/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.vm.ci.hotspot; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVM.compilerToVM; import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotConstantPool.isSignaturePolymorphicHolder; import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime; import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotModifiers.jvmClassModifiers; import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotVMConfig.config; import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.HashMap; import jdk.vm.ci.common.JVMCIError; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions.AssumptionResult; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions.ConcreteMethod; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions.ConcreteSubtype; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions.LeafType; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Assumptions.NoFinalizableSubclass; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaType; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaField; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.UnresolvedJavaField; import jdk.vm.ci.meta.UnresolvedJavaType; /** * Implementation of {@link JavaType} for resolved non-primitive HotSpot classes. */ final class HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl extends HotSpotResolvedJavaType implements HotSpotResolvedObjectType, MetaspaceWrapperObject { private static final HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] NO_FIELDS = new HotSpotResolvedJavaField[0]; private static final int METHOD_CACHE_ARRAY_CAPACITY = 8; /** * The Java class this type represents. */ private final Class javaClass; private HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl[] methodCacheArray; private HashMap methodCacheHashMap; private HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] instanceFields; private HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl[] interfaces; private HotSpotConstantPool constantPool; final HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext context; private HotSpotResolvedObjectType arrayOfType; /** * Gets the JVMCI mirror for a {@link Class} object. * * @return the {@link HotSpotResolvedJavaType} corresponding to {@code javaClass} */ static HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl fromObjectClass(Class javaClass) { return (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) runtime().fromClass(javaClass); } /** * Gets the JVMCI mirror from a HotSpot type. Since {@link Class} is already a proxy for the * underlying Klass*, it is used instead of the raw Klass*. * * Called from the VM. * * @param javaClass a {@link Class} object * @return the {@link ResolvedJavaType} corresponding to {@code javaClass} */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl fromMetaspace(Class javaClass) { return fromObjectClass(javaClass); } /** * Creates the JVMCI mirror for a {@link Class} object. * *

* NOTE: Creating an instance of this class does not install the mirror for the * {@link Class} type. Use {@link #fromObjectClass(Class)} or {@link #fromMetaspace(Class)} * instead. *

* * @param javaClass the Class to create the mirror for * @param context */ HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl(Class javaClass, HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext context) { super(getSignatureName(javaClass)); this.javaClass = javaClass; this.context = context; assert getName().charAt(0) != '[' || isArray() : getName(); } /** * Returns the name of this type as it would appear in a signature. */ private static String getSignatureName(Class javaClass) { if (javaClass.isArray()) { return javaClass.getName().replace('.', '/'); } return "L" + javaClass.getName().replace('.', '/') + ";"; } /** * Gets the metaspace Klass for this type. */ long getMetaspaceKlass() { if (HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.getHostWordKind() == JavaKind.Long) { return UNSAFE.getLong(javaClass, config().klassOffset); } return UNSAFE.getInt(javaClass, config().klassOffset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } @Override public long getMetaspacePointer() { return getMetaspaceKlass(); } /** * The Klass* for this object is kept alive by the direct reference to {@link #javaClass} so no * extra work is required. */ @Override public boolean isRegistered() { return true; } @Override public int getModifiers() { if (isArray()) { return (getElementalType().getModifiers() & (Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.PROTECTED)) | Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.ABSTRACT; } else { return getAccessFlags() & jvmClassModifiers(); } } public int getAccessFlags() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); return UNSAFE.getInt(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.klassAccessFlagsOffset); } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectType getArrayClass() { if (arrayOfType == null) { arrayOfType = fromObjectClass(Array.newInstance(mirror(), 0).getClass()); } return arrayOfType; } @Override public ResolvedJavaType getComponentType() { Class javaComponentType = mirror().getComponentType(); return javaComponentType == null ? null : runtime().fromClass(javaComponentType); } @Override