1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  25 package org.graalvm.compiler.loop.phases;
  27 import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.MaximumDesiredSize;
  28 import static org.graalvm.compiler.loop.MathUtil.add;
  29 import static org.graalvm.compiler.loop.MathUtil.sub;
  31 import java.util.ArrayList;
  32 import java.util.Iterator;
  33 import java.util.List;
  35 import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.RetryableBailoutException;
  36 import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.CanonicalCondition;
  37 import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
  38 import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
  39 import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.Mark;
  40 import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
  41 import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Position;
  42 import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.CountedLoopInfo;
  43 import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.InductionVariable;
  44 import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.InductionVariable.Direction;
  45 import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.LoopEx;
  46 import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.LoopFragmentInside;
  47 import org.graalvm.compiler.loop.LoopFragmentWhole;
  48 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.InputType;
  49 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode;
  50 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractEndNode;
  51 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
  52 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode;
  53 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
  54 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ControlSplitNode;
  55 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode;
  56 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
  57 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
  58 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.IfNode;
  59 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
  60 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopBeginNode;
  61 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode;
  62 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PhiNode;
  63 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.SafepointNode;
  64 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
  65 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
  66 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.CompareNode;
  67 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.ConditionalNode;
  68 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerLessThanNode;
  69 import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.SwitchNode;
  70 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase;
  71 import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.PhaseContext;
  73 public abstract class LoopTransformations {
  75     private LoopTransformations() {
  76         // does not need to be instantiated
  77     }
  79     public static void peel(LoopEx loop) {
  80         loop.inside().duplicate().insertBefore(loop);
  81         loop.loopBegin().setLoopFrequency(Math.max(0.0, loop.loopBegin().loopFrequency() - 1));
  82     }
  84     public static void fullUnroll(LoopEx loop, PhaseContext context, CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer) {
  85         // assert loop.isCounted(); //TODO (gd) strengthen : counted with known trip count
  86         LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop.loopBegin();
  87         StructuredGraph graph = loopBegin.graph();
  88         int initialNodeCount = graph.getNodeCount();
  89         while (!loopBegin.isDeleted()) {
  90             Mark mark = graph.getMark();
  91             peel(loop);
  92             canonicalizer.applyIncremental(graph, context, mark);
  93             loop.invalidateFragments();
  94             if (graph.getNodeCount() > initialNodeCount + MaximumDesiredSize.getValue(graph.getOptions()) * 2) {
  95                 throw new RetryableBailoutException("FullUnroll : Graph seems to grow out of proportion");
  96             }
  97         }
  98     }
 100     public static void unswitch(LoopEx loop, List<ControlSplitNode> controlSplitNodeSet) {
 101         ControlSplitNode firstNode = controlSplitNodeSet.iterator().next();
 102         LoopFragmentWhole originalLoop = loop.whole();
 103         StructuredGraph graph = firstNode.graph();
 105         loop.loopBegin().incrementUnswitches();
 107         // create new control split out of loop
 108         ControlSplitNode newControlSplit = (ControlSplitNode) firstNode.copyWithInputs();
 109         originalLoop.entryPoint().replaceAtPredecessor(newControlSplit);
 111         /*
 112          * The code below assumes that all of the control split nodes have the same successor
 113          * structure, which should have been enforced by findUnswitchable.
 114          */
 115         Iterator<Position> successors = firstNode.successorPositions().iterator();
 116         assert successors.hasNext();
 117         // original loop is used as first successor
 118         Position firstPosition = successors.next();
 119         AbstractBeginNode originalLoopBegin = BeginNode.begin(originalLoop.entryPoint());
 120         firstPosition.set(newControlSplit, originalLoopBegin);
 121         originalLoopBegin.setNodeSourcePosition(firstPosition.get(firstNode).getNodeSourcePosition());
 123         while (successors.hasNext()) {
 124             Position position = successors.next();
 125             // create a new loop duplicate and connect it.
