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rev 52509 : [mq]: graal

  85     @Override
  86     protected void registerInvocationPlugins(InvocationPlugins invocationPlugins) {
  87         BytecodeProvider replacementBytecodeProvider = getSystemClassLoaderBytecodeProvider();
  88         Registration r = new Registration(invocationPlugins, Original.class, replacementBytecodeProvider);
  89         r.registerMethodSubstitution(Intrinsic.class, "getValue");
  90         super.registerInvocationPlugins(invocationPlugins);
  91     }
  93     public static String callOriginalGetValue() {
  94         // This call will be intrinsified when compiled by Graal
  95         return Original.getValue();
  96     }
  98     public static String callIntrinsicGetValue() {
  99         // This call will *not* be intrinsified when compiled by Graal
 100         return Intrinsic.getValue();
 101     }
 103     @Test
 104     public void test() throws Throwable {

 105         try {
 106             Class.forName("java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation");
 107         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
 108             // skip this test if java.instrument JDK9 module is missing
 109             return;
 110         }
 111         String recursionPropName = getClass().getName() + ".recursion";
 112         if (Java8OrEarlier || Boolean.getBoolean(recursionPropName)) {
 113             testHelper();
 114         } else {
 115             List<String> vmArgs = withoutDebuggerArguments(getVMCommandLine());
 116             vmArgs.add("-D" + recursionPropName + "=true");
 117             vmArgs.add("-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true");
 118             Subprocess proc = java(vmArgs, "com.oracle.mxtool.junit.MxJUnitWrapper", getClass().getName());
 119             if (proc.exitCode != 0) {
 120                 Assert.fail(String.format("non-zero exit code %d for command:%n%s", proc.exitCode, proc));
 121             }
 122         }
 123     }

 181         Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
 182         manifest.getMainAttributes().put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
 183         Attributes mainAttrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
 184         mainAttrs.putValue("Agent-Class", RedefinerAgent.class.getName());
 185         mainAttrs.putValue("Can-Redefine-Classes", "true");
 186         mainAttrs.putValue("Can-Retransform-Classes", "true");
 188         Path jar = Files.createTempFile("myagent", ".jar");
 189         try {
 190             JarOutputStream jarStream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jar.toFile()), manifest);
 191             add(jarStream, RedefinerAgent.class);
 192             add(jarStream, Redefiner.class);
 193             jarStream.close();
 195             return loadAgent(jar);
 196         } finally {
 197             Files.deleteIfExists(jar);
 198         }
 199     }
 201     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
 202     public static boolean loadAgent(Path agent) throws Exception {
 203         String vmName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
 204         int p = vmName.indexOf('@');
 205         assumeTrue("VM name not in <pid>@<host> format: " + vmName, p != -1);
 206         String pid = vmName.substring(0, p);
 207         Class<?> c;
 208         if (Java8OrEarlier) {
 209             ClassLoader cl = ToolProvider.getSystemToolClassLoader();
 210             c = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine", true, cl);
 211         } else {
 212             try {
 213                 // I don't know what changed to make this necessary...
 214                 c = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine", true, RedefineIntrinsicTest.class.getClassLoader());
 215             } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
 216                 try {
 217                     Class.forName("javax.naming.Reference");
 218                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException coreNamingMissing) {
 219                     // if core JDK classes aren't found, we are probably running in a
 220                     // JDK9 java.base environment and then missing class is OK
 221                     return false;

  85     @Override
  86     protected void registerInvocationPlugins(InvocationPlugins invocationPlugins) {
  87         BytecodeProvider replacementBytecodeProvider = getSystemClassLoaderBytecodeProvider();
  88         Registration r = new Registration(invocationPlugins, Original.class, replacementBytecodeProvider);
  89         r.registerMethodSubstitution(Intrinsic.class, "getValue");
  90         super.registerInvocationPlugins(invocationPlugins);
  91     }
  93     public static String callOriginalGetValue() {
  94         // This call will be intrinsified when compiled by Graal
  95         return Original.getValue();
  96     }
  98     public static String callIntrinsicGetValue() {
  99         // This call will *not* be intrinsified when compiled by Graal
 100         return Intrinsic.getValue();
 101     }
 103     @Test
 104     public void test() throws Throwable {
 105         assumeManagementLibraryIsLoadable();
 106         try {
 107             Class.forName("java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation");
 108         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
 109             // skip this test if java.instrument JDK9 module is missing
 110             return;
 111         }
 112         String recursionPropName = getClass().getName() + ".recursion";
 113         if (Java8OrEarlier || Boolean.getBoolean(recursionPropName)) {
 114             testHelper();
 115         } else {
 116             List<String> vmArgs = withoutDebuggerArguments(getVMCommandLine());
 117             vmArgs.add("-D" + recursionPropName + "=true");
 118             vmArgs.add("-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true");
 119             Subprocess proc = java(vmArgs, "com.oracle.mxtool.junit.MxJUnitWrapper", getClass().getName());
 120             if (proc.exitCode != 0) {
 121                 Assert.fail(String.format("non-zero exit code %d for command:%n%s", proc.exitCode, proc));
 122             }
 123         }
 124     }

 182         Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
 183         manifest.getMainAttributes().put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
 184         Attributes mainAttrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
 185         mainAttrs.putValue("Agent-Class", RedefinerAgent.class.getName());
 186         mainAttrs.putValue("Can-Redefine-Classes", "true");
 187         mainAttrs.putValue("Can-Retransform-Classes", "true");
 189         Path jar = Files.createTempFile("myagent", ".jar");
 190         try {
 191             JarOutputStream jarStream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jar.toFile()), manifest);
 192             add(jarStream, RedefinerAgent.class);
 193             add(jarStream, Redefiner.class);
 194             jarStream.close();
 196             return loadAgent(jar);
 197         } finally {
 198             Files.deleteIfExists(jar);
 199         }
 200     }
 202     @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "unused"})
 203     public static boolean loadAgent(Path agent) throws Exception {
 204         String vmName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
 205         int p = vmName.indexOf('@');
 206         assumeTrue("VM name not in <pid>@<host> format: " + vmName, p != -1);
 207         String pid = vmName.substring(0, p);
 208         Class<?> c;
 209         if (Java8OrEarlier) {
 210             ClassLoader cl = ToolProvider.getSystemToolClassLoader();
 211             c = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine", true, cl);
 212         } else {
 213             try {
 214                 // I don't know what changed to make this necessary...
 215                 c = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine", true, RedefineIntrinsicTest.class.getClassLoader());
 216             } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
 217                 try {
 218                     Class.forName("javax.naming.Reference");
 219                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException coreNamingMissing) {
 220                     // if core JDK classes aren't found, we are probably running in a
 221                     // JDK9 java.base environment and then missing class is OK
 222                     return false;

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