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*** old/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp	Mon Aug 19 07:39:10 2013
--- new/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp	Mon Aug 19 07:39:10 2013

*** 1334,1343 **** --- 1334,1344 ---- // non-interface call -- for that little speed boost, don't handlize debug_only(No_Safepoint_Verifier nosafepoint;) if (call_type == JNI_VIRTUAL) { // jni_GetMethodID makes sure class is linked and initialized // so m should have a valid vtable index. + assert(!m->has_itable_index(), ""); int vtbl_index = m->vtable_index(); if (vtbl_index != Method::nonvirtual_vtable_index) { Klass* k = h_recv->klass(); // k might be an arrayKlassOop but all vtables start at // the same place. The cast is to avoid virtual call and assertion.
*** 1353,1368 **** --- 1354,1364 ---- } } else { // interface call KlassHandle h_holder(THREAD, holder); - int itbl_index = m->cached_itable_index(); if (itbl_index == -1) { itbl_index = klassItable::compute_itable_index(m); m->set_cached_itable_index(itbl_index); // the above may have grabbed a lock, 'm' and anything non-handlized can't be used again } Klass* k = h_recv->klass(); selected_method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->method_at_itable(h_holder(), itbl_index, CHECK); } }

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