 126             LoopFragmentWhole duplicateLoop = originalLoop.duplicate();
 127             AbstractBeginNode newBegin = BeginNode.begin(duplicateLoop.entryPoint());
 128             newBegin.setNodeSourcePosition(position.get(firstNode).getNodeSourcePosition());
 129             position.set(newControlSplit, newBegin);
 131             // For each cloned ControlSplitNode, simplify the proper path
 132             for (ControlSplitNode controlSplitNode : controlSplitNodeSet) {
 133                 ControlSplitNode duplicatedControlSplit = duplicateLoop.getDuplicatedNode(controlSplitNode);
 134                 if (duplicatedControlSplit.isAlive()) {
 135                     AbstractBeginNode survivingSuccessor = (AbstractBeginNode) position.get(duplicatedControlSplit);
 136                     survivingSuccessor.replaceAtUsages(InputType.Guard, newBegin);
 137                     graph.removeSplitPropagate(duplicatedControlSplit, survivingSuccessor);
 138                 }
 139             }
 140         }
 141         // original loop is simplified last to avoid deleting controlSplitNode too early
 142         for (ControlSplitNode controlSplitNode : controlSplitNodeSet) {
 143             if (controlSplitNode.isAlive()) {
 144                 AbstractBeginNode survivingSuccessor = (AbstractBeginNode) firstPosition.get(controlSplitNode);
 145                 survivingSuccessor.replaceAtUsages(InputType.Guard, originalLoopBegin);
 146                 graph.removeSplitPropagate(controlSplitNode, survivingSuccessor);
 147             }
 148         }
 150         // TODO (gd) probabilities need some amount of fixup.. (probably also in other transforms)
 151     }
 153     public static void partialUnroll(LoopEx loop) {
 154         assert loop.loopBegin().isMainLoop();
 155         loop.loopBegin().graph().getDebug().log("LoopPartialUnroll %s", loop);
 157         LoopFragmentInside newSegment = loop.inside().duplicate();
 158         newSegment.insertWithinAfter(loop);
 160     }
 162     // This function splits candidate loops into pre, main and post loops,
 163     // dividing the iteration space to facilitate the majority of iterations
 164     // being executed in a main loop, which will have RCE implemented upon it.
 165     // The initial loop form is constrained to single entry/exit, but can have
 166     // flow. The translation looks like:
 167     //
 168     //  @formatter:off
 169     //
 170     //       (Simple Loop entry)                   (Pre Loop Entry)
 171     //                |                                  |
 172     //         (LoopBeginNode)                    (LoopBeginNode)
 173     //                |                                  |
 174     //       (Loop Control Test)<------   ==>  (Loop control Test)<------
 175     //         /               \       \         /               \       \
 176     //    (Loop Exit)      (Loop Body) |    (Loop Exit)      (Loop Body) |
 177     //        |                |       |        |                |       |
 178     // (continue code)     (Loop End)  |  if (M < length)*   (Loop End)  |
 179     //                         \       /       /      \           \      /
 180     //                          ----->        /       |            ----->
 181     //                                       /  if ( ... )*
 182     //                                      /     /       \
 183     //                                     /     /         \
 184     //                                    /     /           \
 185     //                                   |     /     (Main Loop Entry)
 186     //                                   |    |             |
 187     //                                   |    |      (LoopBeginNode)
 188     //                                   |    |             |
 189     //                                   |    |     (Loop Control Test)<------
 190     //                                   |    |      /               \        \
 191     //                                   |    |  (Loop Exit)      (Loop Body) |
 192     //                                    \   \      |                |       |
 193     //                                     \   \     |            (Loop End)  |
 194     //                                      \   \    |                \       /
 195     //                                       \   \   |                 ------>
 196     //                                        \   \  |
 197     //                                      (Main Loop Merge)*
 198     //                                               |
 199     //                                      (Post Loop Entry)
 200     //                                               |
 201     //                                        (LoopBeginNode)
 202     //                                               |
 203     //                                       (Loop Control Test)<-----
 204     //                                        /               \       \
 205     //                                    (Loop Exit)     (Loop Body) |
 206     //                                        |               |       |
 207     //                                 (continue code)    (Loop End)  |
 208     //                                                         \      /
 209     //                                                          ----->
 210     //
 211     // Key: "*" = optional.
 212     // @formatter:on
 213     //
 214     // The value "M" is the maximal value of the loop trip for the original
 215     // loop. The value of "length" is applicable to the number of arrays found
 216     // in the loop but is reduced if some or all of the arrays are known to be
 217     // the same length as "M". The maximum number of tests can be equal to the
 218     // number of arrays in the loop, where multiple instances of an array are
 219     // subsumed into a single test for that arrays length.
