Code Review for openjdk8

Prepared on Mon May 27 01:29:06 MSK 2013
Summary of changes: 126 lines changed: 118 ins; 2 del; 6 mod; 123 unchg
Patch of changes: openjdk8.patch
Legend: Modified file
Deleted file
New file

Cdiffs Udiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw jaxp/src/javax/xml/xpath/

48 lines changed: 40 ins; 2 del; 6 mod; 123 unchg

------ ------ ------ ------ --- New Patch Raw jdk/test/com/sun/org/apache/xpath/

78 lines changed: 78 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 0 unchg

This code review page was prepared using make/scripts/webrev.ksh (vers 23.18-hg+jbs).