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  26 import java.util.ArrayList;
  27 import java.util.HashSet;
  28 import java.util.Iterator;
  29 import java.util.LinkedList;
  30 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.IRNode;
  31 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.ProductionFailedException;
  32 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.ProductionParams;
  33 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Symbol;
  34 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.SymbolTable;
  35 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Type;
  36 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.TypeList;
  37 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.VariableInfo;
  38 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.classes.Klass;
  39 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionDeclarationBlock;
  40 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionDefinition;
  41 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionInfo;
  42 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.types.TypeKlass;
  43 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.utils.PseudoRandom;
  45 class KlassFactory extends Factory {
  46     private final String name;
  47     private final String printerName;
  48     private final long complexityLimit;
  49     private final int statementsInFunctionLimit;
  50     private final int operatorLimit;
  51     private final int memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  52     private final int level;
  53     private final ArrayList<TypeKlass> interfaces;
  54     private TypeKlass thisKlass;
  55     private TypeKlass parent;
  56     private int memberFunctionsLimit;
  58     KlassFactory(String name, String printerName, long complexityLimit,
  59             int memberFunctionsLimit, int memberFunctionsArgLimit, int statementsInFunctionLimit,
  60             int operatorLimit, int level) {
  61         this.name = name;
  62         this.printerName = printerName;
  63         this.complexityLimit = complexityLimit;
  64         this.memberFunctionsLimit = memberFunctionsLimit;
  65         this.memberFunctionsArgLimit = memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  66         this.statementsInFunctionLimit = statementsInFunctionLimit;
  67         this.operatorLimit = operatorLimit;
  68         this.level = level;
  69         interfaces = new ArrayList<>();
  70     }
  72     @Override
  73     public IRNode produce() throws ProductionFailedException {
  74         HashSet<Symbol> abstractSet = new HashSet<>();
  75         HashSet<Symbol> overrideSet = new HashSet<>();
  76         thisKlass = new TypeKlass(name);
  77         // Do we want to inherit something?
  78         if (!ProductionParams.disableInheritance.value()) {
  79             inheritClass();
  80             inheritInterfaces();
  81             // Now, we should carefully construct a set of all methods with are still abstract.
  82             // In order to do that, we will make two sets of methods: abstract and non-abstract.
  83             // Then by substracting non-abstract from abstract we'll get what we want.
  84             HashSet<Symbol> nonAbstractSet = new HashSet<>();
  85             for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(thisKlass, FunctionInfo.class)) {
  86                 FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbol;
  87                 // There could be multiple definitions or declarations encountered,
  88                 // but all we interested in are signatures.
  89                 if ((functionInfo.flags & FunctionInfo.ABSTRACT) > 0) {
  90                     abstractSet.add(functionInfo);
  91                 } else {
  92                     nonAbstractSet.add(functionInfo);
  93                 }

 118                             break;
 119                         }
 120                         FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbol;
 121                         if ((functionInfo.flags & FunctionInfo.FINAL) > 0) {
 122                             continue;
 123                         }
 124                         overrideSet.add(functionInfo);
 125                     }
 126                 }
 127             }
 128             memberFunctionsLimit -= abstractSet.size() + overrideSet.size();
 129             // Ok, remove the symbols from the table which are going to be overrided.
 130             // Because the redefiner would probably modify them and put them back into table.
 131             for (Symbol symbol : abstractSet) {
 132                 SymbolTable.remove(symbol);
 133             }
 134             for (Symbol symbol : overrideSet) {
 135                 SymbolTable.remove(symbol);
 136             }
 137         } else {
 138             parent = (TypeKlass) TypeList.find("java.lang.Object");
 139             thisKlass.addParent(parent.getName());
 140             thisKlass.setParent(parent);
 141             parent.addChild(name);
 142         }
 143         // Just don't print it. It's assumed that we at least are inherited from Object.
 144         if (parent.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) {
 145             parent = null;
 146         }
 147         SymbolTable.add(new VariableInfo("this", thisKlass, thisKlass,
 148                 VariableInfo.FINAL | VariableInfo.LOCAL | VariableInfo.INITIALIZED));
 149         IRNode variableDeclarations = null;
 150         IRNode constructorDefinitions = null;
 151         IRNode functionDefinitions = null;
 152         IRNode functionDeclarations = null;
 153         IRNode abstractFunctionsRedefinitions = null;
 154         IRNode overridenFunctionsRedefinitions = null;
 155         IRNodeBuilder builder = new IRNodeBuilder().setPrinterName(printerName)
 156                 .setOwnerKlass(thisKlass)
 157                 .setExceptionSafe(true);
 158         try {
 159             builder.setLevel(level + 1)
 160                     .setOperatorLimit(operatorLimit)
 161                     .setStatementLimit(statementsInFunctionLimit)
 162                     .setMemberFunctionsArgLimit(memberFunctionsArgLimit);
 163             variableDeclarations = builder.setComplexityLimit((long) (complexityLimit * 0.001 * PseudoRandom.random()))
 164                     .getVariableDeclarationBlockFactory().produce();
 165             if (!ProductionParams.disableFunctions.value()) {
 166                 // Try to implement all methods.
 167                 abstractFunctionsRedefinitions = builder.setComplexityLimit((long) (complexityLimit * 0.3 * PseudoRandom.random()))
 168                         .setLevel(level + 1)
 169                         .getFunctionRedefinitionBlockFactory(abstractSet)
 170                         .produce();
 171                 overridenFunctionsRedefinitions = builder.setComplexityLimit((long) (complexityLimit * 0.3 * PseudoRandom.random()))
 172                         .getFunctionRedefinitionBlockFactory(overrideSet)
 173                         .produce();
 174                 if (PseudoRandom.randomBoolean(0.2)) { // wanna be abstract ?
 175                     functionDeclarations = builder.setMemberFunctionsLimit((int) (memberFunctionsLimit * 0.2
 176                                     * PseudoRandom.random()))