 220     //
 221     // If the optional main loop entry tests are absent, the Pre Loop exit
 222     // connects to the Main loops entry and there is no merge hanging off the
 223     // main loops exit to converge flow from said tests. All split use data
 224     // flow is mitigated through phi(s) in the main merge if present and
 225     // passed through the main and post loop phi(s) from the originating pre
 226     // loop with final phi(s) and data flow patched to the "continue code".
 227     // The pre loop is constrained to one iteration for now and will likely
 228     // be updated to produce vector alignment if applicable.
 230     public static LoopBeginNode insertPrePostLoops(LoopEx loop) {
 231         StructuredGraph graph = loop.loopBegin().graph();
 232         graph.getDebug().log("LoopTransformations.insertPrePostLoops %s", loop);
 233         LoopFragmentWhole preLoop = loop.whole();
 234         CountedLoopInfo preCounted = loop.counted();
 235         IfNode preLimit = preCounted.getLimitTest();
 236         assert preLimit != null;
 237         LoopBeginNode preLoopBegin = loop.loopBegin();
 238         InductionVariable preIv = preCounted.getCounter();
 239         LoopExitNode preLoopExitNode = preLoopBegin.getSingleLoopExit();
 240         FixedNode continuationNode = preLoopExitNode.next();
 242         // Each duplication is inserted after the original, ergo create the post loop first
 243         LoopFragmentWhole mainLoop = preLoop.duplicate();
 244         LoopFragmentWhole postLoop = preLoop.duplicate();
 245         preLoopBegin.incrementSplits();
 246         preLoopBegin.incrementSplits();
 247         preLoopBegin.setPreLoop();
 248         graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, graph, "After duplication");
 249         LoopBeginNode mainLoopBegin = mainLoop.getDuplicatedNode(preLoopBegin);
 250         mainLoopBegin.setMainLoop();
 251         LoopBeginNode postLoopBegin = postLoop.getDuplicatedNode(preLoopBegin);
 252         postLoopBegin.setPostLoop();
 254         EndNode postEndNode = getBlockEndAfterLoopExit(postLoopBegin);
 255         AbstractMergeNode postMergeNode = postEndNode.merge();
 256         LoopExitNode postLoopExitNode = postLoopBegin.getSingleLoopExit();
 258         // Update the main loop phi initialization to carry from the pre loop
 259         for (PhiNode prePhiNode : preLoopBegin.phis()) {
 260             PhiNode mainPhiNode = mainLoop.getDuplicatedNode(prePhiNode);
 261             mainPhiNode.setValueAt(0, prePhiNode);
 262         }
 264         EndNode mainEndNode = getBlockEndAfterLoopExit(mainLoopBegin);
 265         AbstractMergeNode mainMergeNode = mainEndNode.merge();
 266         AbstractEndNode postEntryNode = postLoopBegin.forwardEnd();
 268         // In the case of no Bounds tests, we just flow right into the main loop
 269         AbstractBeginNode mainLandingNode = BeginNode.begin(postEntryNode);
 270         LoopExitNode mainLoopExitNode = mainLoopBegin.getSingleLoopExit();
 271         mainLoopExitNode.setNext(mainLandingNode);
 272         preLoopExitNode.setNext(mainLoopBegin.forwardEnd());
 274         // Add and update any phi edges as per merge usage as needed and update usages
 275         processPreLoopPhis(loop, mainLoop, postLoop);
 276         continuationNode.predecessor().clearSuccessors();
 277         postLoopExitNode.setNext(continuationNode);
 278         cleanupMerge(postMergeNode, postLoopExitNode);
 279         cleanupMerge(mainMergeNode, mainLandingNode);
 281         // Change the preLoop to execute one iteration for now
 282         updateMainLoopLimit(preLimit, preIv, mainLoop);
 283         updatePreLoopLimit(preLimit, preIv, preCounted);
 284         preLoopBegin.setLoopFrequency(1);
 285         mainLoopBegin.setLoopFrequency(Math.max(0.0, mainLoopBegin.loopFrequency() - 2));
 286         postLoopBegin.setLoopFrequency(Math.max(0.0, postLoopBegin.loopFrequency() - 1));
 288         // The pre and post loops don't require safepoints at all
 289         for (SafepointNode safepoint : preLoop.nodes().filter(SafepointNode.class)) {
 290             graph.removeFixed(safepoint);
 291         }
 292         for (SafepointNode safepoint : postLoop.nodes().filter(SafepointNode.class)) {
 293             graph.removeFixed(safepoint);
 294         }
 295         graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "InsertPrePostLoops %s", loop);
 296         return mainLoopBegin;
 297     }
 299     /**
 300      * Cleanup the merge and remove the predecessors too.
