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  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package jdk.test.lib.jittester.factories;
  26 import java.util.ArrayList;
  27 import java.util.Collection;
  28 import java.util.List;
  30 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.IRNode;

  31 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.ProductionFailedException;
  32 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Symbol;
  33 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.SymbolTable;
  34 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Type;
  35 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.TypeList;
  36 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.VariableInfo;
  37 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.ArgumentDeclaration;
  38 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionDefinition;
  39 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionInfo;

  40 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.types.TypeKlass;
  41 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.types.TypeVoid;
  42 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.utils.PseudoRandom;
  44 class FunctionDefinitionFactory extends Factory {
  45     private final Type resultType;
  46     private final String name;
  47     private final long complexityLimit;
  48     private final int statementLimit;
  49     private final int operatorLimit;
  50     private final int memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  51     private final int flags;
  52     private final int level;
  53     private final TypeKlass ownerClass;
  55     FunctionDefinitionFactory(String name, TypeKlass ownerClass, Type resultType,
  56             long complexityLimit, int statementLimit, int operatorLimit,
  57             int memberFunctionsArgLimit, int level, int flags) {
  58         this.name = name;
  59         this.ownerClass = ownerClass;
  60         this.resultType = resultType;
  61         this.complexityLimit = complexityLimit;
  62         this.statementLimit = statementLimit;
  63         this.operatorLimit = operatorLimit;
  64         this.memberFunctionsArgLimit = memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  65         this.level = level;
  66         this.flags = flags;
  67     }
  69     @Override
  70     public IRNode produce() throws ProductionFailedException {
  71         Type resType = resultType;
  72         if (resType == null) {
  73             List<Type> types = new ArrayList<>(TypeList.getAll());
  74             types.add(new TypeVoid());
  75             resType = PseudoRandom.randomElement(types);
  76         }
  77         int argNumber = (int) (PseudoRandom.random() * memberFunctionsArgLimit);
  78         ArrayList<VariableInfo> argumentsInfo;
  79         if ((flags & FunctionInfo.STATIC) > 0) {
  80             argumentsInfo = new ArrayList<>(argNumber);
  81         } else {
  82             argumentsInfo = new ArrayList<>(argNumber + 1);
  83             argumentsInfo.add(new VariableInfo("this", ownerClass, ownerClass,
  84                     VariableInfo.FINAL | VariableInfo.LOCAL | VariableInfo.INITIALIZED));
  85         }
  86         ArrayList<ArgumentDeclaration> argumentsDeclaration = new ArrayList<>(argNumber);
  87         SymbolTable.push();
  88         IRNode body;
  89         IRNode returnNode;
  90         FunctionInfo functionInfo;
  91         try {
  92             IRNodeBuilder builder = new IRNodeBuilder().setArgumentType(ownerClass);
  93             int i = 0;
  94             for (; i < argNumber; i++) {
  95                 ArgumentDeclaration d = builder.setVariableNumber(i).getArgumentDeclarationFactory()
  96                         .produce();
  97                 argumentsDeclaration.add(d);
  98                 argumentsInfo.add(d.variableInfo);
  99             }
 100             Collection<Symbol> thisKlassFuncs = SymbolTable.getAllCombined(ownerClass,
 101                     FunctionInfo.class);
 102             Collection<Symbol> parentFuncs = FunctionDefinition.getFuncsFromParents(ownerClass);
 103             while (true) {
 104                 functionInfo = new FunctionInfo(name, ownerClass, resType, 0, flags,
 105                         argumentsInfo);
 106                 if (thisKlassFuncs.contains(functionInfo)
 107                         || FunctionDefinition.isInvalidOverride(functionInfo, parentFuncs)) {
 108                     // try changing the signature, and go checking again.
 109                     ArgumentDeclaration argDecl = builder.setVariableNumber(i++)
 110                             .getArgumentDeclarationFactory().produce();
 111                     argumentsDeclaration.add(argDecl);
 112                     argumentsInfo.add(argDecl.variableInfo);
 113                 } else {
 114                     break;
 115                 }
 116             }
 117             long blockComplLimit = (long) (PseudoRandom.random() * complexityLimit);
 118             body = builder.setOwnerKlass(ownerClass)
 119                     .setResultType(resType)
 120                     .setComplexityLimit(blockComplLimit)
 121                     .setStatementLimit(statementLimit)
 122                     .setOperatorLimit(operatorLimit)
 123                     .setLevel(level)
 124                     .setSubBlock(true)
 125                     .setCanHaveBreaks(false)
 126                     .setCanHaveContinues(false)
 127                     .setCanHaveReturn(true)
 128                     .getBlockFactory()
 129                     .produce();
 130             if (!resType.equals(new TypeVoid())) {
 131                 returnNode = builder.setComplexityLimit(complexityLimit - blockComplLimit)
 132                         .setExceptionSafe(false)
 133                         .getReturnFactory()
 134                         .produce();
 135             } else {
 136                 returnNode = null;
 137             }
 138         } finally {
 139             SymbolTable.pop();
 140         }
 141         // addChildren(argumentsDeclaration); // not neccessary while complexity() doesn't use it
 142         functionInfo = new FunctionInfo(name, ownerClass, resType, body == null ? 0 : body.complexity(),
 143                 flags, argumentsInfo);
 144         // If it's all ok, add the function to the symbol table.
 145         SymbolTable.add(functionInfo);
 146         return new FunctionDefinition(functionInfo, argumentsDeclaration, body, returnNode);
 147     }
 148 }