 210         TypeList.add(thisKlass);
 211         IRNode printVariables = builder.setLevel(2).getPrintVariablesFactory().produce();
 212         return new Klass(thisKlass, parent, interfaces, name, level,
 213                 variableDeclarations, constructorDefinitions, functionDefinitions,
 214                 abstractFunctionsRedefinitions, overridenFunctionsRedefinitions,
 215                 functionDeclarations, printVariables);
 216     }
 218    private void inheritClass() {
 219         // Grab all Klasses from the TypeList and select one to be a parent
 220         LinkedList<Type> probableParents = new LinkedList<>(TypeList.getAll());
 221         for (Iterator<Type> i = probableParents.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
 222             Type klass = i.next();
 223             if (!(klass instanceof TypeKlass) || ((TypeKlass) klass).isFinal()
 224                     || ((TypeKlass) klass).isInterface()) {
 225                 // we can not derive from finals and interfaces
 226                 i.remove();
 227             }
 228         }
 229         if (probableParents.isEmpty()) {
 230             parent = (TypeKlass) TypeList.find("java.lang.Object");
 231         } else {
 232             parent = (TypeKlass) PseudoRandom.randomElement(probableParents);
 233         }
 234         thisKlass.addParent(parent.getName());
 235         thisKlass.setParent(parent);
 236         parent.addChild(name);
 237         for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(parent)) {
 238             if ((symbol.flags & Symbol.PRIVATE) == 0) {
 239                 Symbol symbolCopy = symbol.deepCopy();
 240                 if (symbolCopy instanceof FunctionInfo) {
 241                     FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbolCopy;
 242                     if (functionInfo.isConstructor()) {
 243                         continue;
 244                     }
 245                     if ((functionInfo.flags & FunctionInfo.STATIC) == 0) {
 246                         functionInfo.argTypes.get(0).type = thisKlass;
 247                     }
 248                 }
 249                 symbolCopy.klass = thisKlass;
 250                 SymbolTable.add(symbolCopy);
 251             }
 252         }
 253     }
 255     private void inheritInterfaces() {
 256         // Select interfaces that we'll implement.
 257         LinkedList<Type> probableInterfaces = new LinkedList<>(TypeList.getAll());
 258         for (Iterator<Type> i = probableInterfaces.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
 259             Type klass = i.next();
 260             if (!(klass instanceof TypeKlass) || !((TypeKlass) klass).isInterface()) {
 261                 i.remove();
 262             }
 263         }
 264         PseudoRandom.shuffle(probableInterfaces);
 265         int implLimit = (int) (ProductionParams.implementationLimit.value() * PseudoRandom.random());
 266         // Mulitiple inheritance compatibility check
 267         compatibility_check:
 268         for (Iterator<Type> i = probableInterfaces.iterator(); i.hasNext() && implLimit > 0; implLimit--) {
 269             TypeKlass iface = (TypeKlass) i.next();
 270             ArrayList<Symbol> ifaceFuncSet = SymbolTable.getAllCombined(iface, FunctionInfo.class);
 271             for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(thisKlass, FunctionInfo.class)) {
 272                 if (FunctionDefinition.isInvalidOverride((FunctionInfo) symbol, ifaceFuncSet)) {
 273                     continue compatibility_check;
 274                 }
 275             }
 276             interfaces.add(iface);
 277             iface.addChild(name);
 278             thisKlass.addParent(iface.getName());
 279             thisKlass.setParent(iface);
 280             for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(iface, FunctionInfo.class)) {
 281                 FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbol.deepCopy();
 282                 functionInfo.klass = thisKlass;
 283                 functionInfo.argTypes.get(0).type = thisKlass;
 284                 SymbolTable.add(functionInfo);
 285             }
 286         }
 287     }
 288 }