 301      */
 302     private static void cleanupMerge(AbstractMergeNode mergeNode, AbstractBeginNode landingNode) {
 303         for (EndNode end : mergeNode.cfgPredecessors().snapshot()) {
 304             mergeNode.removeEnd(end);
 305             end.safeDelete();
 306         }
 307         mergeNode.prepareDelete(landingNode);
 308         mergeNode.safeDelete();
 309     }
 311     private static void processPreLoopPhis(LoopEx preLoop, LoopFragmentWhole mainLoop, LoopFragmentWhole postLoop) {
 312         // process phis for the post loop
 313         LoopBeginNode preLoopBegin = preLoop.loopBegin();
 314         for (PhiNode prePhiNode : preLoopBegin.phis()) {
 315             PhiNode postPhiNode = postLoop.getDuplicatedNode(prePhiNode);
 316             PhiNode mainPhiNode = mainLoop.getDuplicatedNode(prePhiNode);
 317             postPhiNode.setValueAt(0, mainPhiNode);
 319             // Build a work list to update the pre loop phis to the post loops phis
 320             for (Node usage : prePhiNode.usages().snapshot()) {
 321                 if (usage == mainPhiNode) {
 322                     continue;
 323                 }
 324                 if (preLoop.isOutsideLoop(usage)) {
 325                     usage.replaceFirstInput(prePhiNode, postPhiNode);
 326                 }
 327             }
 328         }
 329         for (Node node : preLoop.inside().nodes()) {
 330             for (Node externalUsage : node.usages().snapshot()) {
 331                 if (preLoop.isOutsideLoop(externalUsage)) {
 332                     Node postUsage = postLoop.getDuplicatedNode(node);
 333                     assert postUsage != null;
 334                     externalUsage.replaceFirstInput(node, postUsage);
 335                 }
 336             }
 337         }
 338     }
 340     /**
 341      * Find the end of the block following the LoopExit.
 342      */
 343     private static EndNode getBlockEndAfterLoopExit(LoopBeginNode curLoopBegin) {
 344         FixedNode node = curLoopBegin.getSingleLoopExit().next();
 345         // Find the last node after the exit blocks starts
 346         return getBlockEnd(node);
 347     }
 349     private static EndNode getBlockEnd(FixedNode node) {
 350         FixedNode curNode = node;
 351         while (curNode instanceof FixedWithNextNode) {
 352             curNode = ((FixedWithNextNode) curNode).next();
 353         }
 354         return (EndNode) curNode;
 355     }
 357     private static void updateMainLoopLimit(IfNode preLimit, InductionVariable preIv, LoopFragmentWhole mainLoop) {
 358         // Update the main loops limit test to be different than the post loop
 359         StructuredGraph graph = preLimit.graph();
 360         IfNode mainLimit = mainLoop.getDuplicatedNode(preLimit);
 361         LogicNode ifTest = mainLimit.condition();
 362         CompareNode compareNode = (CompareNode) ifTest;
 363         ValueNode prePhi = preIv.valueNode();
 364         ValueNode mainPhi = mainLoop.getDuplicatedNode(prePhi);
 365         ValueNode preStride = preIv.strideNode();
 366         ValueNode mainStride;
 367         if (preStride instanceof ConstantNode) {
 368             mainStride = preStride;
 369         } else {
 370             mainStride = mainLoop.getDuplicatedNode(preStride);
 371         }
 372         // Fetch the bounds to pose lowering the range by one
 373         ValueNode ub = null;
 374         if (compareNode.getX() == mainPhi) {
 375             ub = compareNode.getY();
 376         } else if (compareNode.getY() == mainPhi) {
 377             ub = compareNode.getX();
 378         } else {
 379             throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
 380         }
 382         // Preloop always performs at least one iteration, so remove that from the main loop.