public AssumptionResult findLeafConcreteSubtype() { if (isLeaf()) { // No assumptions are required. return new AssumptionResult<>(this); } HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); if (isArray()) { ResolvedJavaType elementalType = getElementalType(); AssumptionResult elementType = elementalType.findLeafConcreteSubtype(); if (elementType != null && elementType.getResult().equals(elementalType)) { /* * If the elementType is leaf then the array is leaf under the same assumptions but * only if the element type is exactly the leaf type. The element type can be * abstract even if there is only one implementor of the abstract type. */ AssumptionResult result = new AssumptionResult<>(this); result.add(elementType); return result; } return null; } else if (isInterface()) { HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl implementor = getSingleImplementor(); /* * If the implementor field contains itself that indicates that the interface has more * than one implementors (see: InstanceKlass::add_implementor). */ if (implementor == null || implementor.equals(this)) { return null; } assert !implementor.isInterface(); if (implementor.isAbstract() || !implementor.isLeafClass()) { AssumptionResult leafConcreteSubtype = implementor.findLeafConcreteSubtype(); if (leafConcreteSubtype != null) { assert !leafConcreteSubtype.getResult().equals(implementor); AssumptionResult newResult = new AssumptionResult<>(leafConcreteSubtype.getResult(), new ConcreteSubtype(this, implementor)); // Accumulate leaf assumptions and return the combined result. newResult.add(leafConcreteSubtype); return newResult; } return null; } return concreteSubtype(implementor); } else { HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl type = this; while (type.isAbstract()) { HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl subklass = type.getSubklass(); if (subklass == null || UNSAFE.getAddress(subklass.getMetaspaceKlass() + config.nextSiblingOffset) != 0) { return null; } type = subklass; } if (type.isAbstract() || type.isInterface() || !type.isLeafClass()) { return null; } if (this.isAbstract()) { return concreteSubtype(type); } else { assert this.equals(type); return new AssumptionResult<>(type, new LeafType(type)); } } } private AssumptionResult concreteSubtype(HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl type) { if (type.isLeaf()) { return new AssumptionResult<>(type, new ConcreteSubtype(this, type)); } else { return new AssumptionResult<>(type, new LeafType(type), new ConcreteSubtype(this, type)); } } /** * Returns if type {@code type} is a leaf class. This is the case if the * {@code Klass::_subklass} field of the underlying class is zero. * * @return true if the type is a leaf class */ private boolean isLeafClass() { return UNSAFE.getLong(this.getMetaspaceKlass() + config().subklassOffset) == 0; } /** * Returns the {@code Klass::_subklass} field of the underlying metaspace klass for the given * type {@code type}. * * @return value of the subklass field as metaspace klass pointer */ private HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getSubklass() { return compilerToVM().getResolvedJavaType(this, config().subklassOffset, false); } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getSuperclass() { Class javaSuperclass = mirror().getSuperclass(); return javaSuperclass == null ? null : fromObjectClass(javaSuperclass); } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl[] getInterfaces() { if (interfaces == null) { Class[] javaInterfaces = mirror().getInterfaces(); HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl[] result = new HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl[javaInterfaces.length]; for (int i = 0; i < javaInterfaces.length; i++) { result[i] = fromObjectClass(javaInterfaces[i]); } interfaces = result; } return interfaces; } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getSingleImplementor() { if (!isInterface()) { throw new JVMCIError("Cannot call getSingleImplementor() on a non-interface type: %s", this); } return compilerToVM().getImplementor(this); } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getSupertype() { if (isArray()) { ResolvedJavaType componentType = getComponentType(); if (mirror() == Object[].class || componentType.isPrimitive()) { return fromObjectClass(Object.class); } return (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) ((HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) componentType).getSupertype().getArrayClass(); } if (isInterface()) { return fromObjectClass(Object.class); } return getSuperclass(); } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectType findLeastCommonAncestor(ResolvedJavaType otherType) { if (otherType.isPrimitive()) { return null; } else { HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl t1 = this; HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl t2 = (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) otherType; while (true) { if (t1.isAssignableFrom(t2)) { return t1; } if (t2.isAssignableFrom(t1)) { return t2; } t1 = t1.getSupertype(); t2 = t2.getSupertype(); } } } @Override public AssumptionResult hasFinalizableSubclass() { assert !isArray(); if (!compilerToVM().hasFinalizableSubclass(this)) { return new