  26 import java.util.ArrayList;
  27 import java.util.HashSet;
  28 import java.util.Iterator;
  29 import java.util.LinkedList;
  30 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.IRNode;
  31 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.ProductionFailedException;
  32 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.ProductionParams;
  33 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Symbol;
  34 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.SymbolTable;
  35 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.Type;
  36 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.TypeList;
  37 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.VariableInfo;
  38 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.classes.Klass;
  39 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionDeclarationBlock;
  40 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionDefinition;
  41 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.functions.FunctionInfo;
  42 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.types.TypeKlass;
  43 import jdk.test.lib.jittester.utils.PseudoRandom;
  45 class KlassFactory extends Factory<Klass> {
  46     private final String name;

  47     private final long complexityLimit;
  48     private final int statementsInFunctionLimit;
  49     private final int operatorLimit;
  50     private final int memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  51     private final int level;
  52     private final ArrayList<TypeKlass> interfaces;
  53     private TypeKlass thisKlass;
  54     private TypeKlass parent;
  55     private int memberFunctionsLimit;
  57     KlassFactory(String name, long complexityLimit,
  58             int memberFunctionsLimit, int memberFunctionsArgLimit, int statementsInFunctionLimit,
  59             int operatorLimit, int level) {
  60         this.name = name;

  61         this.complexityLimit = complexityLimit;
  62         this.memberFunctionsLimit = memberFunctionsLimit;
  63         this.memberFunctionsArgLimit = memberFunctionsArgLimit;
  64         this.statementsInFunctionLimit = statementsInFunctionLimit;
  65         this.operatorLimit = operatorLimit;
  66         this.level = level;
  67         interfaces = new ArrayList<>();
  68     }
  70     @Override
  71     public Klass produce() throws ProductionFailedException {
  72         HashSet<Symbol> abstractSet = new HashSet<>();
  73         HashSet<Symbol> overrideSet = new HashSet<>();
  74         thisKlass = new TypeKlass(name);
  75         // Do we want to inherit something?
  76         if (!ProductionParams.disableInheritance.value()) {
  77             inheritClass();
  78             inheritInterfaces();
  79             // Now, we should carefully construct a set of all methods with are still abstract.
  80             // In order to do that, we will make two sets of methods: abstract and non-abstract.
  81             // Then by substracting non-abstract from abstract we'll get what we want.
  82             HashSet<Symbol> nonAbstractSet = new HashSet<>();
  83             for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(thisKlass, FunctionInfo.class)) {
  84                 FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbol;
  85                 // There could be multiple definitions or declarations encountered,
  86                 // but all we interested in are signatures.
  87                 if ((functionInfo.flags & FunctionInfo.ABSTRACT) > 0) {
  88                     abstractSet.add(functionInfo);
  89                 } else {
  90                     nonAbstractSet.add(functionInfo);
  91                 }

 116                             break;
 117                         }
 118                         FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbol;
 119                         if ((functionInfo.flags & FunctionInfo.FINAL) > 0) {
 120                             continue;
 121                         }
 122                         overrideSet.add(functionInfo);
 123                     }
 124                 }
 125             }
 126             memberFunctionsLimit -= abstractSet.size() + overrideSet.size();
 127             // Ok, remove the symbols from the table which are going to be overrided.
 128             // Because the redefiner would probably modify them and put them back into table.
 129             for (Symbol symbol : abstractSet) {
 130                 SymbolTable.remove(symbol);
 131             }
 132             for (Symbol symbol : overrideSet) {
 133                 SymbolTable.remove(symbol);
 134             }
 135         } else {
 136             parent = TypeList.OBJECT;
 137             thisKlass.addParent(parent.getName());
 138             thisKlass.setParent(parent);
 139             parent.addChild(name);
 140         }

 141         SymbolTable.add(new VariableInfo("this", thisKlass, thisKlass,
 142                 VariableInfo.FINAL | VariableInfo.LOCAL | VariableInfo.INITIALIZED));
 143         IRNode variableDeclarations = null;
 144         IRNode constructorDefinitions = null;
 145         IRNode functionDefinitions = null;
 146         IRNode functionDeclarations = null;
 147         IRNode abstractFunctionsRedefinitions = null;
 148         IRNode overridenFunctionsRedefinitions = null;
 149         IRNodeBuilder builder = new IRNodeBuilder().setOwnerKlass(thisKlass)