 383         ValueNode newLimit = sub(graph, ub, mainStride);
 385         // Re-wire the condition with the new limit
 386         compareNode.replaceFirstInput(ub, newLimit);
 387     }
 389     private static void updatePreLoopLimit(IfNode preLimit, InductionVariable preIv, CountedLoopInfo preCounted) {
 390         // Update the pre loops limit test
 391         StructuredGraph graph = preLimit.graph();
 392         LogicNode ifTest = preLimit.condition();
 393         CompareNode compareNode = (CompareNode) ifTest;
 394         ValueNode prePhi = preIv.valueNode();
 395         // Make new limit one iteration
 396         ValueNode initIv = preCounted.getStart();
 397         ValueNode newLimit = add(graph, initIv, preIv.strideNode());
 399         // Fetch the variable we are not replacing and configure the one we are
 400         ValueNode ub;
 401         if (compareNode.getX() == prePhi) {
 402             ub = compareNode.getY();
 403         } else if (compareNode.getY() == prePhi) {
 404             ub = compareNode.getX();
 405         } else {
 406             throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
 407         }
 408         // Re-wire the condition with the new limit
 409         if (preIv.direction() == Direction.Up) {
 410             compareNode.replaceFirstInput(ub, graph.unique(new ConditionalNode(graph.unique(new IntegerLessThanNode(newLimit, ub)), newLimit, ub)));
 411         } else {
 412             compareNode.replaceFirstInput(ub, graph.unique(new ConditionalNode(graph.unique(new IntegerLessThanNode(ub, newLimit)), newLimit, ub)));
 413         }
 414     }
 416     public static List<ControlSplitNode> findUnswitchable(LoopEx loop) {
 417         List<ControlSplitNode> controls = null;
 418         ValueNode invariantValue = null;
 419         for (IfNode ifNode : loop.whole().nodes().filter(IfNode.class)) {
 420             if (loop.isOutsideLoop(ifNode.condition())) {
 421                 if (controls == null) {
 422                     invariantValue = ifNode.condition();
 423                     controls = new ArrayList<>();
 424                     controls.add(ifNode);
 425                 } else if (ifNode.condition() == invariantValue) {
 426                     controls.add(ifNode);
 427                 }
 428             }
 429         }
 430         if (controls == null) {
 431             SwitchNode firstSwitch = null;
 432             for (SwitchNode switchNode : loop.whole().nodes().filter(SwitchNode.class)) {
 433                 if (switchNode.successors().count() > 1 && loop.isOutsideLoop(switchNode.value())) {
 434                     if (controls == null) {
 435                         firstSwitch = switchNode;
 436                         invariantValue = switchNode.value();
 437                         controls = new ArrayList<>();
 438                         controls.add(switchNode);
 439                     } else if (switchNode.value() == invariantValue && firstSwitch.structureEquals(switchNode)) {
 440                         // Only collect switches which test the same values in the same order
 441                         controls.add(switchNode);
 442                     }
 443                 }
 444             }
 445         }
 446         return controls;
 447     }
 449     public static boolean isUnrollableLoop(LoopEx loop) {
 450         if (!loop.isCounted() || !loop.counted().getCounter().isConstantStride() || !loop.loop().getChildren().isEmpty()) {
 451             return false;
 452         }
 453         LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop.loopBegin();
 454         LogicNode condition = loop.counted().getLimitTest().condition();
 455         if (!(condition instanceof CompareNode)) {
 456             return false;
 457         }
 458         if (((CompareNode) condition).condition() == CanonicalCondition.EQ) {
 459             condition.getDebug().log(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, "isUnrollableLoop %s condition unsupported %s ", loopBegin, ((CompareNode) condition).condition());
 460             return false;
 461         }
 462         if (loopBegin.isMainLoop() || loopBegin.isSimpleLoop()) {
 463             // Flow-less loops to partial unroll for now. 3 blocks corresponds to an if that either
 464             // exits or continues the loop. There might be fixed and floating work within the loop
 465             // as well.
 466             if (loop.loop().getBlocks().size() < 3) {
 467                 return true;
 468             }
 469             condition.getDebug().log(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, "isUnrollableLoop %s too large to unroll %s ", loopBegin, loop.loop().getBlocks().size());
 470         }
 471         return false;
 472     }
 473 }