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6828     // and we have been asked to abort this ongoing preclean cycle.
6829     return 0;
6830   }
6831   if (_bitMap->isMarked(addr)) {
6832     // it's marked; is it potentially uninitialized?
6833     if (p->klass_or_null() != NULL) {
6834         // an initialized object; ignore mark word in verification below
6835         // since we are running concurrent with mutators
6836         assert(p->is_oop(true), "should be an oop");
6837         if (p->is_objArray()) {
6838           // objArrays are precisely marked; restrict scanning
6839           // to dirty cards only.
6840           size = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(
6841                    p->oop_iterate(_scanningClosure, mr));
6842         } else {
6843           // A non-array may have been imprecisely marked; we need
6844           // to scan object in its entirety.
6845           size = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(
6846                    p->oop_iterate(_scanningClosure));
6847         }
6848         #ifdef DEBUG
6849           size_t direct_size =
6850             CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(p->size());
6851           assert(size == direct_size, "Inconsistency in size");
6852           assert(size >= 3, "Necessary for Printezis marks to work");
6853           if (!_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1)) {
6854             _bitMap->verifyNoOneBitsInRange(addr+2, addr+size);
6855           } else {
6856             _bitMap->verifyNoOneBitsInRange(addr+2, addr+size-1);
6857             assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr+size-1),
6858                    "inconsistent Printezis mark");
6859           }
6860         #endif // DEBUG
6861     } else {
6862       // an unitialized object
6863       assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1), "missing Printezis mark?");
6864       HeapWord* nextOneAddr = _bitMap->getNextMarkedWordAddress(addr + 2);
6865       size = pointer_delta(nextOneAddr + 1, addr);
6866       assert(size == CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(size),
6867              "alignment problem");
6868       // Note that pre-cleaning needn't redirty the card. OopDesc::set_klass()
6869       // will dirty the card when the klass pointer is installed in the
6870       // object (signalling the completion of initialization).
6871     }
6872   } else {
6873     // Either a not yet marked object or an uninitialized object
6874     if (p->klass_or_null() == NULL) {
6875       // An uninitialized object, skip to the next card, since
6876       // we may not be able to read its P-bits yet.
6877       assert(size == 0, "Initial value");
6878     } else {
6879       // An object not (yet) reached by marking: we merely need to
6880       // compute its size so as to go look at the next block.

6982                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6983     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
6984     ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::acknowledge_yield_request();
6985   }
6987   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6988   _bit_map->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6989   _collector->startTimer();
6990 }
6992 // This closure is used to rescan the marked objects on the dirty cards
6993 // in the mod union table and the card table proper. In the parallel
6994 // case, although the bitMap is shared, we do a single read so the
6995 // isMarked() query is "safe".
6996 bool ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure::do_object_bm(oop p, MemRegion mr) {
6997   // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
6998   assert(p->is_oop_or_null(true), "expected an oop or null");
6999   HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
7000   assert(_span.contains(addr), "we are scanning the CMS generation");
7001   bool is_obj_array = false;
7002   #ifdef DEBUG
7003     if (!_parallel) {
7004       assert(_mark_stack->isEmpty(), "pre-condition (eager drainage)");
7005       assert(_collector->overflow_list_is_empty(),
7006              "overflow list should be empty");
7008     }
7009   #endif // DEBUG
7010   if (_bit_map->isMarked(addr)) {
7011     // Obj arrays are precisely marked, non-arrays are not;
7012     // so we scan objArrays precisely and non-arrays in their
7013     // entirety.
7014     if (p->is_objArray()) {
7015       is_obj_array = true;
7016       if (_parallel) {
7017         p->oop_iterate(_par_scan_closure, mr);
7018       } else {
7019         p->oop_iterate(_scan_closure, mr);
7020       }
7021     } else {
7022       if (_parallel) {
7023         p->oop_iterate(_par_scan_closure);
7024       } else {
7025         p->oop_iterate(_scan_closure);
7026       }
7027     }
7028   }
7029   #ifdef DEBUG
7030     if (!_parallel) {
7031       assert(_mark_stack->isEmpty(), "post-condition (eager drainage)");
7032       assert(_collector->overflow_list_is_empty(),
7033              "overflow list should be empty");
7035     }
7036   #endif // DEBUG
7037   return is_obj_array;
7038 }
7040 MarkFromRootsClosure::MarkFromRootsClosure(CMSCollector* collector,
7041                         MemRegion span,
7042                         CMSBitMap* bitMap, CMSMarkStack*  markStack,
7043                         bool should_yield, bool verifying):
7044   _collector(collector),
7045   _span(span),
7046   _bitMap(bitMap),
7047   _mut(&collector->_modUnionTable),
7048   _markStack(markStack),
7049   _yield(should_yield),
7050   _skipBits(0)
7051 {
7052   assert(_markStack->isEmpty(), "stack should be empty");
7053   _finger = _bitMap->startWord();
7054   _threshold = _finger;
7055   assert(_collector->_restart_addr == NULL, "Sanity check");
7056   assert(_span.contains(_finger), "Out of bounds _finger?");