  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package jdk.test.lib.jittester.factories;
  26 import java.util.ArrayList;
  27 import java.util.Collection;
  28 import java.util.List;
  30 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.IRNode;
  31 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Nothing;
  32 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.ProductionFailedException;
  33 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Symbol;
  34 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.SymbolTable;
  35 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Type;
  36 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.TypeList;
  37 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.VariableInfo;
  38 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.ArgumentDeclaration;
  39 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionDefinition;
  40 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionInfo;
  41 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.Return;
  42 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.types.TypeKlass;

  43 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.utils.PseudoRandom;
  45 class FunctionDefinitionFactory extends Factory<FunctionDefinition> {
  46     private final Type resultType;
  47     private final String name;
  48     private final long complexityLimit;
  49     private final int statementLimit;
  50     private final int operatorLimit;
  51     private final int memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  52     private final int flags;
  53     private final int level;
  54     private final TypeKlass ownerClass;
  56     FunctionDefinitionFactory(String name, TypeKlass ownerClass, Type resultType,
  57             long complexityLimit, int statementLimit, int operatorLimit,
  58             int memberFunctionsArgLimit, int level, int flags) {
  59         this.name = name;
  60         this.ownerClass = ownerClass;
  61         this.resultType = resultType;
  62         this.complexityLimit = complexityLimit;
  63         this.statementLimit = statementLimit;
  64         this.operatorLimit = operatorLimit;
  65         this.memberFunctionsArgLimit = memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  66         this.level = level;
  67         this.flags = flags;
  68     }
  70     @Override
  71     public FunctionDefinition produce() throws ProductionFailedException {
  72         Type resType = resultType;
  73         if (resType == null) {
  74             List<Type> types = new ArrayList<>(TypeList.getAll());
  75             types.add(TypeList.VOID);
  76             resType = PseudoRandom.randomElement(types);
  77         }
  78         int argNumber = (int) (PseudoRandom.random() * memberFunctionsArgLimit);
  79         ArrayList<VariableInfo> argumentsInfo;
  80         if ((flags & FunctionInfo.STATIC) > 0) {
  81             argumentsInfo = new ArrayList<>(argNumber);
  82         } else {
  83             argumentsInfo = new ArrayList<>(argNumber + 1);
  84             argumentsInfo.add(new VariableInfo("this", ownerClass, ownerClass,
  85                     VariableInfo.FINAL | VariableInfo.LOCAL | VariableInfo.INITIALIZED));
  86         }
  87         ArrayList<ArgumentDeclaration> argumentsDeclaration = new ArrayList<>(argNumber);
  88         SymbolTable.push();
  89         IRNode body;
  90         Return returnNode;
  91         FunctionInfo functionInfo;
  92         try {
  93             IRNodeBuilder builder = new IRNodeBuilder().setArgumentType(ownerClass);
  94             int i = 0;
  95             for (; i < argNumber; i++) {
  96                 ArgumentDeclaration d = builder.setVariableNumber(i).getArgumentDeclarationFactory()
  97                         .produce();
  98                 argumentsDeclaration.add(d);
  99                 argumentsInfo.add(d.variableInfo);
 100             }
 101             Collection<Symbol> thisKlassFuncs = SymbolTable.getAllCombined(ownerClass,
 102                     FunctionInfo.class);
 103             Collection<Symbol> parentFuncs = FunctionDefinition.getFuncsFromParents(ownerClass);
 104             while (true) {
 105                 functionInfo = new FunctionInfo(name, ownerClass, resType, 0, flags,
 106                         argumentsInfo);
 107                 if (thisKlassFuncs.contains(functionInfo)
 108                         || FunctionDefinition.isInvalidOverride(functionInfo, parentFuncs)) {
 109                     // try changing the signature, and go checking again.
 110                     ArgumentDeclaration argDecl = builder.setVariableNumber(i++)
 111                             .getArgumentDeclarationFactory().produce();
 112                     argumentsDeclaration.add(argDecl);
 113                     argumentsInfo.add(argDecl.variableInfo);
 114                 } else {
 115                     break;
 116                 }
 117             }
 118             long blockComplLimit = (long) (PseudoRandom.random() * complexityLimit);
 119             body = builder.setOwnerKlass(ownerClass)
 120                     .setResultType(resType)
 121                     .setComplexityLimit(blockComplLimit)
 122                     .setStatementLimit(statementLimit)
 123                     .setOperatorLimit(operatorLimit)
 124                     .setLevel(level)
 125                     .setSubBlock(true)
 126                     .setCanHaveBreaks(false)
 127                     .setCanHaveContinues(false)
 128                     .setCanHaveReturn(true)
 129                     .getBlockFactory()
 130                     .produce();
 131             if (!resType.equals(TypeList.VOID)) {
 132                 returnNode = builder.setComplexityLimit(complexityLimit - blockComplLimit)
 133                         .setExceptionSafe(false)
 134                         .getReturnFactory()
 135                         .produce();
 136             } else {
 137                 returnNode = new Return(new Nothing());
 138             }
 139         } finally {
 140             SymbolTable.pop();
 141         }
 142         // addChildren(argumentsDeclaration); // not neccessary while complexity() doesn't use it
 143         functionInfo = new FunctionInfo(name, ownerClass, resType, body == null ? 0 : body.complexity(),
 144                 flags, argumentsInfo);
 145         // If it's all ok, add the function to the symbol table.
 146         SymbolTable.add(functionInfo);
 147         return new FunctionDefinition(functionInfo, argumentsDeclaration, body, returnNode);
 148     }
 149 }
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