AssumptionResult<>(false, new NoFinalizableSubclass(this)); } return new AssumptionResult<>(true); } @Override public boolean hasFinalizer() { return (getAccessFlags() & config().jvmAccHasFinalizer) != 0; } @Override public boolean isPrimitive() { return false; } @Override public boolean isArray() { return mirror().isArray(); } @Override public boolean isEnum() { return mirror().isEnum(); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return isArray() ? true : getInitState() == config().instanceKlassStateFullyInitialized; } @Override public boolean isLinked() { return isArray() ? true : getInitState() >= config().instanceKlassStateLinked; } /** * Returns the value of the state field {@code InstanceKlass::_init_state} of the metaspace * klass. * * @return state field value of this type */ private int getInitState() { assert !isArray() : "_init_state only exists in InstanceKlass"; return UNSAFE.getByte(getMetaspaceKlass() + config().instanceKlassInitStateOffset) & 0xFF; } @Override public void initialize() { if (!isInitialized()) { UNSAFE.ensureClassInitialized(mirror()); assert isInitialized(); } } @Override public boolean isInstance(JavaConstant obj) { if (obj.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object && !obj.isNull()) { return mirror().isInstance(((HotSpotObjectConstantImpl) obj).object()); } return false; } @Override public boolean isInstanceClass() { return !isArray() && !isInterface(); } @Override public boolean isInterface() { return mirror().isInterface(); } @Override public boolean isAssignableFrom(ResolvedJavaType other) { assert other != null; if (other instanceof HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) { HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl otherType = (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) other; return mirror().isAssignableFrom(otherType.mirror()); } return false; } @Override public ResolvedJavaType getHostClass() { if (isArray()) { return null; } return compilerToVM().getHostClass(this); } @Override public boolean isJavaLangObject() { return javaClass.equals(Object.class); } @Override public JavaKind getJavaKind() { return JavaKind.Object; } @Override public ResolvedJavaMethod resolveMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod method, ResolvedJavaType callerType) { assert !callerType.isArray(); if (isInterface()) { // Methods can only be resolved against concrete types return null; } if (method.isConcrete() && method.getDeclaringClass().equals(this) && method.isPublic() && !isSignaturePolymorphicHolder(method.getDeclaringClass())) { return method; } if (!method.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(this)) { return null; } HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl hotSpotMethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl) method; HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl hotSpotCallerType = (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) callerType; return compilerToVM().resolveMethod(this, hotSpotMethod, hotSpotCallerType); } @Override public HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { if (constantPool == null || !isArray() && UNSAFE.getAddress(getMetaspaceKlass() + config().instanceKlassConstantsOffset) != constantPool.getMetaspaceConstantPool()) { /* * If the pointer to the ConstantPool has changed since this was last read refresh the * HotSpotConstantPool wrapper object. This ensures that uses of the constant pool are * operating on the latest one and that HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpls will be able to * use the shared copy instead of creating their own instance. */ constantPool = compilerToVM().getConstantPool(this); } return constantPool; } /** * Gets the instance size of this type. If an instance of this type cannot be fast path * allocated, then the returned value is negative (its absolute value gives the size). Must not * be called if this is an array or interface type. */ @Override public int instanceSize() { assert !isArray(); assert !isInterface(); HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); final int layoutHelper = layoutHelper(); assert layoutHelper > config.klassLayoutHelperNeutralValue : "must be instance"; // See: Klass::layout_helper_size_in_bytes int size = layoutHelper & ~config.klassLayoutHelperInstanceSlowPathBit; // See: Klass::layout_helper_needs_slow_path boolean needsSlowPath = (layoutHelper & config.klassLayoutHelperInstanceSlowPathBit) != 0; return needsSlowPath ? -size : size; } @Override public int layoutHelper() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); return UNSAFE.getInt(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.klassLayoutHelperOffset); } @Override public long getFingerprint() { return compilerToVM().getFingerprint(getMetaspaceKlass()); } synchronized HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod createMethod(long metaspaceMethod) { // Maintain cache as array. if (methodCacheArray == null) { methodCacheArray = new HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl[METHOD_CACHE_ARRAY_CAPACITY]; } int i = 0; for (; i < methodCacheArray.length; ++i) { HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl curMethod = methodCacheArray[i]; if (curMethod == null) { HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl newMethod = new HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl(this, metaspaceMethod); methodCacheArray[i] = newMethod; context.add(newMethod); return newMethod; } else if (curMethod.getMetaspacePointer() == metaspaceMethod) { return curMethod; } } // Fall-back to hash table. if (methodCacheHashMap == null) { methodCacheHashMap = new HashMap<>(); } HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl lookupResult = methodCacheHashMap.get(metaspaceMethod); if (lookupResult == null) { HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl newMethod = new HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl(this, metaspaceMethod); methodCacheHashMap.put(metaspaceMethod, newMethod); context.add(lookupResult); return newMethod; } else { return lookupResult; } } @Override public int getVtableLength() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); if (isInterface() || isArray()) { /* Everything has the core vtable of java.lang.Object */ return config.baseVtableLength(); } int result = UNSAFE.getInt(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.klassVtableLengthOffset) / (config.vtableEntrySize / config.heapWordSize); assert result >= config.baseVtableLength() : UNSAFE.getInt(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.klassVtableLengthOffset) + " " + config.vtableEntrySize; return result; } HotSpotResolvedJavaField createField(JavaType type, long offset, int rawFlags, int index) { return new HotSpotResolvedJavaFieldImpl(this, type, offset, rawFlags, index); } @Override public AssumptionResult findUniqueConcreteMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod method) { HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod hmethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) method; HotSpotResolvedObjectType declaredHolder = hmethod.getDeclaringClass(); /* * Sometimes the receiver type in the graph hasn't stabilized to a subtype of declared * holder, usually because of phis, so make sure that the type is related to the declared * type before using it for lookup. Unlinked types should also be ignored because we can't * resolve the proper method to invoke. Generally unlinked types in invokes should result in * a deopt instead since they can't really be used if they aren't linked yet. */ if (!declaredHolder.isAssignableFrom(this) || this.isArray() || this.equals(declaredHolder) || !isLinked() || isInterface()) { ResolvedJavaMethod result = hmethod.uniqueConcreteMethod(declaredHolder); if (result != null) { return new AssumptionResult<>(result, new ConcreteMethod(method, declaredHolder, result)); } return null; } /* * The holder may be a subtype of the declaredHolder so make sure to resolve the method to * the correct method for the subtype. */ HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod resolvedMethod = (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod) resolveMethod(hmethod, this); if (resolvedMethod == null) { // The type isn't known to implement the method. return null; } ResolvedJavaMethod result = resolvedMethod.uniqueConcreteMethod(this); if (result != null) { return new AssumptionResult<>(result, new ConcreteMethod(method, this, result)); } return null; } FieldInfo createFieldInfo(int index) { return new FieldInfo(index); } /** * This class represents the field information for one field contained in the fields array of an * {@code InstanceKlass}. The implementation is similar to the native {@code FieldInfo} class. */ class FieldInfo { /** * Native pointer into the array of Java shorts. */ private final long metaspaceData; /** * Creates a field info for the field in the fields array at index {@code index}. * * @param index index to the fields array */ FieldInfo(int index) { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); // Get Klass::_fields final long metaspaceFields = UNSAFE.getAddress(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.instanceKlassFieldsOffset); assert config.fieldInfoFieldSlots == 6 : "revisit the field parsing code"; int offset = config.fieldInfoFieldSlots * Short.BYTES * index; metaspaceData = metaspaceFields + config.arrayU2DataOffset + offset; } private int getAccessFlags() { return readFieldSlot(config().fieldInfoAccessFlagsOffset); } private int getNameIndex() { return readFieldSlot(config().fieldInfoNameIndexOffset); } private int getSignatureIndex() { return readFieldSlot(config().fieldInfoSignatureIndexOffset); } public int getOffset() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); final int lowPacked = readFieldSlot(config.fieldInfoLowPackedOffset); final int highPacked = readFieldSlot(config.fieldInfoHighPackedOffset); final int offset = ((highPacked << Short.SIZE) | lowPacked) >> config.fieldInfoTagSize; return offset; } /** * Helper method to read an entry (slot) from the field array. Currently field info is laid * on top an array of Java shorts. */ private int readFieldSlot(int index) { int offset = Short.BYTES * index; return UNSAFE.getChar(metaspaceData + offset); } /** * Returns the name of this field as a {@link String}. If the field is an internal field the * name index is pointing into the vmSymbols table. */ public String getName() { final int nameIndex = getNameIndex(); return