8227   if (inFreeRange()) {
8228     assert(freeFinger() < addr, "freeFinger points too high");
8229     flush_cur_free_chunk(freeFinger(), pointer_delta(addr, freeFinger()));
8230   }
8232   // This object is live: we'd normally expect this to be
8233   // an oop, and like to assert the following:
8234   // assert(oop(addr)->is_oop(), "live block should be an oop");
8235   // However, as we commented above, this may be an object whose
8236   // header hasn't yet been initialized.
8237   size_t size;
8238   assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr), "Tautology for this control point");
8239   if (_bitMap->isMarked(addr + 1)) {
8240     // Determine the size from the bit map, rather than trying to
8241     // compute it from the object header.
8242     HeapWord* nextOneAddr = _bitMap->getNextMarkedWordAddress(addr + 2);
8243     size = pointer_delta(nextOneAddr + 1, addr);
8244     assert(size == CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(size),
8245            "alignment problem");
8247 #ifdef DEBUG
8248       if (oop(addr)->klass_or_null() != NULL) {
8249         // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
8250         assert(oop(addr)->is_oop(true), "live block should be an oop");
8251         assert(size ==
8252                CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(oop(addr)->size()),
8253                "P-mark and computed size do not agree");
8254       }
8255 #endif
8257   } else {
8258     // This should be an initialized object that's alive.
8259     assert(oop(addr)->klass_or_null() != NULL,
8260            "Should be an initialized object");
8261     // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
8262     assert(oop(addr)->is_oop(true), "live block should be an oop");
8263     // Verify that the bit map has no bits marked between
8264     // addr and purported end of this block.
8265     size = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(oop(addr)->size());
8266     assert(size >= 3, "Necessary for Printezis marks to work");
8267     assert(!_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1), "Tautology for this control point");

6828     // and we have been asked to abort this ongoing preclean cycle.
6829     return 0;
6830   }
6831   if (_bitMap->isMarked(addr)) {
6832     // it's marked; is it potentially uninitialized?
6833     if (p->klass_or_null() != NULL) {
6834         // an initialized object; ignore mark word in verification below
6835         // since we are running concurrent with mutators
6836         assert(p->is_oop(true), "should be an oop");
6837         if (p->is_objArray()) {
6838           // objArrays are precisely marked; restrict scanning
6839           // to dirty cards only.
6840           size = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(
6841                    p->oop_iterate(_scanningClosure, mr));
6842         } else {
6843           // A non-array may have been imprecisely marked; we need
6844           // to scan object in its entirety.
6845           size = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(
6846                    p->oop_iterate(_scanningClosure));
6847         }
6848         #ifdef ASSERT
6849           size_t direct_size =
6850             CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(p->size());
6851           assert(size == direct_size, "Inconsistency in size");
6852           assert(size >= 3, "Necessary for Printezis marks to work");
6853           if (!_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1)) {
6854             _bitMap->verifyNoOneBitsInRange(addr+2, addr+size);
6855           } else {
6856             _bitMap->verifyNoOneBitsInRange(addr+2, addr+size-1);
6857             assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr+size-1),
6858                    "inconsistent Printezis mark");
6859           }
6860         #endif // ASSERT
6861     } else {
6862       // an unitialized object
6863       assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1), "missing Printezis mark?");
6864       HeapWord* nextOneAddr = _bitMap->getNextMarkedWordAddress(addr + 2);
6865       size = pointer_delta(nextOneAddr + 1, addr);
6866       assert(size == CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(size),
6867              "alignment problem");
6868       // Note that pre-cleaning needn't redirty the card. OopDesc::set_klass()
6869       // will dirty the card when the klass pointer is installed in the
6870       // object (signalling the completion of initialization).
6871     }
6872   } else {
6873     // Either a not yet marked object or an uninitialized object
6874     if (p->klass_or_null() == NULL) {
6875       // An uninitialized object, skip to the next card, since
6876       // we may not be able to read its P-bits yet.
6877       assert(size == 0, "Initial value");
6878     } else {
6879       // An object not (yet) reached by marking: we merely need to
6880       // compute its size so as to go look at the next block.

