.get(b.getId());
  71     }
  73     @SuppressWarnings("try")
  74     private TraceBuilderResult build(DebugContext debug, AbstractBlockBase<?> startBlock, AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks, TrivialTracePredicate pred) {
  75         try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("BiDirectionalTraceBuilder: start trace building")) {
  76             ArrayList<Trace> traces = buildTraces(debug);
  77             assert traces.get(0).getBlocks()[0].equals(startBlock) : "The first traces always contains the start block";
  78             return TraceBuilderResult.create(debug, blocks, traces, blockToTrace, pred);
  79         }
  80     }
  82     protected ArrayList<Trace> buildTraces(DebugContext debug) {
  83         ArrayList<Trace> traces = new ArrayList<>();
  84         // process worklist
  85         while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
  86             AbstractBlockBase<?> block = worklist.pollFirst();

 115             /* Number head blocks. Can not do this in the loop as we go backwards. */
 116             int blockNr = 0;
 117             for (AbstractBlockBase<?> b : trace) {
 118                 b.setLinearScanNumber(blockNr++);
 119             }
 121             try (Indent indentBack = debug.logAndIndent("Tail:")) {
 122                 for (AbstractBlockBase<?> block = selectSuccessor(initBlock); block != null; block = selectSuccessor(block)) {
 123                     addBlockToTrace(debug, block);
 124                     trace.addLast(block);
 125                     /* This time we can number the blocks immediately as we go forwards. */
 126                     block.setLinearScanNumber(blockNr++);
 127                 }
 128             }
 129         }
 130         debug.log("Trace: %s", trace);
 131         return trace;
 132     }
 134     private void addBlockToTrace(DebugContext debug, AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
 135         debug.log("add %s (prob: %f)", block, block.probability());
 136         processed.set(block.getId());
 137     }
 139     /**
 140      * @return The unprocessed predecessor with the highest probability, or {@code null}.
 141      */
 142     private AbstractBlockBase<?> selectPredecessor(AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
 143         AbstractBlockBase<?> next = null;
 144         for (AbstractBlockBase<?> pred : block.getPredecessors()) {
 145             if (!processed(pred) && !isBackEdge(pred, block) && (next == null || pred.probability() > next.probability())) {
 146                 next = pred;
 147             }
 148         }
 149         return next;
 150     }
 152     private static boolean isBackEdge(AbstractBlockBase<?> from, AbstractBlockBase<?> to) {
 153         assert Arrays.asList(from.getSuccessors()).contains(to) : "No edge from " + from + " to " + to;
 154         return from.isLoopEnd() && to.isLoopHeader() && from.getLoop().equals(to.getLoop());
 155     }
 157     /**
 158      * @return The unprocessed successor with the highest probability, or {@code null}.
 159      */
 160     private AbstractBlockBase<?> selectSuccessor(AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
 161         AbstractBlockBase<?> next = null;
 162         for (AbstractBlockBase<?> succ : block.getSuccessors()) {
 163             if (!processed(succ) && (next == null || succ.probability() > next.probability())) {
 164                 next = succ;
 165             }
 166         }
 167         return next;
 168     }
 169 }

  46         return new BiDirectionalTraceBuilder(blocks).build(debug, startBlock, blocks, pred);
  47     }
  49     private final Deque<AbstractBlockBase<?>> worklist;
  50     private final BitSet processed;
  51     private final Trace[] blockToTrace;
  53     private BiDirectionalTraceBuilder(AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks) {
  54         processed = new BitSet(blocks.length);
  55         worklist = createQueue(blocks);
  56         blockToTrace = new Trace[blocks.length];
  57     }
  59     private static Deque<AbstractBlockBase<?>> createQueue(AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks) {
  60         ArrayList<AbstractBlockBase<?>> queue = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(blocks));
  61         queue.sort(BiDirectionalTraceBuilder::compare);
  62         return new ArrayDeque<>(queue);
  63     }
  65     private static int compare(AbstractBlockBase<?> a, AbstractBlockBase<?> b) {
  66         return Double.compare(b.getRelativeFrequency(), a.getRelativeFrequency());
  67     }
  69     private boolean processed(AbstractBlockBase<?> b) {
  70         return processed.get(b.getId());
  71     }
  73     @SuppressWarnings("try")
  74     private TraceBuilderResult build(DebugContext debug, AbstractBlockBase<?> startBlock, AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks, TrivialTracePredicate pred) {
  75         try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("BiDirectionalTraceBuilder: start trace building")) {
  76             ArrayList<Trace> traces = buildTraces(debug);
  77             assert traces.get(0).getBlocks()[0].equals(startBlock) : "The first traces always contains the start block";
  78             return TraceBuilderResult.create(debug, blocks, traces, blockToTrace, pred);
  79         }
  80     }
  82     protected ArrayList<Trace> buildTraces(DebugContext debug) {
  83         ArrayList<Trace> traces = new ArrayList<>();
  84         // process worklist
  85         while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
  86             AbstractBlockBase<?> block = worklist.pollFirst();

 115             /* Number head blocks. Can not do this in the loop as we go backwards. */
 116             int blockNr = 0;
 117             for (AbstractBlockBase<?> b : trace) {
 118                 b.setLinearScanNumber(blockNr++);
 119             }
 121             try (Indent indentBack = debug.logAndIndent("Tail:")) {
 122                 for (AbstractBlockBase<?> block = selectSuccessor(initBlock); block != null; block = selectSuccessor(block)) {
 123                     addBlockToTrace(debug, block);
 124                     trace.addLast(block);
 125                     /* This time we can number the blocks immediately as we go forwards. */
 126                     block.setLinearScanNumber(blockNr++);
 127                 }
 128             }
 129         }
 130         debug.log("Trace: %s", trace);
 131         return trace;
 132     }
 134     private void addBlockToTrace(DebugContext debug, AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
 135         debug.log("add %s (freq: %f)", block, block.getRelativeFrequency());
 136         processed.set(block.getId());
 137     }
 139     /**
 140      * @return The unprocessed predecessor with the highest probability, or {@code null}.
 141      */
 142     private AbstractBlockBase<?> selectPredecessor(AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
 143         AbstractBlockBase<?> next = null;
 144         for (AbstractBlockBase<?> pred : block.getPredecessors()) {
 145             if (!processed(pred) && !isBackEdge(pred, block) && (next == null || pred.getRelativeFrequency() > next.getRelativeFrequency())) {
 146                 next = pred;
 147             }
 148         }
 149         return next;
 150     }
 152     private static boolean isBackEdge(AbstractBlockBase<?> from, AbstractBlockBase<?> to) {
 153         assert Arrays.asList(from.getSuccessors()).contains(to) : "No edge from " + from + " to " + to;
 154         return from.isLoopEnd() && to.isLoopHeader() && from.getLoop().equals(to.getLoop());
 155     }
 157     /**
 158      * @return The unprocessed successor with the highest probability, or {@code null}.
 159      */
 160     private AbstractBlockBase<?> selectSuccessor(AbstractBlockBase<?> block) {
 161         AbstractBlockBase<?> next = null;
 162         for (AbstractBlockBase<?> succ : block.getSuccessors()) {
 163             if (!processed(succ) && (next == null || succ.getRelativeFrequency() > next.getRelativeFrequency())) {
 164                 next = succ;
 165             }
 166         }
 167         return next;
 168     }
 169 }
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