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rev 52509 : [mq]: graal2

 888             } else if (falseValue instanceof ConditionalNode && trueValue.isConstant()) {
 889                 conditional = (ConditionalNode) falseValue;
 890                 constant = trueValue;
 891                 negateCondition = false;
 892             } else {
 893                 return null;
 894             }
 895             boolean negateConditionalCondition = false;
 896             ValueNode otherValue = null;
 897             if (constant == conditional.trueValue()) {
 898                 otherValue = conditional.falseValue();
 899                 negateConditionalCondition = false;
 900             } else if (constant == conditional.falseValue()) {
 901                 otherValue = conditional.trueValue();
 902                 negateConditionalCondition = true;
 903             }
 904             if (otherValue != null && otherValue.isConstant()) {
 905                 double shortCutProbability = probability(trueSuccessor());
 906                 LogicNode newCondition = LogicNode.or(condition(), negateCondition, conditional.condition(), negateConditionalCondition, shortCutProbability);
 907                 return graph().unique(new ConditionalNode(newCondition, constant, otherValue));
 908             } else if (!negateCondition && constant.isJavaConstant() && conditional.trueValue().isJavaConstant() && conditional.falseValue().isJavaConstant()) {
 909                 IntegerLessThanNode lessThan = null;
 910                 IntegerEqualsNode equals = null;
 911                 if (condition() instanceof IntegerLessThanNode && conditional.condition() instanceof IntegerEqualsNode && constant.asJavaConstant().asLong() == -1 &&
 912                                 conditional.trueValue().asJavaConstant().asLong() == 0 && conditional.falseValue().asJavaConstant().asLong() == 1) {
 913                     lessThan = (IntegerLessThanNode) condition();
 914                     equals = (IntegerEqualsNode) conditional.condition();
 915                 } else if (condition() instanceof IntegerEqualsNode && conditional.condition() instanceof IntegerLessThanNode && constant.asJavaConstant().asLong() == 0 &&
 916                                 conditional.trueValue().asJavaConstant().asLong() == -1 && conditional.falseValue().asJavaConstant().asLong() == 1) {
 917                     lessThan = (IntegerLessThanNode) conditional.condition();
 918                     equals = (IntegerEqualsNode) condition();
 919                 }
 920                 if (lessThan != null) {
 921                     assert equals != null;
 922                     NodeView view = NodeView.from(tool);
 923                     if ((lessThan.getX() == equals.getX() && lessThan.getY() == equals.getY()) || (lessThan.getX() == equals.getY() && lessThan.getY() == equals.getX())) {
 924                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(lessThan.getX(), lessThan.getY(), conditional.trueValue().stamp(view).getStackKind(), false));

 925                     }
 926                 }
 927             }
 928         }
 929         return null;
 930     }
 932     /**
 933      * Take an if that is immediately dominated by a merge with a single phi and split off any paths
 934      * where the test would be statically decidable creating a new merge below the approriate side
 935      * of the IfNode. Any undecidable tests will continue to use the original IfNode.
 936      *
 937      * @param tool
 938      */
 939     @SuppressWarnings("try")
 940     private boolean splitIfAtPhi(SimplifierTool tool) {
 941         if (graph().getGuardsStage().areFrameStatesAtSideEffects()) {
 942             // Disabled until we make sure we have no FrameState-less merges at this stage
 943             return false;
 944         }

 888             } else if (falseValue instanceof ConditionalNode && trueValue.isConstant()) {
 889                 conditional = (ConditionalNode) falseValue;
 890                 constant = trueValue;
 891                 negateCondition = false;
 892             } else {
 893                 return null;
 894             }
 895             boolean negateConditionalCondition = false;
 896             ValueNode otherValue = null;
 897             if (constant == conditional.trueValue()) {
 898                 otherValue = conditional.falseValue();
 899                 negateConditionalCondition = false;
 900             } else if (constant == conditional.falseValue()) {
 901                 otherValue = conditional.trueValue();
 902                 negateConditionalCondition = true;
 903             }
 904             if (otherValue != null && otherValue.isConstant()) {
 905                 double shortCutProbability = probability(trueSuccessor());
 906                 LogicNode newCondition = LogicNode.or(condition(), negateCondition, conditional.condition(), negateConditionalCondition, shortCutProbability);
 907                 return graph().unique(new ConditionalNode(newCondition, constant, otherValue));
 908             } else if (constant.isJavaConstant() && conditional.trueValue().isJavaConstant() && conditional.falseValue().isJavaConstant() && condition() instanceof CompareNode &&
 909                             conditional.condition() instanceof CompareNode) {
 910                 Condition cond1 = ((CompareNode) condition()).condition().asCondition();
 911                 if (negateCondition) {
 912                     cond1 = cond1.negate();