6982                        !CMSCollector::foregroundGCIsActive(); ++i) {
6983     os::sleep(Thread::current(), 1, false);
6984     ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::acknowledge_yield_request();
6985   }
6987   ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::synchronize(true);
6988   _bit_map->lock()->lock_without_safepoint_check();
6989   _collector->startTimer();
6990 }
6992 // This closure is used to rescan the marked objects on the dirty cards
6993 // in the mod union table and the card table proper. In the parallel
6994 // case, although the bitMap is shared, we do a single read so the
6995 // isMarked() query is "safe".
6996 bool ScanMarkedObjectsAgainClosure::do_object_bm(oop p, MemRegion mr) {
6997   // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
6998   assert(p->is_oop_or_null(true), "expected an oop or null");
6999   HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)p;
7000   assert(_span.contains(addr), "we are scanning the CMS generation");
7001   bool is_obj_array = false;
7002   #ifdef ASSERT
7003     if (!_parallel) {
7004       assert(_mark_stack->isEmpty(), "pre-condition (eager drainage)");
7005       assert(_collector->overflow_list_is_empty(),
7006              "overflow list should be empty");
7008     }
7009   #endif // ASSERT
7010   if (_bit_map->isMarked(addr)) {
7011     // Obj arrays are precisely marked, non-arrays are not;
7012     // so we scan objArrays precisely and non-arrays in their
7013     // entirety.
7014     if (p->is_objArray()) {
7015       is_obj_array = true;
7016       if (_parallel) {
7017         p->oop_iterate(_par_scan_closure, mr);
7018       } else {
7019         p->oop_iterate(_scan_closure, mr);
7020       }
7021     } else {
7022       if (_parallel) {
7023         p->oop_iterate(_par_scan_closure);
7024       } else {
7025         p->oop_iterate(_scan_closure);
7026       }
7027     }
7028   }
7029   #ifdef ASSERT
7030     if (!_parallel) {
7031       assert(_mark_stack->isEmpty(), "post-condition (eager drainage)");
7032       assert(_collector->overflow_list_is_empty(),
7033              "overflow list should be empty");
7035     }
7036   #endif // ASSERT
7037   return is_obj_array;
7038 }
7040 MarkFromRootsClosure::MarkFromRootsClosure(CMSCollector* collector,
7041                         MemRegion span,
7042                         CMSBitMap* bitMap, CMSMarkStack*  markStack,
7043                         bool should_yield, bool verifying):
7044   _collector(collector),
7045   _span(span),
7046   _bitMap(bitMap),
7047   _mut(&collector->_modUnionTable),
7048   _markStack(markStack),
7049   _yield(should_yield),
7050   _skipBits(0)
7051 {
7052   assert(_markStack->isEmpty(), "stack should be empty");
7053   _finger = _bitMap->startWord();
7054   _threshold = _finger;
7055   assert(_collector->_restart_addr == NULL, "Sanity check");
7056   assert(_span.contains(_finger), "Out of bounds _finger?");

8227   if (inFreeRange()) {
8228     assert(freeFinger() < addr, "freeFinger points too high");
8229     flush_cur_free_chunk(freeFinger(), pointer_delta(addr, freeFinger()));
8230   }
8232   // This object is live: we'd normally expect this to be
8233   // an oop, and like to assert the following:
8234   // assert(oop(addr)->is_oop(), "live block should be an oop");
8235   // However, as we commented above, this may be an object whose
8236   // header hasn't yet been initialized.
8237   size_t size;
8238   assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr), "Tautology for this control point");
8239   if (_bitMap->isMarked(addr + 1)) {
8240     // Determine the size from the bit map, rather than trying to
8241     // compute it from the object header.
8242     HeapWord* nextOneAddr = _bitMap->getNextMarkedWordAddress(addr + 2);
8243     size = pointer_delta(nextOneAddr + 1, addr);
8244     assert(size == CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(size),
8245            "alignment problem");
8247 #ifdef ASSERT
8248       if (oop(addr)->klass_or_null() != NULL) {
8249         // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
8250         assert(oop(addr)->is_oop(true), "live block should be an oop");
8251         assert(size ==
8252                CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(oop(addr)->size()),
8253                "P-mark and computed size do not agree");
8254       }
8255 #endif
8257   } else {
8258     // This should be an initialized object that's alive.
8259     assert(oop(addr)->klass_or_null() != NULL,
8260            "Should be an initialized object");
8261     // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators
8262     assert(oop(addr)->is_oop(true), "live block should be an oop");
8263     // Verify that the bit map has no bits marked between
8264     // addr and purported end of this block.
8265     size = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(oop(addr)->size());
8266     assert(size >= 3, "Necessary for Printezis marks to work");
8267     assert(!_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1), "Tautology for this control point");

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