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  20  Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  questions.
  24 -->
  27 <!DOCTYPE trace SYSTEM "trace.dtd" [
  28 <!ENTITY % xinclude SYSTEM "xinclude.mod">
  29 %xinclude;
  30 ]>
  32 <trace>
  33   <xi:include href="tracetypes.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
  35   <relation_decls>
  36     <relation_decl id="GC_ID" uri="vm/gc/id"/>
  37     <relation_decl id="COMP_ID" uri="vm/compiler/id"/>
  38     <relation_decl id="SWEEP_ID" uri="vm/code_sweeper/id"/>
  39     <relation_decl id="JAVA_MONITOR_ADDRESS" uri="java/monitor/address"/>

  40   </relation_decls>
  42 <!--
  44 Events in the JVM are by default timed (it's more common)
  45 Perhaps a little strange. Might change.
  49 Declard with the 'event' tag.
  51 <value fields> can be one or more of
  52    value            - a simple primitive or constant type value
  53    structvalue      - value is a sub-struct. This type must be previously defined
  54                       with 'struct'
  55 All these require you to declare type, field and label of the field. They also accept
  56 an optional description of the field. If the meaning of the field is not obvious
  57 from the label you should provide a description. If an event however is not actually
  58 meant for end-users, you should probably _not_ write descriptions at all, since you
  59 might just add more concepts the user has no notion of/interest in.

 529       <value type="UINT" field="flushedCount" label="Methods Flushed"/>
 530       <value type="UINT" field="markedCount" label="Methods Reclaimed"/>
 531       <value type="UINT" field="zombifiedCount" label="Methods Zombified"/>
 532     </event>
 534     <!-- Code cache events -->
 536     <event id="CodeCacheFull" path="vm/code_cache/full" label="Code Cache Full"
 537          has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
 538       <value type="CODEBLOBTYPE" field="codeBlobType" label="Code Heap"/>
 539       <value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
 540       <value type="ADDRESS" field="commitedTopAddress" label="Commited Top"/>
 541       <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
 542       <value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
 543       <value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
 544       <value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
 545       <value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
 546       <value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
 547     </event>

 549     <event id="ExecuteVMOperation" path="vm/runtime/execute_vm_operation" label="VM Operation"
 550         description="Execution of a VM Operation" has_thread="true">
 551       <value type="VMOPERATIONTYPE" field="operation" label="Operation" />
 552       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="safepoint" label="At Safepoint" description="If the operation occured at a safepoint."/>
 553       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="blocking" label="Caller Blocked" description="If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete."/>
 554       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="caller" label="Caller" transition="FROM" description="Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown."/>

 555     </event>
 557     <!-- Allocation events -->
 558     <event id="AllocObjectInNewTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_in_new_TLAB" label="Allocation in new TLAB"
 559         description="Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
 560       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
 561       <value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
 562       <value type="BYTES64" field="tlabSize" label="TLAB Size"/>
 563     </event>
 565     <event id="AllocObjectOutsideTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_outside_TLAB" label="Allocation outside TLAB"
 566         description="Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
 567       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
 568       <value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
 569     </event>
 570   </events>
 572   <xi:include href="../../../closed/share/vm/trace/traceeventtypes.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
 573     <xi:fallback/>
 574   </xi:include>

  20  Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  questions.
  24 -->
  27 <!DOCTYPE trace SYSTEM "trace.dtd" [
  28 <!ENTITY % xinclude SYSTEM "xinclude.mod">
  29 %xinclude;
  30 ]>
  32 <trace>
  33   <xi:include href="tracetypes.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
  35   <relation_decls>
  36     <relation_decl id="GC_ID" uri="vm/gc/id"/>
  37     <relation_decl id="COMP_ID" uri="vm/compiler/id"/>
  38     <relation_decl id="SWEEP_ID" uri="vm/code_sweeper/id"/>
  39     <relation_decl id="JAVA_MONITOR_ADDRESS" uri="java/monitor/address"/>
  40     <relation_decl id="SAFEPOINT_ID" uri="vm/runtime/safepoint/id"/>
  41   </relation_decls>
  43 <!--
  45 Events in the JVM are by default timed (it's more common)
  46 Perhaps a little strange. Might change.
  50 Declard with the 'event' tag.
  52 <value fields> can be one or more of
  53    value            - a simple primitive or constant type value
  54    structvalue      - value is a sub-struct. This type must be previously defined
  55                       with 'struct'
  56 All these require you to declare type, field and label of the field. They also accept
  57 an optional description of the field. If the meaning of the field is not obvious
  58 from the label you should provide a description. If an event however is not actually
  59 meant for end-users, you should probably _not_ write descriptions at all, since you
  60 might just add more concepts the user has no notion of/interest in.