isInternal() ? config().symbolAt(nameIndex) : getConstantPool().lookupUtf8(nameIndex); } /** * Returns the signature of this field as {@link String}. If the field is an internal field * the signature index is pointing into the vmSymbols table. */ public String getSignature() { final int signatureIndex = getSignatureIndex(); return isInternal() ? config().symbolAt(signatureIndex) : getConstantPool().lookupUtf8(signatureIndex); } public JavaType getType() { String signature = getSignature(); return runtime().lookupType(signature, HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl.this, false); } private boolean isInternal() { return (getAccessFlags() & config().jvmAccFieldInternal) != 0; } public boolean isStatic() { return Modifier.isStatic(getAccessFlags()); } public boolean hasGenericSignature() { return (getAccessFlags() & config().jvmAccFieldHasGenericSignature) != 0; } } @Override public ResolvedJavaField[] getInstanceFields(boolean includeSuperclasses) { if (instanceFields == null) { if (isArray() || isInterface()) { instanceFields = NO_FIELDS; } else { HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] prepend = NO_FIELDS; if (getSuperclass() != null) { prepend = (HotSpotResolvedJavaField[]) getSuperclass().getInstanceFields(true); } instanceFields = getFields(false, prepend); } } if (!includeSuperclasses && getSuperclass() != null) { int superClassFieldCount = getSuperclass().getInstanceFields(true).length; if (superClassFieldCount == instanceFields.length) { // This class does not have any instance fields of its own. return NO_FIELDS; } else if (superClassFieldCount != 0) { HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] result = new HotSpotResolvedJavaField[instanceFields.length - superClassFieldCount]; System.arraycopy(instanceFields, superClassFieldCount, result, 0, result.length); return result; } else { // The super classes of this class do not have any instance fields. } } return instanceFields; } @Override public ResolvedJavaField[] getStaticFields() { if (isArray()) { return new HotSpotResolvedJavaField[0]; } else { return getFields(true, NO_FIELDS); } } /** * Gets the instance or static fields of this class. * * @param retrieveStaticFields specifies whether to return instance or static fields * @param prepend an array to be prepended to the returned result */ private HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] getFields(boolean retrieveStaticFields, HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] prepend) { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); final long metaspaceFields = UNSAFE.getAddress(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.instanceKlassFieldsOffset); int metaspaceFieldsLength = UNSAFE.getInt(metaspaceFields + config.arrayU1LengthOffset); int resultCount = 0; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < metaspaceFieldsLength; i += config.fieldInfoFieldSlots, index++) { FieldInfo field = new FieldInfo(index); if (field.hasGenericSignature()) { metaspaceFieldsLength--; } if (field.isStatic() == retrieveStaticFields) { resultCount++; } } if (resultCount == 0) { return prepend; } int prependLength = prepend.length; resultCount += prependLength; HotSpotResolvedJavaField[] result = new HotSpotResolvedJavaField[resultCount]; if (prependLength != 0) { System.arraycopy(prepend, 0, result, 0, prependLength); } int resultIndex = prependLength; for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { FieldInfo field = new FieldInfo(i); if (field.isStatic() == retrieveStaticFields) { int offset = field.getOffset(); HotSpotResolvedJavaField resolvedJavaField = createField(field.getType(), offset, field.getAccessFlags(), i); // Make sure the result is sorted by offset. int j; for (j = resultIndex - 1; j >= prependLength && result[j].getOffset() > offset; j--) { result[j + 1] = result[j]; } result[j + 1] = resolvedJavaField; resultIndex++; } } return result; } @Override public Class mirror() { return javaClass; } @Override public String getSourceFileName() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); final int sourceFileNameIndex = UNSAFE.getChar(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.instanceKlassSourceFileNameIndexOffset); if (sourceFileNameIndex == 0) { return null; } return getConstantPool().lookupUtf8(sourceFileNameIndex); } @Override public Annotation[] getAnnotations() { return mirror().getAnnotations(); } @Override public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations() { return mirror().getDeclaredAnnotations(); } @Override public T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass) { return mirror().getAnnotation(annotationClass); } /** * Performs a fast-path check that this type is resolved in the context of a given accessing * class. A negative result does not mean this type is not resolved with respect to * {@code accessingClass}. That can only be determined by * {@linkplain HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#lookupType(String, HotSpotResolvedObjectType, boolean) * re-resolving} the type. */ @Override public boolean isDefinitelyResolvedWithRespectTo(ResolvedJavaType accessingClass) { assert accessingClass != null; ResolvedJavaType elementType = getElementalType(); if (elementType.isPrimitive()) { // Primitive type resolution is context free. return true; } if (elementType.getName().startsWith("Ljava/")) { // Classes in a java.