 913                 }
 914                 // cond1 is EQ, NE, LT, or GE
 915                 Condition cond2 = ((CompareNode) conditional.condition()).condition().asCondition();
 916                 ValueNode x = ((CompareNode) condition()).getX();
 917                 ValueNode y = ((CompareNode) condition()).getY();
 918                 ValueNode x2 = ((CompareNode) conditional.condition()).getX();
 919                 ValueNode y2 = ((CompareNode) conditional.condition()).getY();
 920                 // `x cond1 y ? c1 : (x2 cond2 y2 ? c2 : c3)`
 921                 boolean sameVars = x == x2 && y == y2;
 922                 if (!sameVars && x == y2 && y == x2) {
 923                     sameVars = true;
 924                     cond2 = cond2.mirror();
 925                 }
 926                 // cond2 is EQ, LT, or GT
 927                 if (sameVars) {
 928                     JavaKind stackKind = conditional.trueValue().stamp(NodeView.from(tool)).getStackKind();
 929                     assert !stackKind.isNumericFloat();
 930                     long c1 = constant.asJavaConstant().asLong();
 931                     long c2 = conditional.trueValue().asJavaConstant().asLong();
 932                     long c3 = conditional.falseValue().asJavaConstant().asLong();
 933                     // `x cond1 y ? c1 : (x cond2 y ? c2 : c3)`
 934                     if (cond1 == Condition.GE && cond2 == Condition.LT) {
 935                         // x >= y ? v1 : (x < y ? v2 : v3) => x >= y ? v1 : v2
 936                         return graph().unique(new ConditionalNode(condition(), conditional.trueValue(), constant));
 937                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.GE && cond2 == Condition.GT) {
 938                         // x >= y ? v1 : (x > y ? v2 : v3) => x >= y ? v1 : v3
 939                         return graph().unique(new ConditionalNode(condition(), conditional.falseValue(), constant));
 940                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.EQ && cond2 == Condition.EQ) {
 941                         // x == y ? v1 : (x == y ? v2 : v3) => x == y ? v1 : v3
 942                         return graph().unique(new ConditionalNode(condition(), conditional.falseValue(), constant));
 943                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.NE && cond2 == Condition.LT) {
 944                         // x != y ? v1 : (x < y ? v2 : v3) => x != y ? v1 : v3
 945                         return graph().unique(new ConditionalNode(condition(), conditional.falseValue(), constant));
 946                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.LT && cond2 == Condition.EQ && c1 == -1 && c2 == 0 && c3 == 1) {
 947                         // x < y ? -1 : (x == y ? 0 : 1) => x cmp y
 948                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(x, y, stackKind, false));
 949                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.LT && cond2 == Condition.EQ && c1 == 1 && c2 == 0 && c3 == -1) {
 950                         // x < y ? 1 : (x == y ? 0 : -1) => y cmp x
 951                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(y, x, stackKind, false));
 952                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.EQ && cond2 == Condition.LT && c1 == 0 && c2 == -1 && c3 == 1) {
 953                         // x == y ? 0 : (x < y ? -1 : 1) => x cmp y
 954                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(x, y, stackKind, false));
 955                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.EQ && cond2 == Condition.LT && c1 == 0 && c2 == 1 && c3 == -1) {
 956                         // x == y ? 0 : (x < y ? 1 : -1) => y cmp x
 957                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(y, x, stackKind, false));
 958                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.EQ && cond2 == Condition.GT && c1 == 0 && c2 == -1 && c3 == 1) {
 959                         // x == y ? 0 : (x > y ? -1 : 1) => y cmp x
 960                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(y, x, stackKind, false));
 961                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.EQ && cond2 == Condition.GT && c1 == 0 && c2 == 1 && c3 == -1) {
 962                         // x == y ? 0 : (x > y ? 1 : -1) => x cmp y
 963                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(x, y, stackKind, false));
 964                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.LT && cond2 == Condition.GT && c1 == 1 && c2 == -1 && c3 == 0) {
 965                         // x < y ? 1 : (x > y ? -1 : 0) => y cmp x
 966                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(y, x, stackKind, false));
 967                     } else if (cond1 == Condition.LT && cond2 == Condition.GT && c1 == -1 && c2 == 1 && c3 == 0) {
 968                         // x < y ? -1 : (x > y ? 1 : 0) => x cmp y
 969                         return graph().unique(new NormalizeCompareNode(x, y, stackKind, false));
 970                     }
 971                 }
 972             }
 973         }
 974         return null;
 975     }
 977     /**
 978      * Take an if that is immediately dominated by a merge with a single phi and split off any paths
 979      * where the test would be statically decidable creating a new merge below the approriate side
 980      * of the IfNode. Any undecidable tests will continue to use the original IfNode.
 981      *
 982      * @param tool
 983      */
 984     @SuppressWarnings("try")
 985     private boolean splitIfAtPhi(SimplifierTool tool) {
 986         if (graph().getGuardsStage().areFrameStatesAtSideEffects()) {
 987             // Disabled until we make sure we have no FrameState-less merges at this stage
 988             return false;
 989         }

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