 150                 .setExceptionSafe(true);
 151         try {
 152             builder.setLevel(level + 1)
 153                     .setOperatorLimit(operatorLimit)
 154                     .setStatementLimit(statementsInFunctionLimit)
 155                     .setMemberFunctionsArgLimit(memberFunctionsArgLimit);
 156             variableDeclarations = builder.setComplexityLimit((long) (complexityLimit * 0.001 * PseudoRandom.random()))
 157                     .getVariableDeclarationBlockFactory().produce();
 158             if (!ProductionParams.disableFunctions.value()) {
 159                 // Try to implement all methods.
 160                 abstractFunctionsRedefinitions = builder.setComplexityLimit((long) (complexityLimit * 0.3 * PseudoRandom.random()))
 161                         .setLevel(level + 1)
 162                         .getFunctionRedefinitionBlockFactory(abstractSet)
 163                         .produce();
 164                 overridenFunctionsRedefinitions = builder.setComplexityLimit((long) (complexityLimit * 0.3 * PseudoRandom.random()))
 165                         .getFunctionRedefinitionBlockFactory(overrideSet)
 166                         .produce();
 167                 if (PseudoRandom.randomBoolean(0.2)) { // wanna be abstract ?
 168                     functionDeclarations = builder.setMemberFunctionsLimit((int) (memberFunctionsLimit * 0.2
 169                                     * PseudoRandom.random()))

 203         TypeList.add(thisKlass);
 204         IRNode printVariables = builder.setLevel(2).getPrintVariablesFactory().produce();
 205         return new Klass(thisKlass, parent, interfaces, name, level,
 206                 variableDeclarations, constructorDefinitions, functionDefinitions,
 207                 abstractFunctionsRedefinitions, overridenFunctionsRedefinitions,
 208                 functionDeclarations, printVariables);
 209     }
 211    private void inheritClass() {
 212         // Grab all Klasses from the TypeList and select one to be a parent
 213         LinkedList<Type> probableParents = new LinkedList<>(TypeList.getAll());
 214         for (Iterator<Type> i = probableParents.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
 215             Type klass = i.next();
 216             if (!(klass instanceof TypeKlass) || ((TypeKlass) klass).isFinal()
 217                     || ((TypeKlass) klass).isInterface()) {
 218                 // we can not derive from finals and interfaces
 219                 i.remove();
 220             }
 221         }
 222         if (probableParents.isEmpty()) {
 223             parent = TypeList.OBJECT;
 224         } else {
 225             parent = (TypeKlass) PseudoRandom.randomElement(probableParents);
 226         }
 227         thisKlass.addParent(parent.getName());
 228         thisKlass.setParent(parent);
 229         parent.addChild(name);
 230         for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(parent)) {
 231             if ((symbol.flags & Symbol.PRIVATE) == 0) {
 232                 Symbol symbolCopy = symbol.deepCopy();
 233                 if (symbolCopy instanceof FunctionInfo) {
 234                     FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbolCopy;
 235                     if (functionInfo.isConstructor()) {
 236                         continue;
 237                     }
 238                     if ((functionInfo.flags & FunctionInfo.STATIC) == 0) {
 239                         functionInfo.argTypes.get(0).type = thisKlass;
 240                     }
 241                 }
 242                 symbolCopy.owner = thisKlass;
 243                 SymbolTable.add(symbolCopy);
 244             }
 245         }
 246     }
 248     private void inheritInterfaces() {
 249         // Select interfaces that we'll implement.
 250         LinkedList<Type> probableInterfaces = new LinkedList<>(TypeList.getAll());
 251         for (Iterator<Type> i = probableInterfaces.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
 252             Type klass = i.next();
 253             if (!(klass instanceof TypeKlass) || !((TypeKlass) klass).isInterface()) {
 254                 i.remove();
 255             }
 256         }
 257         PseudoRandom.shuffle(probableInterfaces);
 258         int implLimit = (int) (ProductionParams.implementationLimit.value() * PseudoRandom.random());
 259         // Mulitiple inheritance compatibility check
 260         compatibility_check:
 261         for (Iterator<Type> i = probableInterfaces.iterator(); i.hasNext() && implLimit > 0; implLimit--) {
 262             TypeKlass iface = (TypeKlass) i.next();
 263             ArrayList<Symbol> ifaceFuncSet = SymbolTable.getAllCombined(iface, FunctionInfo.class);
 264             for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(thisKlass, FunctionInfo.class)) {
 265                 if (FunctionDefinition.isInvalidOverride((FunctionInfo) symbol, ifaceFuncSet)) {
 266                     continue compatibility_check;
 267                 }
 268             }
 269             interfaces.add(iface);
 270             iface.addChild(name);
 271             thisKlass.addParent(iface.getName());

 272             for (Symbol symbol : SymbolTable.getAllCombined(iface, FunctionInfo.class)) {
 273                 FunctionInfo functionInfo = (FunctionInfo) symbol.deepCopy();
 274                 functionInfo.owner = thisKlass;
 275                 functionInfo.argTypes.get(0).type = thisKlass;
 276                 SymbolTable.add(functionInfo);
 277             }
 278         }
 279     }
 280 }
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