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 547 <dd>
 548 <h4>RETURNS</h4>
 549 </dd>
 550 </dl>
 551 <p>Returns <code>JNI_OK</code> on
 552 success; returns a suitable JNI error code (a negative number) on
 553 failure.</p>
 554 <dl>
 555 <dd>
 556 <h4>EXCEPTIONS</h4>
 557 </dd>
 558 </dl>
 559 <p>None.</p>
 560 <h3><a name="DetachCurrentThread">DetachCurrentThread</a></h3>
 561 <p><code>jint
 562 DetachCurrentThread(JavaVM *vm);</code></p>
 563 <p>Detaches the current thread from a Java VM. All
 564 Java monitors held by this thread are released. All Java threads
 565 waiting for this thread to die are notified.</p>
 566 The main thread can be detached from the VM.

 568 <h4>LINKAGE:</h4>
 569 <p>Index 5 in the JavaVM interface function
 570 table.</p>
 571 <h4>PARAMETERS:</h4>
 572 <p><code>vm</code>: the VM from which
 573 the current thread will be detached.</p>
 574 <h4>RETURNS:</h4>
 575 <p>Returns <code>JNI_OK</code> on
 576 success; returns a suitable JNI error code (a negative number) on
 577 failure.</p>
 579 <h3><a name="GetEnv">GetEnv</a></h3>
 580 <p><code>jint GetEnv(JavaVM *vm, void **env, jint
 581 version);</code></p>
 582 <h4>LINKAGE:</h4>
 583 <p>Index 6 in the JavaVM interface function
 584 table.</p>

 547 <dd>
 548 <h4>RETURNS</h4>
 549 </dd>
 550 </dl>
 551 <p>Returns <code>JNI_OK</code> on
 552 success; returns a suitable JNI error code (a negative number) on
 553 failure.</p>
 554 <dl>
 555 <dd>
 556 <h4>EXCEPTIONS</h4>
 557 </dd>
 558 </dl>
 559 <p>None.</p>
 560 <h3><a name="DetachCurrentThread">DetachCurrentThread</a></h3>
 561 <p><code>jint
 562 DetachCurrentThread(JavaVM *vm);</code></p>
 563 <p>Detaches the current thread from a Java VM. All
 564 Java monitors held by this thread are released. All Java threads
 565 waiting for this thread to die are notified.</p>
 566 The main thread can be detached from the VM.
 567 <p>Trying to detach a thread that is not attached
 568 is a no-op.</p>
 570 <h4>LINKAGE:</h4>
 571 <p>Index 5 in the JavaVM interface function
 572 table.</p>
 573 <h4>PARAMETERS:</h4>
 574 <p><code>vm</code>: the VM from which
 575 the current thread will be detached.</p>
 576 <h4>RETURNS:</h4>
 577 <p>Returns <code>JNI_OK</code> on
 578 success; returns a suitable JNI error code (a negative number) on
 579 failure.</p>
 581 <h3><a name="GetEnv">GetEnv</a></h3>
 582 <p><code>jint GetEnv(JavaVM *vm, void **env, jint
 583 version);</code></p>
 584 <h4>LINKAGE:</h4>
 585 <p>Index 6 in the JavaVM interface function
 586 table.</p>