 530       <value type="UINT" field="flushedCount" label="Methods Flushed"/>
 531       <value type="UINT" field="markedCount" label="Methods Reclaimed"/>
 532       <value type="UINT" field="zombifiedCount" label="Methods Zombified"/>
 533     </event>
 535     <!-- Code cache events -->
 537     <event id="CodeCacheFull" path="vm/code_cache/full" label="Code Cache Full"
 538          has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
 539       <value type="CODEBLOBTYPE" field="codeBlobType" label="Code Heap"/>
 540       <value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
 541       <value type="ADDRESS" field="commitedTopAddress" label="Commited Top"/>
 542       <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
 543       <value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
 544       <value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
 545       <value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
 546       <value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
 547       <value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
 548     </event>
 550     <!-- Safepoint events -->
 552     <event id="SafepointBegin" path="vm/runtime/safepoint/begin" label="Safepoint Begin"
 553            description="Safepointing begin" has_thread="true">
 554       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 555       <value type="INTEGER" field="totalThreadCount" label="Total Threads" description="The total number of threads at the start of safe point"/>
 556       <value type="INTEGER" field="jniCriticalThreadCount" label="JNI Critical Threads" description="The number of threads in JNI critical sections"/>
 557     </event>
 559     <event id="SafepointStateSync" path="vm/runtime/safepoint/statesync" label="Safepoint State Sync"
 560            description="Synchronize run state of threads" has_thread="true">
 561       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 562       <value type="INTEGER" field="initialThreadCount" label="Initial Threads" description="The number of threads running at the beginning of state check"/>
 563       <value type="INTEGER" field="runningThreadCount" label="Running Threads" description="The number of threads still running"/>
 564       <value type="INTEGER" field="iterations" label="Iterations" description="Number of state check iterations"/>
 565     </event>
 567     <event id="SafepointWaitBlocked" path="vm/runtime/safepoint/waitblocked" label="Safepoint Wait Blocked"
 568            description="Safepointing begin waiting on running threads to block" has_thread="true">
 569       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 570       <value type="INTEGER" field="runningThreadCount" label="Running Threads" description="The number running of threads wait for safe point"/>
 571     </event>
 573     <event id="SafepointCleanup" path="vm/runtime/safepoint/cleanup" label="Safepoint Cleanup"
 574            description="Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks" has_thread="true">
 575       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 576     </event>
 578     <event id="SafepointCleanupTask" path="vm/runtime/safepoint/cleanuptask" label="Safepoint Cleanup Task"
 579            description="Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks" has_thread="true">
 580       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 581       <value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Task Name" description="The task name"/>
 582     </event>
 584     <event id="SafepointEnd" path="vm/runtime/safepoint/end" label="Safepoint End"
 585            description="Safepointing end" has_thread="true">
 586       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 587     </event>
 589     <event id="ExecuteVMOperation" path="vm/runtime/execute_vm_operation" label="VM Operation"
 590         description="Execution of a VM Operation" has_thread="true">
 591       <value type="VMOPERATIONTYPE" field="operation" label="Operation" />
 592       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="safepoint" label="At Safepoint" description="If the operation occured at a safepoint."/>
 593       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="blocking" label="Caller Blocked" description="If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete."/>
 594       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="caller" label="Caller" transition="FROM" description="Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown."/>
 595       <value type="INTEGER" field="safepointId" label="Safepoint ID" description="The safepoint (if any) under which this operation was completed." relation="SAFEPOINT_ID"/>
 596     </event>
 598     <!-- Allocation events -->
 599     <event id="AllocObjectInNewTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_in_new_TLAB" label="Allocation in new TLAB"
 600         description="Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
 601       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
 602       <value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
 603       <value type="BYTES64" field="tlabSize" label="TLAB Size"/>
 604     </event>
 606     <event id="AllocObjectOutsideTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_outside_TLAB" label="Allocation outside TLAB"
 607         description="Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
 608       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
 609       <value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
 610     </event>
 611   </events>
 613   <xi:include href="../../../closed/share/vm/trace/traceeventtypes.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
 614     <xi:fallback/>
 615   </xi:include>
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