* package can only be defined by the // boot or platform class loader. return true; } ClassLoader thisCl = mirror().getClassLoader(); ClassLoader accessingClassCl = ((HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) accessingClass).mirror().getClassLoader(); return thisCl == accessingClassCl; } @Override public ResolvedJavaType resolve(ResolvedJavaType accessingClass) { if (isDefinitelyResolvedWithRespectTo(requireNonNull(accessingClass))) { return this; } HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl accessingType = (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) accessingClass; return (ResolvedJavaType) runtime().lookupType(getName(), accessingType, true); } /** * Gets the metaspace Klass boxed in a {@link JavaConstant}. */ @Override public Constant klass() { return HotSpotMetaspaceConstantImpl.forMetaspaceObject(this, false); } @Override public boolean isPrimaryType() { return config().secondarySuperCacheOffset != superCheckOffset(); } @Override public int superCheckOffset() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); return UNSAFE.getInt(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.superCheckOffsetOffset); } @Override public long prototypeMarkWord() { HotSpotVMConfig config = config(); if (isArray()) { return config.arrayPrototypeMarkWord(); } else { return UNSAFE.getAddress(getMetaspaceKlass() + config.prototypeMarkWordOffset); } } @Override public ResolvedJavaField findInstanceFieldWithOffset(long offset, JavaKind expectedEntryKind) { ResolvedJavaField[] declaredFields = getInstanceFields(true); return findFieldWithOffset(offset, expectedEntryKind, declaredFields); } public ResolvedJavaField findStaticFieldWithOffset(long offset, JavaKind expectedEntryKind) { ResolvedJavaField[] declaredFields = getStaticFields(); return findFieldWithOffset(offset, expectedEntryKind, declaredFields); } private static ResolvedJavaField findFieldWithOffset(long offset, JavaKind expectedEntryKind, ResolvedJavaField[] declaredFields) { for (ResolvedJavaField field : declaredFields) { HotSpotResolvedJavaField resolvedField = (HotSpotResolvedJavaField) field; long resolvedFieldOffset = resolvedField.getOffset(); // @formatter:off if (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN && expectedEntryKind.isPrimitive() && !expectedEntryKind.equals(JavaKind.Void) && resolvedField.getJavaKind().isPrimitive()) { resolvedFieldOffset += resolvedField.getJavaKind().getByteCount() - Math.min(resolvedField.getJavaKind().getByteCount(), 4 + expectedEntryKind.getByteCount()); } if (resolvedFieldOffset == offset) { return field; } // @formatter:on } return null; } @Override public boolean isLocal() { return mirror().isLocalClass(); } @Override public boolean isMember() { return mirror().isMemberClass(); } @Override public HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl getEnclosingType() { final Class encl = mirror().getEnclosingClass(); return encl == null ? null : fromObjectClass(encl); } @Override public ResolvedJavaMethod[] getDeclaredConstructors() { Constructor[] constructors = mirror().getDeclaredConstructors(); ResolvedJavaMethod[] result = new ResolvedJavaMethod[constructors.length]; for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) { result[i] = runtime().getHostJVMCIBackend().getMetaAccess().lookupJavaMethod(constructors[i]); assert result[i].isConstructor(); } return result; } @Override public ResolvedJavaMethod[] getDeclaredMethods() { Method[] methods = mirror().getDeclaredMethods(); ResolvedJavaMethod[] result = new ResolvedJavaMethod[methods.length]; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { result[i] = runtime().getHostJVMCIBackend().getMetaAccess().lookupJavaMethod(methods[i]); assert !result[i].isConstructor(); } return result; } @Override public ResolvedJavaMethod getClassInitializer() { if (!isArray()) { return compilerToVM().getClassInitializer(this); } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return "HotSpotType<" + getName() + ", resolved>"; } @Override public ResolvedJavaType lookupType(UnresolvedJavaType unresolvedJavaType, boolean resolve) { JavaType javaType = HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime().lookupType(unresolvedJavaType.getName(), this, resolve); if (javaType instanceof ResolvedJavaType) { return (ResolvedJavaType) javaType; } return null; } @Override public ResolvedJavaField resolveField(UnresolvedJavaField unresolvedJavaField, ResolvedJavaType accessingClass) { for (ResolvedJavaField field : getInstanceFields(false)) { if (field.getName().equals(unresolvedJavaField.getName())) { return field; } } for (ResolvedJavaField field : getStaticFields()) { if (field.getName().equals(unresolvedJavaField.getName())) { return field; } } throw new InternalError(unresolvedJavaField.toString()); } @Override public boolean isCloneableWithAllocation() { return (getAccessFlags() & config().jvmAccIsCloneableFast) != 0; } private int getMiscFlags() { return UNSAFE.getInt(getMetaspaceKlass() + config().instanceKlassMiscFlagsOffset); } @Override public boolean isAnonymous() { return (getMiscFlags() & config().instanceKlassMiscIsAnonymous) != 0; } }